English Kids Stories - Animated Stories For Kids || Moral Stories and Bedtime Stories For Kids

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join kids hat family [Music] open this box tia [Music] hmm it is a box of marbles okay and what's in that pink one [Music] it's a small statue of a dog what are you going to do with all these gifts dear i don't know maybe someday i'll use them i don't think they'll be of any use to you well you never know what do you mean [Music] once upon a time [Music] a farmer had three sons jim ken and sam and a large field he was a happy man except for one thing in the last days of summer every year something ate all his crop he decided to talk to his sons about it my sons i need your help end of summer is here and i'm afraid something will eat all our crop again find a way to protect it you must guard the field every night till summer has passed ok father i will guard it starting tonight when night fell the oldest brother went to the field and stood guard but suddenly he heard a loud noise who is that he got no response but the noise grew louder and louder scared jim ran away from the field [Music] the next night ken went to the field to guard it it had not been too long when suddenly there was a loud noise yet again hello who is that come out now there was no answer except the noise continued [Music] scared ken two ran away from the field something is in the field i can't be here the youngest son sam decided to take over from ken and went to guard the field the next night as he was doing his job he heard a loud sound thus that loud sound that ken and jim described let me follow him unafraid sam went to where the sound was coming from as he went further into the field he found the most beautiful sparkling white horse that anybody couldn't have ever seen on its back was a bronze armor suit sam went to the horse and patted him hello there you are so beautiful do you want a cube of sugar the horse quickly ate the sugar cube from sam's hand then he dropped the armor at sam's feet and galloped away leaving the crops as they were i will hide the armor in the field [Music] [Music] the next year the horse came back again and in exchange of a cube of sugar he left a silver armor for sam and the year after that [Music] it left him a gold armor one day there was an announcement in the village the king announces that any man who can climb the glass hill at the far end of the kingdom will be allowed to marry the princess [Music] the man must climb the mountain and rescue the princess who is sitting on the top of the glass hill [Applause] i must do this i am better than the other men of the village and so jim started his climb up the glass mountain but he had hardly made some distance when he slipped and fell haha watch me i will do it and marry the princess [Applause] ken had hardly gone 15 feet high when he also slipped and fell [Music] let me try it brother if i succeed i will be lucky to marry the princess ken and i could not do it what makes you think that you can yes you will never make it yes maybe i won't but i will still try sam left his brothers and started walking to the glass hill [Music] he will never make it yes i also don't think he will then everybody saw a rider wearing a bronze armor riding a sparkling white horse climbing the mountain the rider managed to reach one third of the way and then fell down some time later the rider came back in a silver armor with his heart and went up the hill again he went up two-thirds the way and fell down a while later the rider came back wearing a gold armor and rode his horse up the hill again [Music] this time he made it who are you ryder the rider took off his helmet and it was sam my name is sam princess i am here to rescue you sam brought the princess down from the hill where they were welcomed with loud cheer from all the villagers and king's men they were married soon after so we should be thankful for the things that come our way we never know how they may help us wow tofu that is such a good way to put it just for that i will get you some more cake yay [Music] good morning tofu [Music] good morning tia are you alright tofu yes but i'm worried about my friend sam who is that and why are you so worried about him sam is new to our school he joined my class last week i like him very much but some other boys have been lying about him saying that he is not a nice boy oh that's bad and are you sad because he is your friend yes i want people to see how good sam is and i don't know how to make it happen if sam is a good person then i don't think you have anything to worry about tofu [Music] i don't understand why let me explain it to you with the story i know [Music] the princess and the pea [Applause] once upon a time a young prince wanted to get married so he went around the world looking for the right princess to marry [Music] [Music] alas he found none something or the other was always a miss in all the princesses he met to be a true princess to his people one stormy night after the prince came back home he and his family were having their dinner when there was a commotion outside the castle doe [Music] the queen went to see what was going on what is the matter god uh there is a young girl at the door your highness she says she is a princess in treat the queen went to see the princess [Music] when she got there she was surprised to see a young girl drenched from head to toe who are you i am a princess i was passing through when the storm and lightning spooked the horses and they dragged my carriage into slush and mud my men are still with the carriage trying to repair it i have walked many miles to reach here nobody who looked at the young girl could believe that she could ever be a princess she didn't look anything like a princess with her hair disheveled and clothes and shoes full of mud she looked like a poor peasant girl you are welcome to stay here or princess [Music] my maids will prepare a royal room and arrange for a hot bath and dry clothes for you [Music] do join us for supper once you feel better come on in thank you very much your highness by the time the queen returned to the dining table to join her family the prince had been informed about the stranger at the door and the queen's decision [Music] mother do you really believe that she is a princess her appearance betrays her but her eyes shine with courage and there is humility and grace in her behavior just like that of a princess [Music] however we must wait till tomorrow morning to know whether she is really a princess or not [Music] saying so the queen retired from the dinner table [Music] and went up to the room that was being prepared for the princess [Music] your highness the princess is in the path we are preparing the bed for her very well fetch me 20 of the softest mattresses that the castle has to offer [Music] yes your highness [Music] once the maids had left the queen took out a beef from her pocket and placed it right in the middle of the princess's bed when the maids returned with the mattresses she ordered them to place them on the top of the pee [Music] that night the princess slept on her special bed [Music] but she had a sleepless night she kept tossing and turning all night long [Music] in the morning she joined the queen for breakfast [Music] how are you my dear ah i am well thank you but you look so tired is something wrong you must tell me [Music] forgive me your highness i do not wish to sound like an ungrateful guest but i haven't slept all night my bed was really soft but something kept poking me in the back and i had bruises all over the queen smiled happily because she knew that the girl in front of her was a true princess [Music] only a real princess who has lived all her life in comfort can feel a small pee kept 20 mattresses below her and only a kind princess would not mention her discomfort unless asked to do so [Music] son she is the one you have been looking for soon the prince was married to the princess of his dreams and they happily lived in the kingdom where all the people loved and respected them both a lot wow tia no matter where the princess would have gone people would have always recognized her because of her behavior exactly tofu and the same thing applies to your friend sam if he is a good person soon people will be able to see that in him and if he's not people will be able to see that also yes you are right tia i don't think i have to worry about him anymore i am sure everyone will see his truth soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey guys hello [Music] what do you want can i play with you guys this is a game for big kids go away [Music] actually why don't you stay to hear a story i was about to tell my brother ok thanks [Applause] [Music] once upon a time there lived a king who had 12 beautiful daughters [Music] he loved the princesses dearly [Music] but one thing about them worries him a lot [Music] i cannot understand what my daughters do because of which they need a new pair of shoe every morning how can it be that their shoes are fine through the day but in the morning they are worn out completely to find the truth behind his daughter's shoes the king announced in the kingdom that anyone who uncovered the secret would be awarded handsomely many people came [Music] but no one could understand how the princesses managed it [Music] one day an old soldier decided to go to the palace [Music] as he was walking he came across an old woman where are you going [Music] i am going to the palace i would love to solve the mystery of the princesses and become a king one day [Music] that's not very difficult here take this invisibility cloak and use it when the time is right [Music] nobody will be able to see you as long as you wear it just be wary not to drink the wine that one of the princesses will bring you the soldier thanked the woman and went on his way to the castle [Music] once there he went to meet the king [Music] [Applause] i can find the truth behind the worn out shoes of the princesses if you fail i will have your head cut off [Music] and if i do it you will allow me to marry one of your daughters you have courage young man very well you will sleep in the princess's room tonight [Music] the soldier was introduced to the princesses [Music] and given a cozy bed in the princess's room just before he was about to sleep a princess brought him a glass of wine [Music] [Music] he only pretended to drink it and lay down on his bed and pretended to sleep [Music] after some time the eldest princess came up to him and checked if he was asleep he is fast asleep sisters let's go [Music] all the sisters got together and pulled out prettiest of their clothes and got dressed [Applause] all of them were excited except the youngest one [Music] i am not sure about this sisters i think something will go wrong tonight [Music] oh you simpleton you worry unnecessarily nothing will happen now come let's go [Applause] [Music] the eldest princess then went to her bed and clapped twice the bed sunk to the floor and a secret stairway opened underneath [Music] all the princesses followed one after the other the soldier also quickly got up and put on the cloak [Music] he then followed the princesses onto the stairway [Music] but halfway through he accidentally stepped on the gown of the youngest princess i'm telling you sisters something is a mess someone has cut hold of my gown [Music] don't be a fool it might just be a nail now stop crying or you will delay us all the princesses followed by the invisible soldier made their way to the bottom of the stairs they found themselves in a beautiful grove of fruit laden trees and flowers made of silver [Music] beyond the grove was a lake where 12 handsome princes awaited the princesses in 12 small boats [Applause] the princesses rushed to their beloved each and got into his boat the soldier sneaked into the boat with the youngest princess the boat is very heavy today [Applause] i don't know what is happening today everything is wrong the princesses and the princes reached the other side of the lake [Applause] there was another beautiful grove there it was lit with a thousand lamps and music wafted throughout [Music] let's go sisters everybody got off the boats and into the grove [Applause] the princesses and the princes danced with each other like there was no tomorrow the soldier hid himself in one corner and watched everything [Music] the princesses danced through the night [Music] and when morning came they returned to the palace and slept [Applause] [Music] so this is where the princesses go and this is why the shoes were out overnight let me see what they do tonight [Music] the soldier waited and watched [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the same thing happened again [Applause] [Music] the next morning the soldier told the king what he'd found out the king called his daughters [Music] is it true what the soldier has to say yes father well soldier looks like you have earned your reward which princess will you marry i am not very young now so i would like to marry the eldest princess [Music] the soldier and the princess were married on the same day and he became the heir of the king [Music] arrogance doesn't help people too much does it tia no it doesn't i'm sorry i was mean to you we'll be back here to play tomorrow why don't you come and join us then it's okay i will see you tomorrow bye for now thanks for narrating the story tia bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you have a good birthday tofu yes very much and look at all the lovely gifts you've got uh yes why what's wrong nothing is wrong but i just thought grandmom could have got me a better gift than the single rose flower tofu that's not a nice thing to say you didn't notice her love for you that made her fly all the way across the country to be with you today no but that's not a gift maybe you'll think differently once you hear the story of the snow queen [Music] the snow queen once upon a time in a small village lived two neighbours who were best friends too their names were gerda and kale [Music] they loved each other a lot as a symbol of their friendship and love one day they both planted a rose plant each in their front yards every morning they would get together and water their plants and take care of them [Music] when winters came gerda invited kaye why don't you come over in the afternoon my grandma has promised to make us a cup of hot chocolate and tell us a story ok gada i will come over after finishing my chores [Music] as promised kaye went to gerda's home in the afternoon tell us the story of the snow queen grandmama ba there is no snow queen do you still believe in such stories [Music] little did kay know that the snow queen did exist and she had a magic mirror with which she could look at anybody [Music] and right at that moment she was looking into gerda's living room where they sat [Music] doesn't believe in me does he [Music] i will send him my ice arrows that will turn him cold all the love will be gone from his eyes and his heart will freeze over and the snow queen sent her ice arrows towards k as soon as they entered gerda's home they went straight for kaye's eyes and heart ouch my eyes what's happening they hurt what is wrong okay ouch my heart it hurts too okay what's wrong are you okay suddenly kay's whole behavior changed towards girder oh stop being such a wimp girder nothing is wrong get away from me saying so he shoved gerda aside and went home over the next few days he would give cold mean looks to gerda and would never talk to her nicely he wouldn't even come to tend to the roses that they had planted one morning when gerda was watering the plants she saw kaye get into a carriage with a lady who was wearing a white gown she had skin like diamonds and her hair was silver white gurda immediately knew that it was the snow queen [Music] she decided to follow her but the carriage just vanished into thin air so she went to her grandmama here take this hand mirror and follow what it tells you the mirror only tells you the truth girder took the mirror from her grandma and looked into it the mirror told her to find the flower garden so gerda went looking for it meanwhile once the snow queen reached the palace she told kaye to make it his home from now on this is your home now you will never leave here and once your heart freezes over you will be mine forever back in the village gerda found the flower garden and entered it [Music] the garden was full of the most beautiful flowers gerda had ever seen she fell in love with them immediately but there was no smell of the flowers surprised gerda bent down and touched one of the flowers to understand if they were real as soon as she touched one flower the fragrances of all flowers returned and the flower lady appeared in front of her thank you you have returned the fragrance of my flowers who are you i am the owner of this garden i am the flower lady can you help me have you seen my friend k pass through here he has been taken by the snow queen oh no the snow queen she is one who had taken away the fragrance of my flowers i did not see cake crust from here but you should try the river outside the village girder thanked the flower lady and went to the river there she saw a boat waiting for her she climbed into the boat and it took her to the pirate ship [Music] aboard the ship gerda saw many pirates including a girl pirate hello can you help me i am looking for my friend kane the snow queen has taken him i don't know any key and even if i did i wouldn't tell you because once about the pirate ship you can't go anywhere you have to be here no please you have to let me go case my friend i have to save him friend you say well i have never had a friend okay i will help you if you promise to be my friend yes of course i would love to be your friend okay then take my reindeer he is the fastest reindeer in the world and she knows where the snow queen's palace is gerda thanked the pirate girl and climbed on the back of the reindeer just as the pirate girl had promised the reindeer had girder outside the snow queen's palace in no time [Music] gerda got off the reindeer and went inside the palace okay okay are you in here [Music] what are you doing here [Music] i am here to take my friend back with me your friend doesn't exist anymore look at him standing there in the corner just in a few minutes his heart will freeze over and then he will be mine forever gerda turned to see where the snow queen had pointed in the corner stood gay his lips were blue and eyes were steely cold [Music] gerda rushed to him okay it's me your friend when kate didn't reply she reached out for his hand his old friend's touch returned the color in kaye's eyes [Music] encouraged by this change gerda pushed on remember all the times we had fun at home and our roses that we have in the front yard there is no point in all this his heart will freeze soon hearing this gerda broke down and started crying as she was crying her tears rolled down from her eyes and onto the hands of kay as soon as that happened kay looked up at girder and smiled girda my friend you came for me this is impossible nothing can ever turn my curse over she tried to pull kerda away from k and that's when grandma's mirror fell out of gerda's pocket when the queen looked into it it spoke to her snow queen you have been mistaken there is one power stronger than your curse and it is the power of love [Applause] [Music] hearing this truth the snow queen started crying and soon dissolved in a pool of her own tears oh now i feel so terrible tia i think i have not been fair to grandmom well you still have time to make things better tofu yeah you're right tia i will go to her and apologize right away don't forget to give her a kiss and a big hug [Music] for your favorite rhymes stories and more join kids heart family subscribe here [Music] you
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 5,006,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, The Snow Queen, The Twelve Dancing Princess, The princess And The Pea, The Princess On The Glass Hill, english stories, animated stories for kids, english moral stories and bedtime stories for kids, english stories for kids, tia, tofu, children rhymes, snow queen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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