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join kids Hat Family [Music] [Music] [Music] lucky cat if the other boys hadn't come she she would have lost the fight she should have just run away instead of fighting with such a big dog she was bound to lose against a dog don't think so tofu dogs are more powerful than cats Tia maybe so when you have courage and fight with intelligence you can win against anyone foreign book once in the heart of the thick jungle lived a little boy called Motley [Music] he did not belong to the jungle as he was a human child yet he grew up with a family of wolves his mother raksha cared for him as she cared for her other pups the full Mowgli or you fall off the ridge no ma I won't see you later and so Mowgli took off into the jungle to find his friend and teacher Bagheera [Music] when Mowgli had been a small baby no more than a year old he had been found and saved from the forest fire by Bagheera nobody knew who Mowgli was but they always believed he came from the man Village at the outskirts of the jungle Bagheera had handed over mostly to the Wolves so that he could have a family to grow up with since then Mowgli had learned the ways of the Jungle from his family and his friends Bagheera and Balu he ran like them hunted like them climbed trees like them and also spoke like them what are you going to teach me today I won't be teaching you today today Balu has something planned for you let's go fishing in the river hello Balu let me get a stick to make a spear for fishing you don't need a spear to fish but it makes it easier you can't do it like that mostly that is not our way then how is it that I know how to make a spear Balu who taught me that as usual Bagheera and Balu did not have an answer to mowgli's questions [Music] the forest fire had started and destroyed the man Village [Music] foreign Bagheera had tried many times to find someone to return the child to but no one was there when the village settled again the men put sharp barbed wire fences and laid traps to keep the animals at failing although the animals couldn't understand why all the creatures of the Jungle had always maintained a safe distance from the humans they never meant any harm to them thank you in any case the fences and traps made it impossible for pragira to return the child back to the human world okay we will do it without a spear let's go amazing [Music] the trial set off to the riverbank to catch fish without a spear Balu would swiftly duck his head into the water and come out with fish in his mouth Mowgli gave it several tries before he was successful the day passed in the lesson and they decided to head back to the wolf path you they had almost reached home when Bagheera alerted the other two there was someone in the bushes ahead in the far right soon the others could see a pair of fierce eyes with a scarf that ran across the left one emerging from the bushes then the whole figure stepped ahead Ron Mowgli front immediately Balu and Mowgli took off towards home leaving Bagheera to fight the large villainous tiger Sher Khan Akira and Sher Khan immediately left at each other you know Khan hadn't expected Bagheera to be so strong and was taken by surprise when he managed to throw Shere Khan against a large tree the Elders of wolf pack soon joined them Sher Khan knew he was injured and outnumbered you might have saved him today but the human belongs to me I will come back for him Sheikh Khan what are you doing here this is not your territory no territory can keep me out on the next time I come I will not spare anyone who stands in my way that shaykhan's threats were not to be taken lightly and soon worry spread in the wolf pack regarding mowgli's stay and the Pax future I can defend myself I will not let any harm come to my family and friends I know a way to put an end to this mokley gathered bhagira and Balu I know how I came to the Jungle I have seen Sher Khan's eyes only one time before in my life he attacked our village when I was small to scare him the elders used to fire but he took me and escaped and the whole village caught fire when my father followed him to save me he killed my father that is why the villagers have put traps and fences now yes but now we will stop Sher Khan forever we know where he sleeps in the day at the foot of the small Mountain on the other side of the river [Music] the Bulls feed on the grassy slopes of that mountain if we can scare them to run down the mountain Sher Khan won't stand a chance that is a good plan Mowgli the trio assured the others that they had found a way out of their troubles and by tomorrow night all will be fine much early next morning the trees set off for the mountains [Music] they went around it and climbed it from the other side so that no one could see them coming once on top of it they could see the birds eating the grass ah the tree leapt at the quiet bulls and rushed towards them screaming so loudly that the Bulls got scared and started running down the hill to escape from them the plan was working the whole mountainside Shook and rumbled under the stamping of the Bulls this woke up Sher Khan he saw the Bulls rushing towards him there were scores of them cared he started running away from them he is trying to get away I won't let him Mowgli took the dress and swung himself from branches of one tree to another foreign couldn't keep ahead of the Bulls their sharp horns poked him and he got Trampled Under their feet one would have died but shared Khan wasn't an ordinary tiger he was evil chicory was his second nature he latched onto the horns of one Bull and tucked at him agitated the bull threw him aside and over the side of the plateau yeah Khan held to the edges of the plateau and started climbing up he had almost made it when a small tree trunk hit him in the face he lost his grip and fell to his death it was Mowgli he had reached the spot and found a small tree uprooted by the bull stampede [Music] quick thinking he had thrown Sher Khan to his end [Music] he had saved himself and protected the entire jungle from the tyranny of this willing Bagheera Balu and multi returned to the wolf pack where everyone rejoiced on hearing what had happened so you see tofu to win you don't always have to be the strongest if you have courage and think intelligently you can win against anyone yes Tia now I understand what you meant shall we go down and play with our friends now yes let's go [Music] the boys in my class I'm very mean to me they are so tall and big but I always have to listen to whatever they say I am afraid to disagree with them size has nothing to do with courage tofu you don't have to be afraid just because you're short [Music] have you heard the story of Peter Pan [Music] Pizza Pan [Music] once upon a time in London The Darlings went out to a dinner party leaving their three children Wendy John and Michael at home [Music] after Wendy had tucked her younger brothers John and Michael to bed she went to read a book [Music] foreign she heard a boy sobbing outside her window [Music] he was flying [Music] there was a little Ferry fluttering around him Wendy opened the window to talk to him hello who are you why are you crying my name is Peter Pan my shadow wouldn't stick to me don't worry come inside Peter agreed [Music] Wendy took his shadow and sowed it to his shoe tips [Music] now his shadow followed him wherever Peter Pan went he was delighted thank you so much why don't you come with me to my home the Neverland I lived there with my fairy Tinkerbell oh what a wonderful idea let me wake up John and Michael too Could you teach us how to fly yes of course get them we will all fly together [Music] and so it was five little figures flew out of the window of The Darlings and headed towards Netherland as they flew over the island Peter Pan told the children more about his homeland that island is Neverland all the children who get lost come and stay with Tinkerbell and me the Indians also live in Neverland the mermaids live in the lagoon around the island and a very mean pirate called Captain Hook keeps troubling everyone Captain Hook yes a crocodile bit off his one arm so the captain had to put a hook in its place since then he is afraid of crocodiles and rightly so if the crocodile ever found Captain Hook it will eat up the rest of what it couldn't eat the last time soon they landed on the island [Music] prize of Wendy John and Michael Peter Pan LED them in through a small opening in a tree inside the tree was a large room with children inside it some were huddled by the fire in a corner and some were playing amongst themselves the faces lit up when they saw Peter Pan Tinkerbell and their guests hello everyone this is Wendy John and Michael they will be staying with us from now on hello Wendy John and Michael a few days passed settled into a routine Wendy would take care of all the children in the day and would go out with Peter Pan and her brothers in the evening to learn more about the island foreign she would cook for them and stitched new clothes for them she even made a lovely new dress for Tinkerbell [Music] one evening as they were out exploring the island Peter Pan warned everyone and said hide hide Pirates [Music] and they've kidnapped the Indian princess tiger lily they've kept her there tied up by the Rocks near the water Peter was afraid and and Princess would drown if she fell into the water so in a voice that sounded like Captain Hook he shouted instructions to the Pirates Who guarded her you fools Let Her Go at once do it before I come there or else I will throw each one of you into the water the Pirates got scared and immediately released the princess he dived into the water and swam to safety of her home soon everyone found out how Peter Pan had rescued the princess foreign hook found out how Peter Pan had tricked his men he was Furious and swore to have his revenge that night Wendy told Peter Pan that she and her brothers wanted to go back home since they missed their parents she said if the Lost Children could also return to her world they could find nice homes for them Peter Pan didn't want to leave Neverland but for the sake of the Lost Children he agreed although a bit sadly he would miss his friends dearly the next morning all the Lost Children left with Wendy John and Michael [Music] but on the way Captain Hook and his men kidnapped all of them [Music] he died them and kept them on one of his ships as soon as Peter found out about it rushed to the ship he swung himself from a tree's branch and on to the deck of the ship where all the children were tied up he swung his sword bravely and threw over the Pirates who tried to stop him quickly he released everyone from the captors ties Wendy John Michael and Tinkerbell helped all the children into the water where their friends from the Indian Camp were ready with smaller boats to take them to safety Peter Pan now went looking for Captain Hook let us finish this forever hook yes Peter Pan you have caused me enough trouble it is time that we finish this with his sword drawn he raced towards Peter Pan quick on his feet Peter Pan stepped aside and pushed hook into the sea where the crocodile was waiting to eat the rest of Hook everyone rejoiced as Captain Hook was out of their lives forever everybody headed back to London Mr and Mrs darling was so happy to see their children and they agreed to adopt the Lost Children they even asked Peter Pan to come and live with them but Peter Pan said he never wanted to grow up so he and Tinkerbell will go back to Neverland who visit us sometime Peter Pan I will Wendy promise [Music] and he flew out of the window with Tinkerbell by his side thank you Tia I feel much better the next time the boys are mean to me I will find a nice way out very good tofu now come I can see mom's car right there [Music] Tia today I'm very happy I met one of my friends who was acting all greedy and selfish in class so I told him the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and he soon understood the lesson really tofu I haven't heard this one I would love to hear it from you [Music] the Pied Piper of Hamelin once upon a time there was a town named Hamlin the town was beautiful bustling with energy and wealth no sooner the happiness of the town was ruined by a plague plague of rats there were rats everywhere [Music] so much so that the people of the Town didn't even have a place to keep a step without tripping over the rats the Rats of every size shape every age and color nothing worked as a remedy not even the cats were able to control the plague of rats giving up the authorities decided to announce a reward of 10 bags of gold to anyone who could help to get rid of the rats one day a strange looking man came to the town he was dressed in the traditional dress but all red in color with a long peculiar nose and big wide eyes he adorned his head with a feather in his hat he went to the authorities and said ah I have a solution for your problem I assure you that not a single rat would live in this beautiful town but I want 10 Gold bags that you have promised as price authorities were not very sure of his commitment but still allowed him to give it a try as they had no other option soon the strange looking man took out a Pied Piper from his pocket and started playing a very strange tune within no time all the rats started coming out and following him thank you from every nook and corner of the town so many rats came out that the whole street was filled with them [Music] very strangely the rats started following the Pied Piper who was playing the strangest tune ever heard foreign Piper took them to the Towns River and entered into it in no time all the rats mesmerized by his tune fell into the river and drowned there were rejoices in the town celebrations all over soon the Pied Piper went to the authorities to claim his prize money [Music] since their work was done and they thought that this play would never return they shun him off and asked him to leave without giving him a single penny what selfish people are these I did them a favor freed them from such a bad epidemic and all they could care was to be greedy and ungrateful now look how I will teach these selfish people a lesson the Pied Piper took out his pipe once again and started playing another strange tune no one had ever heard before [Music] no time all the children of the Town mesmerized by the music started following the Pied Piper [Music] the children were so lost in his tune that they didn't realize that they have come out to the outskirts of the town the Pied Piper took them to a cave and let them in he kept playing the tune till all the children were inside the cave he then closed the cave with a huge Stone only two kids were left in the entire town a boy who was hard of hearing and a girl who had hurt her legs so badly that she couldn't keep up the pace with the rest of the kids thank you [Music] these two kids went back [Music] and told their parents about the Pied Piper and how he lured all the children into the cave authorities went begging to the Pied Piper and requested him to let the children out this time they promise to reward him with 20 Gold bags I don't trust you any longer I want my prize money beforehand soon he was handed over his prize money [Music] he left never to be seen again the children were freed from the cave and the parents hugged them and cried watching this the authorities said we surely have learned a lesson this man came out of nowhere and saved us from an epidemic all that we did in return was to be selfish and ungrateful he surely taught us a lesson of not to be greedy and selfish that night the town rejoiced and celebrated like a festival it's still said that in the town of Hamilton if you ever go and listen carefully you might hear the beautiful sound of the Pied Piper [Music] tofu I'm so proud of you you must be a little naughty but you surely are a good boy [Music] hahaha [Music] Tia you recite so many stories to me that are full of morals but you have never recited your favorite story to me which one is it tofu that's true I haven't yet recited my favorite story to you would you want to listen to one of my favorite story [Music] Jack and the Beanstalk once upon a time there lived a widow with her only son named Jack their times were really hard I living in poverty for long Jack was too young to work and earn money all their house furniture and other belongings were sold off to carry on with their basic daily needs until at last they were left with a cow who used to give milk every day and that they used to sell off in the market to buy bread one day the poor old cow didn't give any milk that's when Jack suggested his mother I think we should sell off this cow and get a good return in Barbie so Jack left to sell off the cow in the market on the way he met a butcher oh where are you going Jack [Music] cow for a good ball game oh why take the trouble to go that far I have a very good deal for you he took out five strange looking beans from his pocket and handed them to Jack Jack looked little hazed as to what kind of good bargain it is oh my God they are so beautiful what do you call these beans magical beans if you plant them overnight by the next morning they will grow up and reach the sky wow mother would be so happy to see them thank you Mr butcher and off went Jack happily to his mother and showed her the magical beans but to his disappointment she only got angry at him and shouted after you go to bed right away she threw the beans outside the kitchen window and into the backyard and went off to her bed crying and weeping morning when Jack woke up he saw outside his window and to his surprise he saw a great Beanstalk reaching up to the sky oh my God this Beanstalk so huge I need to climb this up to see where it leads to he climbed up and up and up till his home looked a mere spot on the ground at last the stock ended and Jack found himself in a completely different place but suddenly a beautiful lady appeared and said hello Chad you don't know me but I know you and everything about you the castle you see there belongs to a giant who stole all your father's money and killed him your mother had kept the secret from you to protect you he owes you Jack the lady disappeared in thin air Jack kept standing there and thinking Charlie owes me and my family far away where the road ended he could see a huge castle he went up to the castle and knocked on the huge door a giant woman opened the door she looked scary and howled at Jack what do you want uh if you please ma'am would you kindly give me some breakfast I haven't eaten anything since yesterday the giant woman though looked cruel and ugly had a kind heart and offered Jack a huge plate of English breakfast but warned him you must finish quickly before my giant husband comes back and eats you then suddenly there was a huge knock on the door and the wife picked up Jack and hit him in a huge empty kettle as the door opened the giant entered and rode three feet so fun I smell the blood of an English man is he alive or is he dead I'll grind his boats to make my bread nonsense you're mistaken it's the ox hide you smell so he sat down at the table and ate the ox that his wife had served him as breakfast after he finished he asked his wife get me my money bags [Music] started counting his money but he was so sleepy that he slept on the table the whole room was roaring with his snore Jack taking an opportunity of this time got out of the kettle picked up the money bags and ran towards the door before the giant woke up he climbed down the Beanstalk and to his Cottage and did not look back even once he took a sigh of relief and ran to his mother [Music] what I got we are rich now the mother and the son lived quite comfortably till one afternoon when his mother was away he decided to go up to the Giant's castle and see what was happening there so he climbed up the Beanstalk and reached the castle they're standing at the door he saw the Giant's wife again but she didn't recognize him because he was dressed impeccably this time uh if you please ma'am he said will you give me some breakfast run away you little boy last time a boy came he stole my husband's money bags but since she was kind-hearted she offered Jack breakfast foreign [Music] the giant knocked on the door and quickly she hid Jack in the oven giant entered and rolled I smell the blood of an English man be alive or be he dead I'll grind his bones to make my bread but the Giant's wife once again assured him that he is mistaken and offered him his huge breakfast to eat [Music] after eating his food he asked his wife get me my Golden Hand the wife got the hen and the giant roared in his voice [Music] that very moment the hen laid a golden egg and Jack was left amazed with what he saw no sooner he saw the giant slipping into his deep sleep and once again he came out of the oven picked up the hen and ran for the door in the meanwhile the hen began to tackle the voice made the giant move a little but he kept sleeping chat climbed down the stalk and went straight to his mother and gave her the golden hen the mother and the boy was so rich that they had money greater than even what they could spend one day he was sitting idle thought of the Beanstalk crossed his mind again and he decided to climb it no sooner he was at the castle but this time he decided not to be seen and climbed the kitchen wall of the castle and hid himself in the oven in came the giant roaring louder than ever smell the blood of an English man alive would be dead and ride in his bones to make my bread but the giantess was quite sure that she had seen no little boy that morning and after grumbling a great deal the Giants sat down for breakfast as soon as he got over with his breakfast he called out to his wife bring me my heart sing ordered the giant soon the harp started singing the most beautiful sounds ever heard and no sooner the giant fell off into his deep sleep Jack who was waiting for this moment got out of the oven and climbed the table to grab the Hub but as soon as he started running off with it the harp started shouting master Master the giant woke up just in time to catch the sight of Jack running out of the kitchen door with a fearful Roar he saw Jack running with the harp and dashed after him little Jack ran as fast as he could while holding the heart tightly in his hands the Giant taking terribly long strides gained on Jack and he would have been caught if giant had not slipped over a boulder before he could pick himself up Jack began to climb down the Beanstalk and when the giant arrived at the edge he was nearly halfway to the cottage the giant began to climb down too but as soon as Jack saw him coming he called out mother bring an ax the Widow hurried out with the chopper Jack had no sooner reached the ground then he cut the Beanstalk right in two down came the giant with a terrible crash and that you may be sure was the end of him but the mother had a very important advice for Jack Jack what the giant did to your father was bad but you should not have been so greedy he raped what he sowed but greed is also a bad deed Jack agreed to his mother and promised to never be greedy again and they lived happily ever after that was such an adventurous story yeah tofu and do you know why it was my favorite story no tell me the story was about a brave boy who wanted to fight against poverty and in a way he got a chance to take revenge of his father too but in the process he forgot that harming the giant again and again was not ethical and link from the Giant's house was also against his morals oh that's quite a heavy thought for My Little Prince [Music] let's go we are late for dinner mom must be waiting for your favorite Rhymes stories and more join kids Hat Family subscribe here thank you
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 3,611,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, tia tofu, Storyteller, Storytelling, Kindergarten, Tia and Tofu Stories, Stories, Bedtime, Story, Bedtimes Stories, Bedtime Story, Kids Bedtime Stories
Id: MYh-rdvQv1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2016
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