English Modal Verbs in the Past: Should Have/Shouldn't Have

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all right we are rolling hi everybody and welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is alicia and today we are going to talk about modal verbs in the past i'm going to cover in this week's lesson one modal verb i'm going to talk about should have and shouldn't have and i'm going to talk a little bit about pronunciation tips for this grammar hi everybody make sure uh to send a message in the chat so that we can see you and say hello to you and also please make sure to like and share the lesson so that other people can find it and join in so while we wait uh for other people to join today's lesson as always a couple of quick announcements uh first announcement for today will be about this banner right here uh we haven't talked about this in a while but as always especially good if you are a beginner we have a lot of free pdfs that you can download to practice your english so you can choose i'll show you one now you can choose based on like your hobby for example singing or this is about music actually singing or maybe words for like emergencies you can choose from a topic that you're interested in food maybe as well there might be some background sound today there's a little bit of construction in my neighborhood i'm broadcasting from home uh these are uh downloadable pdfs that you can choose like a topic you need to focus on right now and study those vocabulary words so you can get these there are a lot of them i will show you some more later you can get these from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you are watching on facebook you need an account but the account is free that is announcement number one announcement number two is if you have questions about today's lesson uh if you have questions that are uh maybe like really big questions or uh if you have questions about something different than today's topic please send them up for this series the weekly q a series called ask alicia where i choose questions that you send me and we talk a bit about them and i hopefully answer your question so you can find this link i'll put a link to this in the youtube description of this live stream after the live has ended uh but you can find other ask alicia videos on our youtube channel as well okay that is it for announcements i see many people are in the chat now that is super cool welcome everybody hello uh pon panyakan and youtube uh jyoti hello uh aus hello jorge hi carlos hello everybody welcome welcome facebook i'm coming to you uh this week again as i said i am broadcasting from my house so it looks a little bit different but i see i have facebook uh over here i'm checking your comments uh over here facebook so i'm making sure the live stream is running and then we'll begin today's lesson oh looks good hi facebook i see you there hi everybody barbara and vayne and zayasan hello vet and roger hi thanks very much for joining us that's super cool i'm going to share the lesson boom and begin so today uh today is about as i said uh should have and shouldn't have i'm going to show you today's lesson uh boards i'm going to talk about these this is the flow for today's lesson first i'm going to talk about should have then i'm going to talk about should not have and last i'm going to talk about pronunciation pronunciation so this will be the flow for today's lesson i'll show you this again later so you can take a picture later too all right so let's begin everything is ready let's begin with should have should have so we'll go through first with an explanation should have when do we use should have in blue here let's start with this part should have is a grammar point we use to express regret about a past action that did not happen past action that did not happen so what is regret so regret this is a noun regret means sad feelings about something in the past yeah sad feelings that's the key here or we also use this to think carefully like to consider carefully our past actions too okay so on a timeline we can imagine it looks kind of like this so here's my timeline if this star is now back here is the past future this way we when we use should have it's because we are sad in my little sad face we are sad about an action in the past that did not happen it did not happen so yes this is like positive should have but it's something that did not happen also i have this star here it's hard to see it's really small because it's not a focus point for today but we also use this grammar point uh to talk about expected past actions or expected past conditions i'm not going to focus on this today uh maybe i can make another lesson in the future about this use i have a couple example sentences about this today we're going to focus on using this grammar to express regret okay so let's look at how we make statements statements with this grammar so statement is not a question so how do we make statements with should have to make a statement we use subject so our subject is usually like i or you or we or he she they and so on plus should have plus the past participle form of a verb so the past participle form of a verb is something we have to study so today we're going to practice some very common past participle verb forms in our example sentences okay so let's look at some examples and talk about what what these sentences are saying okay so first i should have studied for the test this is a very common one i should have studied for the test what is happening here so my subject is i should have is expressing regret yeah i should have studied is the past participle form of the verb study and then finally for the test so this will change of course depending on the situation so what does this sentence mean it means i did not study for the test and now i'm sad i did not study for the test and now i'm sad i wish my past action had been different yeah that's what should have studied expresses we're expressing that regret that sad feeling okay let's look at another example of this uh this one you should have called me you should have called me so i'll call of course in this case refers to phone calls yeah so this is probably i suppose in most cases we use this sentence for phone calls but i guess um there are maybe a couple situations where you might mean like calling across a room for someone in most cases this is probably for phone calls so you should have called me means you did not call me and now i am sad you should have called me expresses this feeling okay next one uh she should have given us the information she should have given us the information so again we have this subject she plus should have plus our past participle verb so give becomes given she should have given us the information so what does this mean this means she did not give us the information now we are sad so all of these are expressing some past action did not happen and now we are not happy or there's some not good results in the present okay i have one more sentence here i want to mention uh just maybe for uh learners interested in this point i talked about earlier this more uh this well i won't i won't cover it's not today's key point but just to uh refresh your memory or introduce you to this uh this is what i mean by a an expected past action or condition so he should have arrived at the office by now he should have arrived at the office by now this expresses a past it's like an expectation that something happened in the past and usually it affects the present so there is this type of use it follows the same grammar pattern yes but it express it does not express id uh it does not express uh regret we're using it to talk about like some expectation we have so i'm not going to focus on this use today today i'm focusing on regrets but maybe i can do uh some other lessons in the future yes sorry there are some construction sounds outside my house today sorry about the background noise i can't i can't do anything about it today unfortunately i apologize for the the issue hopefully the microphone helps but they are very near me okay uh let's go to then the last part of this board uh questions questions so questions there are two question patterns i want to introduce they're both right here i have this whq so whq means a wh question like who or what or where or when or why so we use this before this part to make an information question so wh question plus should plus our subject plus have and the past participle form of a verb so please note when you make a question your the should and the have become separate yeah when you make a statement the and the have are together so sometimes i hear people ask like what should have i done or like what you should have done so please make sure when you make your question your and your have are separated yeah so let's look at some examples some very common examples uh that you can use and that you can probably uh that you can probably uh hear a lot too so what should i have done what should i have done this is a very very good uh question to know if you make a mistake with something so you make a mistake and you want to ask like a co-worker maybe your boss like okay i know i made a mistake what do you think uh in the past i should have done so this i made a mistake for next it's like saying for next time what should i do but you're asking about the past instead so what should i have done expresses that okay uh then where should we have gone where should we have gone so again this expresses that there was some past mistake so we went to the wrong place so we want to know in the future where it's like saying where should i go in the future or saying what was the place i was supposed to go we express that with this one more you can use how with these uh questions too i know i have wh but how questions are also okay so how should i have prepared that report how should i have prepared that report so again it's like i made a mistake and i thought in the past i thought i was correct but there was some problem now things are not good so i want to ask what was the report supposed to be supposed to look like what was the report supposed to look like how should i have prepared that report okay so the last thing i want to mention today uh are yes and no questions because these i think are really really common and helpful so you'll notice here i've got dot dot dot in front of these that's because you'll often hear these types of questions asked kind of in like a like a shy voice they're kind of like a little bit embarrassed so you'll notice too that there's no wh question here so to make these just remove the wh yeah so first one here is should i have come to the office today should i have come to the office today this is a yes or no question to be very clear you should say yes you should have come to the office today or no it's okay what is this what is this question asking should i have come to the office today this question is saying oh i did not come to the office today was that bad that's what this is saying the way this question is made sounds like the speaker is worried like uh oh was it my responsibility to come to the office today so you can use this pattern to make those com like those uh confirmation questions and that's why it starts with like this like uh oh that kind of feeling so one more this one is a kind of an advice or a criticism actually no the subject here is you should you have eaten so much junk food should you have eaten so much junk food so that means you ate a lot of junk food are you sure that was a good idea that's what this sentence is saying should you have eaten so much junk food like maybe after a party or something you might your friend might say this to you i don't your mom or your dad so should i eat should you have eaten so much junk food so this is how we use should have should have so positive uh expressions should have statements and questions okay i will look at the chat now uh some examples are coming in uh david on youtube says what i should have studied english when i was a teenager maybe what uh what um what english lessons should i have studied when i was a teenager so uh or what i'm not quite sure what the question is uh asking there um wow there are a lot of questions coming in now uh sir cirrus says should i have shared my life with you okay interesting that means you did not and you're questioning it uh kanwaljeet hi says should you have gone to the party uh okay good are you on insta yes check the link in the description after the video uh should we have gone outside ming should we have gone outside so please make sure to use uh the past participle form of the verb after have should we have gone outside yeah for those that are just joining today there's some construction sound in the background sorry about that i cannot change it they're very close to me uh okay on facebook i'm coming for you now facebook uh is it okay if i show an advice or suggestion yeah please feel free to send me your comments i can't check everything i have facebook and youtube to check at the same time as i teach but i will try to do that uh mao on youtube says should i have joined the live stream last week very nice very nice uh good okay um embark on facebook says i should have started learning english when i was five years old perfect very nice examples very nice examples uh what i uh david what i should have studied english lessons when i was a teenager so make sure when you make your wh questions this what uh should i have studied when i was a teenager so try to follow this pattern when you make your question what should i have studied so if you want to be specific you can say what lessons should i have study when i was a teenager so we use uh lessons together with the question what lesson or what place so that's put your question with that specific point together okay i have to go on to part two of today's lesson if you are just joining today's topic is should have and shouldn't have i will show you the lesson title again so today we're talking about modal verbs in the past with should have and shouldn't have and i'm going to finish today's lesson with pronunciation tips ray okay uh if you are just joining also please make sure to like and share the video so that other learners can find today's lesson if you hit the thumbs up button it will it will help other people find it okay also if you missed it earlier this week there are free things for you to download look at them all oh my gosh i can't show you all of them free uh vocabulary and expression uh pdfs that you can download so you can choose a topic that you are interested in or choose a topic you need to practice maybe good for many people staying home right now uh so you can choose one of these here's one for cooking i have been doing a lot of that recently you can choose one of these or all of them they are all free you can find these from the link below the video if you are watching on youtube or above the video if you are watching on facebook you need an account at englishclass101.com it is free so please check it out all right let's go to part two for today i will show you today's lesson boards again so you can see uh we finished we have just finished should have next we are going to talk about should not have should not have last will be pronunciation today okay let's move on to should not have the negative negative all right so when do we use should not have where did my marker go okay so when do we should not have so again we use should not have to express regret this is a very common use of this grammar point but different from should have which we just practiced we use should not have to express regret about an actual past action so that means something that really happened and we are sad about this is the difference so to compare in case you missed it or you forgot should have is about an action that did not happen should not have is about an action that happened something happened and we are sad about it so that's regret we're expressing regret about that again we do also use should not have to talk about expected past actions or conditions but i'm not going to uh talk about this as the focus today i'll share one example sentence but today we are focusing on regret regret so how do we make should not have statements subject plus should not have plus past participle verb so this is the same as the positive form yeah we just use should not and make sure to sound negative negative to sound natural should and not reduce to make shouldn't shouldn't so it is correct to say i should not have eaten so much food as in this first example sentence it will sound much more natural and it will sound uh much more smooth if you say i shouldn't have eaten so much food so please try to use this i shouldn't shouldn't i shouldn't have eaten so let's break these sentences down i shouldn't have eaten so much food so this means i ate a lot of food in the past that happened that's true and now i am unhappy so this is a very common expression yeah what i want to note a couple things here you'll notice these examples well okay i'll show you at the end of this this part let's look at one more he shouldn't have spent so much money he shouldn't have spent so much money so again he spent a lot of money that's true that actually happened and now he's sad or we are sad maybe so oh don't understand okay so one more you shouldn't have worried so much you shouldn't have worried so much so that means you worried a lot in the past that's not good don't do that so this is expressing this thing that did happen something happened in the past now it's not a good thing or don't do that okay so now let's talk about this why these all end in so much what's the deal what's going on here it's very very common to use uh this so much ending at the end of this so if we oh this is tricky if we remove so much from these sentences uh i shouldn't have eaten food or he shouldn't have spent money these sound really really strange so why because these actions oh these actions eating food or spending money these actions are normal and it's okay when we include so much well it shows we did it too much it was not it was not good so so much food means i ate food and it was too much but you cannot you cannot use too much in this pattern i shouldn't have eaten too much food incorrect you can't use that i shouldn't have eaten so much food again he shouldn't have spent too much money is incorrect he shouldn't have spent so much money uh this one worried does not have something at the end here because the verb worried doesn't take like an object spend money you could use time as well here too or eat food these verbs take objects yeah so we use these at the end final point uh i put food and money in parentheses these little bracket things these little curves these are called parentheses i put them in parentheses because many native speakers do not say them because we already understand from the situation the object so i shouldn't have eaten so much is very clear we understand the object is food it's not like paper i don't know so uh i shouldn't have eaten so much is very normal and very natural you can remove food here or he shouldn't have spent so much is very very clear usually he shouldn't have spent so much what like spend money or time usually from the situation we understand okay some examples are coming in uh yes many people are saying i shouldn't have spent so much uh i shouldn't have watched so much tv so again too much is not correct too much is not correct some of you are sending me too much sentences i shouldn't have eaten so much i shouldn't have eaten so much okay other examples uh i should not have drunk so much beer rolfie on youtube so negative i should not have drunk so much beer yeah i shouldn't have drunk so much last night it's maybe a very common one uh for for some people uh i shouldn't uh sing i hope i said your name right on facebook i shouldn't have eaten dinner so much so very close just swap so switch so much uh and dinner i shouldn't have eaten so much dinner or i shouldn't have eaten so much food at dinner so put so much before the object there okay um what's the difference between should have and must-have this is it's a totally different grammar point than today i have a video about it uh on the channel i believe i'll put a link in the description uh so please check that after the lesson on youtube okay uh oh my gosh it is 28 minutes after the hour that is a lot i haven't even talked about questions yet oh my gosh we have to go okay uh last point here is about this unexp expected past actions and conditions so again not today's focus but just for your information how we make a sentence to with this meaning is like this same pattern she shouldn't have arrived until 3 p.m this expresses an expectation relating to some past information so yes for uh learners who know about this use of should have uh this does exist but i'm not going to talk about it today okay let's go to questions real quick because time's going fast so uh questions i have this note here this is important so a key point for today uh negative questions are less common than positive questions so what i mean is at the beginning of this lesson we talked about using should have to make questions like what should i have done or where should i have gone it's not very common to use the negative to make questions except confirmation questions confirmation means like checking questions yes or no so let's quickly take a look uh one of our members hello diogenes hello say hello to brazil hello brazil our brazilian friends are one of our members from brazil has just joined uh question so this is how it might look if you make a negative question what shouldn't i have done so it follows the same pattern as the positive one yeah wh question should not so you're not is connected to should here plus subject have past participle verb so what shouldn't i have done is saying i did something in the past and it was wrong now you are unhappy with me or the situation is not good so what's the thing i should not do so you're asking about something not to do but this is not a very common question i suppose you might hear it in some situation but it's it's not that common instead as i said we use the positive forms instead these are much more common these confirmation questions so to make these we just remove the wh question at the beginning of the sentence for example shouldn't you have left for the airport shouldn't you have left for the airport so this is saying you have not like you are here you are supposed to go to the airport there's a plan to go to the airport but you have not left you have not left shouldn't you have left for the airport so it's saying there's this thing i thought i expected it but it hasn't happened yet hmm that's what this is expressing another one shouldn't we have received a message from our client by now shouldn't we have received a message from our client by now so again shouldn't it should not it's like hmm i expected this action but it hasn't happened yet hmm that's what this question pattern that's the feeling that this question pattern is communicating and final one shouldn't the mechanic have fixed the car so here my subject the mechanic so mechanic is the person who fixes uh machines so vehicles cars trucks and so on shouldn't the mechanic have fixed the car so i expected this past past action to be true but it's not true so i ask a question like this okay uh all right i have to finish that point um abdallah on youtube says shouldn't you have changed your teaching schedule yes very nice very nice uh okay time is going quick so i will go to the last part the last part of today's lesson is about pronunciation hooray everybody everybody loves to practice pronunciation right so uh we'll go to pronunciation of these two things please note i want to begin this part by saying these are not spelling tips so i'm going to show you some pronunciation points and use some different spellings to explain them please don't spell with these things they're just to help you with your pronunciation practice so first should have should have reduces so reduces means it becomes shorter to should've should've or shoulda should've or shoulda i hope you guys can all hear me there's a bit of noise right now should've or shoulda okay so either either is fine either is fine it just depends on how quickly the person is speaking so what does this sound like in a sentence let's look at our previous examples of course okay let's look at our previous examples i should have studied for the test i should have studied for the test so in very clear pronunciation i should have studied for the test with this native pronunciation sounds like i should have studied for the test or with this one i should have studied for the test i should have studied for the test so this these parts shouldn't have come together to make should've and shoulda one more you should have called me you should have called me so you should have called me or if i'm really angry at someone you should have called me so this gets very very short you should have called me ah so please make sure should i from should have this sounds very natural yes there are some construction sound effects in the background okay but another point and this is something native speakers make mistakes with in questions there is also a reduction of sound so what should i have done what should i have done or should i have come to the office what should i have done or should i have come to the office native speakers reduce this have to an of sound so this is so common this is so common that many native speakers think this have is really of it is not of so if you see some like i see all the time native speakers they write on like social media i should have done something it is not correct it's totally not correct but that's because this is a very very common like everybody pronounces have as of what should i have done sounds like what should i have done or should i have come to the office so this of okay last point then is about pronunciation of should not have should not have this looks really really weird i know right shouldn't shouldn't of shouldn't have shouldn't have or even more natural shouldn'ta shouldn't so in these example sentences from earlier i shouldn't have eaten so much or he shouldn't have spent so much i shouldn't eaten so much or he shouldn't have spent so much so shouldn't i shouldn't have eaten so much or i shouldn't have eaten so much both are totally correct they both sound totally normal in this case there's not a difference there's not a difference in formality they both sound very natural actually you can use these in polite conversations too shouldn't so again not a spelling point please do not spell it like this please spell it shouldn't have do not use this spelling but i hope this helps you with pronunciation lastly in question same point as with here the have sounds like up shouldn't you have left or shouldn't we have received a message this becomes an of sound shouldn't you have left for the airport or shouldn't we have received a message up here so again do not write of lesson i will show today's lesson boards again one more time so you can take a picture hooray so this was uh today's topic should have shouldn't have and some pronunciation points i hope that this was helpful for you uh so this as i said i'm going to take away the boards now this uh was one uh like the first one in like a modal verbs in the past series i'm going to do i will do another one i think i have it scheduled for next month i will do that so please join again uh next time uh next lesson i'll be back again next week but on next lesson june 17th 10 p.m eastern standard time that is wednesday new york city time i'm going to talk about vocabulary study strategies in next week's lesson so many of you asked me like especially on instagram and in your comments uh how do i remember new vocabulary how do i how do i gain new vocabulary what should i do so we're going to talk about that oh in the meantime you could definitely work on some vocabulary you can pick up a few of these to work on your vocabulary i showed this earlier these are free pdfs to download so i hope that that is helpful for you join me again next week for that it will be a fun time as always so i'll end there uh i hope that that was helpful for you if you have questions or comments please let me know i will review also uh please check the youtube version of this video i'm going to put some links in the description for those of you who asked so please give me a few minutes to update that and i'll give you some more resources to help you with your studies so thank you as always for joining me and joining our remote team uh thank you very much for liking and sharing this video and i hope that you are safe and well and enjoy the rest of your week i will see you again next time bye
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 45,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishclass101.com, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, basic phrases, basic english phrases, should have, shouldn't have, modal verb
Id: TYV4r5ePo-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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