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[Spring 2022] [There seems to be a spooky vibe in the air...] [A mysterious opening] [Peek] [Extremely suspicious...] [When... can we get up?] [Carrot quietly sits up] -What is it? -Where are we? [Just starts acting] The "EN-HAMONG US" game will begin [2 Imposters, 5 crewmates] [Crewmates must successfully complete seven missions] [While the imposters must kill three crewmates] [Identities will be confirmed five minutes into the game] [In the event of a death an emergency meeting will be convened] [After the meeting, the person suspected of being an imposter may be killed] [2F][Fold and fly a paper airplane] [Hit 5 targets in a row with a nerf gun] [Elevator][Rest room][Escalator] [Arrange pictures in the office pantry] [3F][Draw Shin-chan][Become a news anchor] [Spot the difference][Tie][Elevator] [Rest room][Escalator][Shred it][EN-KIDS?] [18F][Cafeteria] [Elevator] [Hopscotch] -What is this place? -JAKE, please head out What? Me? [BLUKE has woken up] -JAKE -Me? "JAKE, please head out" [Still cranky after waking up] Hello [Heading out one at a time to protect their identity] Hello. Thanks in advance [Carrot is so polite] Do I just go anywhere I want? [Can go where you want] Where do I go? [All seven are ready] Mission [Search king finds the mission room] -We have to find the mission cards to play? -Yes [Must find mission cards to play!] Should be around here somewhere [A guy who is scared whenever the staff hide something] [Peek] Wow [Really?] [A guy who finds thing easily] "Drawing room. Draw Shin-chan with four different expressions" [La la la] [Drawing room. Draw Shin-chan with four different expressions] NI-KI should be the one doing this I'm not very good at drawing Shin-chan [Despite what he says his hands move swiftly across the paper] What? [Talk of NI-KI and he is sure to appear] SUNOO? What are you doing? How do we do the missions? We don't know who we are yet [SUNOO started the mission before finding out who he is] Still, it's good to get a head start [You're supposed to do your homework ahead of time] -You can do that? -Yeah Drawing room [Checks mission card] "Draw Shin-chan with four different expressions" I'd be good at this [Shin-chan is my area of expertise] It's not your turn yet... Oh, yeah [Mission Rules 1. One at a time 2. Must find the card to do the challenge] -Let me know when you're done -Okay [Extremely studious] But if you turn out to be a mafia [But... if you become an imposter] doing the mission would work against you [Doing the mission wouldn't be good...] I don't think I should do it yet [An imposter wannabe thinking ahead] I'm done [Happy Shin-chan][Angry Shin-chan] [Sad Shin-chan][Surprised Shin-chan] [Drawing room, Mission accomplished] [JUNGWON: Tie][SUNWOO: Drawing room] [NI-KI: Be a news anchor!] [HEESEUNG, JAKE: Rest room] HEESEUNG is out for a walk Huh? HEESEUNG? There's nothing around, right? [Gotta talk to you, it's urgent...] Did you find anything? [Gotta talk to you, it's urgent...] If we run away without the camera, they'll chase after us really quick [Ramyeon Boyz become mischievous] [Why? are they doing this? Sudden chase with the cameraman] [Hahahaha] [Hahahaha] I'm gonna go this way [I shouldn't lose them...] [HEESEUNG isn't here] [Perfect hiding (?) skills] [Oh, you found me] Where's JAKE... [Huh? What's that?] Found one [Finds himself in a mission room] This... [But what is this?] What is this? [Find the mission card to do the mission] [Let's look for it then] Where is it? [Let's look for it then] Should be around here somewhere Then could you find out you're an imposter while you're doing the mission? Oh, then... It might be better not to do it yet [HEESEUNG has the same idea as NI-KI] Over here? [JAY arrives at a mission room] [Holds the sleeping bag tight] The sign says "mission room" but there's nothing here I have to find a card? [Crewmates must find the mission cards] It's around here? [Mission cards are nearby] [Searching with enthusiasm] [A frog?] [Open] [Found something?] [Ice cream before the mission] [Analyzing the package thoroughly] [JAY] [You're a #@$@#$] Yes? [5 minutes have passed] [Identity is revealed] Oh... Okay [5 minutes have passed] [Identity is revealed] What am I? [Excited, Nervous] -Ah... -Okay [All identities are revealed] Of course [All identities are revealed] I'm okay as long as I'm not an imposter You're an imposter [Deeply moved] I'm so bad at things like this [Which member must he take out first?] JAY [Which member must he take out first?] [What does this laugh mean?] JAY [A weapon with a special ink that is invisible to the naked eye] This means I have to lie [The other imposter is also informed about JAY] [JAY, where are you?] [JAY, there you are] Did you find anything? What? [I found ice cream] What? [Urgent?] [My precious sleeping bag] I think... Yeah [I think... I have nothing to talk about] -Are you doing a mission? -No one is telling me anything [Just then, JAKE appears] Are you doing a mission? [Don't know why, but he's excited] What's with the ice cream? We have to find the mission cards [Info that everyone knows] I know We have to find the cards but I can't find any [I found ice cream instead] What's with the ice cream? I found it while I was looking for the mission cards Who does it belong to? Can I have some too? [Should I eat some ice cream first?] Why are you carrying around a puffer jacket? It's not, it's a sleeping bag [HEE-poster approaches his prey (?)] What's it for? You never know when or where you'll die With this, I can sleep anywhere on the spot [I only see JAY] [HEE-poster → Kills JAY] I died in a really remote place I don't think they'll be able to find me here [Sleeping on a sofa has become a reality] The black color is going to make people think I'm part of the sofa [Can someone tell the guys I'm here...] They might just walk by without seeing me [Can someone tell the guys I'm here...] There's another mission room here [The next member to be killed has been selected by the other imposter] [Checking] [Looks like no one is here] It's gotta be in here somewhere [Jump][Jump] Hey, it's Kim Sunoo Hey, it's Kim Sunoo [Two crewmates meet in the same mission room?] I'm going to find it first! You don't know who it is yet, right? What? It could be you [Starts searching while maintaining a safe distance] Pardon? [Pretending he didn't hear him?] It could be you [On alert] It could Don't... Don't come near me I won't [A back that is not interested?] [As expected, Search king is good at finding things] Huh? Huh? Man! [I only care about the missions] "Be a news anchor! Read the prepared script without making a mistake" [Don't forget to press the on button] Let's do this "It has been found that the more coffee you drink the higher the risk of obesity According to the Korea Food Communication Forum the family physicist Dr. Lee Soohyeong of the Seoul Medical Center" Lee Soohyeong [Fail] I said it right. Seoul Medical Center [Didn't read the acronym (KOFRUM)] Again, I have three chances [Be a news anchor, Take 2] [News anchor wannabe is totally focused] [I am going to succeed no matter what!] "According to the Communication Forum" -Fail! -"Seoul Medical Center" I read it right "Korea Food Communication" [Ends up complaining to the desk (?)] "Forum" I read it right What comes after that? "KOFRUM" [Dumbfounded] [Be a news anchor, Final chance] I'll begin [Almost as nervous as a live show] "It has been found that the more coffee you drink, the higher the risk of obesity Even if you drink your coffee black without cream or sugar the risk of obesity still grows According to the Korea Food Communication Forum or KOFRUM" [Relaxes after clearing the hard part] "the research team said that weight (kg) divided by the square of the height (m) Divided by..." [Tongue gets twisted...] No, I can do this [Spin around, Carrot] No, I can do this [Fiercely protesting] Fail! [In the end, SUNOO fails the mission] This is ridiculous I'm going to be back! Argh! [3F][SUNGHOON: Spot the difference] [NI-KI: Drawing room][SUNOO: Be an anchor] [HEESEUNG: Elevator][JAY: Shred it] [JUNGWON: EN-KIDS?] [Kitty lost] Oh! What's this? [Found a mission card] "Requires at least two people" [EN-KIDS? Requires at least two people One person must interview the other like "Turkids" Answer the final quiz to clear the mission] [Requires at least two people] SUNOO would be easiest [Gotta find a partner for the mission!] [Quickly but quietly] [Finds another mission room] [Pause] [No one is here] What's this? [What is the mission here?] [Looking for the mission card] This is so tiring -SUNGHOON -Yeah? Are you a crewmate? Yeah, yeah [Safe distance] You're not. You're obviously not Yes, I am [Dead end] It's locked I'm really a crewmate [Keeps saying he's a crewmate] [Will SUNGHOON... really turn out to be a crewmate?] -I'm a crewmate, really -What, what? I'm here to do the mission You can do it here [Distance has narrowed] -I'll do the mission then -Okay [Gotta get away from there] Argh! [Gotta get away from here] What's up with him? [Why did he run away...] [NI-KI is also looking for a mission card] Where is it? [NI-KI is also looking for a mission card] Nice! Nice, nice, nice, nice! This is it, right? [NI-KI is also looking for a mission card] [Finds a mission card] It is EN-KIDS? What's that? [The EN-KIDS mission] Go away [JAKE is here] Go away Why? [On alert] You're a mafia, right? -Huh? -You're a mafia What's a mafia? [Miscommunication from the start] Come on [Stop acting] -Oh, imposter? -You're an imposter, right? [Stop acting] You're an imposter? [A conversation between two potential imposters?] What? Maybe or maybe not Okay [If he could be, then retreat for now] What the? [What is that sound?] [You scared me!] [HEE-poster is here] Get out of here I could be an imposter You're an imposter? You never know [Is NI-KI HEE-poster's partner?] Okay, let's talk later Why do you think I'm here? [Why is NI-KI here?] Waiting... I'm waiting [Then are you my...] Aren't you going to leave? [I'm an imposter] -What? -Aren't you leaving? [Wary] -If you don't go, you'll lose -What are you doing? -You're scaring me -If you want to go, go now [HEESEUNG retreats for now] Okay, okay, okay [Is he really an imposter?] -See you later -Okay, okay, okay [So happy that he sent him away] [Now, should I read the mission?] Huh? [EN-KIDS? Requires at least two people One person must interview the other like "Turkids" Answer the final quiz to clear the mission] Then HEESEUNG [I need HEESEUNG!] I should do it with HEESEUNG I should've read it first Where did he go? [Searching everywhere for HEESEUNG who he sent away] Do you know which way HEESEUNG went? [Searching everywhere for HEESEUNG who he sent away] -HEESEUNG -Yeah? [Youngest follows him all the way to the rest room] -What are you doing? -Come on It's a quiz I... HEESEUNG Are you an imposter? [Keeps asking this question] No, I swear I'm not -Really? For real? -Yeah -You're a crewmate? -Yeah Huh? [Grab] What? [There's something in his pocket?] What is that? It's just something I found -Ah -Don't Run, run Oh, you scared me [Has NI-KI noticed?] HEESEUNG, you're an imposter, right? [Asking while on the run] No? [Is HEE-poster in danger of being exposed?] You're an imposter, right? I don't have anything You've been constantly hounding me about it I have to do this mission but I can't if you're an imposter [Walking backwards] [Suspicious but charmed into going back] He's acting strange He's acting strange [Suspicious but charmed into going back] But really... Oh, he ran off He's acting strange [Looking for a partner] He's acting strange [Just run] [Terrified] Don't come near me! Don't come near me! Argh! Argh! Wait Huh? [Just then, Baekgu hears the commotion] [Rush] [Please, lock] I'm going to do this with him [Reason why he chased him] NI-KI is acting weird [No one was coming after you...] [Checks surroundings] It's a mission for two people [Asks current mate to do the mission without any suspicion] Okay, okay, okay What is it? What's the mission? It's a quiz like "You Quiz" [Going back the way they came] Okay, okay [They're finally gone] That was scary What was that? Why are they running? Hello? [Knock, knock. Anyone here?] They're gone Oh, here it is [Finds the mission card that slipped out during all the commotion] Okay, "Spot the Difference" Spot the difference in the picture of this room [Time limit of 3 minutes] and the actual room [Time limit of 3 minutes] What's different? [Checks the picture] The remote control is in a different spot [1. Spot of remote control] The order of the cups is different [2. Order of stacked cups] The tissue is also in a different spot [3. Spot of tissue box] This one too The toy bricks have also changed spots [Baekgu is calmly finding the differences] [The answer] [Spot the Difference Mission cleared!] [Currently, the crewmates have cleared two out of seven missions] Okay, good Good If I see anyone, I'm just gonna run [Strategy: Run if I see anyone] [Strategy: Run if I see anyone] [SUNGHOON's footsteps as he seems to definitely be a crewmate] Are they still in here? [Arrives at the next mission room with ease] Oh, no one's here [Arrives at the next mission room with ease] I think NI-KI is a mafia I don't think JUNGWON is or HEESEUNG JAY isn't either [Potential crewmate: JUNGWON, HEESEUNG, JAY] I don't think SUNOO is either [Potential crewmate: JUNGWON, HEESEUNG, JAY, SUNOO] So it's gotta be NI-KI and JAKE [Ball Boyz = Imposters?] [Ball Boyz = Imposters?] -Oh, here? -Yes [Returns after the chase where no one was coming after them] Okay, okay [Returns after the chase where no one was coming after them] [I'm still here] Wait, NI-KI Come on, stop it [Superb acting] Do this with me I have a mission card -I have that too -Yeah [Turns out to be a gathering for people looking for teammates] I was about to do it with HEESEUNG [Turns out to be a gathering for people looking for teammates] What? -I'm going to do it with HEESEUNG -You can go -I'm really a crewmate -No way [Walking backwards] Go and wait then Why? -Let us do it first -Since we were here first -Is it different? Let me see -It's the same Look -What? -The tag on the front doesn't rip, right? Oh, it does Does it rip off? [Others don't know how imposters kill so he tries to distract them from the stamp] Hurry up [The confrontation between the youngest and oldest is still ongoing] I'm really not, HEESEUNG I'm really not Do you want to do it now? [Youngest and oldestz reconciles dramatically] -Yeah -Okay, let's do this Wait Crewmates have to do it together anyway [Missions must be carried out by crewmates together] Then we'll finish this up JUNGWON Okay, then I'll do something else "One person must interview the other" [EN-KIDS? Requires at least two people Like "Turkids"] "Answer the final quiz..." [One person must interview the other] Okay, okay, okay. Quiz? [Answer the final quiz to clear the mission] You can't catch me [Gets into character first] -Do we have to talk like that? -Yeah How do you feel right now, now? Good, good Could you show us your favorite heart pose? [It's funny that their tone is the same] Heart, heart Are you the imposter, imposter? No, no How can I believe you, you? Promise, promise Promise, promise [So gullible] Aren't you sick of jjapaguri now? Not at all [Interview is over, over] [EN-QUIZ?][YES] "Non-ri is a village in Docheok Township" [Mission cleared if they answer correctly] "Changnyeong-gun Gyeongsangnam-do" [There's Seokjusan Mountain that's 110 m in elevation] [But most of the area is a flatland and Deokgok Stream flows from east to west] "Then what is it called when a logical person fires a gun?" "What is it called when a Non-ri person fires a gun?" "What is it called when a Non-ri person fires a gun?" Non-ri? When a Non-ri person fires a gun? [A wordplay quiz that may be difficult for NI-KI] [The answer could be in the question, no?] [Time over] The answer is "reasonable" Oh, Non-ri as in logical... [Reasonable... Ah... Okay...] [EN-KIDS, Mission Fail] You promise you're a citizen? [Only thing left is his promise that he's not an imposter] Yeah, okay, okay [Only thing left is his promise that he's not an imposter] For real? Really -But still... -Who do you think the imposter is? I don't know We'll have to see during the meeting We'll have to check at the meeting [JUNGWON has come a long way in search of a mission] Here it is! Yes! "If you can jump to the 8th level and back the mission will be cleared" [Hopscotch] "You have one chance" I'll try [JUNGWON's mission] Seriously -You can't step on the lines -Okay [Spaces are smaller than expected] Wow, this is hard Can I turn like this? No? [No] Can I turn like this? [Act first, ask later] No? I didn't know the rules [In our neighborhood the only rule is not to step on the line] Do I have to jump then? [Retries after finding another mission card] [This time, he jumps properly] [Final 8th level] Done, right? Am I clear? [Worn out] [Hopscotch mission clear] HEESEUNG... If NI-KI is an imposter then he would've taken out HEESEUNG so I should go check on him If HEESEUNG is dead that means NI-KI is an imposter [Plan is to find dead (?) HEESEUNG] [Looks around] [W@$@#$ Argh!] I don't think I should go [What did JUNGWON hear?] Run away [Sound of shooting "The Chase with Cameramen Part 2"] -JAKE -Yeah? You're not the mafia, are you? -Are you? -I'm not the mafia [The three of us are safe] I think the three of us are okay [The three of us are safe] What's this? -It's a mission room -I did that one -It was Shin-chan -You did it? Yes, it was drawing Shin-chan [Shin-chan mission room that SUNOO cleared] What about this one? What about this one? I don't know [What is this room?] -Is someone here? -He's doing something [SUNOO is inside?] It's SUNOO "Even if you drink black coffee" [Trying the "Be a news anchor" mission again] "the risk of obesity still grows" I think you have to talk without getting your tongue twisted There's a mission here too I had no idea Should I pretend to be an imposter? [Just then, HEESEUNG goes in?] What... What are you doing? NI-KI [Is NI-KI the imposter's partner?] Hey, SUNOO. Run! We have to go! What? SUNOO, come over here [JAKE is playing it safe?] What's that behind you? [Protecting the name tag] -What? -You're the imposter! Huh? -What? -A gun? What gun? [There's a gun?] Your other hand Show me your other hand -Show me -What? [I have to do the "Be a news anchor" mission] I'm in the middle of a mission! SUNOO, get over here quick! [JAKE is calling desperately for SUNOO] I don't trust anyone [Keeps on checking the mission rooms] This is the same one Drawing Shin-chan So did you do it? SUNOO did this one [Argh!!!!] -What? -What was that? [What was that sound?] What? What? [Checking the crime scene] [Runs away] What is it? -JAKE! -What happened? [JAKE is the imposter?!] [Staff] [JAKE, you're an imposter] [So excited] SUNOO [JAKE must take out SUNOO] [Gotta find another mission card] What the! [Time for KE-poster to work] Did he get it on me? What is it? What is it? JAKE! [But identity is revealed because of SUNOO's scream] What is it? [Can't see the special ink with the naked eye] Am I dead? [KE-poster → Kills SUNOO] NI-KI NI-KI, NI-KI [NI-KI, where are you] [The next member on the hit-list has not been chosen yet] [Citizens have no idea how they are being killed] NI-KI NI-KI, NI-KI Just let me go this once [Tries to appeal] -I'll let you go -Just this one time [Scaring NI-KI who doesn't know anything] Just let me go this once [Scaring NI-KI who doesn't know anything] -Hey, what's that? -Just let me go [Doesn't fall for it] Just once Just let me go this once [JAKE, remember all the good times we had] I can't kill you right now anyway [Confesses?] -Don't lie to me -I can't Liar I have to pick your name first [Nice imposter tells him everything] Hey, what's that? [Tussling again] Okay [Hands held tight] -Just let me go this once -Okay, okay [Just then, the door opens] [Older JAKE lets younger NI-KI go] NI-KI, you're gonna... [NI-KI's cameraman] It's an extreme job [The cameramen] [And the other imposter] JAKE! [JAKE! = He's the imposter] I got caught How can I make sure no one sees this? [Reorganizing to hide the weapon that was almost discovered] [Up his sleeve instead of his pocket (?)] Oh, okay, okay Okay, okay, good [Time to hunt again] First of all I think my acting was awesome Because JAKE... A death has occurred Please come to the meeting room [Just before] [JUNGWON is on the 3rd floor that has become quiet again] [Oh, right... JAY...] [Can't tell if he's sleeping or dead] JAY, you're really dead? [Members that were killed can't talk] JAY [Members that were killed can't talk] How can I bring him back to life again? -You have to report it -What? Report it Report it? I did HEESEUNG, I know you're an imposter [On the way to the meeting] What, what? The thing you had in your pocket! I found it up there, on the 2nd floor It was the same thing JAKE had! What are you talking about? No, it's not [Youngest isn't easy to deal with] Let's just get to the meeting room first I think NI-KI and JAKE are the imposters [Everyone is coming to the meeting room] -I think... -SUNOO, are you dead? [Getting ready to lie down again] -It's NI-KI -I think it's NI-KI [Making NI-KI look suspicious] It's JAKE and HEESEUNG [Meanwhile, angels can't say a word] You're dead too, JAY? [So funny Haha] [We had no idea JAY was dead] He died without anyone knowing [We had no idea JAY was dead] [5-minute meeting starts now] If JAY died and he was the imposter would we be notified that he was an imposter? -No -No He's just dead No, no, listen to me It's HEESEUNG. It's these two It's HEESEUNG. It's these two [NI-KI is the witness in this zone] -I'm not -It's you two [Joins in] -Why do you keep saying it's me? -Stop saying it's me [Calm] If you're not, I'm sorry but his pocket... [Haha] I'm not... No one saw anything [Did anyone see that I was the imposter?] -In your pocket -It's NI-KI [(I saw something) in your pocket!!] No, no JUNGWON [Checks his pockets] He wouldn't have brought it here with him What did you see exactly? -What is it? -Stump! Stump! What's that? -What's a stump? -Stump Stamp I didn't see HEESEUNG, so I don't know -But I'm sure about JAKE. It's you -Why is it me? But here the thing What I saw was when I was on my way to report that JAY had died JAKE started running towards me What is it? [The two met before going to the meeting after JUNGWON made the report] You're an imposter, aren't you? -No, I'm not -What? [The culprit was still at the scene?] JUNGWON [JUNGWON, were you looking for me?] JUNGWON [Hahahaha] I was only running towards you because I was glad to see you Yeah, right It's been a while, so I was glad to see you [You're hurting my feelings It was just because it had been a while] -There's no doubt it's JAKE -Come on It's definitely JAKE I saw him! On the 3rd floor [Has a lot to say but can't] I saw him kill SUNOO [Nodding hard] NI-KI came in first into the room -JAKE, can I be honest? -But I ran away when I saw that [Trying to get out of this] [Things are getting interesting] -No! -No! He... [Things are getting interesting] Then let's put it to a vote now [Let's vote since there's no time] Okay, okay [Let's vote since there's no time] -I think it's JAKE -Me too. JAKE [JAKE gets three votes] -I think it's NI-KI -JAKE for me too -I vote for JAKE too -I think it's NI-KI I think it's JAKE What about you? [What is HEE-poster's choice?] -I vote for JAKE -Okay I vote for JAKE [At least one imposter needs to live] [How very interesting today] They're killing each other [Remaining imposter 1 VS 4 missions] Why do I feel so anxious? [4 people remaining] [4 people remaining] I don't think SUNGHOON is an imposter [Self interview] So, I whispered to him and asked him to meet me on the 18th floor Because if I'm with SUNGHOON and one of us dies then the other can report it right away [JUNGWON has formed an alliance for safety] [Will SUNGHOON come?] I'll just be hiding in here Can you still see me? [Checks to see if he's visible on camera] You can? Okay [But] [But no one is coming...] Why isn't he coming? Did he forget? [Maybe he forgot] [Endlessly waiting for SUNGHOON] I think he really forgot No way [What should I do?] I'm going to head out [Wants to believe in him] I think he'll come [Wants to believe in him] [Hesitates] [Thinking] I'll just wait a little longer [2F][HEESEUNG] [NI-KI: Fold and fly a paper airplane] [SUNGHOON: Hit 5 targets in a row with a nerf gun] Whew, I'm alive [HEE-poster manages to survive a huge crisis] [Now, it's time to kill the next target] NI-KI, NI-KI, NI-KI, NI-KI NI-KI, NI-KI, NI-KI, NI-KI [Fortunately draws NI-KI who has discovered his stamp (?)] Bye, NI-KI [Target has been found] [Let's go around the other way!] Oh, you scared me [Calmly walks backward] Oh, you scared me This doesn't feel good I can't trust anyone [Moves slowly checking his front and rear] The mission room... He's not in here [NI-KI isn't in the mission room] You go, you go [Confronting SUNGHOON] Go to the 3rd floor HEESEUNG is a little... [An extremely suspicious situation] [Don't make a sound] [A guy who needs to shoot and a guy who needs to not get caught] [Hears something] [NI-KI is in the middle of a mission] This is kind of scary [Hasn't noticed yet] Oh my [NI-KI, I'm here] Check it, check it [He stamped him?!] Check it, check it It was you! Shh! [HEE-poster quietly asks to check] Check it, check it [This is so unfair] No one believed me [Gives up] [HEE-poster → Kills NI-KI] [Crewmates don't have much time left] It's usually close by [Searching as quietly as possible] Could it be in here? [It was here before] [HEE-poster is everywhere today] [Someone is here?] It's you! It's not me [Keeps running into SUNGHOON] This mission requires two people Do you want to do it with me? Okay, sure -Okay, okay, okay -Oh, wait -A death has occurred -Huh? Please come to the meeting room Who is it? [Just before] Someone come, please... [NI-KI NI-KI is alone in the hallway] Anyone... [Anyone... Please come] Please [Peek] He must've forgot I should go [JUNGWON gives up waiting for SUNGHOON] [Carefully enters the danger zone] [This is the situation he finds as soon as he comes down] [Asking him to call it in] Is he here? [Thoroughly checks his surroundings] I'd like to file a report [JUNGWON files the 2nd report too] Report Let's talk about where we each were [We are going to] [Take a break] I was on the 18th floor I asked SUNGHOON to meet me there But he didn't come, so I came back down and NI-KI was dead, so I called it in I was on the 3rd floor Me too [HEESEUNG was on the 3rd floor with SUNGHOON] I was on the 3rd floor looking for a mission card There's three left, right? [Survivors- HEESEUNG, SUNGHOON, JUNGWON] He's bored now that he's dead [NI-KI] He's bored now that he's dead [No one believed me, humph] This feels so unfair [Stretching] The results are out The crewmates lost -The crewmates lost -The crewmates lost [Which team won?] -The imposters have won -Why? [The mission] [Imposters: Kill 3 crewmates] [Crewmates: Clear 7 missions] [Victory of Imposters] I told you! [In his own space] No one believed me! -I told you, I saw him! -Wait, wait [It was clearly JAKE for sure] He had it in his pocket You should've done a better job checking [Drop] -No one believed me -I didn't know [A job well done for Hee-poster] I believed you. I knew it was HEESEUNG I never lied so much in my life -Yeah -Starting today, I'm calling you a liar [We're all worn out from all that running around] Can we play one more round? One more round? Okay, I got it now [Since we tried one round let's do it right this time?] [Next week] All done! [Next episode] [EN-KIDS are excited about going home] -Everyone -The crewmates won Good job on today's shoot -It's not over yet -What? I heard some rumors [Well informed] There's a penalty for the losing team [Correct] Wouldn't it be so obvious if I was an imposter? [Can't trust anyone anymore] You're definitely not a crewmate If an imposter comes [Final round of EN-HAMONG US] [With a penalty for the losers] Stickers I saw him holding small, round stickers [From the first witness who saw an imposter] -Can I touch your hand? -Wait [To a professional doubter] I think in general the imposters leave early [Full of suspicion] What the... [Imposters are coming] I think it's either JUNGWON or HEESEUNG [Sherlock brain in full operation mode] Why is it me again? [Unbelievable] Being a crewmate is so scary [A thrilling chase] I practically did everything [Who will be the unlucky team that gets the penalty?] What kind of smile is that? [Find out on EN-O'CLOCK next week!]
Channel: ENHYPEN
Views: 837,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BELIFTLAB, ENHYPEN, 엔하이픈
Id: wNzOIPJrj6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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