Entrance Exam Reviewer for Incoming Grade 7 SCIENCE DIAGNOSTIC TEST REVIEWER

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foreign [Music] water drops that collect on a cold glass of lemonade come from letter A the AR let it be a puddle letter C the lemonade or letter D the glass itself and the correct answer is letter A the air air contains water vapor when water vapor in the air comes into contact with something cool such as outside of a cold glass of lemonade the gaseous water vapor turns back into liquid water droplets the process is called condensation number two some beetles break down the remains of dead animals some mushrooms break down the remains of dead trees these actions benefit plants by what letter A making space for new plants larabee returning nutrients to the soil let us see releasing carbon dioxide into the air or letter D decreasing populations of herbivores oh the correct answer is letter B returning nutrients to the soil organisms such as worms insects bacteria and fungi like mushroom that break down the remains of dead animals and plants are known as the composers the composers recycle dead animals and plants into nutrients that are released back into the soil plants need these nutrients such as carbon nitrogen and phosphorus to grow question number three of the following explains why table salt and water is a solution letter A the salt settles at the bottom letter B the salt dissolves into water let us see the salt is visible when in water or later the salt can be separated by a filter the correct answer is letter B the salt dissolves into water salt dissolves in water resulting in homogeneous mixture called solution question number four and which of the arrangements of magnets will all the magnets attract the correct answer is letter B in magnets light follows the repel while unlike poles attract then option V all magnets will attract because the end of each magnet is facing the opposite pole opening the other magnet question number five which of these planets would have the greatest gravitational pull on a nearby object letter A Earth Lara B Mercury letter C Saturn or letter D Jupiter in the correct answer is letter D Jupiter Jupiter is the planet with the highest gravity because it is the most massive planet in our solar system question number six what protects Earth from ultraviolet rotation letter a is spaced between Earth and Sun Laura be the carbon dioxide layer let us see the asteroid belt or letter D the ozone layer the correct answer is letter D the ozone layer the ozone layer is Earth's sunscreen it protects living things from too much ultraviolet radiation from the Sun question number seven what is the force that makes a rolling ball slow down and stop letter a gravity letter B fiction letter C wait or letter D energy the correct answer is letter B friction When A ball rolls on the ground the force of friction acts between the surface of the wall and the surface of the ground friction is the force that prevents one solid object from sliding or rolling over another question number eight which are the hottest stars letter a blue stars letter b yellow stars letter C red stars or letter D orange stars the correct answer is letter a blue stars the color of a star is related to its temperature the hottest stars are the blue stars and the coldest stars are the red stars question number nine all of the following materials are good conductors of heat except letter a copper letter B aluminum letter C wood or Lara D Silver the correct answer is letter C would wood is a poor conductor of heat question number 10. which body system do the brain and spinal cord belong to letter a circulatory system be digestive system let us see muscular system or letter D nervous system the correct answer is letter D nervous system the nervous system is the body's Command Center the brain and the spinal cord are part of the nervous system [Music]
Channel: iRed
Views: 71,799
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Id: f-3HfzfknwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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