Entebbe 1976, The Outrageous Special Forces Raid - Animated

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over Jordan the aircraft Israeli C-130 Hercules or carnaps approached the airport at the town of entebbe as Khan F1 nears the runway it is consumed by Darkness until at the very last moment the runway's lights become discernible and the aircraft touches down rolling down the runway 26 men of the sairat Zan hameen prepare to disembark to place lights along the runway for the remaining aircraft 27th of June 1976 Singapore Airlines flight 736 lands at Athens airport after a stopover in Bahrain where two members of the popular front for the liberation of palestine's Special Operations group fires Abdul Rahim Jaber and Jael Naji al-arjam board the aircraft with them are two West Germans Wilfried Bowes and Bridget Coleman of the revolutionaires Ln also landing at Athens comes Air France flight 139 Bound for Paris via Athens from Tel Aviv at 11 30 am flight 139 lands where the four members bought the aircraft as flight 139 departs with its 260 passengers and crew the aircraft is immediately seized with bows bursting onto the flight deck wielding a pistol and a grenade the aircraft is ordered towards Libya while monitoring units in Israel become aware of the evolving situation flight 139 is granted permission by Libyan officials to land at Benghazi airport where negotiations between the hijackers and the Libyan government conclude with the transfer of fuel allowing them to continue their route one hostage Patricia Martell feigns a miscarriage and is removed from the aircraft with the aircraft readied it departs for the heart of Africa at this time the Israeli government remains unaware of the hijacker's motives whilst Patricia Martel now back in Britain is interviewed by Scotland Yard representatives from the Israeli Embassy confirmed the presence of four hijackers all the while flight 139 has flown deep into the heart of Africa during the early morning hours of the 28th of June it lands at entebbe International Airport here the hijackers are joined by foward Awad Abdel Al Latif and Abu Ali as the aircraft touches down it is surrounded by Ugandan soldiers the Ugandan government is supportive of the hijackers and after nine hours of negotiations flight 139 is Moose to the old terminal where the hostages are disembarked and confined courtesy of the British Broadcasting Corporation the Israeli government launched that flight 139 has landed at entebe with this Colonel Ehud Barak establishes an ad hoc group to deliberate potential military operations during such deliberations Major General Benny pallad suggests transporting 1 000 troops over 2 000 miles to entebay on the 29th of June the hijackers finally release a communique listing their demands including the release of 53 pro-palestinian militants across five countries by 2PM on the 1st of July here Israel faces a problem as bowing to the hijackers demands would likely set a lasting precedent meanwhile an operative of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad flies over in tebe in a light aircraft to collect photographs of the Airfield in a meeting with Israeli Minister of Defense Shimon Perez Benny palette demands what do you want that we conquer in tebe or the whole country 's replies how many do you need for that to which peled replies to conquer the whole country I need 1 000 soldiers to conquer and tebe maybe 200 men for the hostages at entebay their stay is becoming perilous during the afternoon Jews and Israeli Nationals were separated from those of other nationalities one hostage a holocaust Survivor recalls I felt myself back 32 years when I heard German orders waving guns I imagine shuffling lines and harsh cries of Jews to the right on the 30th of June some 47 hostages mainly French Nationals are released and flown to Paris as a Goodwill gesture from Ugandan president Idi Amin from these Israeli Intelligence Officers gather information helping them to build a picture of the hijackers numbers equipment and routines moreover they confirmed that none expect a military response and are accordingly Lacks on the 1st of July the remaining 101 non-jews are released leaving only 94 Israelis and 12 defiant aircrew as the deadline fast approaches Israel negotiates an extension until the 4th of July come the 3rd of July the day of the Sabbath with meetings taking place in Tel Aviv a force of four Hercules named by the Israelis as the karnaf depart from Lord airport heading in different directions to avoid arousing the suspicion of inquisitive eyes below in complete radio silence the aircraft land at othira as a civilian airliner above almost ashes the operation secrecy by broadcasting of a party beneath here the karnafs prepared themselves for the 2484 mile journey to intebe the aircraft are given permission to depart as they do they briefly cross into Saudi airspace before heading southwards towards the gauntlet of the Red Sea as the formation transits across Saudi radar operators below keep a watchful eye on traffic back in Tel Aviv two Boeing 707s depart from LOD airport heading for Kenyan airspace as political deliberations conclude with unwavering support for a strike once clear of Egyptian and Saudi radar installations and before entering the ranges of French and Soviet Radars in Eritrea and Somalia all four aircraft filled to the brim with Israeli Special Forces turned Southwest towards Uganda with Khan F1 on the ground at entebay airport Lieutenant Colonel sharni turned his aircraft towards the old terminal and with his ramp lowered a Mercedes-Benz and two Land Rovers manned by 29 men of The Sire at Mat call commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Yoni Netanyahu move in procession towards the old terminal as they approach two Ugandan soldiers halt their advance as one raises his rifle the other disappears into the darkness Yoni commands his Mercedes to cut right enabling a clear line of fire the first Ugandan Soldier is struck falling to the ground only to stag At His Feet as he does so the Stillness of the Knight is Shattered by the crack of Kalashnikov fire from the Land Rover behind killing the soldier the second Ugandan Soldier reappears but is promptly shot down by the mounted machine gun all secrecy is now lost in the future Lord of gunfire immediately Yoni Netanyahu orders the procession to make haste towards the old terminal as Ugandan guards from the control tower open fire with the vehicles now reaching the old terminal the 29 men of the siren mat call disembark racing towards their entry points at the Forefront mookie betza Fires at a fleeting Ugandan soldier who Retreats into the terminal approaching the old terminal matzo spots one of the hijackers Wilfred Bose step outside the building taking aim better fires and misses Bose bursts back into the departure Hall shouting the ugandans have gone crazy they're shooting at us the siren might call briefly falter as they Bunch up beneath the old air traffic control tower spurred on by the yells of Yoni Netanyahu the teams continue to their entry points as betsa reaches the first entrance point he finds it blocked with no way through sprinting past him Sergeant Amir Affair reaches the second doorway and spots a militant ahead of air fires are burst into the building as the militant returns fire within seconds the militant is dead outside Yoni Netanyahu steps away from the building observing his forces progression as he does so a lone Ugandan soldier in a concealed position fires wildly towards the Israeli soldiers Yoni is struck collapsing to the ground with wounds to his chest and arms several Israelis returned fire neutralizing the Ugandan Soldier spurred on by this affair bursts into the big Hall where the hostages are contained as he enters he turns right to his rear Bose and cool men are crouched on the ground as they turn to fire on Affair his team lead amnon pallad burst through the door and kills them both mindful of his orders not to falter for the Fallen netanyahu's men Press On Amon goren and mookie betza now burst into the main hall as a second militant emerges from behind a concrete column raising his Kalashnikov returning fire goren strikes the Millicent's weapon rendering it useless in the crossfire hostage's Ida baruchovic and Pasco Cohen are fatally wounded despite being ordered to stay prone in a panic hostage John Jack maimoni Rises to his feet and is shot dead by an Israeli operator before the man can be identified rushing to his Aid yitzat David is also shot dead as orders to remain prone are barked all four militants guarding the hostages have now been neutralized with the firefight lasting just 50 seconds Israeli operators now head towards the militants living quarters and a small Hall at the end of the building the remainder of bester palette zusman and Amos Ben avraham's teams push into the main hall via the second entrance reaching the entrance to the small Hall Lieutenant giora zusman enters spraying the room with rounds as he retires to the entrance two members of his team Race past firing into the kitchen area at the end of the hallway here they find two dead Ugandan soldiers men of Danny arditi's team attempt to breach the militants living quarters unable to enter one operator throws a grenade which fails to go through a window bouncing back wounding one of our deity's men and reisman now Venture further into the building covering their rear is Tamiya Prado as they Advance they encounter two figures dressed in civilian clothing this man passes by but riceman Holtz noticing their military webbing loaded with grenades reisman shoots them dead as they fall to the ground a grenade rolls out but the blast is blocked by the Corpses our DC's team is able to break in through a narrow window and mop up the militants quarters assisted by men of Ben avraham's team in total seven of the 10 militants have been killed at the other end of the terminal building Captain Riker clears the Customs Hall and moves up the stairs to the second floor two ugandans are shot dead trying to descend the staircase captain iftar and Ranny Cohen rush into the final room at the top of the staircase the Ugandan soldiers live in quarters as they breach they find the room littered with abandoned blankets the rest of the ugandans have simply fled with the last room cleared the two climbed to the roof where they spot the firefight taking place between Arnon Epstein's support team and Ugandan soldiers up in the control tower while the storming of the old terminal has been taking place another assault team has rushed to storm the new terminal building its control tower and Airport facilities all of which have been captured quickly and secured precisely on schedule karnaf 2 lands and begins to taxi along the runway two armed Jeeps disembark with two more Special Forces teams heading towards the old terminal as they drive to join their comrades the runway plunges into darkness as the runway lights are Switched Off despite this karnaf 3 lands with its complement of two further jeeps and 30 more special forces operators are disembarked shortly after Khan F4 lands with two Peugeot 404 pickups a 10-man Israeli Air Force crew a 10-man medical crew and 20 further operators major Sean moth house brings the machine guns on his armed Jeep to bear on the control tower while the Jeep moves to take up position covering the military Runway and its fighter aircraft a further two Jeeps cover the approach roads from Kampala with the old terminals control tower temporarily subdued karna 4 with its 16-man contingent of operators is brought forward while still exchanging fire with Ugandan soldiers in the tower the process of loading the hostages on board begins the Jeep covering the military Runway identifies five mig-21s and three mig-17s the men in the vehicle open fire on the aircraft with machine guns all are rendered inoperable with several satellites with fresh Ugandan troops observed approaching from the north the entire force rushes to re-embark on the karnafs with all of the hostages accounted for karna IV rolls down the taxiway towards the main Runway to take off the Jeep's fighter holding action against the remaining Ugandan forces while The Operators refuel and then load onto the other aircraft as the last Israeli soldiers board smoke grenades are thrown nearby to shroud the vulnerable aircraft during its last undefended moments finally with the entire rating Force loaded the remaining aircraft taxi towards the runway where they will safely take off into the darkness [Music] the raid on entebbe would become immortalized in Israel with 102 of 106 hostages rescued and seven hijackers eliminated the operation is a resounding success Yoni Netanyahu would himself become a national hero alongside the five others wounded during the raid the sheer audacity to fly Special Forces halfway across the world land at the airport perform the raid refuel and then take back off to fly home again would Grant The entebbe Raid status as one of the most daring and frankly outrageous Special Forces raids ever conducted on our sister channel the Intel reports this week we're looking at why the hijackers took the aircraft to of all places Uganda and why they were welcomed there
Channel: The Operations Room
Views: 841,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: special forces, animation, history, animated, israeli special forces, entebbe, entebbe raid, israel
Id: 4bnUn6A3EII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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