ENGLISH SPEECH | PRIYANKA CHOPRA: Voice for the Voiceless (English Subtitles)

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[Music] today we're diving into an inspiring speech by Priyanka Chopra at the United Nations as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Priyanka has been a vocal advocate for children's rights in today's video we'll Explore her powerful words at unicef's 70th Anniversary event where she discusses the importance of collective action and the role of humanity in shaping the future for our children stay tuned as we break down her speech highlight key vocabulary and discuss the broader impc of her advocacy let's get started um good evening ladies and gentlemen it is such an honor for me to be here tonight in this iconic un building celebrating unicef's 70th Anniversary first of all I want to take a moment to celebrate every minute of these 70 years where UNICEF has worked selflessly for every child today we all stand here to renew that exact pledge to every single person involved in UNICEF keep doing what you're doing because the world is a better place because of you my involvement with UNICEF started 10 years ago in India today I stand Here humbled enriched committed because of that exact experience I want to thank the India team who has worked wirelessly with me for over 10 years now for the amazing journey so far and I want to thank UNICEF for giving me this opportunity to extend the work that I can do to the world everywhere we look today you can see the advancement of man how the human mind has basically invented created and built a whole new world yet strangely every time that I have been on the field I've wondered how that same human mind continues to allow the exploitation of children across the world where girls are being denied to go to school where children are living without clean water Medical Care protection even food where their bodies and minds are unprotected from violence abuse and exploitation where they are targets of War every day horrifying images fresh horrifying images flash across our screens a 10-year-old girl dressed as a bride marrying a man twice her age a boy sitting at the back of an ambulance trying to understand what just happened to him a girl watching her brother go to school as she prepares for another day of housework a boy's lifeless body washing up on a beach far far away from his home ladies and Gentlemen people of the world I we ask you to join us today to become the collective voice of oppressed children across the world in our fight against the injustices that they have had to endure every day I thank you for being being there today I'm humbled inspired even more as I look around and I listen to everyone here not just to be a part of Unicef but to be involved with all of you individuals who have selflessly dedicated their voice their time their heart into helping the world see light that we are seriously endangering our future which is our children I recently read a quote somewhere that being human is given but keeping our humanity is our choice so let's choose Humanity let's choose to act now let's choose to fight now and let's choose to ensure a better world for our children and their children and the generations to come my wish for children is freedom the freedom to think the freedom to live thank you very much good evening ladies and gentlemen um this incredible panel of women that are so inspiring I've worked with UNICEF now for about 12 years and uh mostly with education and rights for girl children um whether it was my travels around India Jordan recently uh to the Zari Camp uh with Syrian refugees whether it was Zimbabwe where the numbers are staggering one out of three girls under 18 has been sexually violated 100% um South Africa um violence is is comes out in so many forms whether that's sexuality whether that is um physical violence emotional violence um the one thing that I have seen that usually works within within communities is to be able to empower women to be and young girls young girls giving them the right to tell them it is okay especially in developing countries like you were speaking ma'am right now about um if a girl wears a certain outfit she's judged for it and she asked to be raped or if uh a girl hits puberty she will not be allowed to go to school anymore because she might be raped or it might and that will bring honor that will bring dishonor to the family these are certain little things that are set in mindsets which have been for thousands of years been told to us as women that we dictate Our intention or everything that we we want to achieve by the clothes that we wear or the way that we speak or how loudly we speak or what point we're trying to make so what has worked is empowering these young girls and boys in schools in in um by telling them that a a real man is not violent and a real woman is not tolerant of it because what happens is society tells boys that it's okay to be violent and then women just become tolerant and when these girls are empowered I've seen so many kids that I have met who go into their own communities and spite of being ousted despite of being told that there are too much women and they are bad influences and um they will probably you know turn the other girls into um bad influences they go out there knock on doors and make the change so we need to start young we are not going to be able to change the mindsets of older people unfortunately and starting young how do you get girls and boys to be more engaged in this fight both both girls and boys well again I think you know the fact that everyone sitting in this room we there are people who are influencers governments people in higher positions and platforms once you like in India for example we have incredible laws that have been passed for the um for the protection of women um which local and international communities have pushed the government to do and now implementation is what is important you see young people with the use of social media with the use of being aware socially aware by parents teaching their children um by making them like how malala's father addressed us and he said my father was exactly the same he told me that no one will ever tell you to not have an opinion because that's the one thing that that's taken away from a woman is her opinion and her right and my father empowered me to be able to sit in front of you and and say anything that I want from my experiences and it's that with with the internet with the social media that we have it can become something which is horrible but can also become a boon by us being able to these kids are dictating and teaching themselves we're not going to be able to tell them this is how life is Led they're discussing it on their own they're on their phones they're on Facebook whether I was at Zari Camp whether I was in in Rajasthan in India whether I was in Zimbabwe so the access and the information that we provide to them is very important and UNICEF and so many other Nos and amazing organizations are doing such great groundwork which you said going into the field and actually changing mindsets visit our site englishspeech channel.com for exclusive access to video transcripts offline audio English lessons and private classes don't forget to explore our free and new ebooks also subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter for the latest updates links in the description below thanks for your support [Music]
Channel: English Speeches
Views: 53,106
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Keywords: safd198yjmkkvz0189hystty, english, speech, english speech, english speeches by famous people, english speech for learning, english speeches with big subtitles, english speech with subtitles, english speech pratice, english speech videos, english speaking, speeches in english, learn english, Improve, Writing, Grammar, vocabulary, speaking, script, transcript, Priyanka Chopra, UNICEF 70th Anniversary, child advocacy, Priyanka speech, humanitarian efforts, children's rights, Priyanka UNICEF
Id: RBZkCczK6xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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