English Idioms, Expressions and Phrases to give someone a compliment

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Hi and welcome back to Love English now personally  i think and i would hope that you would agree   we could do with being a  little bit kinder in this world   often watching the news seeing what's going on  in the world can make us all feel a little bit   well crap to be honest so in today's lesson i'm  going to share 34 expressions phrases a few idioms   to express kindness compassion to make the people  you love care about feel good about themselves now   before we get started i want to share two  quotes with you one by jackie chan and one   by princess diana but you have to guess who  said which and i will tell you at the end   of the lesson so number one carry out a random act  of kindness with no expectation of reward safe in   the knowledge that one day someone might do the  same for you number two sometimes it only takes   one act of kindness or caring to change a person's  life so let's see if we can achieve that today   with one of the 34 expressions that i'm  going to share right on with the lesson   right so let's get started with some lovely  expressions to complement positivity to express   the joy the fun that a person might bring to  your life and remember your job today use some   of these expressions whether you use them and send  them in a social media message and a text message   or tell somebody face to face exactly how you feel  do try using these expressions and not just today   but every day so number one you have a  great sense of humor you have a great   sense of humor when we talk about someone having  a sense of humor it means they're funny they make   you laugh they make you feel good and entertained  so it's a lovely compliment to pay to somebody   you have a great sense of humor or  you have a fantastic sense of humor   whatever adjective you want to add there but  definitely a good compliment to pay someone   number two infection seems like it's always  quite a negative thing but you can actually say   to somebody you have an INFECTIOUS laugh or even  you have an INFECTIOUS smile what this means is   when they laugh when they smile it makes you feel  like laughing it makes you happier or feel like   smiling in response so it's a massively positive  characteristic you're like sunshine on a rainy day   you're like sunshine on a rainy day really  expressing how positive and the positivity that   somebody brings into your life or into a situation  you're like sunshine on a rainy day number four   you bring out the best in people you bring out the  best in people somebody who when they're around   others seem to make them better people make them  behave in a better way or feel more positive about   life you bring out the best in people number  five again relating to people's sense of humor   jokes are funnier when you tell them jokes are  funnier when you tell them in fact i have a friend   like this who whatever ridiculous or slightly  rude joke he makes he seems to make them funnier   than other people he's just got a great sense of  humor now number six is actually in reference to   a lovely idiomatic expression behind every cloud  is a silver lining now what this means is whenever   there's a dark or difficult time you have to  look for the positive you have to look and hope   that things are going to change so that silver  lining behind the cloud is referring to the sun   soon to appear now hopefully this expression  you'll now understand you always know how to find   that silver lining and of course this is referring  to someone being positive or optimistic no matter   the situation someone can find the positive  in it now number seven i've never actually   used this one before but i think it's a great one  and i think it really does express someone who is   fun to be around who makes you feel good you're  more fun than bubble wrap you're more fun than   bubble wrap now bubble wrap is this stuff and  if you've ever got hold of some it's just so   tempting and satisfying to squish the little  holes of air and i don't know why it just it's   a stress reliever so you're saying that someone is  enjoyable fun to be around and maybe yes a stress   reliever but basically you're saying that good  fun number eight you're like a breath of fresh air   you're like a breath of fresh air meaning  you bring likeness you bring positivity   to a situation you reinvigorate someone you make  them feel more motivated so you're like a breath   of fresh air is a very very positive expression  and a lovely compliment to pay someone now looking   at complementing people's personal traits  it's always nice to personalize some of these   compliments and to recognize a characteristic a  trait that someone has that's really positive and   enjoyable number nine quite simply you could say  i like your style i like your style and of course   you are referring to fashion the way a person  dresses so i really like sabra's style you could   even say love i really love someone's style your  style um obviously a little bit stronger than like   but certainly very true for me i really like and  love sabra's style i'm always copying her clothes   number ten a lovely compliment to pay someone  you're a great listener you're a great listener   and in fact there's very few people i find  that are really great listeners it's quite a   difficult thing to do to not just listen and hear  someone but actually absorb what they're saying   to be able to give good advice in return or  empathy whatever it might be that they need so   you're a great listener is a good solid compliment  number 11 you're inspiring or you're so inspiring   meaning you what you do what you achieve in  your life makes me want to achieve more too so   you inspire me you're so inspiring 12. you're so  thoughtful you're so thoughtful again if someone   is doing something showing an act of kindness  to you has done something particularly nice   has thought about you in a particular way for a  reason whether that's because you were feeling   sick and they brought you some soup or fruit you  should of course always share that compliment   you're so thoughtful showing you appreciate when  they do think of you and show acts of kindness   similarly you're very generous very generous and  of course you can be generous in different ways   often you can say to someone you're so generous  with your time meaning you make time for me   you listen to me you help me when i need you  and to say you're very generous with your time   is a lovely way of appreciating what someone is  doing for you now number 14 someone who can give   really great advice can give you good guidance  and help you when you don't know what to do   you're wise beyond your years you're wise  beyond your years now be careful with this one   because you wouldn't say it to somebody who's  older 50 60 70 you'd say it to someone maybe my   age or younger that you are wise beyond your years  means you have wisdom knowledge and experience   and you're able to give and share that wisdom to  somebody despite your youth despite being young   so if someone gives you great advice if you go  to a friend who gives you the right advice and   helps you get back on track you can say you are  wise beyond your years so more than your actual   age now of course one of the things i like to do  is compliment specifically something about that   person so i might say i love your hair i love your  makeup if it's a girl i love your top your sense   of style of course so if you use i love your plus  a noun then you can complement something specific   about that person and make them feel good about  themselves similarly i admire your now when we use   admire it's a little bit different here to using  love with love i would say talk about fashion or   hair or something more practical but with admire  i would use more of a personality trait i admire   your confidence i admire your kindness i admire  your zest for life meaning your motivation your   drive to live and enjoy life so make it more  about their personality when you use i admire   your number 17 a lovely idiomatic expression you  are so down to earth you are so down to earth when   someone is down to earth it means that they are  grounded that they are sensible that they don't   have crazy dreams that they're very realistic and  it is a compliment you're so down to earth she had   no problem mucking in and helping out with the  kids despite the chaos she is so down to earth   right moving on 18 to 21 complementing creativity  intelligence and i suppose resourcefulness number   18 a nice informal way to tell somebody they're  intelligent you're a smart cookie you're a smart   cookie now again i would say this would be used  with a particular age group so probably someone   that's younger than you or the same age not your  teacher you wouldn't tell your teacher they're a   smart cookie but i might say it to a student that  is great work you really are a smart cookie number   19 your perspective your way of looking at things  is refreshing meaning it's new it's different   and of course quite positive so this is a great  expression to use in maybe more of a business   environment a formal situation with colleagues  your perspective your view on things is refreshing   you're always learning new things and trying to  improve yourself it's amazing so complimenting   someone who does strive and try to learn more  whether that's through doing courses or simply   reading educating themselves is a great compliment  to pay you're always learning new things   and trying to better yourself that's amazing or i  admire that about you now again another expression   that if used in the wrong context could sound  condescending like you're talking down to somebody   so use it with the right person again perhaps your  children younger niece or nephew you could say you   have a good head on your shoulders you have a  good head on your shoulders a little bit like   you're a smart cookie you're complimenting  somebody on being wise sensible being intelligent   you have a good head on your shoulders but it's  not as informal obviously referring to someone   being a smart cookie does sound very much a little  bit of slang so you've got a good head on your   shoulders nice expression to complement someone's  sensible nature their intelligence level now   it's also nice to complement a specific action or  accomplishment something that someone has achieved   22 you should be proud of yourself you should be  proud of yourself a nice way to compliment someone   and boost their self-confidence you should be  proud of yourself for doing whatever it is or for   getting such fantastic grades at school you should  be proud of yourself 23 you're making a difference   you're making a big difference and again in  a work environment where you're participating   in a team activity this is a great way to  really show your appreciation of somebody   you're really making a big difference you  deserve a hug right now you deserve a massive hug   right now when someone's done something achieved  something or helped you in some particular way you   might just want to say oh i want to hug you thank  you so much you deserve a hug right now now number   25 i really like this one i think this is a little  bit more poetic actions speak louder than words   and yours tell an incredible story actions  speak louder than words and yours tell an   incredible story now we use the expression actions  speak louder than words when we're talking about   somebody what they actually do is more significant  than them saying something if someone says to you   oh i'm really sorry you could say well actions  speak louder than words how are you going to   show that you're sorry you're going to stop  making the same mistake over and over again   so actions that speak louder than words  and yours tell an incredible story   expressing that what someone does how someone  behaves shows who they truly are and number 26   is there anything you can't do is there anything  you can't do so complimenting someone on achieving   a great deal on regularly achieving a lot  in their life is there anything you can't do   meaning you're amazing you're fantastic is there  anything you can't do and finally complementing   the whole person i particularly like the last one  here number 34 and i think you will too it's a   little bit more creative and unusual so number 27  i appreciate you or i appreciate everything you do   to say you appreciate someone is to show that  you are truly grateful for what they do and   how they impact your life in a positive way so  i appreciate you or i appreciate what you do   28. you have such a great or good heart you  have such a good great heart and i think this is   particularly nice when we're talking about people  that really are very kind caring and generous   often we refer to someone as having a good  heart who are particularly kind generous giving   so it's a lovely compliment and it really shows  that you see them for who they truly are on a   scale of one to ten you're an eleven on a scale  of one to ten you're an eleven obviously you're   going beyond the scale you're going above 10.  so on a scale of 1 to 10 you're an 11 meaning   you're amazing now when you truly appreciate  someone this is a great expression to use   the world would be a better place if more people  were like you the world would be a better place if   more people were like you 31 of course we can keep  it simple you are wonderful you're amazing you're   fantastic or we could say something like you're  one of a kind you're one of a kind meaning you're   so unique and different you're one of a kind  you're special you're one in a million you're one   in a million very similar to you're one of a kind  you're one in a million you're very very special   not many people are as lovely as you and number  34 i came across this while i was googling   these compliments and i thought this is just great  fun you're even better than a unicorn because   you're real you're even better than a unicorn  because you're real now it's a crazy one so use it   with friends put it jokingly in a birthday card or  something like that but it's just good fun it's a   nice compliment to end with there so your homework  today is to share one of these compliments   with a friend of yours with a family member  with someone you feel might need cheering up or   actually showing how much you appreciate them and  of course you're more than welcome to compliment   me just comment below and boost my ego a little  bit so do you remember those two quotes that i   shared with you earlier at the beginning of the  lesson well were you able to guess who said which   the first one i shared carry out a random act of  kindness with no expectation of reward safe in the   knowledge that one day someone might do the same  for you now that quote was actually by princess   diana which means quote number two was by  jackie chan sometimes it only takes one act   of kindness and caring to change a person's  life thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, English idioms, learn English idioms, English expressions, English phrases, British English, English vocabulary lesson, kindness, compliments, how to give someone a compliment, world kindness day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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