Ephesians 1:13-14, Saved, Sealed, Secure In The Spirit

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turn in your Bibles to the book of Ephesians tonight we're looking at Ephesians chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 in a message that I'm in Title II saved sealed secured in the spirit I know it's a long title it's almost as long as the two verses that we're going to be reading tonight there is so much in these two verses that it's again overwhelming what I'm going to try to do is in simplicity and clarity encourage you in the salvation that God has brought to you in Christ let's pray Heavenly Father we are so grateful for your love and heavenly father as we think about what Paul is saying about how we have been blessed in the father and our benefits in the son and now our belongings in the spirit Lord we pray that we would begin to appreciate and like Paul praise you glorify you magnify your Holy Name and all that you've wrought in our life and Heavenly Father again I pray for that person who finds himself or herself in a difficult time in their life or a difficult time in their marriage or a difficult time in their walk lord I pray that this would be a time where they would experience grace and mercy and strength and that Lord as you prepare them and strengthen them for the task at hand that they would be able to fulfill the ministry that you called them to in Jesus name amen Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 it says in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory we've looked at our blessings in the father in verses 1 through 6 we've looked at our benefits in the son in verses 7 through 12 and now we look at our belongings in the Holy Spirit in verses 13 and 14 but right away you should be experiencing the sense that all of the Godhead participates in the origin of the believer and the destiny of the believer and the origin of the church and the destiny of the church the church was planned by the father purchased by the son preserved by the Holy Spirit before the foundation of the world God the Father planned to save you in history past God the son died for you and now Paul points to the Holy Spirit who is present in our life and walks with us into the future until the final consummation and we discover that we are saved and sealed and secured in the Holy Spirit Francis Bacon wrote quote some books are to be tasted others swallowed some few to be chewed and digested on quote these few verses need to be carefully chewed and digested Paul continues his song the praise Paul sings praise to the Father remember for choosing us adopting us accepting us Paul sings praise to the son for our ransom our Redemption our reconciliation and now Paul sings praise to the person in the work of the Holy Spirit in the believers life we are saved we are sealed we are secured in a very real sense our salvation is a finished legal transaction with the Holy Spirit who serves as the sign and the signer and the signature I don't think Stevie Wonder had our salvation in mind when he wrote the song sign sealed delivered I'm yours some of you remember it's really a song about false assurance he sang like a fool I went and stayed too long now I'm wondering if your love still strong you know the song Oh baby Here I am signed sealed delivered I'm young you know you you remember the signed sealed delivered I'm yours remember the song is is about a person who's insecure in their relationship and Paul is writing to people who might be feeling insecure in their relationship with God have you ever wondered or have you ever experienced a sense of insecurity in a relationship that you may have grown up with insecurity in your relationship with your mom or dad or brothers or sisters or or peers or your partner you wonder if they might leave you or forsake you and maybe you've grown up in a world where the people who come into your life seem quite content to leave you some people feel that way about God they think that God is looking for a reason to abandon the relationship to give up on the relationship fear of God leaving generates this lack of assurance and a lack of confidence it generally robs us of joy it generates insecurity robs us of hope I think God knows how desperately we need assurance in our life we need assurance of love assurance of friendship we know that that's true in the real relationships that we have in the real world we want the people who are in our life who are a part of our life to say I love you I care about you you're important to me and so Paul I think understands exactly that same thing he understands that we need assurance and I think that there are two kinds of assurance there's a kind of a false assurance and there's a kind of firm assurance false assurance leads us away from our dependence upon God and grace and mercy firm assurance is based on God's promises and God's Word and God's character our assurance on of God's care and Christ's resurrection and the spirits presence in our life is repeatedly given to us and so Paul will once again remind us of our salvation and not only are we saved by the father and the son were also saved by the Holy Spirit look at verse 13 at the beginning of verse in him that's Jesus you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in your study you might ignore what's obvious I want you to put on your thinking cap and look back at verse 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of the glory of his glory in him you also trusted Paul goes from in him that we who first trusted he's talking about himself he's talking about his companions he's talking about the Jewish people who came to Ephesus and told them the story of how they trusted the Lord Jesus and now his attention turns to the people of Ephesus almost notably the Gentiles and in one sweeping verse Paul describes the whole process of salvation worn where's B writes quote it tells how a sinner becomes a saint first he hears the gospel of salvation remember Paul writes to the Romans and he says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God this is the good news that Christ has died for our sins that he was buried that he came back to life again the word of truth is the gospel the good news of our salvation so even then the Holy Spirit is present convicting us of sin pointing us to Jesus and the work of the Savior in John 16 18 and I want to point something else out to you faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God but hearing alone doesn't bring salvation it has to be hearing and believing in him you also trusted after you heard the word of the truth the gospel of your salvation have you ever been frustrated because you told someone the gospel if God loves you Jesus loves you how can I help you understand the gospel of his love how can I help you understand the grace that's available to you the forgiveness and the hope that's found in Jesus and they hear the words but they don't believe the words it is true that faith comes by hearing but it has to also be accompanied by believing so what role does the Holy Spirit play in our salvation Alan Redpath wrote quote the Holy Spirit's great task is to carry on the work for which Jesus sacrificed his throne and his life the redemption of fallen humanity unquote I had the privilege of meeting Alan Redpath at a pastors conference that we had years and years ago he wrote victorious Christian living he wrote a commentary on the book of Ephesians he was a pastor in Britain a great man who loved the Lord and I'll never forget someone asked them this question he says how can you tell a spiritual man his simple reply was wet eyes bent knees he understood that it isn't just theological understanding it's the reality of what it means to know Jesus personally Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:5 most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit he can't enter the kingdom of God unquote this birth by the Spirit is called the new birth the new birth is the work of the Holy Spirit who places the believer in a right relationship with God it is the work of God not man my friend Don Stewart wrote the new birth comes when a person is drawn by the Holy Spirit convicted by the Holy Spirit they hear the word they understand the word they're born again by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit you know what that means it means that no matter what I say no matter how passionately I say it no matter how persuasively I say it there'll be people who remain unconvinced and unconverted this work is a work by the Spirit that only the Spirit can do in John chapter 1 verse 13 John writes who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God this born-again experience can only come from the Holy Spirit again it isn't just I'm going to suggest to you there is a there's a portion of it where you hear the gospel remember you believe the gospel and you believe it with all your heart and the Holy Spirit confirms this by manifesting himself in your heart the Holy Spirit convicts of sin points people to Jesus changes the heart Ezekiel 36 27 remember the ancient prophets said I'm going to give you there's going to come a time where I'm going to take away your stony heart and I'm going to give you a brand new heart and it's the Holy Spirit who transforms the sinner into a saint so when do we receive the Holy Spirit we hear the gospel we trust Jesus we believe Jesus having heard the word of the truth the gospel of our salvation the New Testament teaches that we receive the Holy Spirit after we hear when we believe Jesus we believe that he is our Lord and our Savior and again I'm going to suggest you that it isn't just simply intellectual assent but rather there's a moment of trust and affirmation one of the most famous stories that that helped me understand this was the story of a guy who strung a line across Niagara Falls and he said to the cheering crowd do you believe that I can walk across this these Falls on that rope and they all clapped and cheered and then he walked across and then he took a wheelbarrow and he said do you think I could take this wheelbarrow put it on the rope and cross my heerd and said yes and then he said will you get into the wheelbarrow and nobody cheered and nobody clapped you see it's one thing to believe that he can do it and it's another thing to believe that he can do it with you in it and that's the invitation God by the power of His Holy Spirit and the person of Jesus invites you to get into this wheel barrel believing that God is going to take you through this thing called life and safely deliver you into heaven you don't have to wait for the Holy Spirit you don't have to beg for the Holy Spirit you don't have to plead for the presence of the Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 3 verse 2 Paul writes this only I want to learn from you did you receive the Holy Spirit or did you receive the spirit by the works of the law or by hearing of faith you don't receive the Holy Spirit by being a good person by following the rule obeying the instructions it's confidence and trust in Galatians 4:6 it says and because you are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son when it says the spirit of his son that's another name for the holy spirit he's called the spirit of the son he's called the spirit of truth he's called the spirit of life and he says and because your sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father you're born again by the power of the Holy Spirit there's a realization that you are a child of God all born-again followers of Jesus believers in Jesus possess the Holy Spirit the presence or the absence of the Spirit isn't predicated or based on your age or your maturity or your immaturity in 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 16 Paul says do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you I want to remind you of something when he's writing that let me just be blunt did the Corinthian believers have issues did they have problems did they have divisions did they sometimes not exercise discernment or could be characterized as being mature but know what Paul says don't you know that you're the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you you mean even if I'm messed up immature inconsistent the Christians in Corinth had a boatload of problems the Christians in Denver sometimes have a boatload of problems yet Paul reminds them if the Holy Spirit lives in them dwells and them and look at the end of the verse sealed by the Holy Spirit look what it says at the end of the verse in whom also speaking of Jesus having believed the word is pista sand it means trust in rely on cling to again I'm going to suggest to you it isn't just simply hey I acknowledge the fact surrounding the life the death and the resurrection of Jesus I think that there are literally millions of people that if you were to ask them do you believe that there was such a person as Jesus they would say yes he really that he lived a perfect life yes do you believe that he literally not metaphorically but literally died yes do you believe that he came back to life yes so have you trusted him have you received him are you counting on him as your Savior the Holy Spirit is a gift given to all who believe the gospel and trust in Christ and so he uses that term you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise now I need you to understand something the Holy Spirit isn't simply the promise of God he isn't really simply the blessing of God he isn't really simply the metaphor or symbol of the presence of God he literally the Holy Spirit is the seal Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us he said I'm going to send the Holy Spirit to prepare us for that place Jesus goes to prepare a place for us the Holy Spirit comes inside of us and prepares us for the place where we're going to eventually wind up I think that this is such a powerful thought the word sealed is the Greek word Sprott sprog is o to feel something is to mark it we don't necessarily engage in fields all that often in our culture and society but it wasn't that long ago when if you had to transact property you would have to go to the bank and you would have a buyer and you would have a seller and the banker would take a seal and you would have to agree to certain things and the moment that both of them agreed and sighed then they would set their seal upon it the Harper Bible Dictionary has an excellent article on ancient seals it says thousands of tiny seals any any of them like small spools in shape and size have been found in excavations in the Middle East I'm going to lead the article for just a moment imagine something that looks like a spool of thread it's round and it has a hole through it and there's writing on it what they would do with this seal is they would roll it like you would a roll of thread over a clay and it would mark it and it says they were quote used to fix the ancient equivalent of written signatures onto documents and also quote widely used whenever security from molestation was important unquote as in the sealing of jars of wine of oil bales of good unquote Scofield's note is very helpful in my Bible he says the Holy Spirit is himself the seal in the symbolism of the scripture a seal represents a finished transaction this is great not an unfinished knot with something that is yet to be done it signifies a finished transaction number two it signifies ownership number three it signifies security in a very real sense the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer provides all of those things we are saved we are owned by God that salvation and ownership is secure when a person comes to Christ the Holy Spirit comes and then marks that person as owned by Christ in a very real sense you are God's precious property the sealing follows believing in one greek scholar writes quote the divine image in the possession of the spirit is impressed on the heart and the conscious enjoyment of it occurs the believer of perfection and glory the seal remains unbroken as a token of safety you mean God's not going to break the seal renege on the deal no Romans 5:5 Paul writes now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured into our hearts how by the holy spirit who's been given to us if you sense the presence of the love of God in your heart it isn't because you made that up it's because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in 2nd Corinthians 1:22 who also sealed us given us the spirit in our hearts as a guarantee unquote Ephesians 4:30 later and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption you'll remember in the new testament of seal is affixed on the tomb of Jesus the seal is ordered on behalf of the Jewish priests who insist that Jesus's followers said he might come back to life and we know that dead people don't come back to life so the Romans should set a seal on the tomb because in order to break that seal you literally have to confront the Roman government and guess what does the resurrected Jesus care about the seal of Rome does an angel coming from heaven go oh there's a Roman seal I don't want to upset anybody's sensibilities now he breaks the seal he doesn't roll away that stone in order to let Jesus out it's so that you could see in and then you ask that question and you should ask that question well you just read don't grieve the Holy Spirit does grieving the Holy Spirit put pressure on the seal so much so that it could break the seal and nullified the deal no that's not the conclusion that we can draw from this passage the Bible just simply warns us don't grieve the Holy Spirit God's giving you the Holy Spirit so that you could live and love like you're supposed to the sealing of the Holy Spirit is for the believer once for all it's a one-time act that gives the believer an ongoing assurance that we are God's children think let's connect the dots now entitled to the blessings of the father entitled to the benefits of the son open to what the Holy Spirit provides us the seal implies like I said a finished transaction it also implies ownership it also implies security assurance think carefully the Holy Spirit isn't just doesn't just simply supply the seal he is the seal if you can break the Holy Spirit if you can make the Holy Spirit go away Paul is basically telling us the father has planned our Redemption Jesus has purchased our redemption the Holy Spirit protects and secures our redemption and again remember another purpose of a seal is to determine authenticity just like the signature on a check authorizes the check the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer authenticates that you're not a make believer that you're a genuine believer in Romans 8:9 it says but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he is not his what are you saying it isn't the church that you go to that determines that you're a Christian it isn't even a set of religious instructions that you adhere to although I believe there is such a thing as essential Christianity it's the presence of the Holy Spirit inside of you that makes you a Christian this should cause you to ask a different question can a person believe they're a Christian when in fact they're not ask them are you a Christian see what they say to you I go to church that's not what I asked you I read a Bible that's not what I asked you I pray I go to church I read the Bible that's not what I asked you are you a Christian not not well I'm not a Muslim and I'm not a Buddhist I'm not an atheist and I'm not an agnostic are you a Christian have you trusted Jesus as your Savior have you trusted him for your future does the Holy Spirit live inside of you confirming the fact that you're a Christian are you a current follower of Jesus but you are not in the flesh remember in the Bible in the New Testament particularly when Paul uses the term the flesh isn't your flesh and bones it isn't the nerves and the tendons that hang from your body your flesh is everything that you are apart from Christ apart from the Spirit of God you are not in the flesh but in the spirit it's the presence or the absence of the Spirit in your life that determines the reality of whether or not you're truly in Christ and of course whether or not you're truly in this thing that the Bible calls the church and then we find ourselves secure in the holy spirit look what it says in verse 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his glory let's connect the dots the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin the Holy Spirit points us to Jesus the Holy Spirit changes the human heart the Holy Spirit imparts the new birth the holy spear it and dwells the believer and there are no real and lasting blessings from the Father there are no benefits in the son unless your indwelt by the Holy Spirit and now we begin to see the logic and the amazing thing that Paul is trying to tell us the presence of the Holy Spirit listen carefully to Paul guarantees our inheritance that it's the Holy Spirit listen carefully the Holy Spirit is legitimately in reality our down payment or proof that we're secure in the son that we have security in heaven the word guarantee has been translated earnest pledge down payment in our culture earnest is a word that has lost its meaning in our culture if you're in the real estate business when you're buying or selling property sometimes a real estate agent will ask the buyer on behalf of the seller to give an earnest that's a down payment to show that you are genuinely not just interested but you're going to make every effort to purchase this property when we purchased our house I put a downpayment of fifty six thousand dollars but it was just the downpayment it wasn't the entire price I had to pay a whole lot more this is where the the analogy kind of breaks down is the Holy Spirit just simply the first part of many parts of blessings no you're not going to get more of the Holy Spirit later it isn't like hey you know what I'm saved and the Holy Spirit came inside of me but I'm going to get more Holy Spirit later no you're the Holy Spirit has been given as a token a pledge a downpayment listen carefully that all the promises given by the Father all the promises given by the father and the son are going to come to fruition because you've been delivered from the penalty of sin you're being delivered from the presence of the power of sin you will eventually be delivered from the presence of sin so how are we to think about our guarantee how are we to think about our inheritance how are we to think about the purchased possession in the ancient word world the word used for guarantee meant partial payment or down payment or the promise of a future payment so that the buyer could complete the transaction in the ancient world the pledge was binding we might think of it as a non-refundable deposit we are the present possessors of the Holy Spirit we have the holy spirit now we experience the spirit in fullness we live in Christ we live according to Paul later in heaven heaven isn't just simply a place where you go in the future Paul unveils the reality that in every sense of the word you're saved forever right now the Lord isn't going to back out of the deal the Lord isn't going to refuse to make good on the deal the Lord isn't going to say you know what just shed his blood on the cross I've given the Holy Spirit to live inside of you but now I'm going to take the Holy Spirit back you know what Paul is saying the Lord is going to see our relationship through to the end in this instance the the end is our death and our future resurrection and the placement of the believer in glory this word here is a euphemism for our final reunion in heaven glory is such a marvelous word glory let me just help you with the word glory is one word that describes the sum and the substance of all of the attributes of God we use this one word glory imagine you use the word glory but you begin to put something in a box the sanity of God which means God is a is a self existent creature he was never born he was never created one of the attributes of God is he's a self existent creature one of the attributes of God is he is all-powerful all-knowing all present when you think of all of the attributes of God you put them in this can marked glory and when you fill up the can with everything that we know about God that's glory that's what he's talking about now some people might argue well can the believer lose the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament David prayed don't take don't cast me from your presence don't take your Holy Spirit from me in Psalm 51 11 we see examples of the Holy Spirit leaving Samson in judges 16 20 we see the Holy Spirit leaving Saul in 1st Samuel 16 14 and some of argue that in the Old Testament economy the Holy Spirit doesn't dwell in a person on a permanent basis but rather comes upon a person for acts of service for special tasks whatever the case the New Testament Jesus promises the believer in John 14:16 listen carefully because this is really important and I will pray the father this is Jesus saying I'm going to pray to God the Father and He will give you another helper that's the Holy Spirit that he may abide with you who knows the last word forever can you imagine if it's it and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you if things work out if you're not a jerk if you're not a stupid idiot if you're not a shameless person if you remember to go to church if you remember not to fall asleep in Gino's Bible study I'm going to read it again and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever no one has ever asked me in 16 years on the radio people would said you know what's something that no one has ever asked you that you wish they'd asked you so that you could answer it no one has ever asked me can God the Father and God the Son ditch God the Holy Spirit yet hear the implication is that God has left his Holy Spirit both as proof and pledge of your adoption your acceptance your ransom your Redemption your forgiveness your salvation it is safe and it is secure you know it's interesting to me the Greek word translated guarantee is the modern Greek word in the Greek language audubon if you if you go to Greece to this very day and you use that word on a bone you know that means engagement ring in the modern Greek language they use the ancient Greek word to describe a pledge that is given that communicates affection and love and commitment how many times as a girl said show me the ring show me the ring you know I love you and I want this and I want that make a commitment show me the ring and this is interesting to me because the Holy Spirit again isn't just a symbol ladies if you ever lost your engagement ring does that mean you lose your love or you lose your lover I have a friend who cleans out sewer lines and I said if you ever found treasure and he does know most people don't put valuable things in the sewer he said but we did have this one lady who had a $20,000 ring and for whatever reason she placed it on the toilet and it fell into the toilet and it went down the drain and my friend said don't flush the toilet and they go okay and so they show up and the guy says you didn't flush the toilet right well you know it was lost in the upstairs room we just flushed the downstairs toilet and the guy goes don't you realize that all of your toilets are connected and they all go down to the same sewer so they lifted it up they went down the drain somewhere as it's making its way to the sewage system in Denver there's a twenty thousand dollar diamond just because you have a symbol it doesn't represent the reality now think about this God has given the Holy Spirit as our engagement ring but it's the kind of engagement ring that you could never lose that you can never ditch Paul adds of the purchased possession the Greek phrase is Perry poesis it's translated five different ways in the New Testament this purchased possession the word is translated obtained in first Thessalonians 5:9 the obtaining in 2nd Thessalonians 2:14 the saving in Hebrews 10 39 that which is peculiar 1st Peter 2:9 were a peculiar people in the true sense of the term it's described by the Greek scholar Vincent quote the word originally means a making to remain over and above hence preservation preservation for one's self or acquisition or something that's acquired or something that's possessed but it doesn't tell us what the purchase possession is and so warren wears v writes quote the redemption of the purchased possession refers to the redemption of the body at the return of christ redemption is experienced in three stages we've been redeemed through faith in Christ Ephesians 1:7 we're being redeemed as the spirit works in our life to make us more like Christ Romans 8 verses 1 through 4 we shall be redeemed when Christ returns and we're going to be like him this body this body this body isn't going to last it isn't going to make it Paul writes later the outward person is perishing but the inward person is being renewed day by day so there's very strong evidence that the purchased possession is our future glorious body other people suggest that the purchased possession might be this world it's a broken world it's a hurt world it's an empty world it's a dark bleak world but there is a God and there is a Jesus he is going to redeem the world he's purchased the planet it's going we're going to be given a new heaven and a new earth some have even suggested that the purchase possession might be the church a reference to the Bride of Christ which is going to be redeemed and reconciled to the Father here's what I'm sure of it almost certainly refers to your body coming back to life but in my way of thinking that doesn't exclude a new heaven and a new earth it doesn't exclude a redeemed Church as so if someone says to me is the purchase possession your body I would say yeah is it the world yeah is it the Bride of Christ the church oh yeah I think all of those fit Paul repeats at the end of the sentence look what it says to the praise of his glory remember in verse 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace remember verse 12 that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of his glory and now to the praise of his glory think to the praise of the glory of the Father remember what I said about that word glory it incorporates all the attributes of God to the praise of the glory of the son remember what I said about that word it incorporates all the attributes of God to the praise of the glory to the holy spirit it incorporates all of the attributes of God and so Paul doesn't just give us a theological lecture on the identity of the Godhead he sings a song of praise as he begins to consider all that the father has done all that the son has done all that the spirit is done you are saved you are sealed you are secured by the Holy Spirit Paul has described the blessings from the Father he's described the benefits in the son he's described our belongings in the spirit the spirit lives in us the spirit changes us the spirit produces fruit the spirit makes us more like Christ the spirit builds up the believer as a part of an individual but also as a part of a holy dwelling the spirit is in you and the spirit is in me and we are part of a body aw Tozier writes magnificently quote do you want to be filled with a spirit who though he is like Jesus and his gentleness and love will nevertheless demand to be the Lord of your life are you willing to let your personality be taken over by another even if that other be the Spirit of God himself if the Spirit takes charge of your life he will expect unquestioning obedience and everything he will not tolerate in you the self sins even though they're permitted and excused by most Christians you'll find the spirit to be in sharp opposition to the easy ways of the world and of the mixed multitude with the priest within the precincts of religion he will be jealous over you for good he won't allow you to boast or swagger or show-off he'll take the direction of your life away from you he'll reserve the right to test you to discipline you to chasten you for your souls say he may strip you of many of the borderline pleasures which other Christians enjoy but which are for you a source of refined evil through it all he will in fold you with a love so vast so mighty so all-embracing so wondrous that you're very losses will seem like great gains and your small pains like pleasure I let him say it because he said it's so much better than I could ever say it but think no me not make no mistake about it it's one thing for me to say something to you it's another thing for the Holy Spirit to speak to you to remind you to convict you to convince you to empower you to embolden you and to strengthen you for the task at hand let's pray Heavenly Father we do commit this time to you Lord we're grateful for all that's been given to us for our blessings from the Father for our benefits and the son and for our belongings and the spirit Lord we pray that this would serve almost like a pact so that we can take it on our journey so that we could remember who you are but also Lord so that we could remember who we are and so that we could walk in such a way and live in such a way that you would be honored that you would be praised that you would be glorified that we wouldn't be content to simply no more things but that we would desire with all of our hearts with love and affection to praise the father to praise the Sun and to praise the holy spirit for all that's been given in Jesus name and the Saints said what Stan [Music]
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 4,994
Rating: 4.7209301 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Gino Geraci, Christianity, Bible Study, Calvary South Denver, Calvary CSD, Ephesians, Church, Service, Denver, Colorado
Id: XwYc6hTZ-oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 53sec (3233 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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