Enter the Gungeon A Farewell to Arms - How to Unlock The Finished Gun

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hello everybody and welcome to enter the gungeon a farewell to arms in this video I'm going to be telling you how to unlock the finished gun now this is no easy task do be prepared it's gonna take you a long time unless you've already been playing this game for a very very long time this is gonna take a while what you need to do is you need to unlock and find every single item in the game you have to have unlocked it and seen it at least once every single one of them and it will then appear all the way at the bottom right here and then every single item as well not just guns every item in the game every single thing there is to do in this game has to be done contrary to popular belief you don't actually have to take the unfinished gun to the gunsmith that they will just unlock once you achieve 100% I'll be it there is one caveat to that unfortunately as of this patch that I'm recording this it will not unlock even if you have a hundred percent but a guy in the end of the pin to discard has made a fix for this which is why I have it now I will link that in the description just in case any of you on PC I want you to get it early and already have the 100 percent but for the most of you and those on those on console you'll have to wait for the patch to come out although I would expect this patch will be out within a few days do not worry but here we'll move on to some gameplay of the finished gun now spoilers if you don't want to know what it does this is going to be the moment where you see it the finished gun is basically a combination of so many different things it's a very very high ana revolver you can spam fire so uhyou if you pull the trigger faster it will fire faster it has an Ibis six or seven round clip and the last bullet is a special bullet so it has an aura of a light around it and affects around it and any bullet that it passes through gets pushed back towards the enemy and back towards the direction that you shot the bullet in alle like fight service style sort of think think of think of the fights over the way it can reflect bullet this does the exact same thing but with the last bullet of every single Meg and on top of that it's got like I said 500 rounds so it's very a more efficient and it's very very strong as a boss killer broom clearer anything else and on top of all of this it has bouncy bullets the bullets will bounce multiple times I believe and not just once or twice I think it's twice the bullets will bounce and yeah the last the last shot will deflect all bullets and PS through enemies dealing high damage it is an absolutely insane weapon the weapon actually sits at s tier and once you've unlocked it it completely replaces the unfinished gun the unfinished girl is gone from the game it does not exist anymore they didn't have any synergies so that was there was no need one thing I will say it does seem to have some synergies the unpin the finished gun sorry but I'm not sure what they are I actually used gunslinger and got the air got the gun via Rambo mode and it does seem to have some synergies although I don't know what they are as of yet I'm sure the wiki will be updated very soon once they say once the book that's currently stopping and being locked is properly fixed and not just patched around but yeah the weapon is insane it's very fun and it's a very very rewarding weapon to get as of like completing the game like he actually feels good because I was I was really hoping it wouldn't be something with unlimited ammo because it in my opinion limited ammo weapons and and as fun and it isn't and it's a it's just it's just a really fun really powerful weapon that just feels rewarding to use it feels like it is the complete gun the gun to end all guns is the finished but yeah hope you guys enjoyed this little guide and I know it's always short but I just wanted to quickly get it out there and make sure everyone knows it will take a lot of you a long while to get there but I do hope the best and hopefully some of my other videos will help you make make it to the finish good eventually I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: TheTurtleMelon
Views: 111,129
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Keywords: enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon a farwell to arms, enter the gungeon farwell to arms, enter the gungeon gameplay, enter the gungeon gunslinger, enter the gungeon let's play, enter the gungeon new update, enter the gungeon paradox, enter the gungeon tips, enter the gungeon tips and tricks, etg, gungeon, gungeon let's play, let's play enter the gungeon, let's play gungeon, theturtlemelon, enter the gungeon finshed gun, enter the gungeon how to unlock finished gun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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