Entire book! | $20 Gold Rush Limited

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hey everybody it's andre get rich or die scratching welcome to the live stream we have the entire book and a few more tickets actually in fact we have an entire book plus 12 tickets of the 20 gold rush limited whoo baby it's good to be back everyone it's good to be back to the tuesday night live stream full pack out of the plastic ticket triple zero to ticket 29 this is the uh book and pack number so zero one one four eight two nine down the hallway zero one one four eight nine you guys can see it is a clean pack and then i got 12 more on top of that these were done randomly so there's some repeat numbers these were bought in sets of four from different stores this is a group pool we all risked 30 each and then it's israel's birthday israel um i got you this for your birthday a 10 ticket congrats to you my friend happy birthday let's see if we can get you a win on your special day what's up laura hey claimer caden smoking graham's in the house calorie glam life juan in the house miss wendy there's israel that's his birthday what's up trisha hey penny yo dre we got uh rob chodolo miss greta all right y'all thank you all so much for coming if i missed you welcome to the live stream we have a huge amount of tickets to get through let's get rolling here good luck israel you know this game you're looking for the go symbol basically never found it never found the ghost symbol the one symbol that has eluded my capture is the go symbol it's an instant 200 bucks boom there's mr magoo he's not the go but hey he's a double up boom two double ups what is going on right here let's go mr magoo times two baby i don't think i've ever seen him twice on one ticket that's interesting huh nice congrats israel make sure you email me hey revamp thank you yes i do i do owe you some blackjack my friend thank you so much for the super chat thank you phillip has anyone ever seen mr magu twice on the same ticket man baby this might be good this might be good israel all right 22 and 36 no 22 no 36 27 and 24 no i got this from a 7-11 at a work lunch break 33 bumping uglies and three folks we just have the two two x's that's interesting interesting come on baby come on israel let's make your birthday special man here we go oh it's a thirty dollar hop oh what 50 bucks hey that's nice we'll take it noise hey robert the accountant what's up marianne welcome to the stream nice israel that's yours my friend that was a birthday gift that is a hundred percent yours make sure you email me get rich or die scratching gmail.com happy birthday to you my friend let me write it down so i don't forget about it i already wrote it down here 50 dollar challah sweet i hope that put a smile on your face my friend all right y'all there we go next up the main event guys the main event we have so many of the gold rush limited there are 32 top prizes i think one has been claimed already of 5 million so um there's only 31 left only 31. that's really good usually they put like four or five top prizes here they put third over 30 which made me really happy all right here we go let's jump into it we have 42 tickets to get through it's a lot we're gonna go um don't let me miss any numbers and per the odds we should win about 16 tickets so what are we looking for on this what's up spinning yo shelley's scratch cards over there in england hey madame hey darlene i got your package out uh on monday darlene hey herman welcome all right so over here we're looking for a 5x a 10x in the gold bar and then other than that it's matching numbers and then the bonus numbers have to match here that's how you can win all right here we go ticket triple zero let's rock and roll baby let's get this whole thing in frame there we go i think it's perfect right there hopefully you guys can see it thank you wayne i appreciate that it's me and my group my amazing loyal group members that gamble with me week in and week out they're amazing all right here we go 4 25 21 27 2 and 29 30 39 no 30s 28 that's a sammy 24 one off dot com several 40 no dice 36 boom 5x first ticket baby let's go hype it up sweet if you guys know if you've um whether or not you watch my daily videos i don't know i don't post every day but i hit a 5x and for with 10 under and the 50 bonus so it is possible to win more than a break even with a 5x all right here we go 37 no dice no 30s 29 we have a 29 all right folks i might have just jinxed myself we got the 5x and the single match let's get it baby 11 19 25 we have a 25 that's two matches and a 5x interesting 16 32 all right let's hit the bonus now to match the bonus you need to hit one of these numbers up here so three nope 38 nope 18 nope niner no dice and six wompy womp womp womp what's up fire scratcher hey bee scratching what's up scratching to the moon thank you first ticket and we have we have two matches and a 5x let's see what these dirty dogs give us 25 35 40 bucks hey it's double up we'll take it though huh yo twin scratchers sweet did i miss something is it 50 or 40. it's 40 yeah all right i thought it was 40. all right that's ticket triple zero 40 dolla holla all right next up ticket number one let's go here we go get this in frame maybe i'm too zoomed in hey calorie thank you so much you're awesome thank you you're amazing thank you so much for that super chat all right here we go ticket number one 2 20 11 30 39 and 22. 40 33 bump and uglies can we go bike to bike 724 38 21 oneoff.com 29 17 no dice 15 28 18 23 37 35 32 8 13 14 31 12. all right nothing downstairs let's hit the bonus 36 six no dice hey vanessa welcome four twenty six thirty four whompity womp womp womp soon there will be a christmas version you think so jc probably right probably all right ticket number two we will symbol hunt this bad boy let's see if we can find a symbol a gold bar i prefer just a single match uh with five million under it that's what i play for personally money back is always fun of course but i'm playing for the big one all right no symbols how much does a whole stack cost hatchet back this a 20 book is 600 hey kitty here we go let's match a number 32 and 20. nope 13 and 30 nope 38 and 16. no dice all right let's hit the bonus 22 19 no 15 28 18. wampity womp womp womp ticket 2 is a busta rooney you know what guys i'm going to scratch these hey mr bailey thank you um no i need to i'll check it tomorrow oh wait actually i can't check it tomorrow i have a um i have a gym i have a gym i have a gym workout tomorrow i'll check it on thursday thank you mr bailey oh i can't call you out thank you george he's going to kill me guys he's going to kill me thank you george for the super chat i'm going to scratch these losers um the barcodes here so afterwards when i have a lot of tickets to scratch scratching the barcodes actually takes quite a bit of time new england scratcher in the house hey dj king ezekiel welcome all right ticket number three let's go king of the scratcher welcome 11 33 27 4 3 and 34 7 and 30 no dice 29 21 32 mr magoo 18 2 31 40 and 8 22 hey thank you noon scratcher thank you so much 22 37 you're awesome appreciate that 28 35 16 39 and 6 24 36 38 all right nothing downstairs let's hit the bonus 17 and 13 no 15 and 12 nope 19. all right ticket three is a bust buster rooney what's up lady luck welcome hey mr neighbors all right next up is ticket number one so um i bought a clean pack plus 12 tickets so right now we're doing the 12 tickets that were on the side that were not part of the clean pack jenny if you go to the about section of the of the channel there is a link there if you don't mind checking it out i appreciate it 29 22 12 2 and 19 36 31 40 and 16 27 38 24 33 13 and 14 23 28 come on baby 7 37 15 [Music] 17 and 8 39 32 clutch corner 18 whompity womp womp womp all right let's hit the bonus let's go upstairs what's up jenny from the scratch block beckett 26 35 21 11 3. all right no dice on ticket number one all right let's see what's next what's up michael welcome to the stream here we go ticket number two we just finished ticket number one let's let's simple hunt this we are looking for a 5x 10x or the gold bar those are the three symbols you can find on this game 5x 10x gold bar we already found one 5x all right no symbols hey vince welcome here let's go upstairs see if we can find a match 3 and 14. nope 32 and 1 nope 38 and 19. no no dice okay let's go upstairs 22 and 2 4 11 18 dang rough rough start rough start thank you tim appreciate it that's what we needed now that tim's here we can start winning yes 40 back on 8 40 spent any big wins uh no andrew not personally my last big win was in may i hit a claimer for a thousand dollar and it made me holla all right all right ticket number three here we go need a 24 a 20 a 6 a 37 a 4 and a twenty six fifteen nine seventeen twelve three nothing in the top row what's up string bean welcome you got it kevin i'm in it to win it two sixteen eighteen 11 22 34 36 32 we had a 37 7 and 30 35 and 13. 125 clutch corner whoo baby now that would be awesome sauce what's up eli welcome to the stream 14 wompity whomp this whole book michael was six hundred dollars uh but there's a little bit more than just a clean book it's a clean book plus twelve tickets uh bought in sets of four from different stores all right that's a loser guys let me actually do the bar code that was the strategy i chose for this one um sometimes i usually just buy them in sets of two i decided to get them in sets of four this time yeah we're due for a win right here on ticket number four let's go we need a 36 a 23 a 40 a 22 a 24 and a 20 200 people here 74 likes if you guys can do me a favor and smash the like button it would be very appreciated 16 432 28.29 127. 35 34. boom 10x folks we got a 10x let's go awesome sauce there it is the 10x 38 9 15 19 bump and uglies 31 11 2 17 all right let's hit the bonus 18 7 14 12 13. all right just the single 10x folks please have at least 10 dollars under there let's go them dirty dogs man they got no shame in their game [Laughter] oh king carl you're funny man [Laughter] all right that was ticket number four stinking fake multipliers florida lottery hasn't it's no shame in their game you got it stop it florida all right ticket 22 here we go 29 33 39 37 6 32 8 11 28 36 oh no we had a six not a 36 we had all these 30s i thought we had a 36. 14 20 oh man 19 30 i got false alarm.com 40 27 22 niner baby dolls 4 34 7 18 13 2 25 trying to stay alive clutch corner time that would have been nuts that would have been nuts hey thanks mayo appreciate it money back nation you've got it money back nation 39 hey we hit the bonus for 20. [Laughter] speaking of money back nation he called it man he knew he could see through that latex money back nation 39.39 for a 20 holla on ticket 22. what's up detroit thank you so much for coming all right here we go money back nation oh my goodness all right what do we got next next we got ticket 23. what's up tarzan the strong man welcome or here we go let's get lucky baby let's go bike to bike 22 25 26 38 29 and 40. 6 24. boom 5x bike to bike baby bike to bike i'm addicted to blue cheese let's go 12 27 36 28 39 we had a 29 and a 38 20 32 13 16. 30 okay we have a 38 folks that's not good you don't want more matches along with the uh 5x 33 and 3 baby dolls 4 30. all right let's hit the bonus two dollars on the 5x dang it 11 18 1 19 2. all right so we shouldn't get excited for multipliers anymore should we huh rob says it's 30 total uh what let's go [Music] oh no let's go [Music] sweet no one was expecting that they all thought it was the fakemultiplier.com instead we scored man awesome and it was a bike to bike win hundo better than a nundo trademarked by new england scratcher what's up african queen diva welcome you called it blue cheese baby yeah let's get it [Laughter] let's get it take it 24 17 11 29 21 31 13. boom bike to bike to bike let's go [Music] [Laughter] uh jason thank you so much [Laughter] 16 3 40. we just hit on three tickets in a row i bought these i don't i bought these i don't remember where i bought them from because i bought sets of four tickets from different stores um i bought the clean book from publix and then i bought four from the vending machine in publix and then where did i go i went to i went to wawa i got four from wawa i don't remember where i got them all from i drove around and picked them up 6 8 15 14 39 she would have been so fine on fire whoop dee all right niner 26 18 22 i will say i've seen the bonus hits on this game a lot more than the black gold rush version yep so we have the 11 and the 5x this is what we got come on baby they're so dirty dirty dogs break even steven hey we'll take it though it's money back it's money back ticket 24. um no rob i did not go all the way out there for these tickets that would have been crazy huh that would have been crazy all right next up ticket 25 and then we're into the clean book hey janice welcome all right ticket 25 let's go baby can we win on four in a row we hit three in a row 2 21 11 6 25 and 17 18 31 4 39 22. 38 niner 12 28 15 30 33 3 24 14 29 trying to oh i messed up that rhyme 27 i'm a goofball all right no symbols no symbols let's go upstairs here we go nineteen sixteen thirty four eight and thirty six no dice on that one whompity womp womp that one's gone hey that's true prime time i should all right guys this one's a loser we only hit on three in a row poor us right that's pretty good it's pretty good pretty good pretty good if you ask me all right now we're into the clean book the clean book feast your eyes we're getting there ricky we're getting there ticket 1 through 29 for all the people that like the book numbers and pack numbers so it's game 1501 we got uh zero one one four eight two nine pack number nine looks like we have a um a bot account in the chat thank you thank you mods for cleaning up the bots appreciate you all right as you guys can see it's the same book um no dj and i don't think you're allowed to i wouldn't do that but i don't think you're allowed to either all right here we go ticket triple zero let's get it baby we are due at least minimum 10 more wins minimum clean book oh man yeah it's definitely automated that's for sure all right here we go ticket triple zero thank you for cleaning it up i appreciate it let's get lucky baby 28 7 22 8 13 and 14 18 no 31 baby dolls four sev we have a seven folks we have a seven and a 28 two matches on the first ticket 11 19 two 36 24 12. 17 20 no dice there 26 29 6 39 25 23 clutch corner 40. all right let's go upstairs and hit the bonus hopefully can you guys see it clearly yeah it's weird joe it's like a bot account or something they just keep coming back but the mods are on it they're amazing thank you guys all right here we go 33 3 1 38 30. all right no bonus spots here we go 28 and the seven that's so weird all right here we go what do we got we gotta break even steven but we'll take it folks it's a two matcher that's a 10 10 for a break break even [Laughter] take a triple zero 20 all right here we go it's it's not a person janice it's a um it's like a bot i don't know it's weird all right ticket number one who knows man it's like it's weird i know it's annoying but we gotta try to ignore it and just have fun you know all right 30 37 19 3 15 and 39 31 12 13 nope 20 38 14 27 22 and 2 11 40 21 6 17 24 7 25 35 no we had 39 37 30. clutch corner no dice let's go upstairs eighteen thirty four nope one sixteen and eight wompy womp womp womp all right what can you do you know you know what you can do you can get the next one in the roll that's what you can do the ticket one's a bust so next up we got ticket 2 baby let's go oh white line ticket it's got a pretty uh thick white line not the thickest i've seen thicker but it's it's up there it's hefty all right ticket number two here we go 8 9 28 17 12 and 11 3 22 26 1 21 no dice there 31 32 34 29 40 6 and 2 no dice baby dolls 4 20 and 24 37 19 27 30 reverse clutch corner 36 no dice all right let's go upstairs 13 18 16 39 and 35 whoppity womp womp the white line ticket oh we have a 12 we have a 12. all units all units we have a 12. i don't even see a 12. yeah it's really weird it's really weird it's obviously like a bot you know it makes no sense oh no 12 okay just a mistake no worries no big deal i miss stuff all the time no big deal appreciate you guys looking out next up is ticket number three symbol hunt you got it we're going to symbol hunt symbol hunt symbol haunt symbol hopefully you guys can see this clearly at this angle we need a 5x a 10x or the amazing gold bar all right nothing there let's check it the quiet storm don't let me get the bounty hunter [Laughter] 19 and 39 19 and 39 no dice 33 and 13 33 and 13 nope 9 and 34 9 and 34. all right no dice downstairs let's hit the bonus 12 6 24 7 and 21. wow man this this this bot account doesn't give up does it it's a if that's a human being man that takes a lot of work to create all those fake accounts oh my gosh that's crazy all right baby dolls four let's go we're on ticket number four wayne ticket number four out of 29 well the last ticket's gonna be ticket 29 because the first ticket is ticket triple zero all right we'll go back to symbol hunting right after this one 11 and 15 no dice 30 and 33 32 and 18. 14 and 12. 31 22 bumping uglies nope that's not that's not bumping uglies that's pew pew pew 21 19 1 6 23 26 8 come on baby 9 24 clutch corner 13. all right let's go upstairs 34 and two yeah i think you're right jen i need to do that um that's a good idea i would i was gonna do it and then i didn't um like a couple couple well obviously i haven't been live in a while but i was going to do it for a bit a while ago and then i didn't do it anyways whatever i need to just do it uh sorry david no beat the bomb i am currently broke um it was um there's been some some life circumstances in the top of it it was my wife's birthday so this week is a little a little tight on the money so i couldn't do the hundred dollars for beat the bomb i apologize guys we'll probably make it up sooner rather than later yes george we will meet soon probably this weekend all right ticket number five i'll email you my friend i gotta also check my mailbox 16 40 17 21 12 and 24 34 31 14 23 nope 126 oh i promised the simple hunt and i'm not symbol hunting i apologize 30 nine i'm gonna sum hunt the next one what's up crazy joe what's up crazy joe 25 33 21 18 39 she would have been so fine 38 35 3 32 clutch corner 29 hey thank you miss wendy appreciate that we have a 21 we have a 21. thank you so much appreciate it guys i miss all the time as you guys know if you watch my videos you know i'm the worst come on baby oh we got a 21 there as well you want to see a single i mean it's a it's a toss-up obviously it's cool to hit the bonus or whatever but you want to see a single match for 5 million 40 bucks hey we'll take it it's a double up we'll take it all right ticket number five for forty dollar make your holla holla all right all right all right next up ticket number six we're gonna simple hunt this as promised 5x 10x or the gold bar symbol those are the available symbols that you can hunt down reveal [Laughter] okay no symbols there let's see if we can match a number 24 and 22 no 23 and 35 nope 30 and 40. no dice there let's go upstairs smoking that's the name of the bar here 4 38 37 32 come on let's at least hit the 500 bonus spot right come on baby one no dice ticket six [Laughter] uh what can you do he's got to get the next one that's all you can do what's up od in addition to only letting subscribers chat you should also set a time limit between posts oh okay interesting thank you tarzan thank you so much for that man you didn't have to do that you're awesome all right is it is it too dark you want me to brighten it up i can i can brighten the um oh is that bright enough now we got shadows but all right ticket number seven hopefully you guys can see i know i'm like i'm like the worst when it comes to the youtube settings i really need to figure it out we just cope with the problems that that present themselves 12 and 8. 26 bumping uglies 33 6 and 30. we had a 20 125 oneoff.com 16 35 29 she would have been so fine 22 7 2 23 21 37 oh this is why we play right here that is why we play man oh my gosh one time on the 30 gold rush i got two 10x symbols was shaking i knew it was a big winner it was 10 under each for 200. that's a great win though i realize you probably thought it was more but that's a great win 17 38 11 18 36 or no dice in the clutch corner folks single match has failed us what's up amir it's blurry okay um try changing the view settings to 720 that might help i just turned the light on to try to make it brighter hopefully that also helps all right ticket number eight i've seen a gold bar in the 100 bonus match in four matches oh wow that's awesome david yeah i think i saw a picture of that too oh really nes okay maybe that's why i can't ever find him i have a customer that will only play if the ticket is on seven he calls it the money number that's interesting all right here we go ticket number eight 26 36 9 29 19 and 40. 30 and eight nope 23 34 nope 11 and 31 1 and 16 39 and 22 we had a 29 and a nine 18 baby dolls four 17 38 35 14 12 32 20 clutch corner 27 no dice in the clutch corner what's up guy welcome let's see if we can hit a bonus match no dice ticket 8 is a bust all right next up is ticket number nine ticket number nine here we go amir says ticket 10 is gonna have a 10x that would be amazing boom how about taking 9 for a 10x amir you almost called it on the number almost super close look at that sam um she's just an amazing person in pa she has a channel in her favorite numbers four so i just got into the habit of calling it out 34 25 34 25 nope 37 19. it's just like some people have favorite numbers and different names for numbers and stuff i'm just i'm just being a dork all right 28 and 33 don't mind me i'm a child in a grown man's body here we go [Laughter] no she wasn't throwing nothing at me yes it is money back nation there are 17 million break even tickets but but they lowered the chances sorry they increased the chances yeah that's money back nation right there they increased the chances for a big prize so on the old version 1 in 10 million tickets had a 5 million dollar winner now 1 in 2.3 million i mean don't get me wrong 1 in 2.3 million the odds are still terrible but that's a lot better than 1 in 10 million a lot better that's 8 million tickets better also they increased the chances to hit a a claimer a thousand dollars they they cut that in half meaning it's twice as easy now to hit a thousand dollars so i understand the trade-off people want to often get you know decent wins of 100 plus 500 etc but honestly man i'm playing it for this this is what i'm after man the life-changing prize that's why i play obviously the money back is nice to keep going but i'm playing for that life-changing money man early early retirement fund otherwise i just keep working my job and just sticking to my budget and investing and saving and eventually one day we get to financial freedom until then we play the lottery all right ticket number 10 we have no symbols let's match a number 15 and 38 nope 17 and 31 nope 23 and 2 no dice all right let's go upstairs take in 46 million pay out 5 million great deal oh yeah for sure they they got they have the obvious edge the obvious edge goes to the lottery clearly they designed the game for a reason that way all right next up ticket number 11. teddy says i feel like a dog i've been chasing top prizes like a tail but i never catch it yeah nice last king of 33 that's awesome man right guy exactly stick to your budget don't overextend yourself have fun doing it you know garage you should stop shaving until you get your next glimmer oh no oh no you don't you don't i'll find a photo of when i had a a real beard boom let's go 5x come on baby i used to have a really big beard my wife was not happy with me [Laughter] all right we got a 5x 31 and 20. you want me to do like the ar platinum with this haircut 40 and 15 is afro 40 and 15. 14 and 33. we have a 14 folks we have a 14 38 27 24 8 and 11 all right if only you can grow a fro yeah i definitely can't grow a fro this folks is a break even that's how they do you dirty ticket number 11 yeah i feel ya i'm not that great with them either i just figured out a way to have fun doing it you know that's really the only thing you can do what's up marilyn welcome all right ticket number 12. here we go [Laughter] i even bought powerball i put ten dollars into the powerball didn't win anything back but i tried hatchy back the largest prize 1 thousand dollars 19 and 18. 14 and 12 24 25 24 25 oh my gosh you're hilarious [Laughter] ticket 12 is a bust that's freaking funny odie man you're you're awesome what's up dreaming to claimers welcome you won eight dollars hey that's more than i won i spent ten and one nothing all right ticket number thirteen lucky thirteen man i don't even know what i'd do with all that money i'd have to do something amazing with it you know help a lot of people that's all i could say that's like it's way more than a single person needs you know 24 13. you do a lot of good boom 5x let's go whoop whoop hype it up how do you guys like my verbal hypes oh we got the the the thing you don't want to see another match oh two matches okay never mind this could get interesting let's go getting okay hold on we got 8 8 19 8 8 19 and the 5 x 33 let's go upstairs okay no bonus what do you guys think three matches plus a 5x 25 30 five oh these are all fives they're so dirty 10 okay i'm glad i'm wrong [Laughter] 20 30. wow 40. uh israel knew he knew it was 40. he called it he called it he knew [Laughter] they get you really excited with all these extra matches man did someone win the powerball i thought no one won it reverse card you have reverse uno right all right ticket 14 white line ticket here we go 38 8 37 3 14 39 35 25 22 several 40 16 6 32 11 24 27 31 18 17 36 13 and 3. we have a three folks bike to bike baby two threes interesting 12 20 all right let's hit the bonus oh someone won the powerball in tennessee oh wow man i hope they don't throw their ticket away always scan your tickets man always scan your tickets whoa thank you vince have a good night man tara said it ticket 14. what's up scratch queen 407 fam fam jam all right what do we got we got a 30 holla holla oh the winner was in california interesting at that level of money i don't care where i went i don't care about the taxes [Laughter] what's up uli welcome you've probably been here a while i probably missed you all right ticket 15 sorry guys i keep hitting the cord yep no symbols let's go upstairs and match your number 17 and 12 we had a 15. one and 11. we had a two 38 35 32 37 36 39 31 no dice 18 33 27 not a 17 3 oh man we need that three last time all right here we go ticket 15 is a bust next up ticket 16. we are halfway through the book so far in this book we have had six winners out of the book um let's see here oh the hundo the honda was the fourth wind so let me dig it up there there's the hundo we had a 5x with the 10 under and then a single match for 50. the matching 38 that was the hundo but we're looking for 5 million hundo's nice don't get me wrong but we're checking that 5 milli all right ticket number 16 here we go 25 29 22 19 9 and 8. boom baby 10x let's go single match come on right single match big zeros single match big zeros 220 38 17 baby dolls 439 she would have been so fine 31 40 12. all right single match yes brianna a clean pack plus 12 extra tickets robert says it's gonna be two dollars again yeah that's what the odds say too but you know what once in a while you beat the odds once in a while you beat the odds 50 bucks baby let's go once in a while you get lucky ticket sixteen fifty dollar make me holla holla what do we got next ticket seventeen so far i've only played personally like five of them um until tonight basically had like a little uh hiatus as they say ticket 17 handling you know some stuff some stuff some life stuff right when you think you have it all figured out life kicks you in the balls kicks you in the nuts and you have to uh keep on keeping on 20 34 35 15 14 40 and 36 we had a 26 37 17 28 3 12 eighteen twenty nine sixteen whompity whomp you know miss wendy uh miss wendy that's a good question at least she's got a sense of humor now y'all are tied with israel what do you mean calorie time israel's got fifty dollars yes i would i would finish the whole book and then i would secure the ticket finish the whole book really quickly and secure the ticket because i'd have to coordinate quite a few people we'd all have to meet in tallahassee we'd need to pick a date and time to meet there and it would be a great time oh my gosh that is such a dream because this is a group this isn't just mine so email all the group you know and then coordinate between everyone when when we could all meet hopefully sooner rather than later i don't know if i would sign it because if it's going to be split amongst all of us um you know if it gets split amongst all of us because i don't want to pay the taxes for everyone i want it to be but don't you worry it would be it's going to uh somewhere safe all right there we go ticket 18 is a buster rooney um i have michael once for christmas me and my wife we did universal for um we stayed two days three nights so that was really fun yeah so when i was at the lottery office with nick claiming his million i asked them i said hey can multiple people claim the same ticket and they said yes but i didn't ask about signing like how that procedure worked they said yep so there's uh there's forms where they everyone fills out their form and then the winnings are split amongst the players so i i know that is a way it can be done one hundred percent 3627 oneoff.com 6 and 13 25 trying to stay alive that would be such an amazing problem to have coordinating everyone be a big steak dinner on me big steak dinner on me [Laughter] oh really greta okay well we'd have to figure it out then one way or the other everyone would get their money that's for sure i wouldn't play around with that all right ticket number 20 white line ticket folks we got 10 tickets left we are due at least three more wins minimum minimum okay all right here we go if we had to like i would obviously call a lawyer and figure it out if we had to create a trust and everyone gets their share straight from the trusts as soon as the money's deposited you know that whatever whatever system works that everyone gets their money it don't matter to me i just would like to not have to pay all the taxes myself but honestly if i had to fine at the end of the day it's it's going to be more than enough money for me so it's not really going to be the end of the world all right no matches folks no matches 8 31 40 28 and two no dice white line ticket my butt white line taking my booty white line magic all right ticket 21. yeah you definitely gotta hire a lawyer of some sort or something i don't know figure it out i know when nick i forgot what day we went but nick had it the following monday like he had it way sooner than he expected they told him like a certain time i think they tell everyone a certain time so that they're not expecting it by a certain date like they give themselves a much bigger gap and then they usually beat the gap you know beat the the deadline 11 and 31 29 18 29 and 18 32 19. first we just gotta find the winner should be in here somewhere right and then we can worry about all that someone told me if the white line ticket doesn't win it's either two before or two after uh direct deposit od obviously depending on how you want it like if you 32 and the bonus for 30 um obviously like each each person's situation is different if you um need it to go to like a trust or something you know but direct deposit and like if an individual if like one person walks into a gas station it hits for a million and goes and claims it they just give them their bank account information and then they get deposited but they run you through the meat grinder they run you through like 900 databases to make sure you don't owe anything to anyone and you're all caught up on your taxes and your child support and everything else what's up melissa welcome all right ticket 22 now they they do a big fake check and then they they actually just direct deposit the money into your account minus the upfront penalty claim or call it a penalty upfront payment fee i think is what it's called and then uh taxes and then i think to be safe boom 5x folks to be safe you want to even put a little bit more aside for taxes to be safe 16 35 17 28. eight and 22 honestly if you hit that big just just hire someone hire someone who knows you got it matt we have a 22 pew pew pew ticket 22 i got 22 odi i think you have to i think you have to give him permission to use your likeness for promotion purposes because they post all the winners on their website all right 22 and 5x i'm dirty dogs no shame in their game that's a 30 win though we'll take it [Laughter] hey sam bryce i could see it too man all right that's 30. minimum sure scratching to the moon why not go for it minimum do one more win at least if not more so what we have is six tickets left right six or seven tickets one two three four five six seven seven tickets left oh my gosh i just watched that so on saturday i was live streaming some crossword puzzles and someone told me to watch it and i watched it it was a very dark show [Laughter] sure b why not man go for it i don't usually like to do one one one a stream but that's okay let my hair down a little little oh nice manny i'm glad you got it man all right ticket 23. yeah it's very interesting i was actually like captivated by it it really held my attention but it was a pretty dark show and the twist at the end was pretty cool 19 16 7 4 14 and 11. nothing on those five 23 3 27 12 32 9 15 20 17 39 22 38 40 35. oh my gosh 10k that's nuts what's up senor moo hopefully you're having a good day my friend all right 6 31 26 21 24 no dice as you guys can see we've hit on um two bonuses tonight and usually when you do a book of gold rush you don't hit any bonuses so this game has more bonus spots amir smells the 10x scratching bow on the go in the house all right ticket 24. yes ricky yeah in the crossword stream someone told me to watch the squid game on netflix so i watched it this weekend i bought three fastest road on the 28th at 2 pm then around 3 pm like i came in and bought 2 more and hit for a million oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i would not like the cashier should not have told you that that is not uplifting communication that is not something that's going to help you like why would he tell you that oh my gosh that's just depressing i'm sorry just right place right time you know it's just oh it's brutal you were in the right place at the wrong time that's all that's crazy but if you think about it like any time [Music] anytime someone wins like even nick going into that wawa and buying that that that fastest road someone bought the ticket before him you know someone had to buy the ticket before him man that's brutal yeah the last ticket i i hit the bonus yeah i'll show you so i'm scratching ticket 24. so the last ticket was 23 and then i i did the bonus up here so 6 31 26 21 24. but thank you for checking i miss a lot that is rough though that is rough knowing that you were like two tickets away i mean that's crazy that is so crazy i know someone who won 1 million and after he got the money he never talks to anyone ever wow yeah i mean some people want to live a life of privacy to each their own um i mean i don't know i don't know what to say i don't i i couldn't tell you how i would mentally process the emotions of winning that amount of money you know i certainly probably would still work i don't think it's enough to retire 23 22 21 11 9 and 16. twenty eight fourteen eighteen and seven sixteen third we have a sixteen folks we gotta win single match come on baby please do us right do what's right florida 6 24. this is why we buy the whole pack so we can collect all the wins in the book we're not leaving behind no 5 million for someone else to collect after us we're gonna buy all the losers and all the winners [Laughter] five million i mean what is it after taxes right yeah two million after taxes to retire yeah i think two million is enough depend if you live a if you live a very modest lifestyle which is what i live i live a very modest lifestyle like my extravagance my big extravagant is i have date night once a week with my wife we go out to eat on friday nights all right folks just a single 16 this is it come on baby keto diet zeros keto diet zeros no no that's not it folks that's not it to break even steven it's one of the 17 million breakevens all right ticket 25 for 20 bucks 25 for 20 that princess at exactly 500 back oh man hey it's over half though it's over half oh yeah dream of claimers i've been doing um ever since i paid off my debt i've been investing i'm getting there i'm getting there [Laughter] what's up sock oh my gosh that's amazing sock hopefully you're at sitting at the table what's up bowler all right ticket 26. hopefully you were sitting at the table and you got to collect in a portion of that bad beat jackpot at derby they don't have a bad beat jackpot they have a progressive jackpot for the table games but they don't have it for poker that's like a straight flush beating a straight flush or a straight flush beating quads all right here we go no symbols 23 and 32 the laptop keeps freezing my internet's not good enough to host what was the biggest win on this book um my biggest win on this ticket so far has been a hundred dollars eight and 34 and tonight we had um another hundred dollar win so but it can change it can change right now 11 and seven miami you're only not that late i mean there's still like two tickets left what's up alex all right guys ticket 26 is a bust so far we're pretty average just over half back pretty average return we're looking for that life-changing prize that's why we're in it okay i lied we have three good luck calorie good luck good luck to you seriously all right here we go ticket 27. do you know why this ticket only has six winning numbers normally 20s have eight you know that's a good question i don't know really how is that is that really how it goes oh yeah here's a 20 ticket one two three four five six seven eight yep that one only that one has eight the old dinosaur ticket that one had eight and we're into the bag of trips who remembers this ticket unscratched but don't worry guys double-oh-six hit so i'm not too worried about that one how about this one huh unscratched yeah you're right the 20 tickets usually have eight spots this one only has six interesting find interesting find i don't know why i'm not sure i just know that the odds to hit a bigger prize are better and there's a lot of break evens like a lot like 17 million break even tickets all right here we go ticket 27 let's go 28 7 22 18 20 and 27 21 9 32 13 30 1 11 40 15 17. all right two rows left it has six because they can since george six thirty four thirty must have something to do with how they change the odds 4 24 35 less numbers in play equals better odds 39 29 i guess you know who knows who knows yeah it has to do with the odds yeah all right 8 26 16 3 36 all right nothing on ticket 27 all right we got two tickets left what's it gonna be folks 28 or 29 28 or 29 yeah it's a bit of fun stream so twin um for just for um nostalgia nostalgia i was gonna like when i hit a hundred thousand subscribers i was gonna scratch the dinosaur ticket the game's already expired um i scanned the back no i didn't what's it going to be 28.29 we got a lot of 28s in here where's the blackbox special so we can lose quicker and get the next ticket faster oh my gosh that's funny man that is funny seriously that's great interesting all right here we go let's go to ticket28 let's see oh twins twins mr positive over there he's saying 28 and 29 that would be amazing i hope so scratch queen it's gonna take a lot of work uh everything is slowed down which is okay it's totally fine it's the normal progression of of youtube and stuff 19. 31.36 is totally cool 29. six also a little bit of a burnout on my end you know do it doing the same thing for over two years how ar platinum does it i don't know man 34 39 23 11 30 last row of desperation 21 40 17 clutch corner 37. all right let's go upstairs 28 18. 21-15 no dice folks ticket 28 was a bust nice israel yeah man you never know yeah tater that's a lot of work man if get richard i scratching his five million he will jump into a pool phil to scratch off dust really not mr beast man where am i gonna get all the scratch off dust all right guys i i hear you scratch queens saying i hear you all right not only do we have a black box special we have a white line as well if this ticket's not a winner then nothing can save us tater's the mayor of flopville yeah od um i record a week in advance but still you know all right eight six nine 29 24 and two 33 36 no 30s 25 22 no dice 26 7 17 37 he publishes two videos a day i mean but you still have to record it's still a lot of work and he does two videos a day i mean that is like crazy i mean he puts so much work into his channel man oh really greta you're from the same town that's amazing what are the chances all right here we go let's go upstairs our last hope here how amazing would it be if we hit for 500 right now mrs brown absolutely scanned for second chance um i have quite a few entered into second chance but they all lost those are all the second chance tickets that i've put in and they all lost so i gotta keep keep doing more [Laughter] all right what did we get back 500 oh just over half pretty average return honestly folks pretty average that's pretty much how it goes most of the time most of the time i say ar has a hand double no one can see that much scratching it [Laughter] all right well the first ticket won it was israel's birthday he got 50 bucks make sure you email me israel and then for the group we got back 500. we spent 8.40 so we did lose 340 that's pretty average so let's see each spot was 30 bucks so i think each spot's gonna get approximately 19 back give or take it is what it is all right y'all hey i love all your faces thank you guys for coming stay tuned i have videos coming out one of these days another video is coming out oh miami i just use my um cell phone and then i have a little tripod right here which the cell phone goes in and then i have a stack of books that i just oh yeah i owe blackjack thank you for reminding me thank you thank you thank you i don't know if revamp is here but i owe him blackjack for sure oh this is called um oh my cell phone is iphone 8 this is called a joby just a joby tripod very straight forward i bought it at best buy super easy um [Music] yeah and i just record in landscape the most i've ever won is one thousand dollars yeah iphone 8 yeah nothing nothing to nothing too fancy iphone 8. good night wayne good night crystal good night everyone i owe a revamp if he's still here i owe him a game of blackjack probably a couple games of blackjack a one-deck shoe good night miami see you dreaming of claimers have a good night all right we're gonna cut the deck do a burn revamp dealer wait dealer's up right i forget already how to do this oh look at him he's got blackjack right off the rip when you get a new phone keep the iphone 8 to scan the tickets yep that's a good idea that's a good idea i don't plan on getting a new one until this one like totally goes kapoot on me wall revamp you won this round you got blackjack you got it uli you're awesome you're awesome all right revamp shows a 15 what do you guys think what do you hit what there's a six six showing 13. i think the six is the bus card you don't hit right 19. that's rough all right revamp hopefully you see this you won the first one you lost the second one my friend okay guys i gotta clean up i gotta run to the store and cash these tickets i love all your faces stick to your budgets have a bunch of fun playing the lottery but please stick to your budgets it's really really really important oh bowler you want one round okay you got it bowler you got it all right yeah i can't count you're not wrong i can't count i thought it was 13 i thought it was 16. oh it was 13 plus 3 it was 16 i should have hit all right that was a 7. bowler you're showing a 7 to a nine i think you have to hit my friend i think you have to you cannot bust from a seven you're welcome israel hit seventeen you got the king high flush all right you're going to stay at 17. there's no way you're hitting right you're going to hit at 17 what's up scratch project good night bowler you're never going to hit a 17 unless you think this is a four i gotta look now i gotta look are you going to hit bowler bowler 97 he's going to stay dealer shows 19. that's just a bad beat right there you can't do anything about it if you hit you would have died all right bowler what do you say one more let's go let's go what's up cassandra oh bowler show's 20. dealer show's 11 21 bowler oh man brutal [Laughter] okay everyone have a good night we're gonna call it a night appreciate y'all
Channel: Get Rich or Die Scratching
Views: 26,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Florida Lottery, Lottery, winning the lottery, scratch off tickets, lotto, Florida, scratch, tickets, get rich or die scratching
Id: 1G7HSRY-l3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 50sec (4730 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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