Looking for a big prize under the new triple 777 ticket

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hi everybody it's Fay and welcome back to the channel today I'm going to be scratching some of the Triple 7 tickets the new ones here in Florida on this ticket you want to match your number to the winning numbers get a seven symbol to win the prize shown get two sevens to double the prize and three sevens uh to Triple the prize I've notice that these have been a real Florida special because whenever you're getting the double sevens and triple 7s they loaded them up with $5 prizes so hopefully they'll be good to us today and we'll be able to get a nice big win so I have tickets number 20 21 and 22 and let's see if we can go ahead and I get a nice win now the winning numbers and by the way I have a little bit of a cold so I apologize if my voice is a little off but the winning numbers are 23 34 our Boogeyman 19 please be here for good Boogeyman but you usually turn up and do very bad things but today it's going to be a change so the winning numbers are 23 34 19 32 18 and 16 and let's see if we've got a win our numbers are two s oh we have a win thank you Boogeyman for not being evil this on this day all right we have another seven great right out of the gate we have an eight we have a 13 we have a 39 we have a 26 we have a 38 oh we have another seven yes we have a 28 we have a 21 we have an 18 okay okay 18 is good we have an 11 we have another seven oh my goodness that is outstanding and we have a 24 so let's see what we have the 18 is good for $5 the seven on the bottom line is another $5 so that's $10 we have another $5 so that's $5 we have 20 and we have 25 so our first ticket ticket number 20 is a nice $25 win and we will definitely go ahead and take that and thank you Boogeyman for for being good today and trying to turn over a new Leaf I really appreciate you and then let's look at ticket number 21 and let's see what we have here okay and the winning numbers are 18 all right we won an 18 on the last ticket 29 1 22 our Boogeyman 19 all right maybe you will be good again on this ticket and give us backto back wins okay and our numbers are 13 25 10 16 23 30 35 12 15 38 we have a six we have a 20 we have a 28 so one off from what we needed we have a 40 and we have a 36 so no win on ticket number two but we're still doing okay cuz that first ticket was good for $25 and let's see if we can make this a profit session with ticket number 22 excuse me I think a little bit of that scratch dust went up in through to my throat and let's see what we have here oh look at this another ticket with a boogeyman our winning numbers are 19 14 11 13 34 and our other Boogeyman nine so come on we have a lot of work to do to defeat the two boogey men on the same ticket uh winning numbers are three eight 20 38 4 24 10 26 2 25 33 16 32 35 and 40 so we did not pull out a win on the last ticket but our first ticket was good for $25 we spent 30 managed to get back 25 so not bad at all as always I am going to ask you to please subscribe to the channel if you have not already done so I am so close to hitting 200 subscribers and I really appreciate your support getting there uh always play responsibly come up with a budget that works to keep the lottery fund while you're trying to win that life altering prize and I will see you all next time
Channel: Faye’s Luck
Views: 734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cdeqGFpjy_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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