ENIGMA (A Psychological Short Film Directed by Curry Barker)

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look up ah [ __ ] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] ah okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey what have you been sorry I've waited up all night yeah sorry man just kind of busy because it's in the world for some so sorry hey um sorry hey why are you still working well they keep scheduling me so why not [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] it's my mom what are you doing up so late what do you mean honey you're it's like it's the afternoon where you are hey I'm in Spain Spain what are you doing in Spain it's the end of the world honey the world is ending your father and I are making the most of it like you should be sure he says he loves you Mom I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed sleep when you're dead honey go have fun this is the only time in your life you're going to be able to do something oh on an adventure like tweeted this skydiving that would be fun it's a 46 hour lady I'm gonna get some rest I love you Adam I love you bye do you have a shopper rewards card seriously for the points the world's ending I really believe that BS you can hear them they've been saying that [ __ ] since the 80s it's propaganda why do you think all these companies are pushing suicide it's population control man those are private companies well we certainly know something we don't what do you think they're going to do with all the money from their creative suicides a lot of effort to own a yacht for one day and then die would you like a bag paper please hey hey hey what are you doing in my place no no this is my place man you're in my apartment oh okay sorry man I was all turned around the door was open and I'm a little drunk I thought this was my unit I'm sorry hmm this is nice people should use this more you holding up all right yeah you sure it doesn't smell like it haven't you heard it's the end of the world doesn't mean you give up [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] hey how's the trip how are you I'm good I was just looking through some old yearbook photos and thought I'd give you a call do you remember Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Middle School to high school remember yeah what about her mom do you think I made a mistake spending all the time I did with Cassie for it to just end like it did I think I did I did I pushed all my friends away put all my eggs in one basket and now it's all over [Music] Evelyn asked me once if I was given the chance to know when I was going to die what I want to know I remember I said yeah I would ought to be cool to know Planet Money was coming and he argued about that and she thought it was an awful idea she was always right it was stop I don't want to hear this I'm sick of it one I don't have time for it I don't have time for it we all don't have time for it figure out how you want to spend your days but please don't waste mine with this negative energy I'm trying to conclude my life [Music] don't call me again unless you have something positive to say okay honey [Music] foreign I might be busy trying to save the planet so I'll call you back when I can leave a message hi [ __ ] are you trying to save the planet so I'll call you back when I can leave a message hey Evelyn it's uh it's Adam I hope you're doing well I um I'm calling because I I don't know I'm probably busy or whatever but uh you give me a call when you can I I I'd love to talk to you before anyway it's Adam [Music] hello Adam hi hi it's so good to hear your voice I got your message I am glad you did thanks for getting back to me it's been such a long time yeah have you been what have you been doing uh right now I was stationed in Florida with a climate crisis Coalition doing our best to see what's left of the ocean or you know trying to it's been great to see so many people still trying to fight back [Music] given the circumstances wow yeah how about you honestly uh stupid [ __ ] is what you're doing sounds incredible why'd you reach out you remember senior year Miss Jackson always held their math class back because nobody could figure out the quadratic formula so once we got to the cafeteria every spot was taken so we'd sneak up to the catwalks in the drama theater and just hang out there and that would be our place the rest of the year no one will bother us [Music] and we talk about our lives and our goals our futures I've been thinking about that those times we had I asked myself what happened but I already know the answer to that I've been wasting all this time since the Doomsday Clock started ticking and I just didn't think anything mattered anymore but I'm wrong and I'm trying to play catch-up I'm reaching out because if there's one thing I do before I die it's to let you know I love you always have I'm sorry I never said it sooner I'm sorry I never said it I'm glad you did where are you um I'm in my mom's old apartment you know out of the world's not over yet you think you could get to Florida before the world ends yeah [Music] better get going oh [ __ ] okay I'll see you there [Music] I'm sorry man what the [ __ ] I'm sorry that was good you're good man I I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to go to a suicide party with us later because some of us are like ending it the right way I'm leaving where are you going Florida can't go to Florida can't go foreign's ending you're not going to make it so what what's in Florida everything good luck what about the pizza it's yours now [Music] if it was my last day maybe it was my last day on Earth I wouldn't be in church I'm sorry God but it's my last day in this universe I need to see birds and Buzzing Bees green grass have a green trees I'm seeing people who haven't been to me and why would I waste my time all my favorite people need teary eye goodbyes talk laugh hugging give a bunch of hot high fives I did my best man I gave this thing [Music] um if it was my last day on Earth if it was my life
Channel: that's a bad idea
Views: 119,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, Film, shortfilm, short film, indie film, independent film, award winning film, indie movie, drama movie, dramatic, psychological thriller, cinema, cinematic, curry barker, cooper tomlinson, the chair, thats a bad idea, thriller movie, enigma, apocalyptic, apocalypse, end of the world, environmental, environment, relatable, lonely, contained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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