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He's taller, about the 2nd floor of an apartment He's lazy that he didn't put an effort to become 3m tall (Sadness about Kwangsoo's height which can be higher) No, this is! - This makes sense! You can be 3m tall! - You should at least try to be 3m tall! (Sad Things.zip) (Running Man's last broadcast in 2020) (Kwangsoo & Sechan in similar blue jackets) You two are opening a shopping mall together? Seok Jin! You look like a mischievous boy today..! Uh! Hello Hey! You talk to each other! I'll go after wearing a mic! Why are you so upset from the morning? - He doesn't even say hello to us when he doesn't have a mic - He is really funny (Business hours start with the record button) I start to work after wearing a mic Seokjin wants to come, so his neck is keep moving (He wants to participate in a conversation) (But he's a professional who never rushes out without a microphone) You know that dogs can't wait well when you tell them to wait lol Hey, isn't that the same clothes with last week? It's my own clothes~ (Clothes that he can exercise anywhere) Why do you take Jiseon(Jongkook's stylist) together then? I gotta be equipped as a celebrity~ (One of the five wonders of the entertainment industry) (<What is a stylist for Kim Jongkook?>) (Creating a job for just showing) Oh Seok-jin's wearing a glasses Jeon Young-rok alike (New fashion glasses that Wangko is wearing these days) You got younger~ You got younger, bro Still, he has a limit even he gets younger You seem like 54 years old! Hey, there's a limit even when you get younger. It's just about 1 or 2 age differences I am better than you. I'm healthier than you You don't get younger, but less old. (Seokjin is K.O by three punches) Hey, hey, hey. You wanna die to my friends? To who? My friends! Do you think my friends will stay still? You wanna fight?!!! (Elderly's group fight(?) outbreaks) (1966 vs 1972) It's so hard for Seok-jin to gather his friends (The age of getting hard to gather(?)) It starts with Seokjin fighting with 4 members (Seokjin is fighting lonely from morning) - He doesn't fight well, but he is brave - And has a strong stamina You know what? When he fights, he gives one side and fight (retreat one cheek to advance one step) I never pass out~ (The eldest brother's struggling) Hey hahaha It's almost Jiseokjin Show now hahahaha Why don't you stop this with getting just one punch? (Seokjin can't win those members who got good conditions today) I'll end up with beating you Your face got so red now It's so hot in here (he answers all the words) Oh, we are warmed up! With Seokjin (Let's start recording~?) (Their mouths are ready for the opening now) Today is the last broadcast of the Year This year must pass quickly (They want to end up quickly with this year, which was so hard) I'd rather be 50 quicker (Special year-end snack for Jaeseok, who is 50 soon and members) (PPL_MODE_ON) Crispy outside, Crispy inside! Stupid outside, Stupid inside I'm promoting now..! (It's a PPL of Kwangsoo 'Stupid Outside, Stupid Inside') (It's not that...!!) Can I take this home? (Human SOSI, who never give up) (Kwangsoo! Kwangsoo!) It's a PPL condition that you don't comment on this snack... (What are you saying) (One cue card sent to the members while eating a snack) Running The end of the year It's the final broadcast of 2020, please feel free to write down what you felt bad for the members in this year Well.. I don't have sad things about them (You can write as much as want to those members who you have sad things!) (You just need to enter the booth and write it down) Well.... I don't have many sad things I don't have many, too (He doesn't have many but first goes to Seokjin's booth) (Seokjin booth already has a waiting line) (He already grabbed a pen without hesitation) Oh really - I have some to Sechan - I do have some to you, too Oh, I have one thing about Sechan Oh really? (I'm already afraid) I even have sad things to Jaeseok - To me? What is it? - I'm so disappointed! (They're going to be disappointed without any reason today) Why? Then Somin... What am I sad to her? (Recalling the sad things) I can't believe her Is it anonymous? (Slightly starting the engine with anonymity) Sad things keep coming out Wow there are so many people here (Waiting line) Wait a second, are you standing in front of my name? (Sechan's booth is so crowded) (What is he so sad about Sechan that he even waited in a line..?) (On the other hand, Jihyo, who said there was nothing sad) Is it okay not to write if I don't have any? (She's writing something) - Ah...I don't have any.. - Jihyo, is there anything so sad about Somin? (To me??) (She said she can't remember, but keep going into booths) I'm just looking(?) (Everyone must have waited for this, they're so busy) Now, everyone started to write the flaws hahaha (Started to write each other's flaws instead of sad things) (Purpose of the 2020 year-end closing feelings is gone far away) It's so funny (Finishes before they become more sad..!) First, we wrote about Jongkook Oh, what is it~? First, this is anonymous. He doesn't know how to control the power (Strongly agree) - The first one's writing style is too obvious - Oh really~? (Extraordinarily ugly font that can't be hidden) Now, next, He never stops to doubt. I'm sick of it It can be... (Trying to ignore) I want to kill him whenever I take on the role of a spy (A sad thing from too much doubt) (He starts to doubt again) - Next, he only likes his daughter - What is that lol He only spends his money to his daughter (The cause of 'Daughter in U.S.A') And, Sechan backbites you (Did you?) (loyal competition) And this is interesting When he is a spy, he denies it with his power (everyone has experienced) (I agree this) (14 sad things about Jongkook) Now, it's about Seokjin He never answers to me when he doesn't have camera or microphone (Kwangsoo, who was ignored by Seokjin in this morning, wrote) This is really sad! Am I really? One day, I knocked his car to say hello, but he didn't even open the door Wow, you're really professional! This is the worst He pretends to love his family (Brothers and sisters are sad about Seojin's artificial figure) (Seokjin K.O) This is also funny.. He pulls out the hair that grows in the ear Don't pull it! (They don't even want to lose his one hair) Please water it and grow it! (Hope to live long) Now, it's about Kwangsoo He's uglier, clothes are too much People tell me a lot that you got uglier these days He only answers phone when he's drunk, he's back hair is too long, compared to his back hair, his front hair is too short (Summary: So sad that he only loves his back hair) No, how can this be sad things! (A sin with short bangs compared to the back hair) Isn't this just malicious comments? Next is the facial expression... Especially when he laughs, his face gets crooked You sad about my face getting crooked? (A sadness from the love of Kwangsoo to give a laugh with bisymmetry(?)) You're sad about my face getting crooked? He got taller, about the 2nd floor of an apartment He can be 3m tall but he doesn't put an effort (Wants him to grow a bit more) No, this is! - This is sad! You can be 3m! - You could be 3m tall, but why don't you try! How should I try! (Sad about not trying (?) for growth potential) Why do I have to be taller! When he eats or drinks with his younger brothers and sisters, he hesitates in front of the counter (It's you!) (The 3m Giant, who becomes small in front of the counter only) (14 sad things and malicious comments about Kwangsoo are done) Now, it's my turn He tries to quit the phone quickly, I'm tired of his hairstyle, his mouth pops out more, I'm sad about his face (Also malicious comments are flooding) - His teeth, particularly the set of teeth is sad - Yeah, his teeth are so sad I'm more sad! What? The set of teeth? Hey, if I correct it, it would be weird? No, you might be better Look at Sechan, Sechan fixed his teeth (surprisingly it's been fixed) (Neatly popped out) (Never stops to promote) Song Jihyo~ She didn't even reply my message that I sent on the first recording of Runningman (Waiting for 10 years) No, it's not She doesn't answer the phone, I want to see her clear eyes once (We want Song Jihyo, no more Mung or Dam Jihyo) On PPL cue card, her name is first.. what does this mean? Oh, it's not a big deal (Hyenas smelled Seokjin) It's not funny at all? Ha-A-Am~ (Sleepy) Just skip it. I just wrote it for fun It's for fun but it's not funny at all Please skip it! (<Ji Seok-jin Show>, which doesn't seem to end) (Seokjin never stops to respond) It's about Haha He asked me to go for a drink but didn't go yet. He's too formal (Embarrassed) Hey. Let's. Go. For. A. Drink (Haha, the king of friendship who always make an empty promise) Let's go for a drink with a half-dried Herring! He wasn't like this before but he's changed He's never friendly on the phone Whenever he answers, he says "Oh, hello Mr. Lee" (He's always recording "Youtube" when Kwangsoo calls) Mr. Lee Kwangsoo, please say hello to my subscribers He asks me if I am a spy when we have a break time and if I tell him that I am a spy, he tells it to everyone and rips my name tag off (10 sad things about Haha ends with dirty and formal friendship) Hey, let's have a drink~ (He'll open a new formal group talk today, too) It's Sechan's turn this time. He never calls back after saying that he's on a meeting of Comedy Big League - He's a bit suspicious these days. I think he has a girlfriend - Yeah Long time ago, when I went hiking with Sechan, he told me to go to the dangerous road saying it's the way (Disappointed) (He guide Kwangsoo to the hell) He resembles a cuttlefish Wow, this is strong! He likes Somin but he never proposes (Staring) Hey you don't know how sad it is! Why don't you confess! (The only person who is serious about this relationship(?)) It's Somin's time. She lies too much, she doesn't believe in me and keeps doubting This is obviously Haha She promised not to do so, but as soon as she receives the mission, she doubts again. It's been 6 months but she hasn't changed at all I won't trust you again. Isn't this a letter? She forces to make a love relationship. The spelling is wrong (It's not me...?) (Jihyo made a mistake) Today's rolling paper has a hidden secret
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 13,025,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 런닝맨, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, 양세찬, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min
Id: I7zenrB8Rmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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