They're Running Again!

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[Music] foreign [Music] heading to the field so got those injectors out of that old engine um we have another buddy who uh perhaps around a lot of big buds and he happened to have a fully rebuilt kta 600 horsepower 1150 Cummins sitting in his shop for a rainy day and he's like hey I just finished seating and uh I'll just go ahead and pull those injectors out of that thing for you guys you guys can use them for now man thank you Dusty oh so I think we have enough injectors to get both these tractors going um and uh the process today I the mechanic is available he's gonna hopefully come first thing in the morning here start tearing into one pull the injectors out put the old injectors back into the 525 that we had the old from the old engine that we had they know how to set the valves again set the injectors again and then if it doesn't smoke like a coal train we're good to go and he can get running and then when we get the injectors for the other one we'll do the same thing and hopefully get both tractors rolling again today there's rain coming this weekend so we've got about two days two and a half days of finished seed and peas which we only need like half of an afternoon and to spray them all and that's what I'm doing right now so I'm heading up to the field go get the sprayer going again and I'm just gonna start knocking out Acres hopefully get ready for this rain coming oh don't worry old trusty you'll be trusty again don't worry today love you I suppose let's mix made it let's see thousand gallons five gallon work pre-spray up everything's set the same I had it yesterday all right looks like 37.5 gallons of glyphosate five gallons of surfactant and 957 gallons of water out of our steady and durafloss tanks let's fire the pumps up [Music] oh I love it eat pumps with starters on them that'd make life a little bit easier all right here we go fire her up well good morning everybody uh we got a little bit of a later start today because we're waiting for Brian to show up I made a couple calls last night and uh a good buddy of ours that has five big buds and uh I knew he had a lot of parts he had an engine sitting on the floor that he rebuilt and uh had new injectors in it or rebuilt injectors and he was willing and and I cannot tell him thank you enough he was willing to pull the injectors out of that motor and then that way we can at least get going and we will work out a deal whatever we can make happen but uh that being said we got the 450 motor injectors right there in the Box cleaned them up they look they'll look decent we'll find out when we put them in the tractor and then Brian up here that is ahead of me in his service truck he's got the 600 injectors from our buddy Dusty so we're gonna go through and swap injectors out and we're hoping that's the problem but uh what a deal uh it's been it's been a lot going on a lot of electrical problems with carts a lot of hydraulic problems with with the tractor um a little bit of a transmission issue on the 600 Bud uh these injectors that are going bad a little bit of a problem with the little bud that we had a kind of just slightly go through and it's been one thing after another after another after another and then Nick is actually out there trying to spray we have the big boot that's down because we're trying to switch it over to the new spray system so we only have uh the patchy which is awesome and so it's been it's been a lot going on this has not been a very good start for a season but it's a start and we only have we only have like two maybe 300 acres left of yellow peas to seed and no more done with the peas but we're getting there and then we got about 5 000 of spring wheat to put in now Wiggly waxer Brad or Wiggles he's out there on the land roller and uh he's getting that done he's having fun too by the way foreign okay let's put some injectors in hopefully that fixes the problem because we got to get seeding obviously [Music] all right are we getting ready to start it yep let's see what damage we can cause it's got a little bit of a rough idle but it needs to warm up some get some of that air out of the system because well all the injectors are pulled out but uh kind of sounds like it's missing but we won't know until we start running it [Music] [Applause] all right that is awesome these old injectors are actually running pretty good it was kind of spitting and puffing a little bit at the beginning but now it's just it's clean it looks good oh yeah no crazy smoke coming out of it it's running great that means we can actually get going and seating so what we're going to do is since he's running we're gonna go ahead and head down to the others bud and put some other injectors in it and get that one going too yeah what a shame you get those injectors rebuilt and uh apparently something wrong either bad parts or they didn't assemble them correctly I don't know but sweet it's running and we're at the 600 big bud let's pull those injectors out and put some different ones in huh all right get busy [Music] this part here with the screen on it okay typically the part for that one kind of comes from that okay so you can you can see where the you can see where the holes are there there's one hole over here which is in this upper compartment but that's the return yeah and then that one down there is that one so this one's gonna go in that way like that the guy knows his stuff that's all I have to say it's good that bad boy sitting in there like that I might know a few few things too but not as much as him I just know that push rod needs going there so what he's doing is he's taking oil and dumping it and then wiping it around the O-rings on that injector because there's three O-rings you got two compartments in there one's a pressure and then one's a return or it's a return Isn't it yeah yeah so if it builds up too much pressure it can go back and so he wants to make sure that we don't cut those O-rings when we put them in they'll just slide right in that little bit of oil it'll burn right through the system and it won't hurt the tractor and then after he gets those carefully put in you take a hammer and you smash them really hard get all that oil out of the system you just beat it out of there seed it good I like it so he's installing the retainer ring so the injector doesn't pop out with a compression he's going to put those on top and we're going to take the bolts on either side put them down in there and then you got to torque them down to was it 13 13 13 uh foot pounds and then once those are tight then we'll take these rocker arms put those bat on or bad boys back on and then we'll do the adjustments for that so that way everything's correct and then it should run what's interesting is the injector one of the injectors on the other tractor had a lot of carbon build up on the tip and I think it's this one here is kind of looking as well you can see a little bit of a residue on it and to the eye that's what we kind of noticed but it's so hard to say what happened if they were just bad parts going into those injectors the fact that we had both tractors go I would say I don't think it's a operator error of putting them together I think it's just maybe bad parts that they put in there so but we'll talk to the people that did them and see what happened and send these back down there and see if they can get them corrected the right way [Music] all right injectors are in it's all buttoned up they're adjusted let's go ahead and see what happens right here too it probably won't start without keys will it [Music] sounds pretty good all right he is good to go he's gonna take off and I'm gonna jump in here and start seeding this is actually to be honest it's my first time seating this year because I just haven't I've been too busy running around trying to take care of other stuff to keep things going and uh this is yeah so I get to get to play around with this tractor I'm excited oh yeah I need to turn on that uh I gotta remember how to do this a welcome Farms news alert big bud operators still held hostage day five wow it's been a tough day for uh or four days uh just trying to get the equipment to run smooth but I think we've got it um finally figured out the hydraulic in this tractor is working great so it's smooth the card is having no issues I don't have an issue if that doesn't have an issue and then the injectors where the problem as you saw earlier in the video and no smoke running smooth wow what a start to 2023 we are going to finish the piece today I'm on the last field Scott is now running the other 600 uh while Nick is spraying the peas that we've already seated and rolled and trying to get that done there's a little weather event coming in a couple days um if we can get it seated I mean uh sprayed after it's rolled then it's great to get some moisture on it so yeah it's working great um I'm just kind of juggling here on the monitor as you can see that backtake is running low it was low before I filled but I didn't want to put anything in it I want to run it empty so that we only have two tanks to clean out uh to switch over to Spring wheat so when I finally get that tank down I calibrated it or just set the you know you can set the um figures to any amount as you're going along and so I've got it set down and the other two are bumped up so it should be running out here in another couple months or rounds and then I'll recalibrate these two figures to proportionately to get the seating rate I need this tank is bigger than that tank that's the smallest tank that's a hundred bushels that's about 186 and that's about 142 or 43. we work out the math um not this kind of workout that can add up too but we figured out and then put the right numbers in and it'll do the calculating for us so anyway just thought I'd give you an update on it we'll uh catch you in the next event okay buddy you're so heavy it's all that Lego building that you keep getting stronger whoopsie okay this is Taryn this is my oldest daughter we got Roscoe which is which isn't he's my second and then we have Wally and Raleigh's right there and this is a scary looking face she is just like her mother what look at what look at what you fix it yeah yeah did you fix it this year really yeah really what do you see behind there these are done he beat me to it yes the peas are done so we're gonna empty out what we have left in this cart into the truck he's got a little tiny bit more to seed so we'll just barely put some oranges drill and then then they're done he jumped the gun a little bit okay but anyways that's a nice card I want it I don't want it to ever leave two cartons we need two cards like that we definitely do need or want a bitable actually [Music] [Music]
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 186,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: -ZWSWjsszPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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