Entrance Exam Reviewer for Incoming Grade 7

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello guys our video today is a science reviewer for you grade 6 or incoming grade s students as preparation for your upcoming entrance or qualifying examinations as you enter High School This reviewer is in multiple choice test format which consists of 10 items you have 10 seconds to answer each question but you may pause the video if you need more time to think then there is an answer and explanation after each question don't forget to use paper and Pen to Jet down your answers and please tell us your score after the quiz now let's [Music] [Applause] start number one the solidified lava of aano belongs to which rack [Music] family the correct answer is letter A Ignus the word Ignus is derived from a Latin word Ignus meaning fire ous rocks are known as Prim primary rocks as they are formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava thus the solidify lava of a volano is classified as Ignus number two which of the following process doesn't account for an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide level [Music] the correct answer is letter D photosynthetic processes photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight water and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of a sugar photosynthetic process do not contribute to the increase of carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere in the contrary it uses carbon dioxide as raw material thus it helps in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the [Music] atmosphere number three which of the following objects is the best conductor of electricity the correct answer is letter A an i or nail metals are good conductors of electricity like iron Nails iron nails are metals and are good conductors of electricity whereas non-metals are per conductor like Wax crayons plastic spoons rubber eraser they are all nonmetals and non-metals are PR conductor of [Music] electricity number four in the morning a student observed a puddle of water on the playground at the end of the day the puddle was gone which processed most likely caused the puddle to [Music] disappear the correct answer is letter C [Music] evaporation evaporation is a process of changing liquid to gas when a bottle of water absorbs heat the water evaporates or changes from liquid water to water vapor number five in order for an object to be classified as matter it must [Music] have the correct answer is letter a mass and volume matter is anything that has mass and takes up space mass is the amount of matter in an object and volume measures the space occupied by an object number six in Jack's bread mold experiment he used the same brand of bread and sandwich bags he placed the sealed bags in places that had temperatures temperature is [Music] the the correct answer is letter D independent variable an independent variable is the factor in an experiment that the researcher manipulates or changes to observe its effect it is considered as the cause or reason for an observed effect in Jag's experiment the factor that he changes in his setups is the temperature to observe its effect on mold number seven on the figure below which area marked is the crust of the Earth [Music] the answer is letter A the area marked as a is the crust of the earth it is the outermost layer of the Earth it is also the thinest about 5 to 25 miles thick depending on its location number eight question which of the following is most responsible for causing changing seasons on Earth each [Music] year the correct answer is letter D tilt of Earth on its axis the Earth's axis is tilted 23.5° from the plane of its orbit around the sun which causes the changing seasons on Earth when the Earth's axis points toward the sun it is summer for the Northern Hemisphere when the Earth's axis points away the Northern Hemisphere experiences winter number nine a scientist is trying to track the movements of a rocket what information does the scientist need to determine the velocity of the [Music] rocket the correct answer is letter B the speed of the rocket and the direction of the rocket is moving velocity is the speed and the combination velocity is the speed in combination with the direction of motion of an object so to track the velocity of an object we need to determine its speed and direction number 10 which is the best example of kinetic energy [Music] the correct answer is letter b a sky diver jumping from a plane kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion thus an object with kinetic energy must be in motion that ends our review today how how was your performance please don't forget to tell us your score we hope this video has helped you thank you so much bye-bye
Channel: iRed
Views: 6,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hJC8iPNiYNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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