Ep #2: DAVE GROHL | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

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dead so podcasting is all we have left bullshit Phoebe is dead how about though really kind of so people just podcast oh my god do you wanna hear some crazy yes are we already doing this I think so so one of my old friends from Washington DC who was a punk rock kid when we were punk rock kids back in the 80s he lived in town and his brother was in a great band called King face were really awesome and he went off to college and did stuff and now he's the editor of Bon Apetit what Adam Rapoport whoa yeah and I did his podcast talk about food yeah cuz I do barbecue stuff oh I've heard about yeah and so we so I want up on a super foodie podcast you have a green egg I have many green eggs yeah that's like if I'm just kind of hanging out doing stuff oh that's not like a fancy one no then I've got like the big ones okay yeah have you ever done a barbecue competition no I feel weird about that why well it's like having a drumming competition or something I guess I don't know it's it's plus I you know I do it sort of recreationally and then I will cook for people sometimes sometimes I'll cater cook next weekend for a thousand people at the harley-davidson dealership in Santa Clara no I've never been paid for making food question is being a good drummer lend itself to being a good barbecue er well you get paid for that no I don't miss things you know I have to be out well this is sort of part of what I talked about with my friend Adam Rapoport was that cooking and preparing food for people is not unlike making music and performing for people very true they're very similar very true in that the preparation in making a recipe or preparing something not unlike writing a song and recording it and then serving is like performing it's very fulfilling to watch someone get nourished by something you made not that I've ever had that experience I think you might be the same in that when you go up on stage you go back to comedy and stuff you want people to you're there for them however I do think though there's now that I've been doing stand-up for a long time it hasn't lost its joy but there's definitely more pressure like doing something I didn't get paid for or that people didn't buy tickets for I feel like I would get that feeling back does that make sense yeah cooking for someone I think actually might be even more rewarding to I do stand-up at the Harley things come out sure wait in Santa Clarita yeah isn't it on fire hope not because of your barbecuing I don't mean that yeah that's her if I'm actually one of the first big things that I did because I've been cooking for a long time and and when they had all those crazy Malibu fires last year I was watching it on TV and um and I saw these evacuation centers and I was like oh man I should maybe I can cook maybe I should go cook yeah at an evacuation oh that's cool but then I thought you know the last thing they want to eat is some fucking smoked brisket brain smoke out there evacuation centers is not yes yeah blackened cob yeah this guy used to run our website became a fire and firefighter cool my hero so oh my god they're amazing so we went and we got in touch with him and I made food and delivered it to like eight different fire houses fucking honor stations and it was great yeah but then I started doing like more and more stuff like do something for the food bank and then I did auction it off so that I'd go cook for parties and stuff that is so rad like when you had kids and had to start providing for little mouths like cooking yeah well I've always been like a Virginia barbecue dork hmm but not like a serious one were you a crab guy oh my god like Chesapeake crab dude absolutely I got the best place where here it's no you can't get I've I've I've flown blue crabs out here that's I have by flump bushels of crabs because that's it's my favorite thing in the world my friends and I get in fights all the time cuz when we go get sushi and they get baked crab ham roll when you grow up in the DC area you just you've had a level of crab that no one else in the world can understand there's something about something about it we used to do we used to go to Ocean City Maryland oh so shitty Ocean City Delaware and we would get my dad called it crab America and we would go crabbing no it was so fun yeah I used to go back every year to Rehoboth with guy no I was in an ocean city guy and then I was dewy and nice dudes nice now okay it was pretty sketchy back then and then there was Bethany which we stayed a couple summers jeez Bethany Beach was like between Dewey and Rehoboth and then because we're hobart it was the most expensive one that was the nice one and then I graduated to Rehoboth they have like nice restaurants and stuff there I used to take acid on the boardwalk and go to Dolly's taffy it's just eat taffy on LSD I got a sunshine house and get some dolphin shorts I really don't recommend it to anybody and then go the Gravitron did you ever go to Gravitron you know they had this haunted house in Ocean City ages ago it was called morbid Manor and it was at the very end of the boardwalk I this is like I'm older video this is like early 80s or mid 80s and so it was it looked like the psycho house it was like a haunted house it was the most terrified they're ZnO way they could do it now like a liability there's no way they could do it because again and you'd walk in at you first of all in line for an hour and there's this guy chasing people out of the house with a chainsaw the whole time he's standing in line and you're just like I'm not going in there there's no way and then you go inside and the first thing you get into this room and it's one of those spinny things where you stick to the wall whatever they're on in the thing and so you get in that and there's someone in the like sitting in a chair in the middle and then you run through the house and people grab you and then the only way out is to run through this room that's filled with all these like prosthetic bloody body parts and a guy with a chainsaw you have to get past the guy I think I was like a bike chain on it like mutely Hill but you have to get past him in order to get out the thing it was amazing they could still grab you they can still touch you I think we can like in haunted houses I scooter they would grab you I feel like I just read something about this haunted house that they shut down it might have been in Birmingham Alabama where like in order to go in you have to sign like a 40 page disclaimer liability thing because what fun is it if no one's gonna like you're going in there and what about fucking Gravitron I can't I don't think it's there anymore because we used to get on in a wheel and then you would stick to the wall yeah and someone would always puke always and the puke would go right back into your face that's not not great I can't believe that shit was legal a lot of shit then we grew up doing I they used to sell beer bongs in the stores on the boardwalk in Ocean City and they were like they're really cheap there weren't good ones they were really cheap and they had these tits they would say like get bonged like a neon funnel with a thing in it I bought those like well into my 30s I was buying those things I used to in DC we used to have lawn darts little darts that you would just throw into the lawn and they would go into kids lay that's a toy yeah that was a toy back when I was a kid even slipping slice the rocks hailing your asshole I feel like we used to run and fly into slip and slides that's a lawn dart remember those yeah I do and kids would just like get them in their shoulders and shit yeah crazy those are the days what about panic rooms have you ever done one of those is that what they're called escape escape panic rooms any room I mean yeah that's what I call my wine room at home I have not done one personally but I've been with my children in them and they could figure it out and I can't so if I were ever to be stuck in an escape it would save your life they would say my lives I don't want to do that I have no interest I'm too competitive what happened be fun I don't know how they work but I just know that I'm working so competitive all the time I'm the person at game night who like ruins the night because I get too competitive you can't have fun no not at a game not doing anything I don't think I like ping-pong I get too angry if I miss it makes me too frustrating so your problem is you and all of these bad experiences I personally I feel like it's your how dare you it's not everybody else okay I just I'm like I think that bowling my I'm very good at bowling there's a great bowling alley right down the street you know that that was really fun where we had that the Corbett Bowl korban Bowl it's a bowling alley right down the street it's fucking awesome I was kind of pins pins is nice well now that you're like you know Corbin Bowl really is yeah because they have this karaoke room in there that's fucking it's like the voice you do karaoke fuck no I don't like singing so those people take it so seriously have you been in the Barney's Beanery karaoke oh that's like people that are like like yeah they're waiting for an A&R guy scratch you know what's kind of sad when I first joined Nirvana the bass player Chris lived in Tacoma Washington which there's not really much pronounced to queima or is it I think there might be a Tacoma but Tacoma okay there's nothing there and so they're like these weird sort of lounges and taverns and bars where you would drink yeah this is fucking 30 years ago but we went Chris and Curt and Chris ex-wife Shelly and I once went to this bar where they had a karaoke thing and at the time we were being kind of groomed by all these different record companies we were gonna bet it on by all these it's rank gifts and shit Benihana so they but we had so many and our guy cards but we got wasted one night and gave an an or a guy card to a karaoke singer is that terrible what I I don't remember which it was a occur or me or Chris and we gave it to her under the impression that we were in A&R guy we were gonna make her famous I feel like baddest hot zo I feel like that person still has that card for Shore is on tick tock right now trying to reach people what's tick tock you don't know what tick tock is my kids do are you on it I mean walk no I mean did you watch them do you know what it is I feel like it's 10 seconds of something it is and it's basically remember musically your kids are probably on musically oh that's the one where you do that thing here's what we were kids where we would sing into the mirror with our hairbrush and I would like to sing along right to the music they now record it upload it to the Internet so that they are unemployable ass dude I don't do - I've done one tick tock you dude it I did it with Ke$ha okay only because she has a song called tick tock I'm familiar okay and I was like you know what I'm gonna do it with her because that's the only way I won't feel corny this is tick tock I actually looked up your music on it there's lots of your music on it but I don't know if it's you oh my god that's not me dance really lost the magic looking heart I don't know are you gonna pay for it except the Revenge of the Nerds version somebody else does it but so do they have to pay for this right I mean we probably have to buy whatever that was I have no idea you're about to get money from us just playing this on the podcast and that's all I get great fucking coffee by the way what's going on in here did you know about the coffee that I told you about the fresh pot no though copy that they that they get out of civet poop oh I didn't fucking click on it I drank it once Paris nobody could figure out the coffee machine in our house okay then someone needs to go to Starbucks and get Dave girl you know I was kidding about the coffee I've had coffee but if someone's going to Starbucks cray someone is going to get up Dave Grohl here everybody pull it together we also have frozen coffee also who's this guy are you shaking in your boots about this guy's lip sync on tick so that's tick-tock to your music or to anyone's music and they do it for 15 or 30 years come on I've only done one I know hold on okay I'm getting it I don't know how hold on I'm too old for this this is mine so that's me see I don't do any of this you know what I really want to do do you know okay so I don't do Twitter and I don't do Instagram and I don't do Facebook I don't know I'm just like late in the game I just discovered Amazon like six months ago I'm not kidding yeah that's what people do that's what people do you know they could just send it to your house now I don't I don't know if I'm comfortable with that Walgreens to get batteries yeah we're like rubber gloves Dexter got it anyway so I was gonna say something Amazon tick tock amazon tick I'm not on Instagram yeah oh no there's the one where you can you can put you could sell yourself for birthday messages do you know that way I did not do a cameo people that have had a lot of people messages literally the only reason I won't do cameo right now is they tell publicly say the price of what you love you we have more coffees coming this is - we have to caffeinate Dave Grohl hold on a second are you do you think you're addicted to coffee me I am I get a headache a little bit if by 10:00 a.m. I have it on my coffee I get a full I have problem like what sir I had to go to the hospital once for drinking too much coffee yeah cuz I had was having chest pains I thought I was dying this is 10 years ago whole fresh pots thing yeah that was a route that was real that was not that was a real thing and I drank so much coffee over the course of like three weeks yeah they started having chest pains and I thought I was having a heart attack but we were about to go play at the White House on the 4th of July I know well so I thought so I put Bayer Aspirin in my wallet and drink a lot of red wine cuz I thought I booked up online like I guess I could keep my cell from dying and so went and played DC came home called my doctor and I'm like Mel I'm having chest pains right now dr. Mel know and he's he's like are you having him right now I'm like kind of he was kidding here so I went in and he put me on the thing and I'm like on the treadmill and he's like doing a sonogram and he was like I don't know I don't know I can't find anything you should get a cat scan I was or an MRI or something so I go to Cedars and they put me in the MRI thing the thing and they do the the cat scan thing and I come out and the doctor sits down with me with the computer thing the and the readout is like they turns it on it except for 10 seconds he goes how do you I said I'm Fortas 10 years ago I was 40 I said I'm 40 he goes okay why are you here yeah I said I'm having chest pains and he goes all right and he basically went down the list he's like are you under any stress I sleep like three and a half it's terrible anything to drink you drink coffee dude and so he said that I should to caffeinate I tried quit I tried to quit coffee and I was in hysterical apoplectic fits every day couldn't do it do you watch the ASMR videos can you allow us to sleep you know I came home one night and my kid was in my oldest daughter was in a living room asleep and that was on TV with and so I walked in and all I heard was cuz in my house right now and it was a girl with a with a mannequin head brushing there no like massaging the I just had a microphone on it or something and it was just girls just like massaging this man and my kid was dead asleep I'm like this is fucked up and I sat down and watched it for 45 minutes no tingling it's just kind of annoying yeah I think that makes me physically ill it's disgusting like that cars song hey guys you kept it going I have lots of questions for you okay do you have any questions for me I'm just kidding you know no let me get my own fucking podcast you should I should now be amazing you could have a cooking barbecue pod yeah I just try to sort of hide from the world come on so social media your nightmare well I understand it's it could be useful when you want people to know stuff correct so like if we make a song yep then if we put it on there then people know we have a new song I don't necessarily feel the need to tell everyone when I'm what you're having taking shit or whatever so but I get it I understand why people would but it's not really my thing do you let your daughter's on it they are yeah and then what was the logic like when did you decide it they were ready I'm terrified of being a parent for this exactly yeah it's you know it's I think everybody kind of finds their way mm-hmm doing all of that kind of stuff has a lot to do with their friends has a lot to do what they're interested in it usually begins at the project I'm gonna do a project can I get an Instagram account because I want to do a project with horses I'm gonna have my own horse YouTube channel yeah and then it you know and then he wind up in front of a mirror with a thong I think is what happens I don't know so yeah I mean it is is it YouTube or do you have to control what is watching on YouTube by your kids yes you have to pay attention also you know it's just so different now I mean I like when I when I was a kid growing up in Virginia like I was listening to satanic death metal okay and my nice public school teacher mom was just like honey could you turn it down so you know I don't and I wasn't like running around town stealing stereos and smoking crack or whatever but I was I bet in Georgetown in Georgetown yeah rough streets of Georgia oh my fancy shit now Georgetown used to be cool you walk down now it's Restoration Hardware it's J there's a j.crew on every corner we got 42 well you know what's funny is I was there this weekend and at one point I went and did this thing the citilab thing and after that we're all like yeah let's go to lunch so we went to Jose Andres place I think it's called Jaleo or Jala Oh something like that anyway it's on 7th Annie and 7th Annie is where the old DC space used to be d a space with people and I would say we were saying outside the restaurant I didn't even realize where we were and I look like 17 e this is a DC space and I looked and it became a Starbucks oh it hurts my heart isn't it hard and 14th Street 14th Street man yes no it's fancy there's lots of like bistros like Parisian Bistro so I went there it's my heart a little bit because it you used to be able to say like I'm from DC and people like oh yeah that's badass and now they're like mmm cool so you love Banana Republic it's changed a lot very preppy now actually you know the old 930 Club I think you came a j.crew I love you you can't do that a little bit more over a little bit more over middle of the block anthropology no they sell denim jackets yeah jkerner with birds on that's it anyone allowed this to happen DC lost its fucking edge now damn it that is heartbreaking that's sad that's really I think that was the hallway that went back to them I made a lot of mistakes on that property I did you got a blowjob phase right there oh my god that I met you and I first kind of I feel like became friends there's something about its oat milk it's not milk no it's delicious not milk that should be their tagline not milk yeah I find oat mok's a little whatever this is I feel like when we first met when I meet someone from DC I feel like they're like instant family for sure right we instantly started talking about the Wiz yeah oh my god I have a question about that it used the whiz had a guy music stores used to have a guy you heard a song on the radio and didn't know who sang it because used to be they play a couple songs you have to wait for the DJ to tell you who it was right so if you heard a song a bunch times you'd go into whatever tower you go no ameba you would go into I would go into the Wiz and you'd have to sing it for them are there guys out there right now that are the guys that any idiot could go in and like hum a song too and could say I know who that is and find the record in a record store finding one of those I mean yeah if you go to amoeba yeah and you're just like know what I like the amoeba or whatever whatever but you're Dave but that's what we had to do and we would go to the Wiz and there was a guy that you could shittily hum any song and you can tell you who it was yeah the Wiz I feel like there was one in Shirlington too but I don't know Jo's music paradise we always went the camp mill I remember Kent Mills had a camp mill and then I worked at our downs that's right I think I knew that and that's gone um yeah you know record stores were so much fun not long ago I took my daughter Violet because she's starting to get into punk rock mm-hmm it's funny she's trying to turn me on to the misfits now because I was never a misfits guy so she's like dad come on it's cool I'm like okay but I took her to like a punk rock record store on Melrose and it's like she knows what to do but she was just like she was blushing she was so psyched to be on the record still when you all can do record stories it's just chaos no huh they don't go nuts no they hump me songs and I'm like oh yeah that's the misfits or whatever no no it's fine like people of course not like if you work at a record store the last thing you want to do is recognize a musician yeah you know oh so they try to play a cool kind of it's fine yeah but but watching her in a record store it was so fucking cool and I was trying to like tell her like oh this bands cold try this banded she doesn't want any of it bad Marines she doesn't but it's you know I feel like amoebas gonna close oh that's gonna be a dark day there's a couple good ones on Ventura Boulevard - oh yeah mm-hmm there's one that's near I've even two cc's no I just moved here oh dude yeah there's so right here I'm worried because I feel like it is so hard to discover cool new music now because the algorithm culture it's like I literally when I go on like a news website and I'm next to someone on the same news website we get different news based on what we've googled right right so our algorithm is changing the kind of things that we learn and accidentally stumble upon and when I go and like Spotify I don't even know I like they decide that one's funny what after it was either after Sound City the documentary I made or the sonic highways serious that I did for HBO but I was so like I was like I'm gonna start my own music Network yeah Channel and I spazzed and was like I started meeting with people yeah and I'm like I want a channel like I want to start my own MTV like an entire 24-hour channel of just music music music and programming so I was talking to a bunch of people about doing it till finally someone was like do you really want to be a TV but one of the things that I loved about the idea which is kind of I don't know if there's one now just on television mm-hmm is that you're right basically when people are searching for something they kind of they usually only find what they're looking for or something similar rather than just sort of like sitting down and have someone else curate yeah a playlist or an experience for them and that's where you I feel like that's where real discovery happens so if there was something where there was a half an hour show that was about wrapped right and then there was a half an hour show that was about rock music and then a half so that you know you would almost just like turn it on and leave it on so that and I don't mean to watch television all day long but you know to to curate an experience that's more diverse than having someone just search what they're looking for and then have it based on the algorithms which I don't even know that word means that means you get more of the thing you already googled actually thank you I mean like I'm very alarmed like my you know I have dogs and rescue dogs and shit so it's like all my news is like dog rescue things and I'm like am I not getting news because you guys are just marketing me things that I already know about and like yeah how am I gonna stumble upon new bands how am I gonna find out about this shit yeah I mean I also feel like it's important for people to go out and experience war because that's where that's where the fire really gets lit when you go like a lot of a lot of festivals that have really crazy diverse lineups are super fun yeah you know European festivals or maybe or something like Bonnaroo might be the same thing but when you go to somewhere for eight or ten hours and you see everyone from Billy Eilish to Slayer to Anderson Park to you know a contiguous era or whatever you have all of those things in one day I don't know it just sort of like opens you up a little more so you're more receptive to the diversity of music rather than just going to like the Electric Daisy Carnival right that's all you get but I do feel like it's important for people to go out and see music then live music is a part of people's lives I've always thought that that's one of the problems it's better now but years ago you know we would go I mean for 30 years I've been traveling around playing music and in Europe they had these gigantic music festivals in every country in almost every city all throughout the summer and there's fucking 50,000 people at each one because it because it's it's it's more of a part of life and music is it's kind of more a part of general consciousness I was just talking about this at that citilab thing I did another day where the more that you promote music and the more that you make it a part of people's lives there's more joy and there's there's there's something beautiful about having music in your life every day but it also it's it's inspiring for people to go out and see musicians actually playing on a stage I say the same with comedy you got to see it live that was what when Adele started getting huge everyone was like she could really sing yeah and I'm like finally there's someone that can really fuckin say really like she can't really sing she's fuckin amazing but it was to me it was like wait a minute yeah it's that like is it just because she can sing and no one else can because everyone's being auto-tune died or that you have to go live to make sure that people are like with you when you're in when you see someone that's just kicking ass yeah someone that can fuckin lay it down for real it's moving yeah you know and it's really inspiring like oh god life is worth living and human beings are real this is great a high I mean it's a I when I would go see shows as a kid I would you would get high off of music yes going to see live shows attracts I didn't know what that you know everybody knew what they're like twice I went there I was like fuck that I went there many times what would you do there it was raves I went to a lot of rage I was a rave kid okay can I ask you questions about drug use sure okay did you dress I don't do drugs I didn't do a lot of drugs but I did start early the drugs that I did do so in DC I really I know the show I probably did it what is it Love Boat was like really specifically Washington DC oh shit love boat was PCP in the mid 80s like what Marion Barry did no he smoked crack okay and they elected him again that's right yeah no you love someone if you didn't we catch him with hookers too and well it was a hooker and some handsome crack they go well together just always that's a good pairing do you want to fucking party so yeah so no Love Boat was PCP or something like that yeah I never smoked justing yeah when you fucking burned it yeah burned white-hot like an electrical fire and it smelled like fish this fucking disgusting there's funny because the first time I ever met Chappell okay he grew up in DC yeah right yeah and so it was at this awards thing and he was at the table and this is right around the time that his show I think he was getting an award for baby the first season okay and and so we started talking and I said I said where do you live and he said oh I live in Ohio but I grew up in DC I'm like dude I was born in Ohio and I I moved out of DC and and I said you from DC goes yeah and I said you fucking smoke Love Boat didn't you it was like hell smoke boat I did not smoke boat I'm like you too much because most people did yeah like I'm all my friends did if someone smoked boat in your bong yeah just throw fish anyway so we're talking about drugs so the rave thing so you're like early 90s rave I would go to we would be in like like parking lots it was a lot of parking lots you do the thing where you went to the record store they're like here's the map there's a lot of that there was a lot of like people wearing CDs as necklaces there was a lot of member that brand tiptoe no there was a pants by this brand called tiptoe we'd wear really really big pants and little tiny crop tops a little tiny top and then those rings are wandering I had no fucking tongue there's a couple years word that it was kind of the blackout years where I have no proof of what exactly happened a recollection but we would go to commander salamander which was a place on Wisconsin Avenue across from the ways of the time and we would get Urban Decay glitter and we'd put like green glitter all around we'd shaved the back of our heads just to here and then do a ponytail so the back of our heads were shaved and there's a seed I know I need to get some pictures of this yeah shit I'll get them and then on that thing they're not on that pic they're not on there no they're not gonna be in my Google results for sure Zeenat you know me my house to get food you truly can't really can't can't even figure out how to ask you to do it now you sorta I thank God for door - otherwise I would starve to death because I cannot leave my house to get food and even if I wanted to I'd be in flannel dog pajamas and I can't be seen that way because I'm a fashion icon yeah no one deserves that thankfully connects you to your favorite restaurants in your city ordering is easy 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com click on the microphone at the top of the page type in Whitney that's my name and to the offer code Whitney ship station make ship happen I love that I love that but I still haven't figured out of sleep maybe I need to get on dude that actually kind of works it kind of does I was listening to some yes DMR AMD AMD what is it funk I'm just like Singh I don't know how to say yes ASMR I guess see if we can try to get Dave Grohl to fall asleep okay now kinda end of it no thanks I don't know I have a big question for you what about music right now okay cuz I knew nothing about it what a wine right now well my big question is does music in the same way that comedy in movies is it impact of what's going on with this political climate like they say that movies the more zombie movies there are there more that it's tapping into our fear of homelessness and poor people just remember all of the movies in the 80s about like killer nannies remember nannies used to like you know yeah the hand that rocks the cradle and all that shit and all those to me more movies where she was like fucking everyone at the office and ruin and it was like our fear of women entering the workplace right and not being home all the time like comedy I know exactly what's going on with comedy right now in terms of like the pendulum swinging with being so afraid of boat culture or being so afraid of getting cancelled yeah is that happening in music I don't know because I don't pay enough attention to like what's going on in modern popular music yeah but you're right things are cyclical I feel like I mean you know how the music industry sort of works I the music industry from what I understand changes every day okay I'll give you a good example a long time ago there was a website that was called I think it was called hit song science.com and there were these mathematicians that came up with a mathematical formula to determine whether your song was going to be a hit whoa whoa so they would assign it a formula based on its tempo and time and key and whatever so so your song would have like basically a number right and then they would throw it into their system and it would it would come out the readout almost look like stars in the night sky so each song is like a little star so you're looking at this readout and there's like stars everywhere but there's these clusters of stars that almost look like little galaxies and so those were I think they call them like hit hit clusters or something if your song fell into one of those clusters then more likely than not it would become a hit well the only reason being is because it shared the same formula as a lot of other songs so what that means is when something becomes popular you wind up getting a lot of stuff that sounds just like it coming behind it because because that's what's popular at the moment so it could be a tempo that's the thing that drives me crazy about popular music is that once someone gets like a song that's got like a beat then all sudden that's everything like if I have to hear that for every song for the last three fucking here yeah as a drummer I'm like it's fucking it's like no but it's like you know there's there's just more out there than that so I think what happens when something becomes popular I don't know if you consider it relevant but then everything sort of gravitates towards that and basically that that just determines or dictates or you know influences everything around it just because the music industry they just sell records yeah they just want your song on the radio they just want to make money from publishing they want to shit like that so you know it's the stuff that's kind of off the beaten path that I get into and I think that those sort of things might be a little more influenced or inspired by life rather than just like an industry thing like a good example is Billy Eilish and I've talked about her a million times because my daughter is obsessed with her I mean the thing that I think is so exciting about that her explosion and in in popular music is that it was based on something real and that real thing was the connection that she had with people like my daughter and so her lyrics are are real and heavy and dark and very emotion so and so but my kids not gonna get that if they turn on a fucking car DB song I'm sorry but it's just not the way it is I mean cardi B's awesome and fun to dance around too but if you're looking for a real like deep emotional connection it's you know Billie Eilish really has that yeah and those are the things that really kind of spawn revolutions like musical revolutions because it has less to do with the radio or the industry and stuff has more to do with a real connection with listeners what Billie Eilish have happened without YouTube could she have well that's a good question yes did you hear that it's it's debatable mm-hmm I think that would they go we need you in a crop top and we need you in a miniskirt and we need you you know yeah no you just say fuck you there's no way but you know I think that the there's this there's this like new model of independent distribution which is SoundCloud and shit like yeah which is great like a lot of the stuff that I listen to I listen to because of my 13 year old daughter who's super fucking hip and she finds a lot of stuff on soundcloud so that's where she found Billie Eilish a year and a half or two years ago she played it for me on my cruises how would you find that she so and she herself puts her own music on soundcloud daughters so she'll record in her bedroom engineered herself mix it down you know upload it to an mp3 thing or whatever and put it up on soundcloud and it's like that's what you do and I think that's really inspiring because it's basically you know a much more streamlined version of what we were doing when we were kids and that you just there's no there's nothing between you and the listener it's okay I've got a song and then you go make a little record and then you sell it out of your car or whatever you know zipping cuz there used to be a lot of gatekeepers and music right there used to be like 15 old dudes that had to say yes you can do this yes and so if you're lucky you can get around that avoid that and that's where I think that's where I think the real shit happens and you know I still believe in the idea that that you can write and record songs in your bedroom that and then go out and perform them on stage in front of people and the more you do that the more people will show up and if it's really great people start to listen and I mean I remember like Alabama Shakes like watching that band like go from I would see their name on the bill like it 1 o'clock in the afternoon on a side stage of the festival and then two years later we'd be back at that festival maybe headline in the side and then two years later to be back at that festival and they're you know and they're right before us or something and then two years later we're in the same category at the Grammys and they win the fucking Best Rock song but it's it's cuz they fucking did the work and I think it's really important that's what I mean that's what happens in comedy which is sort of like can you get famous at 21 from YouTube yes should you maybe not I wouldn't want anyone to see any of my comedy from when I was 20 well I saw you do stand-up once when uh about seven or eight years ago oh god I was at my cousin was doing stand-up the same night you know it seems Tim Hamlin and he was doing stuff it was at The Comedy Store really and I think you just kind of popped in and did a little thing I was like working on new shit just bomb it was fucking hilarious I think the thing about like dude midgets have night vision Google thing I think I was practicing like a late night setters it was really funny oh god thanks but I do think though putting yourself on YouTube of 21 cool if you're a comic that's great but do you really want something up from when you were 21 you know like it takes a couple years to just fucking get good and know who you are well this goes back to the conversation about kids having their own the Instagram piece because like you know you have to live with the consequence of what winds up in the fucking inner sphere I'm terrified I'm literally terrified of having kids because of this shit yeah yeah but oh there's lots of other reasons to be terrified they get hurt kids get hurt yeah don't you worry about that every fucking minute all day oh yeah I will never relax again just constant that whack them all it's a million things in my life I won't ever house my way leg it's good a lot of people have questions I did a do you have questions for Dave girl on my Instagram and I got and a lot of people from Des Moines want to know how your laryngitis is how am i Oh cuz I had that yeah well you know I used to smoke yeah and I stopped smoking it's hard uh well I stopped smoke I had another injury mm-hmm where I tore my I fell off stage again sorry I'm not laughing at that anyway I had to have surgery on my arm oh yeah this is right after my birthday and and I thought okay you know what when I'm done with the surgery thing I'm just gonna stop smoking I've had a couple cigarettes since then but like but that was that I was losing my voice a lot because I was smoking so much and I kidding yeah well screaming for three hours a night that's real do you have like a voice thing like coach and the whole thing no because you're supposed to take care of your vocal cords I got those nodes you're fucked right yeah I don't have them really yeah I go to my guy and he's like you you're lucky no different guy Joe did you do patches the patch charts really you could just stop really yeah back like did you smoke ever no I didn't smoke I did vape weed a little bit a year ago and I got bronchitis and I was like this isn't right and I was unfocused for on the tour Buffalo sorry about those shows I was on vocal rest for like six months Wow so I shit the bed in Des Moines huh no everyone was yeah no no no you want me to read the questions people were like he drummed in Des Moines and I cried he wasn't able to sing but he was able to drum and tell him saying oh actually we know there's one of the great things about the Foo Fighters is that our drummer Taylor has beautiful voice is a great singer has own band where he plays drums and sings at the same time so if my voice is gone I just turned him and I go dude just sing under everything I'm singing tonight and he'll sing every word of the hole he'll save my ass no people were actually I don't know if this is good news or bad news people were like really thrilled that you drummed instead right and many people said they cried that's weird a lot of people have questions about your hair also okay you are an aberration in my opinion thanks you're what I haven't told you why I I remember meeting you and going oh shit I have no excuse to be emotionally fucked up because I had this narrative in my head that was like in order to be a great artist you have to be a little bit fucked up or broken or maladaptive and then you ruin that sorry because I know you owe me an apology because you are so everyone's like how is he so like normal and humble well okay first of all I'm I think just as fucked up as everybody else yeah but um no I mean I honestly think that and I'd hate to keep coming back to the DC fridge anything but growing up in Virginia and Washington DC and playing music there when I was a kid I don't really know if anybody had like career aspiration well you know when you're 14 or 15 years old playing like hardcore punk rock in this little music scene and there's like little clubs and it's the same hundred people at every show and you're going to see your favorite bands and your friends are in your favorite band it was just so far outside of like trying to become a fucking world-renowned rock legend yeah it's just like oh yeah I just want to fucking play music I knew I wasn't gonna go to college I just was I was a terrible student I didn't finish high school I worked at a Furniture Warehouse and worked other jobs and stuff like that and I just sort of thought you know I just want to play music and work and have an apartment and do that it's a very juvenile way to look at life but at the time it was like I didn't think that I could be go so that's really where I fell in love with playing music and I still feel that way so any of the like crazy reward that I've had over the last 25 years I mean it's strange to me like it is it is weird to me that you know I joined a band and then the band became fucking gigantic and it just didn't compute it didn't make sense because I didn't necessarily feel like I was doing anything differently that I've ever done I just happened to be in a band with the greatest fucking songwriter ever and then those songs became huge and you know if I ever felt overwhelmed I'd just go back to Virginia my mom's house in Springfield and like hang out with my friends ride motorcycles and barbecue and then you know then I'd go back to being a Nirvana and then I'd go back to DC and so I don't really see what the big deal is like I don't understand why I don't understand why something like that I mean I can't even say that because I do understand why some people have a hard time with it but for me personally it it made my life a little more complicated but I do believe that it made my life better like I got I helped my mother retire from being a schoolteacher I helped my mother buy a house i I I bought my own house I bought a truck I built a studio in the basement I started another band and started my own record label and my band is on my label and I get to license and distribute all the Foo Fighters stuff to to another company so we're in control of everything we do it's like it a lot of it seems really ideal there's downsides to everything and yeah at times it's really difficult but I mean I look at I look at what I could have been doing and I think I'd rather do this than what I then you know like drywall the fucking new Starbucks on seventh and eighth my enemy right and so yeah so and plus it's just you know it's nice to be nice to people and people [Music] you know usually nice to me I don't get like screaming crazy crying fans I just get people like yo Dave what's up I'm like hey that's gone that's cool that's cool that your fans are cool that says a lot we have cool fans that says a lot my anyone that comes up to me is very bossy and I people I mean you people ask you for photos or do they not oh yeah all day long I had people to come up to me and they'll be like hey my phone's dead could you take a photo on your camera and just email it to me that's not what am i giving it happens to be all the time that all the time and then I be able to come up to me I have a lot of dudes that come up to me on the bike hey I don't know who you are my girlfriend loves you well that's okay dude why do you need to hurt my female and do it okay I know it happens I don't know who the fuck my kids like and then they go I'm sorry I don't know who you are and then you say like that's good it makes my life a lot easier either types we're even yeah it could be worse that honestly is my life motto it could be worse Wow that you have like and I'll say that in Teleca it's really really worse and then I'll be like yeah it could be a lot worse do you think though and now in music that there's I know in comedy enough bad things have happened that less people are definitely having less maladaptive behaviors and choices most people I know in comedy they're sober they're vegan they're drinking Jamba Juice doing really yoga yeah it's a bunch of dorks Sam Kinison yeah and I mean depression is still prevalent it's very and you know it's but it seems like everyone's getting ahead of it everyone I know has a therapist in comedy you know it's interesting because I didn't talk to dr. drew about this but something similar is fucking ages ago ten years ago or more but I think your therapist no I was doing a fucking sexy show whatever that was fifteen years ago there's a long time ago but at the time he was sort of doing a study with entertainers to determine I guess to sort of figure out what type of person becomes an entertainer I think it's the same a lot of musicians and a lot of entertainers I think that maybe their their motivation comes from a place where there is a lot of emptiness and they seem you know they feel the need to kind of I don't know do whatever they do in order to repair that love at all costs yeah yes so yeah so it's similar well I do think music at least bands and stand-ups are slightly different cuz stand-ups are like I'm gonna do this alone you know I don't know how you do that he isolated it's not it's not healthy that's weird very it's not why did you decide to do that bad childhood all the horrible things that went down in Rehoboth Beach Maryland I think there I think there is when I grew up I'll speak for myself I grew up around a lot of mental illness a lot of addiction a lot of alcoholism and the safest place was in my room alone making fake music videos listening to my brother's go-go tapes that's where I felt the safest when I had you was away from the drinking and the that shit so I do think that comedians are slightly different than musicians in that way is that people are scary to us team we don't I used to do that's sort of weird what I don't know if I want to tell everybody this you can always cut it out later I used to I used to I had this tape recorder mm-hmm little cassette recorder and I would listen to music before I went to bed and then when I was maybe like 13 12 or 13 I would hit record and I would talk about my problems Oh for like the whole side of a tape and then I would rewind it and listen back and fall asleep listening to myself talking about my problems when's last time you did that I was 13 it's not weird that's kind of like a genius therapy I don't know why I did it well I dunno it's taken me a long time to learn now the therapist that I work explain as soon as you say one of your fears out loud it engages your frontal lobe they're inherently less afraid uh you just go I'm afraid of interviewing Dave Grohl today I'm nervous about interviewing Dave Grohl I'll be less than or risk is my frontal lobe will get engaged see it works and then you stop producing cortisol and adrenaline so you must have known that in an early age no I had no fun talking about your divorce we can put those on eBay and raise a lot of money mm-hmm where the firefighters pretty big barbecue remix I I do think though comics don't play well with others the same way you can in a band and I remember when I would tour and do radio because I just have to do radio you know we're like before there was YouTube and Instagram and that shit you would do radio to remember this Mancow in Chicago remember no you probably were too big to ever have to go on he was kind of like a the stern of Chicago something and I'd go on and there'd be bands there it'd be like 6 a.m. and I'd be like god damn that looks so much more fun than this to be like rolling with five people and like you know there is something cool about playing music with other people that you might not necessarily know or be able to talk to or you know I've been in bands where like the relationship is so dysfunctional yeah till we put on the instruments Wow and it's the fucking greatest thing in the world because in a way and it depends on what kind of music you're playing but you do communicate musically with each other and so sometimes you connect with the musician musically more so than you would personally yeah and and then do you just know like have boundaries in terms of like okay this is how much time to spend with this bird it's so fucked up because it's almost like SNM there's a lot of trust involved no you know it has a lot to do with like my friend Josh mommy who's in Queens of the Stone Age when we play together it's like instantly great when he's on guitar and I'm on the drums we totally finish each other's sandwiches we just fucking we completely just have this thing where we can do it and it's fun because we sort of like push and pull each other in this way way that it's like a conversation but but a lot louder I don't know it's probably find someone that you can really jam with like that like Taylor and I my drummer Taylor and I I mean we're in chemistry is that we're like yeah I mean to me and this is there's nothing before the Foo Fighters go on stage there's no like to God please give me the strength there's no bones well we drink a lot of and but to me the most important thing is that we're laughing hysterically as we walk on stage and every night we have those 15 minutes 20 half an hour before going on and for real it is we are usually fucking cracking up right as we walk onstage and so that's how you begin the show and then there's you know and it's amazing I don't know how these bands that don't get along do it I wouldn't saw the Eagles when they were at the forum I don't know why I don't know why and they all came on stage at different times they wouldn't even speak to each other I mean so they're also in shorts which is another conversation but they would they were in shorts in pyjamas oh it's short they were barely there but they all came in at important to feel comfortable onstage I was like oh like they're doing this dramatic thing where they're coming out one at a time could you still have the same kind of musical chemistry and not speak at all offstage or is it like you know makeup sex well yeah I think that when you're with it's a it's it's I've been in bands where there's not a lot of communication and then you go on stage no because I honestly feel like the emotional connection that you have with the person influences what happens on stage or off but when you're like jamming in front of a bunch of people I don't know maybe it's just me but I like to feel like I'm with my fucking gang yeah and because when there's a hundred thousand people there it's like you don't want your fucking cheese in the wind you don't want to stand there like you're like oh my god it's just me and a fucking people I don't know you know it's like if it's us then I feel a little bit more level do you think that like there's something I know this definitely happens in comedy I think it's having a little bit less now because I think fan bases are just more fragmented or there's less of like everyone knows one comedian you know but do you think that they're I feel like Foo Fighters and obviously all the bands you've been in you can get really really famous and still be cool whereas we're not cool I disagree now we're not I don't know if you are willing you're allowed well here's the thing so no I know there's like we are deaf I've done interviews with people before where they basically say like what does it feel like to play music that's obsolete I've had that like I've had journalists I had a guy in London that worked for lunch that's a dick of a person I was kind of pissed but no we're wild we just sold out two nights at Wembley - I was a fuckhead he was a dick anyway well that's not true that person's not that is a dumb person well I think a lot of people I mean look at this point you know the whole dad rock thing we're totally we're so dad I know 15 year olds that are obsessed with your music we're totally I mean as which is we got that interview and you're not you're actually I know you see the guy though so we were like in Singapore or something there are young people on it and now I feel the name yeah we were in Singapore on this promo tour for the last record and this and this woman interview first question she's like so what's it like to be a dad rock band no first of all we are all dads and you're right we're a rock band I don't like that one bit but here's the thing is that I think that you know at this point look I'm 50 years old I fucking gray hair I'm fucking right now I need to show you I don't want to I don't validate so I have never but you know the funny thing is I have never considered our band cool and I like that because why your cool problem we've sorted that's the coolest thing ever I know 9 levels irony meta but yeah I think that we there was a time I remember like I ran to learn to fly video and stuff like that we were basically trying to make an am gold record but this is 1998 and I had a house outside of Alexandria Virginia it was in alexander's that's out of Old Town and I built this studio in my basement and all I was listening to was like Andrew gold and Gerry Rafferty and 10cc and just full-on a.m. call because at that that era of music it was purely based on melody and harmony it was really musical period for music I loved it and that's why I grew up listening like Helen Reddy and Phoebe's no shit like that like I loved music like that Carly Simon and that was the shit my mom and I would listen to in her Ford Maverick car so at the time this is 1998 music was like getting really like it was like new metal yeah is a huge thing rap metal a new metal and stuff I hope that's how you dance just like this and so I'm like a scarecrow and so so I was like well fuck man let's make an am gold record and really honestly we were so not we've just never been hip or cool we just really haven't and I think I think that the reason why we're still here is because we do kind of disconnect ourselves from like the popular stuff that's going on but also because what the fuck do we care like honestly you know I just want to fucking play music you know and and having watched a lot of my friends not survive I'm just like I just wanted to play I just want to like be alive and play music and I really don't give a fuck like we're cool or not so I don't want to argue with you but you're very cool but you're humble and that's why you're not gonna go insane so it's good to be humble and cool won't argue with you the end and I have questions for you about music videos now okay pop-up video I miss it I do too I miss it why did that go away because music think about it if you were to do pop-up I wanted to bring pop a video back I can ask doc Herzog about it but would pop a video now just be like boom this was CGI boom we did the screen yeah why doesn't that to meet music videos were my life watching them over and over again pop-up video I live for it I remember when someone at MTV telling me that this is fucking a long time ago 25 years ago that the criteria of videos that they would program basically like the thing was they wanted if you they wanted the viewer to want to be in the band or in the video so as a viewer if you were watching something like you know like fuck like 180 to like the learjet and they're really fun with those guys or whatever that that was something it's probably still a lot of the you know a lot of the motivation behind making music video just you know it's it's kind of it shows you a charmed more beautiful rose colored version of am i making sense right now yeah so I think so I'm sweating why oh god you're hot okay I'm not letting you go yet we're gonna do a quick first did you do anything for Halloween uh yeah check retreated yeah yeah did you have a costume yeah but it was lame really it was like this fucking trench coat and put on a skull mask oh it was actually so why do you have so many trench coats we live in LA but yeah I know yeah and it's gold masks and and what now well that's another thing is like I'm walking around the neighborhood and I think kids are scared of me and their parents are pissed oh because I'm scary like people your school mascot what the skull mask what how they're maybe even without it but like with the skull mask yes yeah were there a lot of trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood we weren't in my neighborhood but yes there were a ton of trick-or-treaters okay I'm gonna do little speed round okay um have you ever made a mistake and then later realized it was not a mistake because I'm obsessed with yes musically oh absolutely you record something like uh I've got I fucked that up so bad and then like no no keep it and it because that's the best part of the song I love that so much and do you have songs like come to you and then you're like fuck I have the song I'm I had I have to go do it like that's how sorry I think is that Cemal isn't that like the famous Mitch Hedberg bit where he talks about like the funniest he's got the funniest joke in the world in mind but the pen and paper is so far away I started stand-up after Mitch and discovered him kind of after and I'm so glad I discovered him after I started doing stand-up because if I had seen his work before I probably wouldn't have done it I would've been too intimidated he's funny went to Target I missed my favorite joke to have any pet peeves uh yeah oh god what are some besides people that are like I don't know you know what's a pet peeve of mine I get really I notice weird little things with people that I can't unnotice like me what now things like the sound it's usually sound actually really a lot of chewing do you think you have that misophonia thing I have that apparently I don't know if that is which is when things are just louder - you know I'm deaf as a fucking post really but it doesn't play music oh yeah but before that I can hear voices from across the room I can hear really I I one time went into a building and I heard like a humming sound there's certain people that can hear certain waves or something and it was the alarm and it was so loud to me I couldn't even focus but nobody else heard it yeah I'm a nightmare yeah I think it's mostly like chewing sounds the chilling thing when I ask people if they're showing gum in front of me like to stop could you not how do I have other you might have misophonia afonya or synesthesia is that when you hear in color it's when you see music it's kind of when your wires across I do have that because I don't read music but I can hear a song and uh I imagine the arrangement like in shapes in my head oh well so well so I can memorize arrangements really easily in parts because I kind of see them that's wild is that called synesthesia I don't know what that is it's genius madman I wouldn't call it that either I don't know what it is I think it's uh I think it's just a drummer that does not read music yeah do you I'm really big about talking about gifts cuz I like giving gifts what's the best gift you've ever gotten or a good one the best gift ever what do you get Dave Grohl and I'm big on how to shop for dad's like what to get it you know what a good one is tell me the Japanese toilet whoa like the ass blasting fucking Oh with the bidet the day whoa whoa you want to get a it's not really a guy thing I don't I don't I think it is let me tell you I got one mm-hmm GameChanger I just shit in it I don't use the other stuff I don't know it's got like a big control panel it doesn't it put water up on your tush if you ask but like you can like make it like oscillate really yeah water pressure Add to Cart yeah you could do that I don't know that yeah how many times a day you using this thing to shit once a day I think yours was doing more than that no you're not yes I think you are are you I think so okay maybe I do shit we did we had hope you had talked about your Viper intake how do you take care of your mental health music really does help yeah it really does writing helps a lot yeah what do you write on I write on paper pen and paper yeah are you fuck happen to you I'm from the future I usually write in Microsoft Word I wouldn't even know how to open that program you don't I am so I'm practical Amish like a Luddite I can't I just don't write I can run I can engineer like a recording session yep and Pro Tools do all the things gradually I'm all good with that but when it comes to any other level of computer savvy I just can't I think it loses some soul and emotion when you're on a computer yeah I mean it's yeah it's weird though the other day I actually did type something out on my phone but I also have like little phone notes yeah this is what it sounds like ding ding ding ding ding oh this is what it sounds like when you come up with ideas for songs and you're just humming them oh and your voice no my voice notes oh my gosh I don't hold on let's see what we got dave grohl voice no so there's that's this is there's a hundred and twenty of these I have them and I'm too embarrassed to play them for you cuz mine are like jokes mine are like I have a black hair growing out of my chin insert joke here wait really I just put like like premises down what are they and then you go into the studio with it oh there's actually some instruments [Music] if I come up with an idea so you haven't written that down well I can't write it down mine's too embarrassing every music mine are like going on scissor at comedy clubs you record other people talking really hate it can't listen back to it then why did you even record it my biggest nightmare ever is that I used to have these if you put them in your iTunes is that even still a thing is iTunes still a thing I don't have I don't have Apple music I don't know how it works title what are we doing now there used to be iTunes and your voice memos would go in with your music chronic right your music library or whatever and I remember one night I was on a date with a guy and we came back to my house and were hanging out and we were like maybe gonna make out and it was on just random what's up with squirting like it was just something so embarrassing and I was just like well there goes that that's that no bigger game killer than my nasal ass boys coming on you know what you should how about you don't listen to yourself why don't you go like do a show and walk away thinking I just kicked ass and just kind of believe that you just kicked ass not being a shame spiral in the car yeah I don't know what that would be like yeah I can't I don't listen to live recordings in my band I on new shit and also I think that when you know you're recording you put too much pressure on yourself and you're inherently not as free and it's fun so it's never as good and then when I don't record I'm like fuck that was a good show oh right I shouldn't put myself on her microscope record and I should be in the goddamn moment yeah and these are in the cloud somewhere and someone's gonna hack them and ruin my career at something and Jagermeister and Jagger and Jagger what I'll save Grohl what else do we need to know this is your fucking shower I don't know I want to talk to you forever you done know I've never done I've never done last question fuck last one what do you got what do you think I'll give you two more two more questions you just keep going what time is it I mean we'll just out it I'm not where do you have to be I'm making a fucking record right now in the grocery store pick up some batteries yeah just hang out fucking shopping all day long do a podcast you do it in your this is wait we didn't talk about the other podcast you're on oh you're on the bone Appetit podcast yes I do have a question are you scared of anything you strike me as someone who's quite fearless uh we're not like I don't like I don't like being strapped into things yeah so I cornered on podcast yeah like this you know like I don't like this I do yeah I don't mind rollercoasters that's that's not how am i afraid of nothing see unbelievable I don't know you're fearless man I guess no not really I don't elevators kind of I've been stuck oh my god there was once where I got stuck in it it's only happened once that's my nightmare mine too always that was the one thing and it was an ostrich I was in New Zealand and I was staying in this hotel I was on the 60th fucking floor like way up there I was checking out and it was one of those fancy hotels where you need the key to get to your room and the record company had given me a bottle of wine but they had put like this Foo Fighters New Zealand label on oh cool and so I'm like cool and so I get in the elevator I start coming down it's like new and we have a show that night coming down and the elevator just stops on the 30th floor and immediate panic coming fuck fuck fuck and I'm like sorry hit lobby lobby lobby nothing happens I hit open door open door open door holy shit I am stuck like by myself in an elevator on the 30th floor right now holy fucking shit so I hit the little button the call button and it goes and they're like friend answered and like hi I'm stuck in your elevator right now on the 30th floor and they're like oh my god we're so sorry we'll be there in a couple minutes and I'm like fuck and I the panic hit so hard that all the muscles on my back just went on and this bottle of wine had a screw top okay open the bottle of wine just read chug the bottle of wine right as I like when the elevator starts moving so now I'm hammered at noon [Music] sucked the last thing that's so funny to me the last thing I'm going to say is not a question it's a thank you actually I'm gonna end with some kind of an emotional note I remember reading somewhere like 10 years ago something you said something in an interview my best friend from college is this girl Lizzie Goodman who wrote that book meet me in the bathroom she's like a brilliant music journalist and she had shown me some article you were whatever you said something where you said there's no wrong way to grieve you said that in something I don't remember how it kind of stuck with me yeah and my dad passed a year and a half ago and I didn't cry for the first couple days and then I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe for like four months and then I would go numb and then I would cry and I remember the hardest part about grieving about it is that I was beating myself up for not grieving properly yeah and that kept coming up in my head you saying there's no wrong way to grieve and it helped me be gentle with myself through the grieving process so I owe you a thank you for that you're welcome it's funny I think that yeah yeah it's weird my best friend that I grew up with that I'd moved since I was five years old we were inseparable like my whole entire life and he passed away maybe like ten years ago and he overdose on drugs and like we were so super tight we had ESP like we knew each other so well our entire lives we spent our whole lives together and that one was really tricky because I still don't feel like I've properly agreed it was such like we had we were so close with each other and we were such a huge part of each other's lives that then all of a sudden he's gone and and it's weird like you you wait for that release you know you wait for everything just to come like all crashing down or for it just to come pouring out of you and I guess sometimes it doesn't sometimes it doesn't you know one really weird thing is that before Kurt died he he overdosed once when we were on tour and I was actually back at home and he was in Europe and someone had called me and told me that he had died and I immediately freaked out and was a total disaster and just crying and losing my mind and then five minutes mate later they called and said actually he's not dead so then it was the greatest day of my life because he was okay but I was just so um I was just so confused like emotionally I was just like oh my god what do I even feel right now five minutes ago I thought that he had died and now he's alive and that's so weird and so um so when he finally did pass away I was I just had such crazy emotional confusion that it was really really strange and still to this day I don't even know if I've figured it out I mean I it's that that was a long time ago and I've talked about it and thought about it and grieved about it a lot but yeah I don't think that there's any sort of like roadmap for it I think that each person does it in a different way and it's okay to it's just okay if you have those periods where you feel shame for not feeling more and and but I don't necessarily think you should I think it just is what it is and it'll get I mean it'll get you eventually it's it's your body way of probably letting you feel only as much as you can take yeah you know I think my body I couldn't believe how little I was feeling but I think it was my body's way of doling the pain out a little bit at a time so that I could survive it yeah and no one told me about the anger either no one told me that rage comes up to and but I did have you kind of over in the back of my head of like there's no wrong way to do this there's no wrong way to do this you can be nuts you can be a loner and I also don't want to talk to anyone I don't want to see anyone sure and I would have beaten myself up about that so you kind of stopped me my inner bully from tearing myself apart thank you for saying that so I owe you another coffee or something well that was really fun until just now [Laughter] [Music] oh my god here we are dave is gone that was scary scary I was nervous did I seem nervous no really no you think - fine did you like that interview yeah I did I really like him yeah he's a human angel he's a he's too good for us he's too good for the world just a specific weird trash people and not good enough for take role I just can't believe he's just the nicest guy on the planet you're not arresting also the most talented and mindful and thoughtful hmm why am I so surprised when famous people are nice because I've met so many monsters I think that's why normally your heroes are pretty disappointing I don't think that's true how many of your heroes have you met one who you I haven't well I'm gonna I'm probably disappointed you before just visually like out set wise he was super interesting he's so down to earth I feel like you wore extra makeup today for him know what I only have on a tinted moisturizer first of all that's a tinted moisturizer when I wear every day with sunscreen is it a tinted sunscreen or a tinted moisturizer something you put no it's not the same thing that just when you buy them all together do you put sunscreen vent into moisturizer one thing in case you guys don't know Benton knows everything in the world about makeup he used to work at Sephora and knows about all the shit and he's the only reason I know anything I heard that if you put tinted sunscreen on that causes breakouts and you should do people how dare you interrupt me in front of my fans with logic and facts let me keep rambling and providing dribble to the messes I heard you should do sunscreen then makeup not tinted SPF stuff yeah maybe you should that's probably true yeah but I mean most girls that's my brand guys probably true new name most girls and guys nowadays are wearing so much makeup the sun's not penetrating that anyways okay look but makeup isn't SPF unless it has SPF in it yeah but most of them don't anymore because old white women were highly against it what does that mean Oh every day they were coming in so for I'm Billy what makeup does not have SPF in it why don't they want it they needed the money once they won't be today think people think SPF makes you you can't be tan with it what you can't write I mean as an old white woman you can't an it's protecting you from UV rays you're not gonna get as hands if you're buttering up and laying on the beach but I mean like you're not gonna be like I mean like we're not translucent I am and we take for yourself you're pretty vampire yeah but I mean okay you know what I'm leaving go please I dare you to try to man that I keep with the door security I mean it just you can still be like keV color also there's a hundred products that you can buy attaining with water what tanning water is like a self-tanner I don't do self-tanner it never goes well Joey's hood I always look like I have a skin disease it looks you at yourself yes that's the problem is our professional okay I don't have that kind of time what who are you or the professional I would hire no I don't like I don't like that because something it I look very scurvy II the day awesome the wrong one I didn't say it's like come on from Dollar General I meant like get a nice one it's general dollar first of all second of all in general no it's not a South in his dollar general in the known inch it is generous are dyslexic so one of us in general I think it's general dollar no it's not Google it okay well we're our general oh we're cutting this out education Benton being right is not it we should not set this precedent on this podcast I thought was fun I do have questions for you though because I have noticed a lot of my straight guy friends and this is not just an LA thing name um crystal ear a lot of my straight guy friends I'm learning are experimenting with makeup and I'm not even joking these are not actors these are not even people on television I've had a couple straight guy friends just have like what looks like caulk or like grout and I don't know what to say cuz obviously it's becoming more socially acceptable for straight guys to wear makeup but I feel like do we call them out when it looks crazy do i what they say to women are you tired you're so creative I hate it when people do that I'm like I got eight hours of sleep but thanks that's just my face but let me ask you a question when you're working Sephora were straight guys coming in to buy makeup so straight guys when they come in they will try to find like I that I look like this when I work there so they'll try to find someone that some people are just like can you find the way you like I look like a butter turkey with a beard you ever seen a muffin grow facial hair that's what I look like that's a fact blueberry no you look like the interior designer from Beetlejuice rude beard there's a rudest thing I've ever heard in my life I think it's the number-two The Trevor Project we're donating we're donating you don't look like him a lot of people yeah make it better Instagram say that you're like remind them of him I think that's a compliment okay so anyways what I'm getting at is though try to find someone they relate to and they would come up in a whisper they'd be like what do you have any um is there anything you hear for guys and I'd like all of it what buy something because I have some straight guy friends who I'll just see have obviously experimented with like concealer but no one's told them like you can't just put on any anything beige it's not gonna you have to make sure it matches your skin become a hate crime very quickly if you don't have the right shade also we can see it but that would require talking to someone in admitting that you wanted to wear it that's true so we've had this bubble you know I mean but in the past but you man you've been in the trenches of this when a man in your experience straight man is walked into Sephora what do they say they will whisper what they want to you this or they'll have their girlfriends ask a lot of people do that they'll have their girlfriend ever dated has asked to use my makeup I should probably look into that as soon as I said that I was like a lot of things are trying to make sense they'll have their girlfriend and they'll have a reason always look I have a job interview I'm going to this thing I'm a news anchor like whatever it's something that they need it for okay it's for something specific because every guy I've ever dated when they have a big zit they're like can you help me yeah they'll never let you try it on them which is why it never matches yeah just guess but don't you can't you well is it your makeup on your wrist I don't but this is a question is does this skin on your wrist for those of you listening it's like right where you're I don't know your wrist is is that the same colors your face no it's the color of your breasts I mean that's like a cool I guess it's like a trick if you want to do that there's all kinds of tricks but just put it on just to put put it on your cheek uh-huh so I mean that's what you should do but and then they usually don't leave buying anything I was dating a guy and I may or may not have been snooping in his bathroom it's called research it's called self care it's called trying to find red flags before you've been in the relationship for three fucking I it was a red flag to him that I was snooping but I was looking for red flags and they're usually in the bathroom drawers so I was quietly opening his drawers and saw some makeup some like covergirl navier-- he was there yes quietly quiet something I've been quiet before doesn't happen a lot but I'm capable of it and I saw it and the first thing I thought was oh my god he has a girlfriend right but then I was like wait a girl wouldn't use a cover like an old girls know that makeup expires and I knew the packaging was old so I was like wait a second is he dating a girl who has makeup from the 90 like how old is this his girlfriend like it was just it didn't really add up and I end up confronting him about it because I was worried that you know he lived with someone or something and he was like it's mine and I'm it was a lot to process and I hate that I had a judgement about it not because I don't think sure I should be able to wear makeup it was more like oh is it a red flag that he's vain or like is he a narcissist or like does he want to be an actor was that really a tour was a bit or was it the masculinity yeah well I was also more I was like ah it's also a red flag that he can't be vulnerable and admit if he wants to wear makeup he should be able to and he's insecure and maybe there's some something there that's a red flag why can't he just go to Sephora and just say hey I wants to makeup to cover up my zits well historically make it was a masculine thing like Egypt they were to give it's like a it was for hygiene you know or that to get keep bugs out if that eyeliner was to keep bugs out of your eyes really yeah and then like don't we all have like a billion bugs in our eyelashes I don't know I don't um and you know and then they have like the Romans ruse their cheeks they would put you know rose petals like brothers rose yeah blood roses whatever you wanna think enemy and then you know the French they did like beauty marks and powdered wigs and Men more high heels and it was Queen Victoria the first she outlawed all makeup so no one could wear so only she could no she didn't wear no one was allowed to wear it she thought it was too feminine and she linked femininity to the devil really and so there was a big wave or no one could wear makeup it was like a legal Queen Victoria of England before the first she did a lot of fucker queens did a lot of fucked up shit we forget we talk about like there's no women in power Queens were in power and they were savage and then you know and then you move into the 80s you have like Bowie and you have like Scott Barnes is that kind of nineties and then you have like prints all those people dabble you make it begin and then guys like well they're cool so that's cool no one is router to me in the David Bowie yeah and then you move into 2000s there's all the guy line or you know there's Pete Wentz and there's romance olivine she had guyliner on I don't know what that means but you ever see it that was what does that mean just you're allowed to say that I am what does that mean you know like it's like androgynous OD eyeliner is literally it silent like guys aware but it's done very late but here's what I say there's nothing hotter than a guy that is breaking rules you know so a guy wearing eyeliner or makeup you're just like damn that is a iconoclast that is a badass that doesn't give a fuck or it could be a red flag it could go either way yeah and you know and then Adam Lambert popped up in the 2000s and he was full down Mac beat he had on steno full-coverage makeup and that was the aim anybody is like well he's so cool I say everybody lightly but you know most people yeah and then we had the Jeffrey star was on MySpace yeah so it's just I'm talking that straight the conversation that I'm interested in is why can't straight man a straight man walk into a Sephora or wherever and say I would like some concealer for my under-eye bags or whatever it is which Chris D'Elia you should do because we've only seen so many men wearing makeup yeah it's connected to femininity yeah but what I'm interested in is your experience of having men come in and like surreptitiously covertly try to get it and should we have more men's make it it doesn't have a gender you not have a gender there's true but colors unfortunately because of social construction whatever a lot of guys probably don't want a big pink bottle on there what foundation do that comes in a pink bottle show me one in your bathroom they are all clear bottle with black lids what do you need I okay you brought me purple eyeshadow brushes and they made me physically ill I'm always that's the Lakers don't they wear purple that's a good point that you're make you're bringing up some good mountain and frankly it's ego okay this is that's ego where you are marketing toward that's the only time someone's markets towards your ego yeah comes to men everything else is if you need this because you're bad so let me ask you can we do this I think we should do a video a makeup video for men first on Chris D'Elia yes we will use Chris D'Elia and his giant eye bags and we will do because I think that a lot of these makeup contouring videos no one is making stuff for straight men just to go here's how to just cover a zit here's how to just pluck your eyebrows because I'm sick of having to do it for the guys that I date there was like can you pluck my eyebrows can you and it's just like I don't work for you yeah but also we could avoid ant and I just want to save you guys some embarrassment because I'm seeing a lot of guys out there in the streets with just weird like dabs of whiteout on their face it looks crazy because I don't think the guys necessarily know how to cover red which of the pimples red correct which means you have to put a color corrector okay well now you're pushing it but I'm missing you what if you want to look natural and will you do that what can you do a YouTube video not on me I don't have under eye bags cuz I have you skin can you actually really don't know well I don't work at skin tired quartz guys either they all the age like the freakin mother willow from Pocahontas what they all look like just a dry barky skin and they're like hey what I think that's kind of hot though it's unfortunate that guys the older they get the how do they look I think you disagree no I mean that's fine like when guys have like deep lines and ridges I think it's kind of hot oh yeah that's different that's the issues with my dad you have laugh lines and line I'm just saying you're skinny you should be able to peel your skin off on one layer I think we should do a makeup tutorial for straight guys the three in this room especially that is just to cover zits if you want guys should be able to wear MIT cover redness around here so that it actually looks concealed yeah because I don't think most guys understand that I can see if you've applied makeup wrong women notice you look crazy yeah a lot of guys are out there in the streets looking crazy in the streets looking crazy yes it looks like a just they'll just like they'll just put it on some old dry crusty ass makeup just looks like clam chowder it's different because men have thicker skin I mean metaphorically but I have told called guys out about it like kindly I'll pull the guys side and go hey I can like see you're concealing the booty talk about concealer look you and then like we don't talk for six months yeah they physically have thicker skin like just on their face and also it grows hair so there's a lot of different it's different guys skin is different you can just put foundation on cuz it'll grab the texture from your hair fall as long as Daleks are very different I think we should do a mini tutorial on pitching your face the way you do it you post event to so many times okay I'm not gonna let it go because I think it's it looks crazy crazy it's just how Benten itches his face I do like this then this look I think it looks insane no dislike insane to do this if we were to a dinner party and I was like yes I love that story oh by the way if you guys are just listening you don't know what's happening Benton's crazy like like tapping his face like a crazy person having a seizure just with his Alliant AB it's a tap so that you don't rip capillaries is that what it's reason is because you should never scratch and you should also never put makeup on going downwards right look at the poster face down there elasticity skincare mostly you shouldn't you shouldn't put on with you don't put may come off your hands in general I do I mean you can if you're like I makeup artist because they know channeling yeah but no you rub you put makeup on like this but you just rub both circles crazy I do it in circles I'm here liftoff you put makeup on your whole face and then I did your left I do I put makeup over my lips and then I take a towel and then wipe it off it's how you explore man doing makeup how dare you I'm triggered will you tell me the quick story about when you were working at Sephora and the women shop lifted lipstick yes we used to when I worked this was it Mac that's before because that makes a difference because the way we just play lipstick so it Mac if you've ever been into Mac store all the lipsticks are on display yeah to test yeah this woman would come in she would twist the tester lipstick which by the way those are clear very sanitary but they're cleaned before you use them and when you put him down this is after someone used oh sitting there she would twist them up bite off the tester and hold it in her cheeks and leave with it that's how she would still it which is you're my hero I love you if you're listening I will hit give you money from the cash app just for that story when I worked at Sephora people would you know they had that whole be in the fly section go and like shop a little product yeah I put the whole park in their mouth only you can stow anything in your mouth don't steal things that's terrible but you can and then you used to also have you would women would shoplift by buying an expensive cream and then bringing it back full of something else one lady did and this was at a mattock again and it was studio moisture cream I don't know but she came in and I was a furniture at this time I think and the manager she came in and she's I don't return this cream and I mean the manager of this MAC store I mean without missing a beat she grabbed it unscrewed it minutes this is mayonnaise and gave it back to her I just left scooped out the fancy cream and replaced it with mayonnaise thinking it wasn't gonna look perfect I mean it was six world perfectly I don't know how she did it but I was more impressive that the manager I mean she took that her sofa this is mayonnaise my am this is mayonnaise mayonnaise is a very specific smell that's an easy thing to spot alright we have to wrap this up but I do want you to make that YouTube video just for straight men on how to put makeup on to save right some gals the stress of having to look at a man with stupid-ass beige spots all over his face okay we're wrapping this up for the day I want to make sure that you guys subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify stitcher or wherever you listen to podcast a lot of you guys are leaving comments you're asking me where to listen to the podcast I can't help you it's that list that I just said also rate review the show please I need your validation I need your love and attention I had a bad childhood so please rate and review the show my self-esteem is hanging by a thread subscribe to the YouTube channel absolutely I don't know what's in it for you but there's a lot in it for me subscribe because that way you're gonna get the videos first and stuff because what we're gonna do is we have the podcasts come out the audio version and the next day it goes up on YouTube and if you subscribe you get it faster also turn your notification bell on to you so you're alerted I you know more about YouTube than I do but they should subscribe rise subscribe subscribe tweet questions to me so what I've been doing is on Instagram stories like with Dan levy from shits Creek and dave grohl I just said send me questions but also you can send them on Twitter Benton we'll go through them all so you can text me everyone's really confused about this texting thing the number is eight one eight two three nine seven five to seven you will text me it will go to me if you guys are watching I'm about to hold it up I get thousands and thousands of texts a day so I can't necessarily respond to all of you but I'm gonna respond to as many of you as I can text me questions for the guests things you want me to talk about on the show photos stuff please no dick pics beggin you dog pics fine dick pics if you do send me a dick pic I just want you to know I'll probably show it on the show so keep that in mind eight one eight two three nine seven five to seven it is real it's not a bot don't be a dick is there anything else we need to plug Dave Grohl just in general we're hashtag for the Twitter they're close to use yes there was let me finish I was number no I totally forgot yes good for you pod hashtag good for you pod when you text questions ideas I actually do want ideas for guests I have I think a lot of good ones but I don't want to only do comedians cuz left to my own devices I'll just have all my comedian friends on Jim Jefferies is coming Bobby Lee is coming Busy Philipps is coming soon lots of people but I want ideas for guests because you guys have had really good ideas and it makes my job easier if you do it for me so hashtag good for you pod guests questions comments concerns concerns frankly notes for Benton yeah probably nice ones anything else no I think that was really nice like she did a good job I'll tweet that at you later I don't I don't think I even follow you on twitter you do do i oh because you did it for no cuz you did it the first day I met you are so rude I don't know I haven't seen your tweets do I block you know I would know that how do you think I've done second episode I think you've done really good you've held a lot of great I also twist when you said that yeah cousin or my glasses um you have I'm sorry that I also have medical condition er I don't think you I you have glasses you have what I don't you don't have a claim on mental problems okay that's my thing you stop stealing my bit I thought you've done really well really well great you've done great I'm getting there okay you've held in a lot of your crazy you you've handled everything really good really well yeah well good regular typical you were really normal I liked it all okay I don't this is feels very passive-aggressive you doing great you got nothing is worse nothing feels worse for me than getting a compliment me too I get a comedian thing I think it's just a a what's it called when you have what's the thing where you have AMA no it's where you I grew up around a lot of borderline personality disorder where what somebody said and what they meant were different a lot of indirect communication and there was a lot of like everything's fine you did so good just I don't know I just don't believe anybody yeah me either I'm like do you have imposters I'm like no I had that yes and I also feel like I always feel very this is quite a different conversation but I always feel very like a defendable so I'm like looking like you did crinoline I don't trust that hmm I'm a copy gone when I tell you that do you believe me anyway my mom other hood is when I give you compliments do you believe me when do you give me a compliment come here we go back to one I've given you compliments before you have you have but I mean but you know them I wouldn't be around you if you would I don't need comment I like that's something that I think that also Kamini have a comment and especially your like this and I really like this about you HOT take you you don't need about a lot of validation and I don't feel like I need that I think I'm doing I do need it subscribe subscribe validation I needed form of downloads and hashtags yes but like you don't need something to tell you a good job i ok then nevermind i sorry it depends on who it actually depends on who like I definitely if someone like if mock o over here one of my producers if he was like that was good I'm like well you have to say that what are you gonna say that was bad I do have that little inner monologue but if it's someone who has not gets nothing out of it I believe it like I'd agree can I finish my sentence I have a big humble brag on the way after my special last came out Jay Leno called me and was very very kind about it and I believed him because I was like he didn't have to do that see I feel like it'd be more real it's coming from the producer really yeah because I feel like fantasy for just know we're both famous all great love you good good job uh-huh and I would I would feel I would feel I mean I think that Jay was serious because I was there and you got that but he also wouldn't have to do if I read it to a community in the hallway right after my special comes out and they're like it was so good I'm like okay well what else are you gonna say you know but if someone goes out of their way to reach out that's when I feel like I can hear yes agree with that that's what I what you just said if what I was saying I find people that are doing the same thing it sounds like we're fighting but we actually agree yeah we fight over the things we agree well I think if I look for instead of complement or validation what I look for in you is when you give me advice or like constructive criticism that's more meaningful to me because if you weren't doing it and I'd be like oh she doesn't think I can do that or shouldn't care I mean that's what I think I mean I think I always forget sometimes that you also should rap criticism in compliments like here's all the things you're doing well and here's that but yeah I think that the biggest compliment to me is when someone that I look up to gives me constructive criticism because they wouldn't spend time trying to help me be better if they didn't believe in me or respect me I learned and they want me to succeed I learned that doing Rito really yeah because that's the way that you're taught to give feedback to people you're told like if we're not giving you feedback it's because we don't think you can do this job oh they're investing in y'all yeah because they really are when you could hire their I think everyone should have to work retail or food services leave three years they can have any other job Wow because it prepares you for everything it prepares you for a lot of things but also it's just because you treat people different when you've had to do that you're very sigasi and you have a very good read on people like you can read someone's energy very quickly which probably a lot has to do with the amount of retail you worked yeah I think a lot of that also us do a comedy to you but but I think that um yeah I think you should have to work retail because I think that people that don't have never had to do it they look at the mall or that experience as like a luxury for them like everybody works for them they're coming into a space we have to treat them a certain way but you should treat your customers well but I think that when you're on the other side of done you've had to do it when you go into a store you feel differently you're like here's what I need I did the research you're not trying to make that person's life harder you're more respectful I know everyone I know that and I did not succeed as a waitress for more than I think it was like three hours but everybody I know who's been a waitress when they are so much more fun to go to restaurants with because you never have to worry about the mistreating wait staff are not tipping enough or being disrespectful I also keep I didn't succeed that's quite a convenient thing to I don't think communities can have other jobs that I would be proof of that I was not a good manager as a flat you got a lot of good jokes out of it my favorite is the thing about when people ask about the price yeah people say it's um they ask you a question of like is this surprised and you're like on the price tag is this the price like are you sure yeah positive final answer yeah it's so not on sale that's what they're saying they're saying like yeah I just want to haggle with you like well what if I know that is this market this is what are you doing yeah I love hearing your retail stories we have to wrap this up even though I want to keep talking well luckily there'll be more of these yes there will be more than I can if you guys subscribe to the YouTube channel tweet questions using the hashtag hashtag good for you pod and we should wrap this up because I don't eat something my blood sugar is starting to plummet well I had a good time did you yeah not a great time oh my god hey Eddie complimented to an insult it's depressing okay love you guys see you on the internet bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Whitney Cummings
Views: 904,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whitney cummings, comedian, standup, female comic, female podcast, good for you podcast, podcast, stand up
Id: 5V-iI1OXATc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 16sec (6856 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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