Math Reviewer for Incoming Grade 7

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hello students Welcome to our Channel our video today is a math reviewer intended for you incoming grade seven students as preparation for the entrance exams or any qualifying exams as you enter High School this is a multiple choice test it consists of 10 items and you given 20 seconds to answer each question but you may pause the video if you need more time to think then there is a solution or explanation after each question for you to confirm your answer and remember the purpose of this squeeze is to help you test and improve your skills in solving math [Music] problems then please let us know your performance after the quiz now are you ready let's [Music] start first question what is the simplest form of 12 over 42 [Music] to find the simplest form of a fraction we need to divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor in this case the the greatest common divisor of 12 and 42 is six dividing both 12 and 42 by 6 gives us 27s the four the the simplest form of 12/ 42 is 2 over 7 so the answer for number one is letter C [Music] 27ths question number two which of these lies between 5.3 and 5.6 [Music] the correct answer is letter D 5.42 the number 5.42 lies between 5.3 and 5.6 because it is greater than 5.3 and less than [Music] 5.6 number three the teacher bought some cookies for her class after giving three cookies each to 15 students who had completed their assignments she has 60 cookies left with her how many cookies did she bring to the class [Music] in the problem the teacher gave three cookies each to 15 students which means she gave away a total of three * 15 equal 45 cookies then if she had 60 cookies left then she initially brought 45 cookies plus 60 cookies that is equal to 105 cookies thus the answer for question number three is letter C [Music] 105 number four there are 300 students in a school 40% of the students are boys and 20% of the girls like to swim how many girls like to swim in the problem 40% of the students are boys so if the boys are 40% then the girl must be 60% so to calculate the number of girls in the school that is we will get 60% of 300 60% that is also equal to 0.60 so to convert percentage in decimal number we'll just move the decimal point two places to the left so we have 0.60 * 300 that is equal to 180 so in this school there are 180 girls now let's find the number of girls that like to swim based on the problem 20% of the girls like to swim so we will get 20% of what 180 which is the number of girls let's convert 20% to decimal number that is also equal to 0.20 * 180 so 0.20 * 180 that is equal to 36 so there are 36 girls in the school they like to swim so the correct answer for number four four is letter a 36 number five simplify the following expression [Music] to simplify this expression we always follow the pmas rule we will start with the expression inside the parenthesis then the operations on the exponents and later the multiplication or division Then followed by addition or subtraction and please note there is no priority between multiplication and division you can go with the multiplication first or division same goes with addition and subtraction so on this expression we will start with the operation inside the parenthesis that is 5 + 4 so we have now 3 + 6 * 5 + 4 = 9 / 3 - 7 then now we can either perform the multiplication or division just for clarification in M or pmas there is no priority between multiplication and division you can go with the multiplication first or division first same goes with addition or subtraction so since 9 is divisible by 3 I will do the division first before multiplication because it's easier to solve the smaller numbers so 9 / by 3 that is equal to 3 + 6 * 9 3 = 3 - 7 then we will perform a multiplication that is 6 * 3 we get 3 + 6 * 3 is 18 - 7 then let's do the addition and then subtraction so 3 + 18 that is 21 1 - 7 the answer is 14 so the answer for number five is letter C [Music] 14 [Music] again we will follow the pmas rule let's start with the operations inside the parenthesis that is 6 + 3 * 8 since there are two operations inside the parenthesis we will start with multiplication before we add so that is 150 divided by so multiply first 6 + 3 * 8 that is 24 closing parenthesis minus 5 then perform add addition inside the parenthesis so 150 / 6 + 24 that is 30 - 5 then let's do the division 150 / 30 that is equal to 5 minus 5 the answer is zero so number six the correct answer is letter a zero number seven how many digits answer will we get when we add 99 and one [Music] the sum of 99 and 1 is equal to 100 however the question is how many digits is the answer how many digits is 100 the answer is three digits so number seven the correct answer is letter B three [Music] number eight find the value of n in the sequence in the sequence we can see that the difference between two consecutive terms is equal to 15 that is 85 - 70 is 15 70 - 55 the answer is also 15 so what is the value of n so that if we subtract it from 55 the answer will be 15 so the answer is 40 that is 55 minus 40 equal 15 for number eight the correct answer is letter b [Music] 40 number nine what is 1/3 of the difference of 35 and 8 [Music] okay let's solve and get 1/3 of the difference of 35 and 8 so 1/3 of means of means multiplication then let's get the difference of 35 and 8 so 35 - 8 that is equal to 27 Now 1 1/3 * 27 that is 1 * 27 / 3 the correct answer or the answer is nine the correct answer for number nine is letter C [Music] 9 number 10 what is 1/4 of the sum of 824 [Music] let's solve 1/4 of the sum of 800 + 24 so 1/4 part of means multiplication close in parenthesis 800 + 20 for let's solve the operations inside the parenthesis first 800 + 24 that is equal to4 * 824 then4 of 824 that is equal to 206 so for number 10 the correct answer is letter a [Music] 2006
Channel: iRed
Views: 5,751
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Id: CBXYu8syNqA
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Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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