Speak English Over The Phone!

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if you want to learn how to have a conversation over the phone in english watch this video hello my name is maddie from poc english and in this lesson we are going to talk about how to have a phone conversation in english first of all we are going to learn some vocabulary which is related to phone and having a phone conversation then we are going to learn the main functions the main situations you may come across while you're having a phone conversation and finally i will show you an example of how to use whatever you have learned in this video when you are talking over the phone so make sure you watch this lesson to the end by the way if you want to receive the lesson summary of this lesson and every other lessons i post on youtube in a single pdf file for free just go to my website click on the link here or in the description go to that link enter your email address and that's it you will get all my lesson summaries in pdf format so let's start with the vocabulary and the first word is dial dial is a verb which means to enter a phone number in order to call somebody so the act of entering the phone number is called to dial so you dial a number next word is phone now phone can be a noun this is a phone well this is a cell phone but you can also have a phone but phone can also be a verb as a verb to phone someone means to call somebody so phone somebody call somebody there is another synonym ring you can also ring somebody also there is another way you can say it you can say give somebody a ring so to phone somebody to call somebody to ring somebody or to give somebody a ring means to call someone in order to talk to pay attention you cannot dial somebody you dial a number but you call somebody you ring somebody you phone someone and vice versa you don't phone a number you dial a number you phone somebody you dial a number now you have dialed the number in order to call your friend and then the phone rings what do you do you have to pick the phone up to pick up means to answer the call hi pick up now when you are done with the conversation and you say bye what do you do you hang up to hang up means to end the phone conversation so to pick up to hang up now imagine you call a big company and you want to talk to a friend of yours who works in the same company the operator will pick the phone up and will ask you who do you want to talk to then you tell the name of your friend and say i want to talk to jack the operator will say i will put you through what does it mean to put you through to put through means i will transfer your call to that person so i will connect you with that person i will put you through and if your friend is not available he or she will call you back so to call somebody back means to return a call so let's quickly review to dial a number to phone someone to call someone to ring someone or to give somebody a ring all of them are synonymous the next one was to pick up opposite is to hang up if you call a third person and that person wants to connect you to another person that is to put you through i'm gonna put you through and finally if the other person is not available they're going to call you back and that's with the vocabulary enough let's get to the second part of this video functions now in this part of the lesson we are going to talk about different situations that you might come across while talking over the phone and what you can say in those situations let's start the first function is answering the phone now if your phone is ringing somebody's calling you you pick up the phone but what's the first thing you say what would you say in that situation if you are answering a private phone if this is your cell phone and if a friend of yours is calling you can simply say hello that's it but if it's a business phone if you're working in a company and then the phone in your office rings you pick the phone up and you state your full name teacher ready so the first function is very easy and straightforward hello for normal conversations and if it's a business conversation to germany you state your full name function 2 is asking for another person now imagine you call someone somebody else picks the phone up and you want to ask for someone else what will you say in that situation you can say could i speak with and then mention the name of that person for example i want to talk to johnny depp so i say could i speak with johnny depp british people say too could i speak too so could i speak to johnny depp both of them are okay could i speak with could i speak too function 3 is saying who you are sometimes you may need to mention who you are over the phone maybe they're asking for your name what will you say in that situation well it's very easy right i'm maddie correct no if you meet someone in person you can say i'm maddie but when you don't have the eye contact when you cannot see the other person when you're having a conversation over the phone you don't say i'm maddie nope you say this is maddie so you use this is with your name now let's imagine a weird conversation imagine i picked the phone up and then i say hi the other person says hi could i talk to maddie but i'm maddie what should i say i can simply say speaking that's it speaking it means that's me i can also introduce myself and say this is matty i can mix the two up and say this is maddie speaking now in an informal context you can also say this is he if you're a boy if you're a guy or this is she if you're a girl or if you're a woman so in an informal context we say this is he or this is she pay attention not this is him this is her no no no this is he this is she but in a more formal context you would say speaking or this is maddie speaking all right function 4 asking who somebody is now you know what to say if somebody asks for your name right you say this is maddie this is your name but what if you want to ask someone of their name well in that case you can say who's this american people say who's this british people say who's that so both of them are fine you can say who's this or who's that but if you want to be very formal and polite you can say who's calling please who's calling please which means please tell me your name who's calling please so to ask someone's name you can say who's this or who's that or who's calling please now imagine somebody calls you and asks for johnny depp who's your roommate you look around and say hey johnny johnny johnny and johnny's not there what will you say over the phone you can say i'm afraid he is not in at the moment pay attention i'm afraid which basically means i'm sorry i'm afraid he is not in at the moment listen i don't say he's not here i say he's not in i'm afraid he's not in at the moment right now and then i can offer something for example can i take a message it means would you like me to give him a message when he comes back but on the other hand if you have called someone and then somebody else picks the phone and you ask for johnny and johnny is not there and the other person says sorry but i'm afraid johnny is not in at the moment what will you say you can say can i leave a message can i leave a message for johnny or you could say uh okay fine i will call again later you can have a request and say could you ask him to call me back could you ask him to call me back or you can simply ask them to inform johnny that you have called and say could you please tell johnny that maddie called thanks function 6 is asking people to wait now maybe something happens that you want to ask the other person on the other end of the line to wait for a second for example you have another call or somebody's knocking on the door of your room or office or maybe your wife or your mother shouts your name in that case you can say just a moment or hold on a moment or if it's an informal situation if your friend is over the phone you can say hang on that's it but in a business situation where your client is over the phone you might say may i put you on hold may i put you on hold or you can say hold the line please may i put you on hold hold the line please function 7 is when you have dialed the wrong number or when somebody has called you mistakenly in that case if you have dialed the wrong number you can say sorry i think i've got the wrong number or if the other person who has called you has dialed the wrong number you could say sorry i think you've got the wrong number this is maddie not jesse and the last function is when you have other problems which are very common when you're having a phone conversation now imagine you call someone but the connection is not smooth in the sense that they're on but then they go off and then they're on again and off again and on again and off again what can you say in that situation you can say jack you're breaking up you are breaking up which means you get disconnected then connected then disconnected then connected and i don't understand what you're saying you can also use this phrase while you're having an online meeting with someone and the internet connection is not so good or smooth so you can say sorry i couldn't catch that you're breaking up you are breaking up could you repeat please if in the middle of a conversation you get disconnected you dial the person again and you can say sorry i got cut off i got cut off which means i mistakenly or without any fault of my own got disconnected sorry i got cut off so that's it with the common problems you call someone they're talking over the phone with someone else so the line is busy the number is busy or instead of busy you say engaged right if you're talking over the phone with someone and the connection is not smooth it's on and off and on again and off again you say you are breaking up and if you get disconnected you can call again and say sorry i got cut off now we have learned some vocabulary and we have talked about eight different functions or eight different situations that you might come across while you're having a conversation over the phone now it's time to see a conversation in order to understand how to use these different phrases together let me dial this number charles company how may i help hi could i speak with jack richards who's calling please this is maddie all right hold the line please i'm going to put you through jack richards hey jack this is mandy hey maddie sup not much listen i'm going to have a party this at my place let's invite you uh sorry i didn't catch that you're breaking up oh i think i got cut off for a moment i said i'm going to have a party at my place this weekend would you like to come oh sounds great but listen i'm very busy now can i call you back later like in an hour sure sure no worries all right bye bye and that's it guys i hope you've enjoyed this lesson don't forget if you want to receive the lesson summary of this video click on this link or the link in the description go to my website enter your email address click subscribe that's for free you will receive the pdf file of the summary of this video plus the next time i record a video when i post on youtube you will receive the pdf file of the summary for free in your email address so don't miss it plus if you're new to my channel don't forget to subscribe to get notifications of my future videos that's it i hope you have a great day and bye [Music]
Channel: POC English
Views: 645,793
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Keywords: english conversation, learn english conversation, english conversation practice, daily english conversation, learn english, english speaking practice, daily english speaking practice, speak english, how to speak english, speak english fluently, english speaking, english speaking course, english teacher, poc english, pocenglish, english lesson, modal verbs, english phone conversation, phone conversation, english dialogues
Id: nkkf1fcL5R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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