Sound from the Deep - Short Film

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it wasn't my fault you're looking at me like i'm crazy i can see it you're wrong i am a scientist i don't make unfounded claims according to our records you were on the ship under student status believe me there are places there are secrets in this world we are not ready to face are you listening go from the beginning please you set off and then we set off and yes from the beginning my name is i joined the ms half quarter work on my phd for the university of helsinki the ship was already behind schedule when we left and winter was closing in days were getting shorter and shorter [Music] the expedition was sent to look for oil and natural gas in the arctic ocean in the areas where the ice has melted in the last few years do you know how it's done you use sonar and against to chat the seafloor the ship had an international from scandinavia and russia captain johansson was in charge of nautical operations and the research team was led by professor nurbery he was my supervisor and the best teacher i've ever had [Music] soon it became clear that the area wasn't as rich as they had assumed there was nothing worth drilling time was running out they were failing okay have you considered turning to north west there's a strip of sea we haven't checked out yet aren't you supposed to be studying the sediments oh or do you want to solve this first listen that strip is out of our cive area we all have done our best we didn't find anything and it sucks until tomorrow we turn back my shift is almost over and i want to go home so why don't you focus on your research okay so uh what's the hurry to go home i have to feed my cat that's when we heard it for the first time somewhere far north outside the shipping lanes hey the sound they given us an opportunity to be able to study a completely uncharged area with a pass-up chance like that don't tell me you're getting cold feet now be serious or i will turn your ship around right now you know what the risk that trip would be listen there's still a chance we could find gas now before winter falls you're the expert what do you think is making that noise to be honest i don't know it is continuous but um it's way too vague for me to jump into any conclusions it's gas what else could make a sound like that that's what we don't know mikhail is an independent scholar he works for the university his opinion is unbiased from that distance it was nothing but a loud rumble for all we knew it could have been ice flows rubbing together [Applause] well i agree sorry i agree and what does that mean well i i i think we should continue with these odds the trip is worth the risk five days that's how long you have to final deposit after that heart move returns back and that's not negotiable good job thanks man i've got north to the uncharted waters sophia and professor nurbarry spent all their time dragging the sound so what a breeze help me out will you so nordspec decided that it's gas and you don't believe that sometimes when i look north i feel like i'm in church like you're facing something greater than yourself like we shouldn't be here wow [Music] [Music] it's there somewhere just waiting for us [Music] i never had the chance to say i mean thanks for taking me on this trip it it really means a lot to me the way i see it there are two kinds of people the ones i trust and uh those who i wouldn't take along on a trip like this [Music] we are like explorers of the old now nobody's come this far before [Music] we are between two unknown walls the space and the ocean [Music] help somebody help [Music] how serious was norbert's condition the doctor said it was just exhaustion and kept him under observation the atmosphere on the ship was changing the ice ahead was thicker and the navigation was getting difficult the pressure of finding gas was now on sophia [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well buddy i'm glad you could join us it's the third day and there's been no sign of gas we are almost at the source of the sound just a little further and we find it further the ice is starting to move what about the message what should we do about it what message well we have some new data indicating that the source of the sound might not be gas the sounds too systematic to be coming from a geological source it's probably well a mechanical in origin maybe professor nurbery can fill you in on his observations mika what the hell are you talking about come on tell them it's it's like an underwater beacon or uh or a communications device communications device what the hell do you mean i haven't analyzed the sound myself mikhail you need to stop this you're embarrassing us all maybe it would be best to go back we're not the right team for this sofia we must continue north well then it's settled you have two more days [Music] after that norbert shut me out of the operation the polar night began and time was a blur then they found something floating in the sea looks like a fossil preserved in the eyes likely an ancient member of the cephalopod a class looks like it might even be hexagonally symmetrical it could be tens even hundreds of millions of years old i've seen it before [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why do you trust him we are not supposed to be here and captain johnson go to the [Music] bridge [Music] the sound is a message what does it say mikhail i don't know i hear it all the time is it playing now i'm going to talk to the captain sophia let's go home [Music] so [Music] uh conspiracy we have to turn back i've known norway for eight years and believe me he may look the same and he may sound the same but he's not okay he's mikhail you look like you could need some rest no i'm worried about you no no you're imagining things everything is all right now no come now michael it's for your own good [Music] uh [Music] did you hear already it could be bigger than the snowden field what where's sofia see an enormous cavern directly below us you were right it's gas we're surveying the seafloor with an rov right now [Music] no [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] are you alright [Music] set it free it's coming see mikhail we have released it from his prison uber is on its way its spawn are already here the source of all life listen how it speaks to us the ice is melting and the old gods feel awakened it's not too late don't be afraid you're a scientist is the great discover of all eternal chaos [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen to it [Music] no no don't [Music] [Applause] and you know the rest you rescued me three days later you have to understand there was nothing i could do [Music] there are powers far greater than us in this world do you know what waits for us once greenland melts do you want me to tell you i want you to stop rambling and give us the final coordinates of half google you're headed back north you're a search team put in the interruption in a moment we are running out of time take me ashore you promised [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sound from the Deep Project
Views: 927,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lovecraft, Horror, Arctic, Monster, Cthulhu, H.P. Lovecraft, ship, Voyage, shoggoth, ubbo-sathla, Sound from the Deep, Allonen, Laakso, Sound, Mystery, ice, Lovecraftian, cosmic horror, cosmic, tentacle, movie, deep, short, film, short film, Ääni syvyydestä, scifi, sci-fi, twisted films, mountains of madness
Id: ti231UvSvfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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