Enneagram Type 1 Compatibility

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Enneagram type 1 in intimate relationships I've noticed some patterns on who type 1 typically matches up with in a significant relationship this does not mean that these are the only types that type 1 can match up with again it's about level of health that determines how successful your relationship is going to be so they can be with any type but these are the types that I've noticed that types one tends to gravitate towards in intimate relationships first type one goes with type and nine I've seen this frequently and frequently it's a type nine with it one wing and a one with a nine wing so they have some similarity since they both have each other's wings but yet their differences help teach them to grow and to learn that type nine is more of a being oriented in and more relaxed more grounded presence less driven perhaps type one they've got their strong ideals they're organized they bring that structure to the relationship they can both learn from each other I think that's why they tend to gravitate toward each other the other trend I see is type 1 with type 7 now type 1 goes to type 7 when they're incorporating health and type 7 goes to type 1 is their stress point so they again can relate to one another's types have that similarity but they also have differences that they can benefit from type 1 tends to be more structured and needs to loosen up stuff and have some fun put down the rules put put down the structure and the 7 will teach them to do that type 7 sometimes needs to get that structure needs to become more organized and the one will help them with that so that's why those two tend to gravitate toward each other I also see frequently type 1 with type 3 now these types are a little bit more similar they're both very task driven they have things they want to accomplish maybe more serious but type 3 also is a little we're people-pleasing they're more a little bit more easygoing at times and maybe they can loosen up the one maybe they can have the one drop some of their ideals and vice versa the one can help the three stay more principled and hold to what they believe lastly I often see type one with type one I think the reason sometimes I see this pattern is because type one has such strong ideals that they can become disheartened with another type because that doesn't share those same exact values so they might gravitate towards someone who shares that same sentiment of ideals of this is the way the world should work this is how we need to do it we need to be organized we need to be structured we need to get things done just like this we need to be in like our health and work on our health so these types Revit eight actually toward one another because they share that similar attitude in life and then they can maybe get along better and they'll still be some differences obviously maybe they'll have different wings or different upbringings there's always differences but these are the types that I've seen that type one tends to gravitate toward in intimate relationships they can go with any type again look for level of health but this is the pattern I've seen
Channel: Enneagram Julie
Views: 2,671
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Enneagram Type 1, Enneagram Compatibility, Enneagram and dating, Enneagram relationships, Enneagram Type 1 dating
Id: _aJTmJlsCuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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