Catching Up: THE BOYZ I KPDB Ep. #80

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this is the intro jingle this is the k-pop devops show with eric nam [Music] right ladies and welcome to the k-pop devoxx show hope y'all are well if you guys have missed the last few episodes you guys are missing out because we have been having some conversations with eric jacob and kevin from the boys and uh on today's episode we have all three of them together wowza in one yeah yeah you guys this was like your technically for each of your second podcast episode yeah right how was how do you are you guys feeling warmed up now you guys okay yeah definitely yeah eric looks like he's about to fall asleep but that's no i'm good i've been there done that do you sleep are you are you pretty sleepy do you sleep just a bit he has like a thing like he's usually super energetic but then oh okay i could sleep wherever whenever oh like even if someone like really loud turns off the music like really loud or turn the light on i could just still follow that's that's a blessing because it is that's a blessing but i can't wake up for life like this today kevin woke me up he has a vibrating alarm clock it wakes me up literally shakes the whole entire door not even it wakes me up it's this big oh it's like a big one and there's like wires that connects to this like thing that shakes it and vibrates and i put it like between my uh bed right and then when it like rings just vibrate and shakes the whole dorm and you still can't get up yes we are a living room apart from each other and you s and i wake up from it yet he still sleeps like a baby dude that's that's amazing today i saw you today at the shop and i he was like oh and then i looked i was like you bro you just woke up yeah i did i just woke up okay okay well today's episode we're just gonna chill we're gonna talk we're just gonna you know have like the more group dynamic right we got to know you guys more individually um but just to have you guys talk in english english with me um so to kick us off for you for those of you who are not familiar with the boys please go get familiar with their stuff because their stuff is good and they have a lot of stuff out there stop it so there's a lot of content a lot of a lot a lot like a lot so when whatever you like there is something for you to like right if you guys have to pick one comeback or one concept or one album that you want people to go see what is it it could be um together wait okay okay say it together one i don't know if we're thinking the same thing it's my one two three said come back but like just check out road to king okay so eric you said reveal reveal why because that's our most recent comeback and um that was that was my favorite okay yeah what about it was your why was it your favorite the song wise and the performance wise that was just my style and then i like cute and like bright concepts but i like more of like a mature and like stronger stuff stronger stuff that's right all right so for more mature stronger stuff check out reveal yes kevin you said i said road to kingdom which is technically technically a little bit technically not a comeback but reveal is in there there's an album yeah oh yeah we did checkmate that's a comeback but like wrote to kingdom we did a little bit of everything so okay okay jacob i chose reveal as well okay because um i feel like reveal is when um you know we kind of i feel like as a team we uh improved a lot during uh reveal promotions and also prep so i really enjoyed reveal and also the b-side tracks i really enjoyed them all right there you go there you go we have reveal and road to kingdom um so now we have a lot of questions here that you guys wrote for each other oh boy and i feel like this is just a good way to just get it started all right this question is from jacob to kevin okay what's the most useless talent you have you said you googled this thank you google uh useless talent um staying awake is that a talent or a curse it's a curse that's why it's a useless talent because i have the same useless talent staying awake i feel you on that we talked about that yes we are in our conversation but okay useless talent i mean for you guys when you see kevin is there a useless talent that you guys see of his he makes use of his talent very well okay so uses all of them oh he's very talented like all rounded so artistically both music and actual art so all right all right thanks guys shoulders wide today think of anything i got one um to be honest kevin not to hurt your feelings but [Laughter] your fashion is not my style you're fashioning mine either it's my style don't worry thank you sir all right so what is your fashion style he's clean very like um not very good i don't know if this this the description but very organized like garcon like i don't like stuff to be on like like your ocd your ocd-ness is coming out right yeah okay but like so for example what is stuff with stuff on your clothes like what is pants with like like stripes and like i don't know like not stripes like stress accoutrements like distress grunge and like also like ribs like a snake i have no pants with snakes snake snake skin looking like pants like you know in like a winter where you would just wear this jacket it's like a snake yeah that hurts my eye why do you hate snakes scarce snakes don't like you either because that's not a useless town that's a diss [Applause] all right you can you can stand up for your snake skin jacket kevin explain yourself or if you want to even address this this blasphemy um do you have a phrase in korea gangshan kane to each their own personal style yes okay okay well how do you what do you think of eric's style eric's style simple basic oh basis simple is the best is it though all right this is a question to eric from who this is from jacob okay uh-oh do you want one five-year-old kevin or five kevin's it's a very typical question from our fans oh have you had this question before every member has had this question really i think yeah well what do you think have you answered this one before no no okay five kevin's or one five-year-old kevin both are fine actually really yeah well so how about six kevin's no six kevin no six kevin's up to five oh that's five okay who is a member that you're like i do not want five of you sonu why why why why why he he's like the opposite of me oh yeah i'm super close with him but he's just opposite obviously he doesn't like put back his clothes after um wearing them yeah wearing them he doesn't clean up after himself like he cleans up after a week like he orders like food he eats them he leaves it on the table he cleans it after like a week what do you like cleaning so you need each other oh symbiotic really relationship you need to do it's like he knows you're there so yeah yeah exactly that's why i don't want six of them i mean too much anger um i've i've heard this question from from i think kevin this is the first question that you or one of the discussions we had had is a hamburger a sandwich oh gosh now this is from jacob to eric oh we had this conversation camera is a hamburger a sandwich hamburger yeah is it a sandwich yes or no wait so is the hamburger a sandwich yeah we're asking you you're not asking us we're asking you oh so you're not asking me which one i like better no the question is does a hamburger fall into the category of a sandwich yes is a hamburger a sandwich or a sandwich yes a hamburger oh yes why why explain because look hamburger it has two bread on top and the bottom right like one top and bottom yeah sandwich same bread on top and the bottom and what's in like between those breads it's basically similar then it's meat like lettuce tomato [Laughter] why buy your logic because it sounds different oh is it rectangle square kind of thing i don't know guys my head hurts already okay okay this is a question from eric to kevin okay kevin yes what do you like about eric from the boys not much okay okay what is your like character what is there to like about aaron i just want compliments to be said about him uh eric he's very energetic i appreciate that even when uh the team is tired and down he's the one that brings attention up uh-huh so i appreciate him for that and for being clean and for being cleaning up after members if there's one thing and this is not you don't dislike about eric okay but if there's one thing that you're like if there's one thing that you think eric would you would like to see him fix or improve the ability to wake up without a vibrating alarm clock that shakes the entire door or oh that's not possible she's dreaming the purpose of having that alarm clock is to not wake me up is to wake the members up so the members could wake me up but i don't know what the difference is like this i go in i go in i say eric wake up and he wakes up but with this just sleeping peacefully maybe he thinks of it as like a massage chair you know he got a lot better though trainees oh yes we would have to like wake him up like six times for him to just open his eyes oh but now should we tell them about the episodes where um i sprayed you in the face we promised each other to pour a bucket of water to wake each other up did you do it yeah we did it there's even a video of it and we have like a spray bottle i think i've sprayed him in the face like three times it's like a little cat when a cat misbehaves like spray him in the face you know enjoy it while it lasts because it doesn't last forever just i'm gonna say that maybe when you get to kevin's age you're gonna be on our side of it's a talent to be able to sleep yeah it really it's a it's a blessing all right this is a question from eric to jacob when was the angriest time or day of your life why did you first why did you ask this question because i haven't seen jacob get mad ever ever or even angry kevin have you have you seen jacob get mad or angry no i i've seen him get mad like maybe twice but i haven't seen him get angry uh like that that's like yeah i i have seen him get mad but not angry okay okay what's the difference there's one time there's a difference look okay explain the difference between maddening look matt is like they're synonyms angry like matt is more of like a frustrated anger is more of like so angry as a ugly version of mad yeah so you think angry is more intense than yeah okay okay so matt can be like upset yeah and frustrated okay angry is like rage it's like hulk yeah uh-huh okay now kevin have you ever seen jacob be angry or mad i've seen him mad but not angry okay now that we've defined angry jacob have you ever been angry like truly rage filled in your life oh yes this is more when i was younger um so it was me and my brother yeah and my cousin and we were playing with playing cards i'm not sure which one they were but like we were done playing and then i think we got into an argument and then i wasn't like was it my cousin i don't know if it was my cousin or a brother but they picked up the cards and threw it at my back and that hurt i really hurt like it was 51 cards stacked together it really hurts so i turned around and then i i swore at my brother or cousin i remember like out of anger i was like i was like what the hmm oh wow yeah and i was pretty young back then but every time i swore back then i used to pray i'm so sorry i shouldn't have sworn i thought you like stabbed someone and did something so bad that you were you swore to yourself that you would never be mad or angry again no and then but it was just cars a few years down the road i i still did that whenever i got mad or did something i should i pray but i was like maybe i should just stop swearing so i i don't really swear anymore you have never sworn before you've never heard him swear yeah ever like look this is an episode we take acting lessons like uh acting lessons at at our company and then like a tessa though the line it has the curse word in there yeah and we would have to say that since it's like practice and he's acting right it's part of acting but jacob is like oh sorry teacher i can't i can't do this there's a curse word in it i can't do this soft jake though he never he never swears so after that incident you've after those instances you've like no you have not sworn oh maybe like in my head but like isn't that worse not out loud and there's probably times i like used like a similar sounding word yeah but i haven't actually like okay all right well when you do call me yeah call me you will not believe what just happened okay um do you guys get angry pretty ever i'm pretty chill yeah okay eric eric can get feisty eric can get feisty eric gets what does he get feisty about people i swear and please everyone clean after yourself he's he's uh even like when it comes to his own uh skills and stuff if something's not working out he is pretty frustrated because he wants to do better but there's times you know right hits hits the wall right those times he gets frustrated at himself everybody has those days everybody has those days it's a hannah montana reference just everybody just sorry how does song go um all right so next question so jacob had uh kevin had asked jacob would you shave off your eyebrows if it would give kevin a chance to meet beyonce jacob said yes yes now the question is the question is i guess what who what artist would you want kevin to shave his eyebrows off for for you to meet oh me to me or what's like a worse thing than shaving off an eyebrow for you what would you require kevin to do no hair from the neck up no um chop off a toe chop off the toe jacob's not he's not his brain is too kind he's just like no eyelashes no eyelashes but i need those all right you do it's part of health it is part of health but okay so jacob like who would you who would you want to meet is there like a to be honest there's many people i'm like big fans of but not as much as he is with beyonce true all right black is king streaming on disney plus i swear this dude is getting paid by disney he's getting paid by beyonce and disney to say this stuff um eric who do you have anybody that you would want to like you know you get to shave off kevin and jacob's eyebrows and you get to meet this person or you get to do something [Music] maybe lebron james lebron james did you watch uh last dance no oh you gotta watch it i have it though i can watch it you should watch it what's really good it's it's uh sports it's a michael jordan documentary it's on netflix it's called last dance dance it's really good it talks about like michael jordan and like the the bulls the chicago bulls when they were like they what won like six or seven world championships and so it's like talking about that life what about space jam i you know what i want to watch that did they not mention it in the movie they did mention it okay i watched a long time ago and i was like i should watch it and then i have it let's watch space jam isn't there's was one was supposed to come out with the broad i don't know what's happening oh yeah that's true yeah they're aren't they doing that they're not sharing that something like that so many remakes i don't know all right this is for for eric from kevin as an avid consumer of ramyan yes would you rather be bald for life or have noodles for hair i i do i don't know this is literally what he wrote i didn't i didn't come up with these noodles there's weird things going on in here i'm sorry let's hear this that's greasy i'll say noodles for hair but it's like loose like what if you're always [Laughter] oh yeah i mean it's better than having nothing i mean you can grow it i mean i'm not i'm not saying that bald people are like yeah i'm just saying that you would prefer to have i would prefer to have hair yeah and be bald it's not hair it's noodles but if i die if i dye it black it might look like a hair what but it's still noodles it has like the texture and consistency of noodles i can eat it whenever whenever i'm hungry but it came out it came out it was it came out of your scalp i have enough i don't know some wow questions um how how much do you love ramya i ate it yesterday i ate it the day before yesterday i had it the day before yesterday yesterday i did so like every day yeah yeah he has lamian for blood what is your go-to ghost yeah what do you always eat which lamion is it is it always different is it one thing right it's always different sometimes i push a mogul sometimes i know sometimes i eat like sometimes i eat brewdog sometimes okay last meal on earth you have one bag of ramyan which one is it ah this is some serious question this is the most serious he's taking a question i say dogudi good stuff why the noodle it's it's thick it's thicker than this yeah stuff that's true no imagine that the soup it tastes good so i think we have very similar taste in food aka we like junk food yes oh he loves jelly and stuff jelly is not good for you bro is it not it's like the worst thing for you really yeah i shouldn't have said that it's you like i do they don't eat i do eat what do kevin and jacob eat salad like every chicken breast salad that's kevin cereal some kind of weird looking like uh food i don't even know what that is no i'm i'm all protein look like whenever whenever i'm at a dorm i would like order um deliver a few that's like dog pokey or something chicken chicken pizza i eat chicken jacob he will order something like from what is it called sprout oh i ice bro it's it's it's like a vegan vegan catering but just for my health i would get the smoothies and the yeah oat bars and just okay every day you start my day with a smoothie well there's nothing wrong with smoothies nothing wrong with smoothies yeah nothing wrong with vegans and smoothie but i'm just saying like how do you survive just only eating those kind of stuff i mean when we dance like six hours a day that's my point you guys eric is triggered right now he is triggered on food all right i mean so you you like to eat healthy yeah so again stuff yes well not just vegan but like i'm not a vegan the vegan or vegetarian i enjoy the food okay and i like the healthier options okay so even when everyone eats together if it's not healthy like how i expect to eat i order my own stuff okay but i it's not like i don't eat i just like different foods well i mean that takes a lot of discipline to do that too because i was whenever i'm in the states i'm like i'm vegan and i'm have plant-based food do like beyond burgers and then i come to korea and then i'm like give me that carby give me that chicken like forget that but so kevin you are also a very healthy eater yeah i yeah i like a balanced diet and my uh insides are very sensitive and so milk is a no-no oh oat milk oat milk yes oat milk um yeah and like greasy food doesn't cooperate with my body i just eat healthy man what's wrong with it try it sometime you'll get you'll have better skin you always ask me how i have good skin eat healthy [Laughter] all right so we have some questions here from fans from suntastic baby if you were to compare your life back in the pre-debut early day early debut days with your life now how would you describe it is it do you feel any change is it good is it bad everybody's proud of you and what you've achieved so far i mean this is a very generic question but like more than just being like oh i feel good let's do this to make a little more interesting how do you think your other members have changed since debut and before debut got it okay okay it's me first yeah we're talking about taco butch let's talk about improvements first yes he's gotten better at waking up okay definitely he went from taking 30 minutes to like two minutes which is big big improvement big big big improvement well a lot of people say since when we debuted he is still very young but he was very very young and so um his baby face is turning into maturing yeah so visually he's become very attractive he's becoming a man boys to men boys to men yes the men the men's and even with uh whether it be rap vocal or dance he's improved a lot um and he works really hard which is probably why he's improved a lot okay that's good to see all right kevin anything if you don't have anything to add i mean i mean up to you yeah i'm still thinking about the diss it wasn't doing your snakeskin i think he's matured a lot in a way uh he knows when to save words because before he speak louder if that's even possible it was possible yeah yeah that's that's cool about yeah eric improvements all right yeah anything that's gotten worse a little you know i don't wanna say worse oh eric's baby face no you should have seen my baby face it's cute we can look it up the boys eric and then if you scroll down there's like my debut photo and debut debut photo that's a t is silent debut wait timeout no freaking way wait wait show me first uh oh show me there's already a camera is this you oh my [Applause] oh gosh look at those teeth wow that glow up down yeah eighteen so you were like sixteen man that's when i was successful oh my god what a fetus wait where's that photo going the tooth but twos so yeah growing up you're growing up before our very eyes all right okay who's next who who let's talk about kevin okay we need to talk about kevin okay let's go for it eric stellar film everybody watch it it's it's called generation z right let's talk about the oh yeah there's a movie as well you don't know the movie do you you got a humble artist you gotta hold more stuff bro man what you doing okay anyways we gotta talk about kevin okay all right first is improvements he improved in drawing what we're drawing he's he's kind of he's really good at trying he's our team illustrator like whenever there's a member's birthday or like our staff our um our company lady company our company lady's birthday yeah we would um write like it's just like a message yeah then we would send it to him and he would like organize and he would draw like the the card the card and then he would just put it in oh okay and he has his like own thing he does for the fans and like he draws moon scribbles what's that what's moon script he's just it's a hashtag he just draws whatever comes to mind how about google it might come out it's very it's very high quality and he's done like album stuff for us before wow it's so pretty it's the inebriated spider in my brain or the way are these all oh wow and he he uses the pad like this stuff oh yeah that was so long ago go to imaginary parties in our make believe world oh oh wow that's so cool all right so he's a great drawer oh he designed our um albums too really yeah which one like all of them are uh for our second mini album we had a limited edition one but then for our what was it no air was fifth fourth fourth fourth yeah no yes fourth mini album we just had three different versions and i took three albums album because right here wasn't a mini album yeah the third mini album nowhere yeah so i designed there were three different versions and i just designed one instead of it being jacob this is such an artistic group thank you i feel like i'm lacking in so many no i am horrible at trying same same see eric eric eric's about a drawing we're just bad at trying but also i found out that your your original english name was max oh yeah what did you know i i found it you did explain yourself you imposter eric max okay my name rubik's cube oh right maybe that's why you're good at it why sorry sorry never mind yeah he referred to it when you were never mind go ahead max was my first ever english name that i had but then when i was when i was like leaving to the states my mom was like oh i don't like max like i like the name i think you should change it to something else and then but at that time my mom liked eric somebody name from sheena she's like you should be eric and i'm like what okay and this instant i was eric okay yeah all right so i used to be max yeah yeah i used to be max max okay youngjae he has so many so many names youngjae max eric okay all right so let's get back to kevin improvement he's a great drawer he's a great chef illustrator chef and he's like a good game oh okay what do you what's a good he's good at baking um i'm pretty sure he knows how to make food but never really like seen him do too much like food food because it's just more like korea so it's like oven built in houses right right right so he's done more like treats okay and he makes his own food for himself remember the time when he cooked um brownies for the for our uh dancers oh yeah and he gave like gave it out to them the fudge nice it was fun so basically we had a mom day year-round performance and we had uh dancers with us uh but you know like holidays you know like you you bake stuff and you share them right to like potlucks and stuff right so i used to do that in canada and i just felt like doing it here and uh i remember on christmas midnight we were practicing and all the dancers were there with us like if it was just us it would have just been like whatever but like these dancers they were like how many of them i think over like almost 20 15. yeah and i just felt like really thankful for them so yeah just give them that yeah that's so nice yeah i can't cook anymore sam i can't cook i can't eat ramen i mean that's that's a pretty big deal yeah and gum ramen it's that's really big yeah so okay cool um so great cook great uh illustrator what is one thing that kevin could further improve further improv like well you know i don't know we i feel like we've only said so many nice things sleeping sleeping okay wait what if you tried to try to go to sleep um melatonin how do you melatonin melatonin um i've tried ear plugs nothing works blindfold i've tried blindfolds um like a bunch of fragrances but yeah is it you guys all live in a dorm right yeah is it tough is that do you think that's part of it like yeah living with a ton of different dudes i have trouble getting to sleep in the first place like whether it's with other people or by myself yeah but in those lucky moments where i actually do fall asleep somebody opens the door goes to the washroom and i wake up and so there's that unfortunate part but yeah i think for me it's temperature temperature it has to be cold if it's not cold i can't sleep that's me okay that was what i feel there's something about like cuddling in your sheets when it's cold i just want to be inside i feel yeah cold and well yeah sleep is again eric is that eric is blessed you are i fall asleep on the ground the couch i even fell asleep while taking a shower you fell asleep standing up i i fell asleep while i was standing up i'm not i was dancing right i was i was dancing and there's like our dance teacher is like oh you two you could just rest for a bit because we're i'm just gonna work with these people for now okay i was just standing was watching him and i fell asleep and jacob saw me fall asleep while standing no and then he was watching uh 17's on my name's concert on his phone like a clip and he's like oh jake of course it's so cool i was like yeah i was and i was like oh look at this no no it was like on the table i was like oh yo this is cool look at he's like and he's standing up are you sleeping it like this one time uh when we were when we were like on the promotion so tiring and i just took a shower right and i took a shower and then like the hot water is coming out it's very relaxing yeah like put my hand against the wall like the thing we're showering yeah like if this is like the corner of the wall just put my head against it and it fell asleep like this it's like i didn't come out for like 20 to 30 minutes so this my my uh my friend like the other member he like unlocked the door and came in and i was like good thing good thing you left it unlocked i i i'm starting to wonder if you're good i didn't drown you now i'm trying to wonder if there's a medical condition where you just fostered everywhere such a blessing after oh my gosh we spoke about eric we spoke about kevin now let's talk about jacob jacob yeah how has he changed from debut i think jacob's gotten more expressive oh yeah definitely much more expressive definitely whether it be like just in casual conversation or performance yes everybody enjoys he's got more expressive yes [Laughter] no but i learned to open up more yeah um whether it's to the fans or to the members or to my family since i'm so far away from them um and i've i've known i've always been the types not opened up and um my mom was always like telling me why don't you like say anything and same with my friends and after i realized that i've been slowly trying to open up uh it's like it's not like i don't want to it's just i don't think of opening up it just doesn't come to my head yeah but i realized sometimes that makes the person that's with me uncomfortable there are plenty of instances where that happened so i'm trying to repeat that yeah i mean that's i mean everybody has such different personalities like i i remember there was one point where somebody it was there was a church or somewhere and somebody goes when's the last time you told your family that you loved them like you you called it such a church thing right such a church but it was literally the first time i thought about that i was like oh never oh and i was like maybe i should do that and they're like i want you to go home and tell your mom and dad you love them i was like you want me to do what and i just i remember it was like really awkward but like what you have to get into the practice of being like i love you and then it gets becomes more natural i don't know it was weird for me it's a question yeah i don't say that see you don't say that either right alex what's wrong with this what's wrong with eric i say that all the time yeah i do too it's just canada before i went to sleep i would always tell my mom i loved her back then i was like oh what if um you know tomorrow something like unexpected happens i would want the last words she hears to be oh i love you from her son so my parents whenever we are so yeah so to my parents after i call them i always tell them but why do you think like that i mean because you never know you can't take care of no one's gonna happen even what's gonna happen right now like it's coming so can i swear i've just got smacked by his members but they're gonna beep so eric when's the last time you told your mom about you probably 38 years ago probably like i don't know like a couple years ago maybe um i said say i love you was um when she came to our debut showcase was it like she was in the audience and you're telling the fans i love you oh man but kevin you're pretty expressive yeah with my parents yeah um at the end of every call they say i love you yeah and they don't hang up until i say i love you back and so it's kind of yeah forced upon but i oh awesome okay so uh we have like a few games that we can play just so we can you know people can get to know you guys a little bit better all right here we go let me pull these up all right so this is a who is most likely to oh it's very simple it's very self-explanatory i'm going to read a prompt and uh you guys point to whoever you think is most likely and then i will say who it is and if you guys have anything that might be more interesting feel free to do it put the question out as well all right all right so first one who is most likely to watch romantic comedies rom-coms one two three oh okay so two votes for eric and then jacob pointed out himself eric pointed himself too favorite romantic comedy what is it notebook this guy loves is that that's not common that's just a that's a romantic oh sorry romantic comedy yeah i like comments yeah i like comedy and women hey i'm a romantic guy okay it's been a while since someone's romantic yeah i like them okay so you love the notebook what else is on your list how many times have you watched the notebook three times wow wait that's not [Music] like half of us cried i cried too we we all watched it together when we were training it's not a comment now okay our company lady she was like you don't need to feel emotional yeah you guys want to get emotional but when you want if you want to write like the lyrics if you want to sing better and express yourself better you guys like get together and we gone into haitian right this room and then she turns on a notebook watch this at first guys why why are you watching this give me the tissue but like seriously though it's like if you watch it and you don't cry you're not human hey me don't stand everyone there might be people who didn't did you did you know i actually don't remember like finishing that movie okay i'm sure i did but i don't i have the worst okay the point to which i have a bad memory is i will go through an entire movie and i'd be like wait i feel like i've seen this before and then and then i'll watch the next scene i'm like wait they copied the scene from another movie like and then it ends up being the same movie like i've done this so many times so i i just have a bad memory it's really bad anyways okay second question who is most likely to become friends with strangers two three eric eric who have you seen him become friends with that you're like can you like even this person why okay hold up oh there's so many or eric who is the most random person you've befriended a random person yeah random person or unexpected friendship my friend's dad why were you friends with that friend before or did you make friends with his dad first oh i was friendly with him okay i got close to his dad so much that we went to we went to go to baseball we want to we went to go watch the baseball game without him did he replace him he replaces since i can't drive he took me to a baseball game what's what's your so what's your friend's name my friend's name oh god i think it was the only dad's name what do you know yeah it was like jeff this dude yeah it's like uh suv always like parked like right in front of the garage not even in the garage but you don't know what your friend's name oh my god i'm not there's so many they look alike but i know the last name it's like jeff of course they look like it's his dad it's his son it was jeff okay all right hi jeff i'm yeah hi jeff hope you're doing well eric remembers you fondly uh have you guys seen him become friends with anyone you're like why or um i think just like when we were shining like i just remember him whenever we you know like you inside he would just be very like eager to just talk when everyone else was like we're new here where are you here oh there's that that was how this is how i got close to mark from got7 oh okay oh yeah it was during like no air era like we went to music bank and uh we did uh niza 2 7 something and then i was like just randomly just like yelled out mark saw my name i'm also from l.a and the city says like on the official instagram it was like oh really hey do you have an instagram that could like just be friends with you and oh sorry i don't have an instagram because i'm singing and it's like okay well give me your number after and then we could just hang out and then that's how i got close to okay yeah this is jeff also from l.a jeff jeff listen all these ladies all right so you see mark often yeah okay okay he's super chill next we send him our regards yes all right next question who is most likely to be a heartbreaker one two three yes uh don't know so kevin pointed jacob jacob points kevin eric points to himself because i have a lot of anger i'm like cries like harping what if they enjoy seeing you suffering we actually know i i i changed i changed to kevin why i don't i actually don't know the i don't know wait i just pointed together i don't know about this one y'all don't know me this is all planet eric me eric okay i'm sorry i'm so sorry to all you people before me wait what okay can you even say i love you to your parents i can't i can't have no heart okay next question who is most likely to go skydiving oh oh one two three he's already done he's already what yeah this little kid is just like okay wild child have you all had would you want to go yes you wouldn't do that for his life no i'm not scared of i am scared of heights like i'm not like that reluctant i would enjoy it with all the members can i have you i would rather skydive than bungee jump dude i've done both i agree with you bungie is horrible because like skydiving you just go down but but you don't have to go down and then come back up dude it's not just it's not just that like skydive you have somebody attached right yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gonna go i'm like okay and then you jump and then your life is in his hands if he messes up you're dead but you know it's not me bungie it's like you have to physically jump yourself yeah nobody's gonna push you you have to be like one you have to make the decision yeah that's the part that just oh i don't think i could bungee jump oh man i have a bungee jump i would dude it's so scary i went skydiving with uh my member and why oh it was it wasn't very difficult because like we saw like other people land very like safely yeah so oh that's easy we just jumped and then the scariest part was like going up there like yeah in the airplane they opened the window and we just keep going it was so scary it is i remember i i landed and i'm like okay i'm not dead thank god lord thank you and then i uh on my plane was somebody who was doing his first solo jump solo yeah so without like somebody attached so he had got licensing whatever and i hear on the walkie-talkie oh my god oh my god man yeah and i see him going into the bushes like the forest over there and then everybody starts sprinting over like oh please don't tell me and thankfully he did not get her i don't think i i think i don't know i pray but that freaked me out i was like i landed safely but that's scary oh so but anyways all to say bungee jump is worse that's what i think um all right two feet on the ground are you are you like are you the biggest risk taker do you think yeah yeah are you because you know yolo because even uh for road to kingdom there was a movement he did where he had to disappear and the teacher was like is there a way you could disappear like under smooth so he just like threw his body onto the ground like you can like like bend your knees almost like like brace for impact and like do it softly but like if you watch the chicken fan cam i mean like he didn't hesitate when we first did it either he just threw his body and i don't think i can i can't either i would probably take a while to get that i just wouldn't i'd be like i'm retiring bye okay uh next one is most likely to misplace their phone oh this is easy loose like lose your phone okay one two three oh been there done that multiple times really are you very forgetful i don't think i am it's like those moments where your hands are full and then you kind of forget your phone like when we went to i think it was thailand um i just got the note i was happy with my phone and everything and then i left the plane without my phone and then oh your brand new phone i was like oh my gosh did you get it back no they couldn't find it we were all freaked out because they were like in this phone there was like our pictures our videos of like our practice videos and stuff all of our tracks tracks and new songs oh jacob jacob jacob but it had a lock on it so oh jacob jacob but like even in uh our practice rooms it's become a catchphrase where to put my phone even at our door i'll leave my phone somewhere and get changed our combat i don't remember where it is i feel it it takes like three minutes all right i thought i thought i had it wasn't it just i had it in my hand wasn't it just here what this is an impression of something yeah i didn't even know jacob sounds like mickey mouse but now we know um most likely to write a book one day one two three what would you write your book about mickey mouse beyonce um the journey of boys to men there we go yes very important why did i scratch my knees last one who has the weirdest habit like a weird peculiar habit oh anything one two three wait i don't know i don't know what is your habit um i sneeze with my eyes i sneeze like this oh that's like his emotions no it just happens it's a habit i don't know but it is a habit but like most people do that like people i used to and then they were like it kills your brain cells i was like well i'm already dumb so i should stop so i stopped doing that but it's i've been doing it for so long uh it's just i just put my nose oh like my hand here well because because i remember i'd be like in school and if you go too and everybody stares at you and it saves the embarrassment but yeah what's wrong with this i don't know i don't know just dabbing okay all right but like when jacob holds the sneeze it's not just like a cute little it's like full body my sneezes are pretty impactful so okay all right losing more brain cells every day it's like the movie the most climactic movie without a climax there you go um well thank you for playing that little speed round with us we got to start wrapping it up and we got to let you go so thank you first of all so much for being here um on ted box show it's been a pleasure getting to know you guys i know that you guys have an album coming up soon yes what can you share with us about it this new comeback tell us about this comeback uh well this album we're really we really focused um a lot since it's right after road to kingdom and uh you know we wanted to be able to show our improvements and our something new because we've done so much during road to kingdom and i think the fans will be able to see something very new with our performance with the song and um i'm very excited because uh i feel like it's gonna be a bop all right i'm looking forward to it sorry oh like jacob said it's it's uh it's something new that we haven't tried before like the song wise and the and the performance wise so um i feel like you guys could look forward to this one and uh please send us a lot of love and support thanks guys all righty well thank you guys again for for being with us first like four episodes now and it's a lot of time not at all we truly appreciate it um anything you guys want to say to to our listeners and to our viewers all over the world yeah uh thank you for watching and taking interest in the boys um we had a blast it was such a fun time speaking english for such a long time it's like a like thank you a very big release okay hopefully we get to speak more english overseas doing concerts worldwide back here one day back here one day yeah of course yes uh please watch out for the boys and mmm send more love for eric thank you with the zed with his head eric anything it was a good time it was a good time just talking with eric eric talking with eric yeah that's your camera looking at the wrong camera oh wait that's you're not in that i'm not in that you're in here what i was like let's do this all over again square one okay well thank you guys so much for checking out this episode of k-pop toyback with eric jacob and kevin of the boys please check out their new album it is out now please subscribe where you get your podcast from apple podcast spotify google wherever it is leave us a nice rating and review because it helps us a lot and you can see videos from this at dive studios and slash dive pods and please if you can consider becoming a patron of ours at studios and you connect with us on all the socials because we're everywhere all right we gotta say goodbye okay now do y'all want to improvise the jingle for us okay okay we could do like a unit a unit thing yes all right what should we do here let's just go for it let's harmonize all right eric what's the original wait what wait what was the name of the show dear about capable k-pop david this is [Laughter] it needs to go higher okay oh so it goes okay okay okay okay if i hit it though it goes back to you yeah okay i could do it all right watch your don't start too high this is not gonna end okay [Laughter] bye guys thank you hey guys did you guys like that video then make sure you guys subscribe to dive studios youtube channel and put your notifications on because we got a lot more great content coming your way look at this video see wow wow and this and this is great too enjoy bye
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Views: 370,317
Rating: 4.993782 out of 5
Keywords: SamHammington, 샘해밍턴, TheWorldofDave, NONSENSIBLE with Sam and Dave, 데이브, DIVEStudios, Podcasts, SaulGoode, EricNam, 에릭남, Kpop Daebak, Commit Or Quit, Kdrama, Korean Drama, Kpop podcast, Jae, Day6, Jae of Day6, Jae Park, How Did I Get Here?, Tablo, 타블로, Epik High, 에픽하이, The Tablo Podcast, Jamie Park, What Would Jamie Do?, Korea, Korean, Asian, Asian American, 박지민, 데이식스, Get Real, Ashley Choi, BM, KARD, Peniel, Btob, idol42, the boyz, eric sohn, jacob bae, kevin moon, 더보이즈
Id: Xa8rbr6rw28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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