The Book of Ephesians 13 - Truth Wins Over Satan ~ Dr. Lester Sumrall

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you're a great class and we're delighted to see you and it's always beautiful to be on satellite from coast to coast teaching the eternal word of the lord it's also beautiful to be in southern michigan northern indiana and the middle of indiana on channel 40 blessing all of those there today we have been studying life in a.d 50. it was 20 years after the day of pentecost when uh chapter 19 of the acts apostles came into being and paul went to ephesus and found 12 disciples who were still related to john the baptist who had had his head cut off over over 20 years before that uh following a dead leader baptized by him and paul moved in and brought those people the new testament church they received the holy ghost as they did on the day of pentecost and they began to grow until they shook that city they they brought their magic and their witchcraft into the streets and burned it and that's the best thing to do with it burn it yeah and and uh and then he wrote this mighty epistle to that group of people in the in the in in the city of ephesus full of carnality superstitions pagan worship and such an amazing document of truth was written to those kind of people there's hope for all of us can you say amen and we are at this moment at ephesians 4 and 25 with lesson 13 in this series life in ad50 what we discovered was that life thing in life now is very similar the human need then and now is very similar and that truth of 80 50 and 82 000 is very similar that we need the same type of truth in ephesians 4 and 25 it says wherefore putting away lying [Music] i asked a chinese man one time i said is lying wrong he says it's good if you don't get caught that's not only chinese i think there's some americans that feel the same way that lying is pretty nice if you don't get caught if you get cautious real nasty wherefore putting away lying speak every man truth say every man that's all of us speak every man truth with his neighbor for we are members one of another if we are closely related one to another then we should have integrity toward each other then we should speak honestly pure and clean to each other and we should not have this business of white lies there are none they're all they're all black lies are lies and lies will take you to hell so it's better to get rid of them can you say amen paul through the anointing and unction of the glorious outpouring of the holy spirit demanded of these relatively new converts new converts that they have honesty and integrity that the church could not be built upon lies no church can this one cannot i have to speak and live by what i speak you have to speak and live by what you speak in order for us to fully trust one another can you say amen and so this voice of truth must be heard today there must be a difference between the ungodly and the godly that there must be a difference between the man that holds the hand of jesus the man that doesn't and he says to these people he reminded these people i want you to put away lying i know it sounds nasty and talk to church people like that because these were church people he was not talking to the sinners these are church people he said now put away lying and if there hadn't been a cause for it he wouldn't have said it are you here okay and he says i demand honesty with you that we that we speak the truth with our neighbor because we're one body we're one body in christ and that we must not have it any other way the next verse verse 26 says now be angry and sin not let the sun let not the sun go down upon your wrath i think it's human to be angry and especially against evil when evil rises up jesus became angry at it uh it is divine to forgive and to put away wrath there's some people that speak and then the thing catches clutches a hold of them and they have that same feeling of anger continually you know they had words yesterday but tomorrow the thing is still clinging to their bosom on the inside of them and they're still angry about it now god said you shouldn't do that that if if something happens that that you you speak harshly you know then get forgiveness for it if it's in your family especially don't go to bed with those angry feelings on the inside get yourself cleansed of them purified of them can you say amen he is speaking to these people because they're human you know they're human they're not divine and they haven't made it to heaven yet and he's dealing with them as they are and not as they ought to be the problem with dealing with humans is that we always deal with them on the basis of what they ought to be and they're not that so we get discouraged so if we deal with people as they are helping them be what they want to be and ought to be then you will be right on track of just where they are at that time he said now tell the truth and if you get angry don't sin with it don't start blaspheming and and don't let your your whole total insides get away with you and and then he says don't let the sun go down on that thing if you make a mistake clean it up now if you take care of little problems you won't ever have any big ones did you say something or not if you take care of little problems you don't have big ones if you let them start adding up they pyramid on you the thing to do with problems is deal with them none of us are perfect no human is perfect but if you make a mistake don't let it drag you down don't be like the girl i've told you about that got saved at my meeting in arkansas and before the revival is over she had already backslidden and i went to see her and said you were coming to church you were praising the lord why did you quit and she said she was ironing some clothes and the cat came and grabbed the clothes off the ironing board and ran across the room and says i cursed the cat and decided i wasn't religious anyway and stopped going to church no i said you cursed the cat can you forgive the cat you're going to starve him to death now are you going to give him food she decided to give him food i said well now that cat business is finished then you've forgiven the cat now god forgives you come on back to church and tell the lord you're going to stop cussing the cat you just don't have to go to hell because you make a mistake you know you can rectify it you can change it and if you do you'll feel good about it a person coming back to god sometimes feels better than the one that hadn't left left and come back not that we want you to do that but you know both sides of the fence you've been saved then you slip back a little and when you get back and you say man it sure feels good to get back and how beautiful it feels to know that all of our sins are gone our short comings have been prayed over and forgiven and that we're now walking in the newness of the light of the son of god god wants us to walk in that light can you say amen in the next verse which is verse 27 that we are working with in ephesians chapter 4 it says neither give place to the devil maybe this is one of the greatest verses in the whole bible neither give place to the devil as believers we must never give any place to the devil now we know his tricks we know his why else we understand that he would like for all of us or any of us to go to hell i just i want to be honest with you millions of church-going people go to hell they just don't live right and just because one goes to church doesn't mean he lives right some people just go to church to get condemned every time they go and and they they you know they try to sear it over where they won't get condemned about those things they're doing we come to church to get renewed in our inner man and to get the spirit of the lord functioning with us and the things that are not right we make them right and we don't go back to do the same thing again god tells us here not to give any place to the devil at all that uh when we are full of love uh and and full of god there isn't any place in our lives for the devil now he is not he doesn't have a position there he doesn't have any space in our lives when our total being is given over to god and the things of the spirit there's no place for him to come in but if you live in carnality and if you read filthy books and if you go to dirty things just go to theaters and see x-rated movies and and things like that you're giving place to the devil and i don't want you to think that he's going to stop right at that point that's his beginning point in your life the devil never quits he simply never quits as long as you're living he never quits and the bible says that when moses died he tried to steal his bones you didn't know he was a graveyard thief did you in the little book of jude it says that michael contended with lucifer over the bones of moses now anybody that'll fight over dead bones what will he do to life he'll really fight over life if he's still quality i don't know yet unless he's going to make soup i don't know what he was going to do those dead bones maybe he couldn't get the victory over moses while he was alive and was going to trump on his bones after his dead he hated to be a loser so bad but i just know one thing it don't matter what he does to the bones it's what the spirit within us means everything our spirits are related to god it's our born-again experience and we must make no place for the devil at all in our lives and and we just want we just want god to be all in all in our total lives can you say amen and full of love we we leave no place for the devil and that is for sure and the next verse which is verse 28 uh it speaks to us of honesty and integrity again it's amazing how this man preaches that church and this verse he says let him that stole a steal no more well he's talking to the church people now say church people yeah he was talking to the church people he said let those that stole i steal no more now there are many ways of stealing you know that you can steal a person's time and that's very valuable you can steal a person's character you can tell a lie on him and hurt him and that's stealing or you can steal a material thing that you had no business picking it up you can steal that there are there are many ways to steal but the great apostle said to that church in a.d 50 that the one that the one that steals steal no more and then it must have been a material thing because it says rather let him labor so they must have been going out getting vegetables out of the other man's patch he wasn't planting his own garden but let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needed now here's a tremendous double barrel truth here these words which are directed to the church that when as a sinner you stole but as a christian you just don't steal anymore god's people are working people normally god's people are prosperous people you know i heard so much about the third world countries and their poverty and i've lived in third world countries more than any other place in my life and the philippines we saw what can happen to third world countries we had a great revival in one revival we had 150 000 people saved and in another revival we had 25 000 sight and yet in another revival we had 25 000 more saved so we had a tremendous number of people that came to god and this is what we noticed when they came to god they stopped gambling when you stopped gambling you got more money they stopped committing adultery when you stopped committing adultery you've got more money and they stopped being lazy they went to work and the people that we brought into the gospel when they were at a poverty level six months later they weren't there anymore the children were wearing nice clothes to church and they said we don't live over there in the shambles we live in another house now and you look and you blink your eyes and the young man says says i've been promoted three times since i got saved you know since he got saved and so our church in manila today is almost fully a middle-class church almost totally a middle-class church and yet when they came to god they were certainly even in a third world country they were kind at the bottom of the ladder but they're not anymore today they're lawyers and they are doctors and they're they're prosperous businessmen and and and they'll tell you our parents lived over there in the inner city jungle and we got a hold of jesus in our house and we stopped committing sin and and we get along good now when i first had that church if you had two cars there on sunday morning man you were loaded two cars you know ten thousand people two cars you know there now they're parked everywhere we've got parking areas now and they're just parked not only a parking lot all up and down the street i just don't know how many people in that church have a private car not a third world country that's an achievement to own a car in a third world country you're not at the bottom are you here and so when god comes into our heart we learn to work we learn to achieve if your job is terminated some way or another say thank god this is something good because i'm in for an advancement now and feel good about yourself go say you're looking for me i'm here yeah if you want prosperity at this place we got it now i don't i don't worship a cookie clock from eight to five i get my job done before i leave and i don't spend 40 minutes in the bathroom reading a novel oh well how many got the idea at least you need it but the last part of this verse is really the best it says that he may have to give to him that needed that he may have to give to him that needed isn't that beautiful isn't that beautiful t.l osborne just preached in my church in manila and i asked david on the phone and said david how much money did you give him for preaching and he told me are you here are you here he gave him twice as much as we gave him for being here three days last time yeah he said i didn't give him anything that people gave it to him the people gave it to him when i went to manila the the the people of the united states paid the light bill they paid the rent on the building they prayed the janitor that they paid the preacher they paid the whole thing but today they gave him twice as much made me ashamed they gave him twice as much as we gave him and his wife for being with us for three days in a conference and that's all what he was there three days in a conference and he says the people the people gave it to him i didn't give anything the people gave it to him are you here god can make you a blessed to mankind god can make you a giver can you say amen that that church in manila i haven't ever told you this before sends 100 a month to this church here that church of vanilla sends 100 a month to this church every month we get a check for a hundred dollars for this church you say but i i thought they needed money they do need money but they got enough sense to know that if you plant you get a harvest and sometimes you plant out of your need the bible says that isaac planted in faint and famine and got a tremendous harvest all the rest of them said it hadn't rained there's no need to plant he planted anyway it's as he planted in the time of famine and got a great harvest are we all here okay and the next verse i'm glad i changed off that verse yeah it's getting touchy wasn't it and verse 29 it says and this is a good one what does it say let no uh communication proceed out of your mouth no corrupt communication but that which is good to the use of edifying not corrupt communication that could be gossip you see it could be evil thinking of other people let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth now imagine this is over 1900 years ago neighbor says it was not last week it sounds like he wrote this for us doesn't it but really we've had it around since since a.d 50. let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of building up edifying means to build up that it may minister grace under the hearers when your mouth speaks the bible says it speaks out of the heart when your mouth speaks the bible says it speaks out of your heart and and this verse is calling all christians to build up people to edify which this is an edifice to build to build them up and so our mouths can minister grace and our mouths can minister life and blessing and anointing and god wants us to speak those things now we live in a world today of corrupt communication now you might as well know that we live in a whole world of corrupt communication but the church is not part of the world the church is the body of christ we don't live in that corruption we live in the grace we live in the healing we've been healed of these things we live in the inspiration we've been inspired to a new way of life and we thank god we thank god that that we do not have to be part of the corruptness of this world how many would want paul for your pastor yeah he'd he'd cut your skin off and knead it to the wall and let the sun burn it yeah all these goody-goody pastors that you have around it want to speak nice to you it wouldn't have been paul it would have been paul all right but he got these people to heaven that's the main thing he delivered them to heaven you know i i'm sure that most of that church she got them there you know he delivered them to heaven and sometimes you know real real straight forward ministry helps us to amend our lives it helps me i get as much and more of it you do and and when i when i preach to you it's not that i feel that that i have excelled i often preach myself under condemnation you see i says i preach it to you and i say you've got to do better so i'm not just talking to you i'm talking to my own self that i don't want to preach to others and i myself be a castaway and that was paul talking when he said that he said i don't want to preach to others and i'd be a castaway he didn't want to say you'd do good and he didn't do good god expects us all equally to follow the word can you say amen all right and verse 30 which is the next verse in ephesians 4 and 30 he says and grieve not the holy spirit of god now it is an amazing thing to me that the person of the holy spirit can be grieved the person of the holy spirit can be grieved number one in order to be grieved you have to have a relationship you see if a person who never has seen me before and doesn't know anything about me says you're dishonest well i smile at him and says singing is jesus ignorant thank you you know because he's never seen me before he doesn't know me so i am not grieved but if one that knows me very well says you're not honest and i said but but but i am and you're my best friend you see then that's when you're grieved and so you cannot be you cannot grieve the holy spirit until there is a relationship grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby you are sealed now that's one of the mysteries that they'll when you're born again it's the holy spirit that comes in and does something that puts the top on it that screws the cap down that he is the one that seals us under the day of our redemption and so this is one of the great revelations you see how could he be sealed how could the holy spirit be grieved in verse 28 he could be grieved by corrupt communication and verse 25 he could be grieved by people lying in verse 26 he could be grieved by those that are angry you see and so the chapter tells what it's all about that if we do the things that are of the flesh and those things that are of the carnality then god in heaven is grieved i don't want to grieve god do you i don't want to grieve the holy spirit and if you and if you don't want to agree the holy spirit then what we have to do is to live for god is to live for god the next verse is verse 31 and and he just stays pile driving no he don't he won't give up he says let all bitterness wrath anger clamor evil speaking let it be put away from you with all malice now for a successful and rewarding christian life we're demanded by the word of god to put away bitterness oh but i was treated so and so you don't be bitter about it i was demoted but you don't get bitter about it because promotion is going to come next you see i was hurt by somebody but but don't be bitter about it put away bitterness put away wrath put away anger put away clamor a clamor is uproar it's loud noise put it away he says put away evil speaking let's speak holiness and purity and love put away malice now the church is asked to do that and if we don't live up to it i'm afraid we cannot be blessed you see the next verse is verse 32 says and and this is the great alternative be kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another now this is the answer to all the rest of it even as god for christ's sake has forgiven us reciprocity is so necessary if you want forgiveness give forgiveness if you want to be blessed then blessed it the rewards are the are in that we give to others and that we share with others so a christian is to be an imitator of christ and of god and of the holy spirit his conduct is not guided by arbitrary rules not at all christianity is not just an ethical system that you keep the ethics christianity is not just the best policy to live by christianity our christians seek before others and everything else just to be christ-like to be like jesus and to be like jesus is the most exciting thing that we can do in life
Channel: David Krienke
Views: 818
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Christianity, God, Evangelism, Dr. Lester Sumrall, Full Gospel, Pentecostal, Faith, Born Again, Bible, Missionary, Testimony, LESEA, Feed the Hungry, Christian Center, South Bend, God's Generals, Deliverance, Truth, Prayer, Prophesy, Love, Hope, Happiness, Victory, Dominion, Peace, Healing, Savior, Demons, Angels, Exorcism
Id: 3bF9ftdenmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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