ENGLISH SPEECH | PREITY ZINTA: Women's Safety (English Subtitles)

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what is the cost of your safety so is it a cup of coffee is it a really nice high-end lipstick or is it a lifetime of regret pretty Center does not need any introduction but I I wanted to sort of you know share with you a few things which actually resonate with me when it comes to Preity Zinta first of all I want to talk about a couple of words which in my opinion describe her better than anything else I think one she's a very courageous woman so I think courage is one word which comes to my mind when I when I think of her and something you will hear today would be perhaps related to that she's done a lot of unconventional films she's very unconventional and what what reminds me most about her is she is very endearing the films which she's done are uh sangharsh laksh Mission Kashmir Kal Ho na ho as you will notice many of them very unconventional very bold roles in in most of them I think the other thing which many of you may know about her is she's not only an actress she is also an entrepreneur and a corner of a cricket team uh and finally she is what really stands out in in the last 20 20 odd years which when we know her in in public as a public persona is she's a valiant human being who testified against Mumbai underworld when most men of Bollywood refuse to do so so she she is indeed man amongst all the all the people in Bollywood and pretty this is one thing we really admire you for so presenting to you pretty Zinta modern woman who lives life on her own terms very warm welcome and thank you for being here wow thank you so much uh whoever wrote that for you I think I should pay them for it that was amazing thank you so much um it's wonderful to be here today and um I'm here to talk about women's safety women's issues uh um women's safety is not just a problem in India it's actually a global issue but uh what are we doing for it um how can we be part of it is a conversation it's an ongoing conversation why I am talking about it here in this forum is uh even in 2017 uh if women say we want to uh compete be equal to men you can't compete and be equal to men because the minute you want to follow your dreams and leave your house your parents tell you don't go out better it's not safe and uh you can go and work till six o'clock but if you want to work post six o'clock then uh it's best you don't do it and let it um let someone else do it so the point is if you don't have an equal platform and you don't have equal opportunity how do you strive for that excellence and um and strive to do well in life so um we have come come out with something called covet safety and I think you as a father so the one thing I asked um uh Mr Watts right before entering was like do you have any daughters because if you have daughters uh you kind of will understand what I'm saying much more than if you didn't and he said yes I had two I have two so I had this big grin on my face and uh I was like okay and before we go into the other serious aspects of it I just want to say something on a light-hearted note that behind every successful man there is a woman behind every unsuccessful man there are two women but behind every successful woman is a progressive man it's either her father it's her brother it's her husband so but he's always Progressive so um should we start yeah yeah sure so I want so I think first of all congratulations for launching covered safety I think it's a fantastic idea how's the journey been and what is the what is what are the first set of people you want to sort of you know address amongst women as well is there an age group you are targeting first with kavach uh pretty or is it is it for everybody what is what is this welcome it is for everybody but most of all it's you see if you look at sexual crime and uh you see the uh reports and stuff it's mostly younger women and of course women going out of their homes so uh a first set of people are definitely students women that work um so going back to my journey when I first started with this project and I started uh so because I invested in a qriket team so people now come to me and say hey let's invest in a business together so I said okay you know when we think of something interesting we'll do it uh one fine day I woke up and I said okay you know um this is something I want to work um on um and then I started approaching people and saying let's do something on women's safety and the first thing everybody told me was why don't you become a social worker and I was like okay but why does this have to be social work why can't it be uh then the next thing I was like and the next thing I heard was women's safety well women will be safe if they don't go out at night so I mean seriously it was a joke but it somehow was really sad that we don't even and then the worst I heard was you're worried about women's safety people don't have water to drink and food so no one really cared about uh women's safety and that's the reason and this was five years earlier and that's the reason I'm here today so um so what is the uh would you like to tell us a little bit more about the app actually what are what are the features and how does it sort of work well coverage is actually a total and holistic solution at the Press of a button but it's backed with high-end technology and forensic support So to put it simply if anything ever went wrong uh you could subscribe to this app or you have a physical device a lot of people prefer an app and not a device but basically uh if you press the button somebody is going to come and look out for you not just somebody come and look out for you it will also help in collecting audio forensic evidence so the only way you can bring down crime is uh if anything ever happened to a woman the best way to protect her is obviously physically go protect her and then take her to a hospital but how does that prevent crime it doesn't really prevent crime crime can only be prevented if the rate of conviction goes up and the only weight rate of convictions can go up is if you can collect evidence and if it's a forensic nature which is audio forensic evidence it is easier to work with it in court so um it works uh so do you download this app or how does it sort of work if you have to pay for it and how does it sort of yes okay so it it yes you have to pay for it it's a subscription of 300 rupees so what happens is when you subscribe yeah you have to download it you go to our website we'll give you a particular number you download it once you download it we ask you for three things one is your emergency contacts if anything ever happened to you who do we call two is your medical history so if you are diabetic you have high blood pressure you have in any anything uh your medical history your blood group and everything yeah and third is your voice sample so I would probably say hi my name is Priti my coverage number is one two three four five whatever when something goes wrong um you press the button immediately you uh you can hold it down on your phone and it discreetly uh sends a message to an Emergency Operations Center which is not a call center it is a private emergency Operation Center it's not the police and as soon as they uh find out there's a problem they will within their screen they will immediately it geotags you so they know exactly where you are if you're walking you're running you're moving you're hiding a they know that and B as soon as you activate the app it immediately becomes an audio recorder so it records everything that's happening in and around you and gets stored in a cloud which can then be accessed by a forensic unit because the way a fingerprint is very unique to you so is your voice as soon as the Emergency Operations Center realizes that you're in trouble the first call goes to the police which gets recorded because legally you have to call the police uh we don't wait for the police to pick up the phone or do anything as soon as the ring goes it's recorded they will immediately send a price private response back to you and the private response will be anything from two people to five people they are let's say they're five so they're three men to women the men would be from ex-army X Special Forces backgrounds the women will be ex-army medical backgrounds uh they will find you um how an Ola cab or an Uber will find you right they'll find you they come with body cameras and mics so that if we reach before the police um it's well established that we have not contaminated the crime scene or fiddled with any evidence they will come and they'll help you um record your police statement hold your hand through your fir they'll help you through uh I mean take you to the hospital if something is really bad and all the beginning of it gets covered by insurance so that if something does happen to you um we don't then you don't have to then go into the whole process of giving a bill finding out how this is and stuff like that and from Victim Advocacy and uh so even things like Victim Advocacy and stuff that's also covered by insurance so in some ways it's um not just helping a woman but it's helping a woman with a heart and at the same time it's Pro victim anti-perpetrator so if if you are involved in a crime um you cannot run and you cannot hide it's a very good idea I I heard you say talk about armed forces and special protection group so any reason you've chosen that and not there are quite a few specialized people as well in this area now who do exactly this piece actually you know so from a security you know security is becoming a full-fledged business and there are a lot of people who are into security very specialized yes but if you looks Army Express so it's like you know uh they've done this all their lives they are very um they've done it under different circumstances so my partner in this is a gentleman called Anthony Morehouse he's Australian and he is an ex-special forces Commander he used to uh um so he did this for high net worth individuals across the globe in 155 different countries for over a million people they do emergency response uh it's obviously more uh expensive and done for high net worth individuals so we've brought that down and uh um focus and we're focusing on the women and yes my own infrastructure and network in India is very good with the ex-army uh my brothers in the Army my dad was in the Army my friends are all there so it's easier to tap that and also the fact that they have a very strong discipline and a code of conduct so that's why one one quick question I you know uh this what if the area does not have uh you know bandwidth or Wi-Fi so is there an option because I think particularly in India at the moment it's getting better by the day as you know yes but there are Pockets where the signal is not strong or not there and so on and so forth so how does that work so what happens is let's say there's no network here and then there's a gap here and there's a network there right so as soon as you drop it here it'll have the last uh location and it'll immediately pick it up there so it is the way technology is done so this is one thing which uh I'm not the tech person to be honest but this is something I kept questioning because I was like I don't understand it but uh it has a way of working by the way um they work it around technology and it kind of um it tags it um and somehow it works they they uh it'll skip it unless you're going completely into the forest then that I'm sorry is not going to work so uh I mean everything has its limitations still um India I mean even a four I mean if the phone is not working or if your phone's battery is dead then what do you do so is the app currently uh localized or sort of geo-targeted for India or is it available everywhere in the world no it's Target it's for India we are starting a test uh pilot in Pune with 50 000 women and in those 50 000 45 000 are going to be students from universities women working in um offices and I.T companies and 5 000 of those women are going to be we're doing it for free and uh those women are going to be all from families of paramilitary forces Army police cirpf BSF and um only for one reason that um you know if uh the men the brothers the fathers from all these families go to protect our country I think we can look after their women you know very good so um so we are we're actually what we're doing is in this a lot of my active friends and everybody have been very helpful and we are opening up a crowdfunding uh Zone where people can contribute uh from a rupee to 100 rupees to whatever and it's just a very small way for us to say thank you to all those families because they have tough lives yeah you're absolutely right uh I think it's something which is which is which one would look forward to and is a very welcome step it's it's really a good idea well thank you I think our biggest uh problem uh our biggest uh is uh issue that or problem that we're going to face is everyone thinks it's never going to happen to me it's it's going to happen to someone else and you just every single day you might not need something like this but that one day that you need uh is the day that you really need to think about so when we went to students and some students were like yes this is very important some students were like oh you know uh 300 bucks I don't know so I asked this girl what is the cost of your safety so uh is it a cup of coffee is it a really nice high-end lipstick or is it a lifetime of regret like um so do you also think that like uh it's never going to happen to uh me or is it no no and there's no question and I think the pricing personally if you ask me at about you know four to five dollars or 300 Indian Rupees is is very very very reasonable I think this is a life-saving app it's an it's an app which is very different and therefore should have takers in my opinion as we go forward well I hope so so when uh all of you come across if you're not living in India um please um if you are not living in India right now since it's Puna centered I can't say buy one for yourself but please if you if you do uh uh care then do donate to someone in need because uh I think uh it's time we actually take women's safety seriously and not just talk about it when something bad happens and make it a dinner conversation but actually uh be part in making a difference um for it yeah thank you so much and as you boil the ocean once again and make sure that you know there is something that this is indeed a great product you know thank you and and congratulations for thinking of it or for making it happen and all the very best for a family thank you thank you take this with me [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: English Speeches
Views: 232,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safd198yjmkkvz0189hystty, english, speech, english speech, english speeches by famous people, english speech for learning, english speeches with big subtitles, english speech with subtitles, english speech pratice, english speech videos, english speaking, speeches in english, learn english, Improve, Writing, Grammar, vocabulary, speaking, script, transcript, Preity Zinta, Preity Zinta Speech, Indian Accent, Indian Actress, Women, Safety
Id: DFCnootv6Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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