Enshrouded. I made my starting base FLOAT!

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hello and welcome back to unshrouded sorry it's been a while since my last upload but I had problems with my video card and it took a little while to get another one um in the meantime I've been building this little city in the starter base area and I've been trying to to push the limits of what I could do I've used almost every block I could find in the game and I think it turned out pretty good so like to give a little tour today to show you what I've been working on um here I've got a little Alchemist Tower and I've tried to set it up so it could be you know look nice but still be efficient I spend a lot of time um grinding out the the black arrows or the exploding arrows I mean this thing only makes nitrate and this over here only makes the black powder um over there I had all the little alchemy stuff set up in his little bedroom down here I tried to put some books to make him look you know scholarly like he is and make it look sort of lived in um I actually had to use some of the secret passage ways to make some of the bookshelves because it's just a lot easier to make the paper than it is to go out and farm the old books over here I've got a little Farmhouse where it just you know grows the seedlings this is sort of like my main Farm to grow stuff all the other plants I've put in are sort of decorative so I don't want to keep messing them up over and over again a little beehive Hut over here you know nothing special um put all little Platforms in to make it easy to jump around or zipline everywhere I got a little Hut here just to kind of sleep in to turn the day to night um took some time to build a cool little wellhouse here's my secondary Garden this actually get is usually just shrubs that I plant over and over again and then over here there's a circular Garden I thought was kind of cool to have a little spiral as it tapers down most of this stuff never gets replanted it's just there for decorative reasons um over here we have a little out house you know in case you're a shy pooper you can come over here and have some privacy I tried to add all the details I could that's fertilized soil it has a nice poopy effect as we come over here this is the blacksmith's house we've got a little shop set up for him with all the stuff you need to make your copper bar iron bars everything for your everyday Archer needs out the back we have a little porch so I can view this shrouded area they take little pot shots at the level one guys that come by a nice little view of the backyard I guess U we come over into The Carpenter's house I try to make it more open air looking you know there's probably tons of sawdust and particles everywhere they' make a mess so little tiny bedroom down here just to turn the day to night then we come back over to the altar the flame alter underneath you have a little glowy mushroom Garden I tried to make sort of a gazebo on top of this thing a a bunch of times but it never looked right so I went with more of a simple approach here I have like a Tavern uh I try to do much more of like a trophy showcase for this runaround um you can see I have all the little dragon heads mounted up there in the order that you get them little cozy kitchen with plates everywhere as we come out to the back porch I've got a little barbecue area right there if you want to chill out and relax cook some food I've got little tables set up in case there was patrons or whatever right here I have smallest bathroom ever made just kind of tucked under the stairs all Harry Potter style and then over out to the side there is a small little balcony if you want to look around or glider down to some places it's not a bad location as we head back in and go up this little staircase I tried to make a little like Tower thing but the proportions are are kind of weird from the outside it came out way too big but I mean it still is nice for what it is a little bedroom up here you can tell the guy's not a big reader there's no no books really except from the the table out here we got another porch if you want to jump down and you know glider to another part of the base there's the little like the first shrouded area you really encounter in the game and some ruins down there we have a tiny little flower garden let's jump down and take a slightly closer look nothing really to see here and now we will go back into the base and downstairs to the hunter area where I have everything set up to make my you know armors and arrows and all that fun stuff that the Archer needs more trophies I'm going to really try to make it look like this was where the Hun hangs out and all of her prize trophies here's a little back exit that goes around this tree that the floating island is sort of stationed around uh once again I'd really like to thank you guys for watching you know my last video had 6,000 views on it which I couldn't believe you know my previous videos have only had like a hundred so I mean it was overwhelmingly positive feedback from everyone so I'd just like to thank everyone and appreciate you watching have a good one
Channel: voorh33s
Views: 616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n0EIntrj3TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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