Entire Thanksgiving Dinner on the Big Green Egg

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[Applause] [Music] hey it's rob from big green egg here to show you how to cook your entire thanksgiving meal on the big green egg we're going to use the five piece expander set we're going to show you how to do the turkey the vegetables sweet potatoes we even got some rolls to go up on top so let's get started first we're going to put some olive oil we're going to coat the outside of the turkey you want to make sure you keep one hand dry and lift it up like this flip it over what's going to be great about the injecting of the turkey you're going to get a great flavor inside the meat we're going to add a little salt you just want to spread this round flip it over do the same thing now we're going to do our savory pecan if i can get it open the same thing here you want to coat everything get underneath the the legs the wings you're going to get a little inside the cavity as well a lot inside the cavity what i like to do when i start injecting the turkey it's to keep yourself clean to be honest with you we're going to put a little plastic wrap over top and i'll show you why take your stainless steel injector we got our butter compound here [Music] and fill it up then you're just going to stick it in the meat and start pressing and then move out but don't move all the way out because once the needle comes out that's when it's going to squirt all over you so you're just going to see it you can kind of see it puffing up there that's good that's what you want and right now you can see it's just sitting in the pan sometimes we put it in the roasting rack as well but today we're not going to do that because i'm going to show you the setup we have on the egg we're using the five piece expander we're going to set up the egg indirect we've got two half moon pizza stones in there we got the bottom basket from the expander the top part of the expander as well and what we're going to do is we're going to set this pan inside here as it's cooking and then we got the vegetables will be on one side and then we'll cook the bread and potatoes up on the top as well but before i put it on there we got to finish putting in all of the we got some onions we got some garlic we got some oranges lemon we got a little sage let me get that in there we got a little rosemary and then we got some thyme and now we're just going to set all some of this around the outside here and i'm going to also show you a little trick with the wings and we're going to fold the wings back you just want to put them down there like that okay and now we're going to get it on the egg all right we're going to let that cook for a couple hours then we're going to get our vegetables on our sweet potatoes then we're going to do the rolls last but you want to make sure the turkey cooks to an internal temperature of 165 we got it hooked up to egg genius i'm actually going to put that in there right now and you're going to want to put it right in the breast all right our turkey's been in there for about two hours now it's coming up the temp so we're going to get started with our vegetables which we have carrots green beans zucchini some potatoes mushrooms and tomatoes but first we're going to start with our sweet potatoes and you want to make sure you kind of poke them with some holes you just want to do it quickly just want to give it you can also use a fork if you're more comfortable with that i have really good knife skills sort of i haven't stabbed my hand yet pow just kidding okay now what we're going to do is going to put the vegetables on first and we're going to put them down here on the other side of the turkey down below and then we're going to put our potatoes up top here and then i'm going to add our half moon baking stone to the top where the rolls are going to go later but i want to get that stone heated up let's move this back stick our vegetables on first and then we're going to pull this back now we're going to put the potatoes the sweet potatoes up top and i mentioned the baking stone we're going to get that in and get heated up for our rolls coming up in a little bit we're going to let that cook for another 45 minutes come back get the rolls on and we're ready for dinner okay our turkey's been cooking for about three hours now egg genius has told us that the internal temperature is 165 vegetables have been on for about 45 minutes and those are done the sweet potatoes are not done yet so we're going to leave those on those could take anywhere from 45 to about an hour and 20 minutes so we're going to add our rolls and we're going to put those on top here and then i'm going to pull our turkey and our vegetables and set them aside and get the gravy started here see if i can get all these on there this is one of my favorite parts of a thanksgiving meal is the bread all right here we go look how delicious that is grab the turkey take the egg genius probe out i'm gonna set that down i'm actually gonna disconnect the one at the top too i like putting mine on top and using the actual back of the thermometer here instead of hooking it to a grid and i i just give it gives a better temperature reading up at the top and it matches what's going to be on that gauge as well so you can control it throughout the oh man look at that turkey that looks delicious so i'm gonna let these finish cooking while that's happening i'm going to add the chicken stock into our butter compound i'm going to add about a teaspoon of our savory pecan this is just a little flour and add a little flour in there i'm gonna mix that up okay now that we got this all mixed we're gonna move our turkey onto our board we're gonna use our big green egg silicone gloves and the difference is these i can get wet without them burning my hands so i'm able to pick up the turkey right out of the bin and set him on the board and then we're going to take i'm gonna put these on here with one hand there we go so you can see it give that a quick stir we're going to move our sweet potatoes down to the bottom those will help that cook a little faster and then we're going to put the gravy up on top now we're going to give this about 20 more minutes while this rests and then we'll come back slice it up and serve our food all right it's time to check on our rolls and our sweet potatoes inside and check on that gravy as well you can see that our turkey's already done ready to be cut we put our vegetables all the way around it we're gonna pull off the sweet potatoes we're just going to set them on the side right now because you're going to want to peel these and we're going to mash them put a little butter on them and these will be great to serve with our dinner but i'm just going to stick them right here on the side and i'm going to pull the rolls off and then we're going to check our gravy and that looks delicious as well shut the egg i'm just going to stir this up that is our entire thanksgiving meal cooked on an extra large big green egg and you can do this on a large as well you just have to be a little more creative with the way you put the turkey on in the vegetables and what kind of pans you put them in but anything we used here today any of the accessories and the recipe is all going to be found at biggreenegg.com thanks for listening enjoy the holiday and we'll see you next time you
Channel: BigGreenEggHQ
Views: 15,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Big Green Egg, Turkey, Thanksgiving, Dinner, Entire Meal, Smoked, Injected, Brined
Id: Ej32K1usxtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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