StarCraft 2 Low APM Challenge 2022! Terran Rank Up Guide - Bronze (Ep. 1)

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let's get started welcome back i'm winter and it's been too long no not since the last time you watch me though thanks for fixing that no hopefully not since the last time you played starcraft 2. though let's be more realistic watched no it's been too long since the last time we delved into the depths of these starcraft 2 leaks the densely packed darkness filled with tenacious terrans bold protoss and relentless zerks all climbing and clawing and shooting and charging and dropping and nuking their way up the ladder in order to achieve whatever scrap of glory they're looking for or at least throw it in the face of kevin on discord who got diamond in wings of liberty and has been coasting off that accomplishment for 10 years no an accomplishment is not diamond ten years ago an accomplishment is getting a little bit better today two years ago i attempted to show with the low apm challenge that working smarter and not harder is the most efficient way to improve that with just a relatively small time commitment but a medium brain commitment you can improve at the most difficult 1v1 game in the world i think i succeeded at that but as always with starcraft 2 and in general you can do a little bit better so i'd like to introduce the 2022 low apm challenge in combination with sc2 replay stats i will be over the next weeks and months and however long it takes showing you as each race individually taran zerg and protoss as opposed to allowing the random gods to dictate our fates how to get a little bit better i will once again attempt to climb the ranks working smarter and not harder and over the last two years not too much has changed in starcraft 2 no huge balance patches the maps are similar the player count as well so while the best time to start was with kevin back in wings of liberty the second best time to re start or start starcraft 2 is today because at the end of the day there is nothing more difficult or satisfying in gaming it's honestly less of a game and more of a lifestyle i've made it mine for 12 years now and hopefully you've enjoyed sharing it with me so hopefully you enjoy the low apm challenge number two in 2022 and hopefully it makes many of your days and your games a little bit better thank you for watching i'll see you on the other side good luck have fun [Music] welcome to the 2022 low apm challenge that guy was pretty preachy i know uh but he has his moments we are starting off yes my taran friends i know many of you statistically starting off as taran this time with the low apm challenge we are tackling each race individually that was one of the big issues uh a couple years ago was the random gods just decided that some of you didn't need to learn that we didn't have the diversity quota uh but instead we're gonna be starting out with the most played races we got taran and then protoss and then zerg in the lower leagues don't worry zergs are coming for you and a new set of apm limits yes here in this fancy graphic with data drawn from nearly 3 million games on sc2 replay stats in 2021 this shows you lower than the average actions per minute of a player of each of these leagues with a small caveat i just want to tell you so uh if you were in the bronze league last year you may have actually been masters and vice versa there was a bit of a bug with um bronze leaguers being uh masters league mmr being in bronze so that did throw off the numbers so i'm just throwing that out there but otherwise if you consult the numbers you find jimmy can we see them nobody cares about this this just proves we have numbers those numbers could just be one two three four five but instead anyway so without further ado taryn so you want to play taran good luck do you want to get on bronze league heroes or do you want to get to diamond do you want to embody some of the worst and most frustrating strategies or do you want to play like mario well almost none of these you will be able to do but there's a few things that terran players especially in the middle leagues could definitely work on but we're going to start out by talking about hotkeys talking about settings talking about all these things that people essentially think are going to help them in the long run and it's true they will i already have some videos on this um i'm not going to go too much in depth here but the summary is you don't need that much you don't need anything particularly special in fact right now right in front of you live i know it sounds crazy i'm gonna show you what i like to use for taren hotkeys um and i think grid hotkeys are perfectly fine i think whatever works for you for the most part is perfectly fine but a few little suggestions first off camera locations something to note idle worker key is default f1 all right default f1 so i like to start on control f2 for create location the reason the reason i use control and not shift for this is because on the first keyboard i played starcraft 2 shift f2 uh would mute all sound on my computer and i couldn't figure out how to disable that so that was not great so i just decided control would be the way to go and because i'm old and fear change i've used that ever since so i think shift f2 is perfectly fine shift f3 you'll see uh i'll be using a different select all army hotkey as well don't worry we're still going to be using it but yeah i i've just been using that ever since so that's more of a me thing though uh it goes along with control groups there as well and then jumping to location f2 f3 f4 and f5 i personally like uh drag scroll so this is when i'll show you in game but this is when uh you center on your mouse it's a lot easier to show than tell so i like to put on the back mouse button that's also for observing games and all of that these are just general hotkeys these aren't specific to taran uh though we'll get into that momentarily select all army units the tilde key the one over to the left there people know what tilde is some people call it the grave key uh i don't really know what either of those words mean but then again it's what it's what it's called it's the squiggly line key you know what it is you look at your keyboard i'm not you're on your phone well that explains a lot now another general hotkey but we'll go to taran specifically patrol i like to put it on cue it doesn't really overlap with anything patrol is um kind of a a critical part of rts and it has a lot of uses outside of just your basic cinematic looking marine guardsmen between making sure your units are always under acceleration which is definitely not something relevant at this level to just covering some sort of area in the air especially but having patrol not on what is essentially a brood war level key on p is is very helpful now for taren's specifical keys first one lifting up and setting down f not l make it a little bit easier to lift off those barracks and command centers and yeah they're more built it's factories and star ports that's that's pretty much it but being able to quickly and easily lift is a big deal so once again these are all for people who are using standard keys honestly the the longer i play in the more different rts i play the more i like grid hotkeys i've come around i've come around i think grid hotkeys are good but it's not what i learned and if you are a taran looking to improve but you're like i don't want to change and i've been using standard hotkeys well i'm here for you another one upgrade planetary t pretty much anything on the right side of the keyboard i'm moving to the left side of the keyboard you're like winter but that's the same on grid height we've already been over this okay we've already done i get it but t uh another couple are the liberator instead of q on n so select builder is something you can do by just box selecting on it i've never used that key uh i didn't even know what it did and i was scared of it when i unbounded originally but i still have never used that key even accidentally so it's not a big loss even though it's very scary when this happens to your hockeys i will say uh another one that shares the same key cyclone uh there's a few more things so important to note i i actually use some rapid fire hotkeys i have a short guide on that but just in general changing some of the abilities to easier things to click so a big one is the battle cruiser so you have the yamato cannon and you have tactical jump one is stand still and shoot a big cannon at something right in front of you and one is teleport these are not things you want to get mixed up yet uh when i find when they are on similar keys next to each other on the keyboard um they do get mixed up and that can have bad bad disastrous consequences so uh for example teleporting when you meant to shoot at something is not always the ideal scenario so f i'm just looking through thinking about oh i like to have uh ghost snipe with c as an alternate key and then i use b for cloak this is because the c key is a rapid fire hotkey which allows you to cast just by hovering over your mouse a bunch of different abilities this is most commonly used uh for ravager corrosive bile when ravagers shotgun out a dozen corrosive miles which are default on c but you can use it for other things like ghost snipe uh interference matrix technically sometimes i try putting yamato cannon on it but that usually ends poorly so um but just overlapping a little on that and you can use it for different things so let's take a look the summary camera locations to something a little more usable the patrol key on cue a few of the building hotkeys cyclone liberator those switch to something more convenient on cue otherwise not much else oh a very key one is the lifting buildings on it if there was nothing up if for some reason you had a hot key budget you could only change one hotkey out of all the things on buildings it would be that in my opinion because being able to uh quickly lift and set back down buildings can make all the difference uh especially from the games i've seen um in the lower levels so with that are you sure you want to save did you know by the way did you know this game has voice chat yes uh turn it off because it will mess up your sound settings if it's enabled every time you load the game and that is the effect of voice chat just and otherwise just move on and then so maps i recommend vetoing three maps um maybe if you haven't played before just try playing all of them but overall i think having a minimum amount of variables is good if i was taryn in general what we're going to be focusing on is less what's a good terran map because let's be honest here what's a good terran map does not matter right now what matters is being able to follow a basic plan for any amount of time and what that means is is consistency so i'm actually going to veto and and if you don't play you might not know which maps uh are your non-standard setup but blackburn is one of them you see here with the main bases close to each other by air you actually expand away from your opponent yes expand we're gonna be doing that this is a non-standard map and and while boring only playing standard maps honestly we're here to be boring we're here to be consistent we're here to be the the path of least resistance not the path of most entertainment so if you're looking for the entertaining builds or creativity well you can always go play protoss but we're buckling down and and working out a solid game plan so back burns out beckett industries tiny map a lot more vulnerable to russia's it's out now i i debated whether do like going through each of the maps but at the rate we're switching out maps recently in starcraft 2 which is admittedly a glacial pace i think um these will be pretty valid for a while at least for some of them and will help you kind of realize what types of maps there are hardwire is a relatively standard map it can stay you've got no ramp to your natural but you do have a choice of third basis and a pretty long rush distance pride of altarus on the other hand it's hard to tell from the thumbnail here is a huge map it's actually one of the few maps that uses the multiple cliff levels there's actually four levels on the map which is a recent addition to the game mostly for campaign stuff but technically could be used in multiplayer as well so that's going to be the third veto glittering ashes follows your more standard mindset curious minds has a ramp to your natural making it even easier to defend burling rod while it doesn't have a ramp to your natural it does have that standard setup and 2 000 atmospheres kind of follows it as well for better or worse than sc2 we have a way of doing things uh and that pro players mostly which is who we balance around that pro players mostly have uh worked out and they very much do not like it if we change that system too much of course at this level and by this level i mean i think we're aiming at the bronze league heroes it doesn't really matter but it's the idea and of consistency so maybe let's play a game if anyone's out there what is the goal by the way 50 actions per minute so for those watching live how you doing uh i'll be taking questions between the game sometimes during the games and the limit is 50 actions per minute at the end of the game if i have over 50 actions per minute and for every five i go over i'll be gifting a sub to the chat so out of my in jimmy's pocket will come be better this time that uh that failure so it is not like oh darn i just didn't make it happen no there is a price and that price is at least one subscription if you're already subscribed well i'm glad you enjoy just enjoy having content be content so starting off i put my command center on four some players choose one uh usually it's one or four it's kind of weird if you pick another one but it's okay it's just kind of weird i'm actually gonna use that drag scroll here you see to set up camera locations i didn't even really touch the settings today and starting a barracks which i like to high key on five i'm already late on everything refinery so a lot of the low apm challenge is is not so much giving you an exact like copy pasted build order it is a game plan that you can adapt which takes a little more thinking right um it takes a little more thinking overall but if you can learn to be slightly flexible it definitely helps a lot if anything goes a way you didn't expect looks like for example he's got a drone in my base i sent out an suv right around the one minute mark uh usually around 17 supply build a marine first things first get an orbital i'm going to hotkey the building as cvs2 all right he does not have an expansion that's all i needed to know i build mine on the high ground so he has a spawning pool and he's getting two gases but he hasn't used any of his larva which means he's not building any zerglings and that's all i need to know for now cc upgraded that means what cost and this is what i was gonna do anyways but that means i can get a reactor after the first marine the first marine we're going to be doing we're not build we're not clem or even cure i am going to be going with the safe middle of the road not even middle of the road like kind of the oldsmobile in the fast lane of someone who really shouldn't be driving but like who's going to take their license away grandpa um that's that's why we're here going 50 well technically the average apm of a taran bronze leaguer according to sc2 replay stats is about 80 last year but as i mentioned that is heavily skewed by the fact that some masters mmr players were listed in bronze because the intern must have spilled some uh like vodka into the ranking server so it's an important point to note they weren't playing bronze players they were just listed as bronze which is different they were still playing master players they just were listed in the bronze league which it kind of confuses me as to why uh they were that those are not tied together but so what that does is has skewed the numbers for bronze and made it seem like bronze apm is higher than silver which is a little suspicious either way so i've got my reactor i've been building marines i know we'll be going over each one i'm not using any of these particular games like the first game is obviously going to be uh your general summary i don't know why i expected otherwise but i'm not following a particular exact build each game but there's several benchmarks that are important i've reached 30 scvs i know i'm still on one base so i got to fix that but 30 scvs it's time for barracks 2 and barracks 3. we're going to be playing a lot of mech but we'll throw some bio in as well we'll start out with space it took looks like he's got zerglings this is a not a surprising outcome here i'm going to expand and you know what i'm gonna put a tech lab on this star port because somebody is gonna need to upgrade stem and combat shield so we're gonna do a bit of the add-on flip there i'm gonna put the tank right up on that little spot on finished up you pick that one after i finish the next tank now now i'm using control and f1 which selects all idle suvs on the map which is quite convenient so now we'll slap those barracks over there using those f keys gonna get a reactor for the star port and another tech lab for the factory got to get back to a cv production and i like to hotkey all my production just shift five shift five and use the tab key to go through it and switch out what i'm building some players will put it on five six and seven i i used to do that back in uh wings of liberty but i find it a little easier to just tab through production so that is definitely dealer's choice but i find a lot of players will try to put production on different keys and then the factory and starport do get somewhat neglected in that setup um just because they're they're far out in the in the countryside of hotkeys all right so i already made a mistake here well i made several depending how you want to look at it and it's not coming but i built these depots back here i've expanded there is no reason those depots should not be at the natural a lot of players even myself a little bit right here are too scared to uh actually defend their base right they'll put it out there and they'll be at the first sign of trouble to be like well i guess i can't defend that that's a lot of zerglings well the best way to deal with those zerglings is to kill them and that is the priority and now another tip that i really like and i've been using a lot is putting the engineering bay on or engineering bays which i should have soon putting those on the command center keys ship four so what you can do here build a couple suvs press the tab key start plus one armor now i don't have plus one armor ready but i'm going to get an armory which i'm also going to put on that same key because the prioritization the game says is this a wall huh i didn't even know you could wall off with four defense your research is complete oh it's been a while i should be scanning upgrades finished let's take a look your base is under assault you know what i don't think we need to look we're gonna stim some of those marines oh here comes some bain links might need some more depots but good thing we built them right oh some roaches this tower defense all right next wave i think uh is hydras right so that kind of preempted that mineral field see i managed to screw up the wall because uh that's what i do i probably should have been building turrets just in case of mutas a little bit earlier here but my goal is to get plus two plus two where how many oh my god i missed another benchmark which we're going to be working out over time right uh i'm coming in not with a a spreadsheet of builds but instead a stew of ideas um from watching your games both the ones you pay me to launch for the angry coach and from things like bronze league heroes as well as just playing myself and uh not every game am i gonna have the exact build i'm doing but the idea is over time you'll build up a general uh essentially a action reaction like a flow chart he's doing this i do that as well as understanding basic mechanics because at the end of the day in starcraft 2 more counters less you have more of the mostly right units you're going to win many more times than not there are exceptions yes you can't just run over five lurkers without detection you can't build only roaches against mass void ray uh you can't try to use a mass reaper against i i mean maybe you can actually there's a lot of scenarios where that might work but but we're not doing that i don't know all right let's get these gas geysers gonna get just a bunch more d i i got the money i'm gonna add those barracks in another tank [Music] and a third command center all i want to do now i don't now this is this is definitely more of a bronze league heroes move but scan the natural because this is just playing off of the level we're at at this level about eighty percent i'm just making up a number eighty percent of zergs gonna be sitting there with whatever units they have much like i'm just sitting here with whatever units i have once you move up and players are moving around the map a little more that is a less reliable tactic and we're gonna start moving marines out on the map one we're gonna start like taking watch towers but right now 95 of our focus is on making sure we're building units we're getting upgrades we're building us cvs and command centers we're getting a 200 supply as quick as possible we're doing it quicker the next game that's the plan and that is the key to success at the end of the day and for better or worse and any more cliches i can come up with before the end of this sentence you're not playing a strategy game you took all the minerals from that cluster you thief you're not playing a strategy game you're playing is good to go essentially an economy simulator an upgrade now mineral field has an upgrade a lot of people like to treat this game more like city skylines but i would i would definitely put it more like a factorio to be honest making sure you have enough income of resources to produce what you need to get higher tech stuff uh and and cons and also beating the zerg so that was that's a little on the nose but i but starcraft 2 is closer to to factorio especially at the lower levels if you're playing well then it is to uh i don't know say civilization or something like that or even command and conquer your cece is now a bcc a better commander i'm going to land my third here's a goal i want all you bronze and silver leaguers and in your mind brother and siblings take your third mind before you attack no matter if you feel you need to attack take your third this is the biggest thing in the biggest step for terence and protoss zerg's not as much but terence and protoss they don't take their third and if they're gonna take their third let's be honest it's gonna be in the corner where they don't feel responsibility for it so before i move out i'm going to take just clump of the workers to move them over here oh this reminds me one of the hot keys i did forget he's building bunkers i like to put it on uh on the q key mineral pad because the yuki i find myself struggling with you go makes a little bit easier putting a bunker to help wall off here actually like a sensor tower there you go all set up all right now since most of my units are my base i actually am going to hit the select all army key control one i'm going to control click the siege tanks to select them all done we're going to lower these depots and we're going to a click on his base all right these are cvs now i'm going to go mine from here so what we're going to do with over a thousand minerals another command center now this is important another star for that's not going to be for battle cruisers yet may be good another factory i think getting in the habit of even when you're going for marines of getting all of these things is super key because even at the higher levels even with clem and and maru let's make sure those uh boosting the medevacs which is pretty intense micro that is the one thing when you're a clicking across the map you want to make sure you're doing the enemy engaged the medevacs and other flying units will have a tendency to uh do their own thing right like they'll fly over you so you got to be a little cognizant of uh how important like just making sure those medevac some players will hotkey them horses under attack on their own hotkeys are next uh but that is like even i've seen mauro do it and he still screws it up i think it's a little bit just be be aware that your army won't always necessarily necessarily go the same place because not all your units are forced to walk so what if he amassed mainlands we make more marines pound for pound baneling costs more than a marine most of the time now in a closer match where maybe you took some damage early sometimes the zerglings get in um yes you might want to make sure those tanks are sieged right now we're focusing on getting 200 supply getting upgrades as quickly as possible it took me this game about 14 minutes to max out which is a long time i i would say a good way of practicing most days is to play a game against just one against whatever level of ai you you care about beating or lower than that even and focus on just getting your three basis getting your three racks at 30 scvs now the most important thing is continuing to produce those suvs and then getting your uh five racks at 40 suvs and getting that third base before you move out so let's see for game one did we meet the challenge we certainly achieved something and for some reason we get a colossus skin which doesn't really make sense yes 41 actions per minute against the opponent with nearly 50 percent more but the focus on more and better army over attacking for the sake of it what did the zerg do to lose he focused on trying to kill me as opposed to working on his own economy from multiple swells of zerglings and banelings for no particular reason there is no way his worker count was even remotely close as he maxed out around 25 to my somewhat higher but you will see that a lot the most consistent way at this level as i think we'll see like i'll be honest when the diamond league has gotten better for whatever reason the diamond league has gotten significantly better uh in starcraft 2. i mean there are a lot of players there and that is why we have a a more split set of requirements for it because honestly i don't think i can get to masters with a hundred apm as tear the average in diamond is almost 160 but i'm sure this one we're a long way from that right now a long way so we just focus on the basics if it was cyril he would have maxed at 12 minutes and killed winter i don't think if cyril had drank an entire leader of finnish vodka if he had only access to an xbox controller and he had to play with his left hand i think he could still max out quicker than that [Music] uh so typical protoss definitely throwing me off well here's the thing at a higher level i would assume that he's cheesy i would but i'm not convinced wow why are the ambient sounds the under the sea i am going to expand on the low ground let's get those camera locations set up we're getting into his base and we see a gateway a gateway a forge and now a forge may seem scary but then you realize he also has the gateways if it was only a forge then i would get a little suspicious and even now i'm gonna build a bunker on the low ground if he has more than one gateway that is worthy of note i'm just gonna have this suv chill over here at the watchtower and that that's where it's gonna hang out hopefully until the end of time there's no going home for that he's an adventurer venture to that watchtower fun fact if your suvs if your workers are at the watchtower they don't show up on the idle worker tab which is convenient your add-on is all done [Music] all right we are at well the factory's building i'm gonna get my second guess and we're gonna do essentially the same build as against eric one of the beauties of taren is all those units especially the ones that start with m they're good in every match there's almost no significant reason to deviate from them sure that exact timing might vary um the upgrades you start with might vary slightly but overall marines and tanks and medevacs will get you most of the way to where you want to go no matter where it is your add-on has been constructed we're now a couple suvs off i'm gonna start a tank we see some zealots i'm actually gonna get a few depots here but we're at 30 stvs i hover over and see get barracks two and three start a reactor on the star port get all my production together and this is something i'm gonna put an engineering bay in the wall so maps are standardized what does that mean they all look similar so this now this is not the sort i have no real tip for this i wish i did but one of the hardest things to teach is minimap awareness just being able to catch out of the corner of your eye that there's a nexus over here add-on complete uh or at least a probe went there because as you know it is very scary to expand to a base right in front of you because then you'll feel responsible for it so that is part of the reason we had a an scv over there is to look for for fun things like that all right barracks four and five so he has a nexus there do i need to attack i'm finished up you pick now that one especially since that nexus is far away from his main means it will not contribute to his economy for quite a while there's no reason for me to deviate from my plan of maxing out as quickly as possible we're gonna aim for 12 minutes this time it was like 13 and a half in the previous game but as we get up to well at this point honestly i probably should have had a turret in the mineral lines this is in case of dt drum it's just something now if he's very committed to the dt drop then well uh just know there's probably very little to back it up that's really all we can console ourselves with i've got control f1 get those idle scps back to work build a couple more reactors you guys can build me some more depots over here a couple medevacs as well drop a couple mules they do add even if you're at and by the way you can go over 16 workers on a basis they'll turn red it really should turn yellow a little bit better until 24. so what happens if you launch the scvs two suvs will keep mining from a mineral patch they'll just keep doing it until that mineral patch is gone a third suv on the other hand will slip in in between so technically you will have more mining it's just when you go above 16 suvs some of the suvs won't be mining some of the time and the closer you get to 24 the more true that's upgraded so up until about 20 uh scvs or probes or drones it's all the same you're all mined out shut up uh up until about 20 you're still mining a significant amount more for each worker i know especially some protons pros have a religious exemption to ever going above 16 workers on a base but i'm telling you right now it is better to have 30 workers on your natural than to be either one not building them at this stage or too long distance mining an area you don't have a base now eventually if for some reason you're stuck in your base long distance mining over 24 workers is technically better but at this point let's be honest probably should have not one but like four more command centers so research complete but have we learned anything all right two two starting building a few more depots home depot in the base coming together slowly but surely as i get this third command center i'm just gonna build another one let's go down there i've got plenty of scv's 66 suvs the the number we're aiming for is 75. 75 scvs is about your max we're gonna stim and we're gonna work on moving some suvs down towards the third base which i'm gonna put on the third camera location and then i uh i'm actually we're gonna we're gonna start this you know what we're gonna start building a few spots so when you're out with your third base it does feel vulnerable there's a a lot of space to cover so spotter depots wow you need depots and also these are essentially chew toys for units just something for zealots or stalkers or what have you to chew on while you uh have time to react um and building a few of these out there now i think key point a lot of players miss early on especially if they haven't watched my settings guide increasing the scroll speed of their mouse whether it's drag scroll or mouse scroll i don't know what savages use keyboard scroll but this is essentially how fast you can move around and it is painfully obvious when some players uh have it at the default which is twenty percent so uh that is why it can sometimes feel very difficult to to move around the map and do things like building those spotter depots your forces are just a little bit better all right like we're almost there we got a fourth command center i'm gonna do it we're gonna press the button select all army control one and remember well that's a carrier okay well i guess we're going this way billy bob the scv is attacking your base um giving us that valuable scouting information billy bob's been hanging out there now for like 10 minutes so he knows the land no reason to stim 80 supply of units for one measly carrier let's but this is a little suspicious let's take a look a mineral field has been depleted all right mind out of that cluster i'm going to take this base as taran you should get in the habit of don't be afraid of expanding towards your opponent think of how especially protoss and zerg work they both exploit the fact terran production is so methodical you have to skew up units you have to build them they have to walk out of the barracks this means if you have to go backwards you lose more time than a protoss who can warp in a recall or a zerg who has a speed upgrade for everything but their brain so terran players ideally and that is why i expanded to the front third base as well for the same reason is to be able to move forward towards time to lift to the corner and my opponent you see the chew toy here working out um for a little bit of everything all right that's actually a few units there gonna make sure we have units in production and we're gonna rally them into the main this is a bit of an awkward base trade right suvs to the main lift the orbital so right now what i'm going to do is gut his mane and what what are we looking at carrying it's not coming back get some turrets it is finally that time right base under attack plenty of turrets hit that steam key we need to do a little more work here so how do i see this playing out it is awkward i'm going to clean up his entire main forces i'm gonna build some more barracks on my side of the map and uh why not like look at my money i can build another base i can't build a starport because i lost my factory too quick your army is under attack your cc is now a pcc between uh the turrets and the army eventually coming back we should be able to deal with all this so i see he has one a simulator there i'm gonna shift click off a couple marauders you engage the enemy on purpose and we're gonna head the army back i didn't lift my buildings because even larger chew toys essentially a key part in a base trade is understanding how important it is or isn't your base to fight the army how important it is or isn't to to come back home and that is exploiting the main weakness of taren there which is i can't just recall back to my base now can i so we're gonna put some suvs on auto repair we're gonna stim everyone else and he has another base somewhere he does so i'm actually gonna control two have another set of units control one for the rest here your base is under assault and we found i probably should have brought the medevacs alongside here but it wouldn't be an awkward carrier-based trade without the awkwardness looks like he's going for the bingo strat so the interceptors cost money as do his buildings so at some point hopefully soon-ish he runs out of buildings the enemy engaged your forces or money it appears now is that time i'll be honest now that i think about it the better move was probably just come back and kill it with my army i was actually kind of hoping my reinforcements would clean it up they did not so it was a bit of a mistake to go for the base trade uh i know they say don't base trade a taran but in legacy of the void to be honest that's not super true um it is more important to consolidate your arm because my army's better in a straight-up fight i win easily every time even if he has a few storms uh because he has let's let's take a look at the upgrades he had plus one for everything except for ground armor two plus three plus two i think he killed one of the engineering base so those upgrades cannot be underestimated um especially for marines if there are is not storm or colossi medevacs and marines they kill everything and even if there is sometimes i got the achievement for sitting at the launch tower thank you billy bob now i was supply cap for 354 but that was slightly under duress definitely it's a hard call to make i debated because because we're it is hard for taran to make that decision on the fly i think that happens a lot at this level from the um bronze league hero submissions i've seen is it all it always feels like one way or another i don't think we're doing work you're splitting reflex uh it always feels like i guess i got a base trade when i probably seven or eight times out of ten the better call is to come back and deal with their army because who is better at producing more units and who is better at building their economy and getting upgrades you hopefully uh that's kind of the point of all that oh good now i have your attention draconis deadman is chilling 21 months still awesome content thanks explaining your actions is so so helpful well we're hopefully at the level where almost every action can be explained well once again um i'm i'm not going to be able to explain everything of every game and i'm gonna try to take more questions from the amazing and incredible and intelligent twitch chat but the idea is to kind of paint a picture of the safest and most solid not necessarily safest but most solid way to play i don't want people to conflate turtling with safety we're not turtling which sounds like an excuse but it really is an explanation there is a significant difference turtling is when you build static defenses to replace units it's when uh you favor expanding slowly for safety macroing is simply focusing on building up a large economy in order to build more units and attack with a large army as soon as possible it is not focusing on a a timing attack like a two base or something like that it is not focusing on a cheese which is something that becomes way stronger if they don't see it like i could tell him right now i'm gonna go for five racks marine tank i'm gonna get two two and i'm gonna attack it 12 minutes and i well the idea is you or i could be confident that even if he knew all of that he has very little hope of stopping it now in fact i would say most players of this level would whether they were already planning on it or not would just attack you well before those 12 minutes but uh that would be the response from most people um but even if they didn't i it shouldn't make a difference i'm not going to tell him that because that would be what we call a dick move you might be like well winter you're beating up bronze leaguers yes but the idea is to show how those bronze leaguers can get better if i inspire one of you to play one game with each of these i'd call that a net win if i inspire one of you to watch more starcraft for one more game i call that a net win but sometimes the universe the universe and the stars aligned and things just come together and here we are now now i might have mentioned that he could pause but i think the paws were already part of the problem so what he's gonna come in with like in two minutes he's gonna show up with like 20 bait likes all right but the once again the idea is i'm not just sitting here with no defenses i'm building a tank i've got reactored marines i'm building up my army so that way if he does attack or if the opportunity presents itself which as we we get better um will become more and more obvious then i can attack like for example he does a big roach push and i i crush it because i have several tanks then i shouldn't just sit back i should go and attack with my tanks and medevacs and ideally if i have stem and all that but if he does not attack then still at this level the focus is building more units all right i'm actually going to keep building tanks there we're going to get a fourth and a fifth barracks i'm gonna slap down a reactor that's gonna be for medevacs oh i built a viking out of reflex i don't think it's necessarily a bad idea to get a viking but hunting overlords is not a top priority for the same reasons that i could tell him what my build is hunting overlords one is likely to distract me from doing my build and two whether he knows or not is irrelevant add-on is good to go all right right-click shift click on two suvs removes them from the group and then right-click those two suvs on the other gas gasser well you got three on each of course you can change the number uh based on how many you need is complete like say oh no mute us oh no i need to get back into gas select whatever amount right click shift click to right click same thing and then right click back to the minerals oh no it could be mute why not add some of these you're gonna get an armory started in fact lanes and lisks are are definitely high on the priority list your research is complete third command center building orbital auto tracking we're at 60 suvs which is plenty for this stage it's good a very general rule i think for bronze is uh 50 suvs by eight minutes this time wow you can easily get 75 if you're on top of it especially if you go for a quick three basis but aiming for 50 honestly at all we'll put you a cut above research all done but 50 suvs and 50 workers by eight minutes honestly for non-terrance i would say that 50 workers by seven minutes is more of a benchmark because protoss have chrono boost and zerg have larva which can accumulate more quickly this is balanced out by the mules is that the right spot okay everyone does it everyone does it i'm not the only one everyone's done that let's go mine from the third make a nice little uh campaign level outpost there oh i wasn't building middle field i'm sorry i was getting excited for my sim city you took all the minerals from that cluster you thief once again two toys get my chew toys get some medevacs so this game we're gonna add in uh i was gonna say liberators but i don't think we're at liberators yet i don't think liberators are something we need yet mineral field but at some point there are too many meta effects usually it's around six you can go up to eight or ten but it like it gets to be too many uh you don't want too much of your supply and units that don't shoot so of course when you're using stimpack a little too much but that's going to be one of our our focuses it's not using the stimulator that's too much and still in the game nice all right use that select all army key control one because this is the army we're moving out with i don't actually i'm gonna set that rally point actually right here you know what i think i want people to learn of the rally depot upgrade this is something i learned from players way better i'm gonna set the rally point on the depot do you know what happens when that depot dies the rally point gets canceled if you set it on a unit or a building which means they spawn next to the barracks why would you want that because if that depot dies there's probably a lot going down in my base um and you might not always have the opportunity or the time mentally or physically to go back to your base you can always reset the rally point wherever you need it but the idea is it's kind of a fail-safe you literally have to do nothing but if they kill that depot which it's not coming any zerg army running through like you could you could set it to the wall a lot of players will but if if that dies it's going down so that is kind of your fail safe there all right mind out of that cluster and still in the game nice i'm gonna scan between bases this is we're not doing scouting marines quite yet but soon we're gonna add those oh lurkers important to note so the scan is larger than um than the indicator shows this is something that is very important so now what we want to do is get more tanks for one and i have to watch my army moving out there's a small well there we go that's only three lurkers i can deal with that we're gonna siege up these tanks and stim but yeah when you see now while the fight's going on i'm just building units if you're in a fight where you have to micro that it better be close 95 of fights can be solved by just building more stuff more quickly even with lurkers but seeing those lurkers if i had seen them and i was moving up on them i don't stem and go i back off and i think about what i actually need so let's get those tank upgrades let's make sure these are hot keyed in get another reactor control f1 for idle workers i'm gonna get some turrets up there and move the command center so we'll do a little split there but we need a way more tanks that's what we need here boost those medevacs away liberators are also good but i would rather i prefer focusing on the tanks first getting used to that and then liberators are another dimension really to add it is all done so using that select army key for now field we see the lurkers moving up it is annoying here's what i'm gonna do control two on the tanks we're going to have a couple tanks back here in case he tries to move up and we're going to set that rally point high sec auto tracking building armor this is kind of the stage of the game where i want to move out because uh how many suvs 75 on the dot depleted planetary i need to get more gas i got plenty of minerals ghosts are another option but i at definitely higher level than this really struggle to use ghost well your precious face it took dozens of atm to build upgrades finished up he's targeting my base which is not very nice no more gas left there i'm sure it all went to a good cause there research complete but have we learned anything we need to be ready with the scans i'm gonna stem here but the tanks are hitting the lurkers because we're in a good position let's click on his units he has two two upgrades which are pretty good we're gonna continue to build those tanks and i don't have enough units to continue this attack gonna hit select alarmy here oh he added some zerglings a lot of third players these are panic links you might see these in angry coach right click shift one two three yeah that was definitely a bit and i'm a little suspicious as to the um lack of pause pause uh as you don't see too many players using lurkers and hydras in different areas but with a little bit of patience usually the zerg player even one with those dangerous units is uh easy enough to pick apart they will make a mistake if you play it safe and you never have to feel obligated to attack now you don't want to sit in your base and let them do whatever they want because you're not going to react instantaneously every time the best defense is at least being out there and forcing them to react to you somewhat so i know i'm saying almost two contradictory things but the idea is don't sit in your base but don't just attack either there's the entire rest of the map and that is usually the best place to fight those lurkers we failed despite my best efforts and that means it's time for the people that doesn't seem like bronze i mean there's also the gold league logo which i thought we were pretty solidly yeah well uh so he did have a little bit of a higher actions per minute but that is irrelevant that is entirely what we're trying to prove here um so when you look at like why wasn't he better with 158 apm just i want you remember as we talked about earlier that medium brain i want you to think about what you're saying all right and where you are and what you're doing [Applause] two subs to viewers and it is the same player i to be fair to me and i think we can all agree i'm going to give myself 60. we're going to go to the silver apm level against this player thank you scooter yes [Applause] i was hoping we'd be able to make it more than one day uh unfortunately i did debate playing on europe uh to avoid so he said 60 exclamation point for those who don't know but here we are which is uh a bit of a tell i do appreciate he was more clever um in the previous match i i am now that does kind of ruin it i was hoping that his cat legitimately spilled a drink on his keyboard you know what i choose to believe that happened despite what we now know um but the subtlety went out the window by game two for those who aren't following along i said i'm going to 68 p.m here on stream without a delay five seconds later in the game he said 60 exclamation point um so if you're still not following along well don't worry i'm sure this video is much longer than this the twister a taryn don't panic okay maybe a little panic he got a random gifted son well i mean he's winning in so many ways tonight so i will be trying my best and i might be uh i might be screwing myself over by saying this but i obviously want to get an idea of how many people like myself these horrible filthy disgusting masters and more likely diamond leaguers smurfing or playing at a lower level in the lower leagues i'd like to get an impression because from some people it seems like it's a serious and overarching issue and then others don't seem to notice at all and i in my experience it's a lot closer to the second one where people who have a basic build order and game sense will feel like they're so much better because that's how starcraft works but and thus we try to avoid uh skewing the results of that by playing constantly against people who are also simultaneously enjoying the stream like you beautiful people now against taran we're still going to stick um we're still going to stick with the marine into reactor i think pretty early on we're going to learn some real tvt builds but i want to stress that my bronze to masters my educational series both for my own sanity and because i truly think it's better are not about giving you something to copy paste because one that's not how i learn and two that's mind numbing to me like i think actually learning how to do it yourself some a guide of sorts is is much better than here check out this build it'll get you the diamond i could do that i guarantee you i could do that and maybe i will if it gets the click but that is not the same as when you see that he has one barracks on the high ground without a reactor you understand it could potentially be a one base all in and therefore you want to build a bunker on the lobo maybe get a second gas and acknowledge uh that keeping your units on the top of the ramp is a better idea because he may attack the natural and you might not have enough to defend so until i get something like a siege tank or a star port unit as soon as i get a siege tank and probably a viking that's when i'll feel a little more comfortable with holding my second base upgrade your add-on is all done um but in tvt now i'm actually going to send out a single marine four minute single let's fill up that bunker as well gotta start the tank as soon as possible get a single viking now air control is very important in tpt but once again a little bit higher level than this all puns intended right now it is still very much might be like about who builds a battle cruiser first no maybe so just right now since you'll see it the counter to battle cruiser is viking cyclones raven not really turrets and not marines certainly not marines of all the things that people try to counter battle cruisers with marines are probably the worst because they technically can shoot at the battle cruiser which makes people think that they'll kill it with marines you engage the this is a mistake on purpose uh they will are very unlikely and if they do it is not because their marine micro was particularly incredible but instead because the battle cruiser micro was particularly terrible all right a three engineering bay build one of the things that people will point out and be like a ha three ng base and then not even think about the fact i'm about to be supply blocked with 900 minerals and that is many times over more relevant so we'll start the vikings i should have started the two gases honestly when you get you're guessing around 35 workers if you feel like you need more tech units in tvt i think 35 workers in the other matchups 40 is a better number um because in tvt you just simply need more tech honestly at five minutes i should have scanned there it is i think he'll jump now i'm just gonna get some zoning turrets these turrets are not to kill the battle cruiser but instead just to buy time for the vikings which i will now be continuously producing make sure we don't get supply blocked loco should cast these games is that your priority loco should cast two players doing nothing and not attacking each other for seven minutes at least until a battle cruiser eventually jumps in and dies to vikings that is the sort of bland content that we know and love from our our dutch friend all right so we know there's a battle cruiser i don't need to revolve my life around it once i get we're at the point now once you get stem and combat shield and upgrades yes notice there's a lot of caveats once you get all those things marines can counter battle crews they're still not great at it but they're not nearly as terrible your forces are just a little bit better putting my vikings on control group three i am hotkeying the additional barracks adding in the armory to the base control groups and i'm gonna send a few marines out for for scouting and because youtube is battle cruisers i will build sensor towers earlier as well well i think i think we should scan again which is i know right so it looks like he's transitioned from battle cruisers into now this is gonna sound crazy but more battle cruisers so which is just wow a mineral field has been depleted an absolute um mind-blowing turn of events here so i'm gonna get plus one shipwreck add-on is good to go i'm gonna get another star port you know what your add-on is all done i'm gonna get two he has at least two and to top it off oh wait i didn't i did build depots all right yeah that was i was about to say and now i'm going to get unsupply blocked for once but we made it cyclones are the early game counter to battle cruisers like you'll have a tech lab on your factory you might not have a reactor star port if there's a battle cruiser coming in and you don't have any other options it's better to have a cyclone than another tank but later on cyclones despite their name cannot fly an important point and that makes them significantly weaker and just in general they're relatively weak units as time goes on they're just not good at fighting in large numbers not keying in hmm he scans the main two scans at once way too many suvs here but cc upgrade done you remember i'll tell you right now he's waiting he's waiting for his moment i'm actually going to get the high sec auto trekking he's looking for it i'm gonna eight you see the mini a click shift click two marines then control one which resets the control group and there goes the marine completed left side same thing just a little bit better one marine yeah it looks a little funky there but there you go adding more vikings in gonna get some sensor towers control click shift three so i think there's a non-zero chance that he has one of those corner bases so we're going to split off the marines yet again research out of that cluster and if i have three bases and he has two and now this is this is true i have more bases so that is that is what i would base my actions attacking your base so we definitely have more than that battle cruiser here and it's not coming back you took all the minerals from that makes us somewhat suspicious i thought when i saw that on the mini-map i just kind of assumed of reflex it was a marine a mineral field it has been it was a battle cruiser um so interesting don't want to commit all your battle cruisers at this point i'm actually gonna scan to figure out what i need to build because i'm almost maxed vikings it is all right i heard a jump one more don't want to commit all of them uh as we should have known of course expanding not to your third but anywhere else is the the safe and mentally stable option your army is under attack all right well looks like this brought at least one battle cruiser out to play oh come back here nope just the one get another base set upgrade complete but at what cost we got a lot of vikings adding more vikings building armor though hopefully it doesn't come to that you're all mined out of that mineral field all right well the only counter to a bad guy was some battle cruisers so there is no rule there's no law stating i cannot also build battle cruising like well it's very likely i can win a fight like that is why did you still oh my it's very likely i can win a fight yeah but there's no reason not to have every tool in your box offline your suvs have no purpose in life mind out of that cluster and still in the game nice so this is the difference between turtling and macro for those who might have been wondering about a distinction this is what it looks like we're building more vikings i'm actually gonna stop with the marines mineral patch is gone and it's not coming back i'm pretty sure he's walled in with his own not quite add-on finished up you picked that one another planet why am i building planetaries is another good question add the star port in build my own battle cruisers i mean he started it okay it's only fair [Music] so we get our battle cruiser game out of the way you took all the minerals from that cluster you thief cc upgraded but at what cost let's uh salvage i need those 75 minerals from the bunker that is one of my pet peeves actually it's when people salvage bunkers that like one it wasn't in the way two you don't need the money like i watch pros do this they'll salvage a bunker and then 12 charge lots come in a minute later it's like i bet you didn't bet you would have liked that bunker clem i say and then i grumbled back into twitch chat in slow mode but still a mineral field has been depleted yep it appears he does have this base all right we've got some liberators we're building up the battle cruisers wonder what upgrades he has yes plus two plus two ship weapons okay all right all right all right all right let's move on here so yes i am in a very winning position here you engaged the enemy i very likely could have a move well i would have had to drop the vikings but thor's are vikings are actually quite good on the ground against mech units they have a bonus which it was supposed to be for against protoss units like immortals and stalkers what makes them surprisingly good counters to things on the ground like tanks and thor's though i wouldn't recommend your go-to counter for thor's being vikings don't don't do that that's not it all right let's try this your upgrade is source is under attack the boys are next he's throwing some banshees in just to have the right oh my god the thor splash i'm willing to bet this taran has zero upgrades i i just committed to go pointed out his upgrades he actually was quite diligent about it it's just honestly if he had taken a third in a timely manner that was actually his third built a few more tanks he'd have enough economy to to make a dangerous amount of bc's like i was concerned that that the bc count would be high enough that my marines wouldn't cut it because if he has upgrades and i build too many tanks and medevacs and i just have marines battle cruisers win like like 12 battle cruisers win uh so the vikings are actually super necessary i knew i could do it with your help and your assistance i am now a bronze league so we did end up here uh as a as a bronze league hero um with some games to get towards silver but ah we stayed under the limit but he also was quite under the limit as well so shout out to the twister by the way two seconds supply capped i think for this first episode of turn well what i want to do is i want to take some tearing questions um a bit of an intermission before we get back and probably play five or so more games um yes as i've said uh the true bronze is the silver league bronze is a bit more diverse [Music] and if there are no questions i've done an amazing job we'd be recommending tank before cyclone all the time i think or just at this low apm i don't think there are too many scenarios in diamond is probably where i'd start considering cyclone first builds um because in diamond is when you do have to start acknowledging the other player is in the game uh before that only a cursory acknowledgement of like i guess battle cruisers like but um once you get to diamond you do come up against especially things like void ray rushes and stuff like that you do potentially need cyclones i have a 60 percent versus protoss and zerg and 35 versus taran as taran should i uninstall i don't understand people who uninstall games like unless you're still running with the same amount of hard drive space as you were in 2010 i don't know if like a 40 gig game is really gonna make the difference like but i get the sentiment i get the the sentiment i understand what you're saying so my answer is yes in tvt at plat plus level what a alternative to reaper hellion start if not cheesing um there isn't one reaper hellion is the start you can no that's it like you can maybe do like a cyclone and skip the hellion or possibly a widdle mine but that's that's your start that is 95 of tvts are in some way reaper into helium how many workers do you keep out for building on average um they don't require extra certifications to build though i do like to hotkey my first suv that i'm going to use for the barracks and the command center on two just to have something out there in case i need to jump back to it but i mean as many as it takes with taran this is another reason why terrans are a lot less likely to be religious about having 16 workers on minerals because occasionally four or five of those workers need to be building buildings and you can't be moving them around bases constantly trying to adjust that you got you've got at least a tenth of your workforce and that is part of why mules are so important and getting an orbital is so important is because when a tenth of your workforce is tied up in building the rest of your infrastructure you need to make sure you have get the rest of your economy somewhere so when should you supply drop instead of mule when you're supply block i know it sounds dumb but the it used to be that mules mined more they used to be worth literally more um as did chrono boost was more powerful and larva gave more alarm in legacy of the void everything was nerfed by about 25 to 30 percent in effectiveness all macro mechanics just to kind of smooth out the economy especially since you start with 12 workers so it used to be that you were losing out on a significant amount of minerals when you did a supply drop but now while you still get technically less minerals um than you would if you used a mule for its full duration you gotta think a supply drop is a hundred supply for a depot plus the mining time of an suv so that is 120 130 uh minerals and if you are supply blocked maybe it's more suvs you could have built in that time and they're gonna bend so a mule mine's about i believe it's 250 resources it's a little under that uh throughout its duration which is the equivalent of around five suv these are very rough numbers but to give you an idea so uh it is not a huge hit and it's much better to drop supply uh when you're hard supply blocked and it's still pretty good even if you aren't hard supply but hard supply block is when oh 46 out of 46 and i haven't started anything because i've been over here micro in this reaper real hard i got anything so what is the best defense early against quick dts i would say getting your first so if they're on one base getting an engineering bay by about 330 if they've expanded by about four minutes and slapping down a turret in each mineral line i think is a safe bet after the ngb finishes if you have any suspicions or you just want to play it safe um this is like if you if you've seen it or you are not sure this defends you against stargate or dts the idea is you're not trying to counter it it's just delaying it that's what static defense does that's what turrets are for that's what planetaries are for it's a cannons and spines static defense buys you time for your army to come back and defend it's not supposed to stop things in and of themselves uh the same is true with the detection from turrets at higher levels i'm going to be using raven builds raven builds very popular it's just i think at this level it's still much more important and easier to have scans rather than trying to control one of the most expensive and kind of finicky units uh that really you're not going to get the mileage out of until you can reliably build barracks on time right so one base battle cruiser is best strat yeah yeah how to do attack into siege tanks uh don't and like but well the one based battle cruiser guy might help you out but overall for terence and others attacking in the siege tanks the first thing you've got to ask is are these tanks actually doing anything because a lot of players will see siege tanks and immediately think i need to kill those are they hitting your base your mineral line are they about to if no you have time coming in from two different angles waiting until they unsiege these are all options the second best option is just air control with vikings and tanks of your own or more even eventually like late game battle cruisers are the best option at this level like maru and cure mostly maru are gonna use ravens and vikings okay don't be fooled cure you should have used battle cree but um battle cruisers when people don't have 400 apm are a safer option they're a late game option they're how you break turtles um now they are not the only option and they are not the first option but they are better i think in most scenarios than than ravens liberators are also good but they're a lot harder to use very well i think really siege tank viking and then battle cruiser in the late game yeah there is always the option like you got to consider if he's got 10 siege tanks in the in the suburbs near your base could you maybe just go kill him this is usually a yes because he's either one not building anything or two rallying it all out like it's very unlikely as much at home so is there ever a good time for hell bats when you feel like your mmr is too high and you want to you want to lower it um or you're playing mac and already have decent tech web production [Music] her banshees deleted for most people yes banshees just don't fill as much of a role uh because of one zerg's building a lot of queens taren's having vikings and ravens and protoss oftentimes opening up stargate or blink stalkers means that banshees don't really find a place uh too often occasionally players like beyond will try to make it work but it's still uh kind of a niche choice it's also very so i will be showing some banshee openers but the banshee is essentially kind of like the void ray uh for protoss where you have an air unit against zerg that can defend because the sir doesn't have anything but queens striding across the map uh that that's really their only option for anti-air early so having even a single banshee can help break the back of any of those attacks two siege tanks coke manche all in yes and uh is your name kevin no reason all right one more question and then uh a quick advertisement and then we'll be back to the action can you plan that game i think i will be soon how are you feeling good enough why do you call tvt chest boxing now these are more relevant at the higher levels obviously and i think i could just repeat that constantly but because it's the way the units work between ravens and air control and how well the units can counter each other what ends up happening is a whole lot of positioning and then you start punching each other in the face for a bit and then everybody goes back to their corner where they might choose to go for more air control more more bio they start punching each other in the face a while more um this is a little different than pvp which is essentially just guessing what cards your opponent is holding much of the time uh though you can see some of them or zvz where you can see everything that's happening almost all the time especially in the early game uh tvt is a little more methodical sounds more like boxing well the chess is the positioning part which takes a while okay can you two racks proxy i can't i'm not going to but i can't have you tried zerg hex um yes that's the best defense against proxy void ray battery crying but also maybe the tears will short out the batteries uh if you don't scout it early upgraded cyclone reactor reactor viking is actually pretty good if you can get there a lot of it is if you can get there but you should do whatever you can to stop it before it comes out if possible a well executed proxy void ray battery is very hard to beat on many maps in my experience but uh it does like if you scout early enough you can probably cut it off before it really starts all right quick advertisement and then back to the action thank you guys for watching hey everybody i'm winter and i'm here to talk to you about prime gaming did you know if you have amazon prime and we know if you have amazon prime you can get for free prime gaming yes every single month so many exciting benefits you go to and you can find incredible loot that will make you unique and special but much like the other millions of people who have the exact same thing with prime gaming you can get that apex legend skin that everybody else is using you can get four hundred thousand dollars a month in gta online which could buy you not one but like four bullets i assume and and but wait there's more did you know new world still exists amazon does you can get something for new i don't actually has anybody does anybody know i'm not we'll keep you updated on that probably not actually but wait but wait there's more did you know that every month for free you can subscribe to a streamer of your choice yes even me even if you're not able to watch live because i'm essentially a vampire i prefer the term gamer but i'll take either you can subscribe for free at any time once a month with prime gaming and don't even think about it just do it because every moment you wait you're losing money for me so subscribe with prime gaming because what do you have to lose and if that's not enough if that's not enough remember here at amazon prime we know where you live you told us good luck good night thank you guys for sticking around no ads are loud and annoying but uh esports in in 2022 you know what's it gonna be bio or mech the people will decide for the next game we got five more games tonight thank you for watching i'll be right back [Music] oh follower is that all strategy 42 is chilling for one month oh a follower is that all gray mamba is chilling for 17 months less than three [Music] [Music] so do hmm could go either way it's hard to tell i think we'll try mecha i'll give it a shot against protoss it's a little bit more uh difficult to pull off welcome back to broadly [Music] another game of starcraft well here we are he does have that kaczynski portrait a little suspicious now should be suspicious of me as well to be fair but this game we're gonna focus on breaking down the scouting a little more especially so when you go for mac that doesn't mean i'm only building mac use in fact i think the mistake a lot of people make is thinking mac is just like essentially playing an entirely different race like i'm a mech taran i'm a bioterran the best mech terrans build a whole lot of marines in the early game because marines are just the best and cheapest buffer for the rest of your units if you don't build marines and a lot of them you are very vulnerable i'm not saying getting stem and combat shield i'm saying getting a dozen or more marines off a reactor is not something i think gumiho is probably the still the boldest taran and tries mech the most though still rarely against protons at the higher levels um but yeah gumiho still will make very many marines earlier despite how they usually are not going to be a huge part of your composition so what do we see here we see two gases a better command center i don't know he had kind of a weird probe doing things but purpose i will leave the base and billy bob will go to his watchtower and against protoss and especially against protons who has yet to expand i'm gonna build a bunker looks like that probe got the taste of suv and isn't willing to give this up quite yet so we're gonna take them home to the family family doesn't really like other races but that one they're still family i guess bit of a yikes though all right this is jimmy a bit of micro there slipping by oh no wait so he saw that i had a barracks with a reactor which i guess is something i'm gonna send a marine i'm gonna right click it into his base because just in general not playing mac just in general against protoss okay well i'm always i'm always torn because this is bronze if he is truly bronze better than ever there is no reason to scout but i'll be honest i wasn't sure what it was but the way the fact he moved and microed his probe at all has already put me on edge that is that is where i am right now let me get that engineering bay you saw billy bob over there with the uh yeah these probes yeah these probes are getting a route which is uh and there's that dark shrine so you see i got my engineering bay at 3 45. remember that timing i said 3 30. if i had gotten it at 3 30 it would have been done with time to build turrets and i still should have time to build turrets i think there's a pylon right there so uh i'm actually going to get a second engineering and i think he's doing a dt drop actually because now that i think about it we saw the robotics facility and because i outright confirmed that yep there it is because i outright confirm there's a dark shrine which is why we are doing this but if i had followed my own timing of three minutes and 30 seconds then we would have been okay here but unfortunately i was a little bit late which means oh yes charge so we have confirmed what i suspected which is not the newest player here and i can't go back unfortunately um i'm gonna try to kill the war prison with the auto turret i mean not the oldest yeah as i mentioned that bronze is not really the bronze league but instead it is silver so we might have some games like this i mean it was an all-out dt rush and you will have to survive these games but if i had followed through on my own timing at a 330 engineering bay against a protoss on one base and i built a turret in each mineral line it still would have been dicey all right it still would have been rough but there's nothing behind it actually i liked he had a he had a nexus um he could have he def if he was if i was the protoss i would say you definitely play that out he was fine i take it all back he had an expansion he had multiple gates he was just as many protoss uh our weak willed and shameless so unfortunately we did bump above the mark there which means i owe the people i had to a click around to chase down that prism as happens still the slight consolation of course is it was lower than his but still so that was a sick mech game so i know i said building a raven is not place um [Music] [Applause] what i mean is by default i don't think you should build a winner gaming is gifted three subs to viewers could you just not if you see a dark shrine build a ring i want to make that clear if you have the opportunity especially that early in the game one base dark shrine you build a raven i think we should play it out against our gold league friend despite how uh i did forget to enjoy another screen queuing up here but uh for those who weren't here earlier our friend um is a stream enjoyer in fact got gifted a sub earlier and is a gold leaguer with 160 apm so i i'm gonna give myself the limit of 60. even though he knows it's coming um this this is a glimpse into the gold lake actually gold leg will be a limit of 70 but the idea is still blue so jimmy we're supposed to have twitch chat on the screen i saw some criticism of the uh first low apm challenge and how i respond to all the amazing and incredible questions but you can't tell what the questions were um and i'm still not sure what the issue is so maybe jimmy can fix that between the games though it has cost us a scouting opportunity we'll fix that now i always struggle to place my barrack so i don't have to lift to build an add-on honestly you just it's always the add-on's always in the same spot which is actually a complaint of terence of the year you just gotta kind of practice it play against the ai uh just you can rewind the game and take command of yourself as well just keep practicing it it's just something that you do right eventually i still mess it up sometimes but most of the time it's not that hard to do but under any pressure like your opponent being a human being your add-on is all done um your army is it can be significantly more difficult to be honest i actually have no idea give me it might just be broken [Music] all right we'll use complete sentences i'm i usually use complete sensors if i'm answer answering a question i usually repeat the question so the people know what i'm answering or to make fun of it or both yeah i'm sorry it couldn't be much more of a tip than get good but it is kind of a just get good situations cc upgrade done you remembered add-on complete if the people remind me after the game you can take another look at it but yeah this is this is a lot of what i mean here i'm still gonna be making marines now a lot of terran builds start with hellions but we're not quite at the helium level yet in my opinion i am going to get a banshee the banshee is a defensive banshee and going back third command center at four minutes we're gonna get an engineering bay as part of the wall i don't need it for upgrades wow i've really done it now so you can play 50 000 games and there's still mistakes to be made so you can wall off with a bunker a depot and an ng bay if you do it right you can all off adjust a couple energy bays in a bunker like there are a lot of easy ways to wall off but sometimes you screw it up it does take some concentration oh i'm already late on this get another around so with barracks it's around 30 workers with factories i'd say around 35. i got the gases 30 to 35 workers at the natural um by the time i get to double digits or so but the factories so factories cost gas as well as minerals and that is why you usually don't get quite as many as quickly and that is why ramping up mac is a little harder to do is because of the factories costing significantly more of a down payment so i'm gonna get double armory here as well a better command center and scouting barracks i'll put a tech lab here and now i've got all the marines i'm gonna have so did you know that's a changeling you can just right click on it don't have i used to a-click and then sometimes i was wrong so for those who don't know when you a-click on your own units you shoot at them i didn't actually learn you could right click on change links till like a couple years ago which was most of the way at this point into my starcraft career so yeah there were the occasional collateral damage but all right i'm supply block might as well drop down those depots start is that a changeling the enemy engaged your forces ah i almost killed the base so i'm not gonna get all excited about going to kill that base out right you know what yes i am i'm gonna go send one more banshee i'm getting double upgrades are you thief i'm gonna get the blue flame upgrade yes we are going hellbats the one danger right now is mudis it's not mudas he's upgrading the hydroden he has a layer at his natural but he's getting upgrades you can see uh basic upgrades on the evolution it's like you killed the second banshee as well so that was kind of just dumb but another one of my favorite hobbies is walling off my own siege tanks um you'll probably see that several times throughout all this um i'm very good at walling off my own siege tanks thor's as well of course but especially tanks for some reason new subscribers is chilling for 39 months craig let me uh take the barracks off my hotkey the barracks is supposed to be like a semi scout and the first thing i want to do is get the gases here i should have done that already is that a chain no that's a real marine you see it's it's easy to get them confused when you're going back all right i got plenty of let's just search is done command i should be building units an upgrade has been completed upgrades your army is under attack i'm gonna have two tanks just chilling at my third i don't want to have too many you don't want to have house tanks that is uh a concern a lot of players end up with house tanks they hit the selecto army key and the tanks are not coming with them we've all been there i've done that but it is very important to bring at least the majority of your tanks especially obviously playing mech as that's the majority of your damage a mineral field has been depleted mind out of that cluster and still in the game so i have time to get another couple factories i'm gonna go get a fourth set camera location a few hellions in the front as well you're all mined out of that control click the marines send them over there and we'll just box select pretty solid army first before i attack we're gonna check the few important things we got upgrades which i'm getting is there any reason to siege up here not yet gonna get the planetary more idle suvs make sure i have the add-ons here upgrade i'm gonna make this into an orbital you don't have too many planetaries having scans is probably gonna be important i'm just gonna put two suvs onto the gases that'll make three your add-on has been constructed scan forward i'm gonna go this way instead of just coming down the ramp hello make sure we have vision now the most important thing is to be producing because he actually caught me off god there that's why i was going that direction so i didn't get caught off guard on the high ground but i think the thor's were able to hold the line as long as the tanks are sieged they still do quite well i'm gonna take some more join up with thor's transfer suvs over here and held that mode and it's not coming back you took all the minerals from that cluster you thief make sure i have a couple tanks sieged there's the majority of the army it looks like it's a bit of an awkward angle so overall getting caught in the in the first place was rough but with mec as long as you're fighting on the field like that is another reason why there's a big difference between turtling and macra the difference between turtling and macro is macro is just building up your economy so that way you can do a strong attack turtling is sitting in your base with tanks and letting them come to you if you're sitting at your base and he kills your tanks what's the following uh and that is the risk of playing two turtley even with mech so once you get to 200 supply there's not unless you're waiting for an upgrade or a base to get set down there's really no reason to be sitting back i try wait i said 60 and i still failed but only by one so only one sub over because obviously uh he was a little higher up good i think i have your attention proving as well the efficiency now for those that don't know and who skip to this part of the video and or so why does it work here why is it why is the twitch chat here but not in game why are you broken in the game give me explain this all right give me uh give me a poggers in the chat oh there we go yes oh wait this is not really showing the most poggers of gameplays hi friends i just don't enjoy let's see if we can make it to some tvt mech all right what are the chances of battle cruiser you got this one way or another a hundred i don't put them at a hundred percent thank you scooter [Applause] and he has he has i think that portrait and i don't like to judge people by their portrait but i definitely do um that portrait is like the 25 team game taran wins which makes me like it verifies his legitimacy as a a taren player let's put it that way um and i i think that definitely raises the inherent chance of battle cruising as as all roads lead to battle cruisers just a question of how long it takes i mean like i said it's not about copy pasting a build order but that doesn't mean you should ignore basic builds it's 15 well not 15 anything there's no 15 anything spoilers it's 13 depot uh 16 racks 17 refinery and then you build more and more suvs build a marine and 20 and then an orbital and then if he's got a command center you build yourself a command center and then you kind of freestyle it from there so there's no barracks in his base there is now so i will tell you right now well man okay now there's two barracks so this is the build he's doing dies to one reaper a well micro reaper my friends okay and that is the reason why one reaper does not end games in the middle leagues because if you spend all your time killing six suvs with a reaper but miss out on eight back at home that is a net loss your add-on is all done i mean i will give you the basic in fact assuming people are clamoring for it and the likes are through the roof 6900 likes on this video well then we'll update the basic bill but it really is just one one one a second gas i like to tie things in not to the the supply because supplies change like maybe you lose something to a reaper the scouting suv dies that definitely happens right he lost track of it after the factory second gas after and then when it finishes ringing gas after the first marine reactor tech lab first on the factory some builds might have a helium tech club first we're going for but the idea is you've tied these and no matter what else is happening unless it's like there are marines in your base right now because he did a massive proxy rex or something ridiculous completely had no idea was coming you can fall back on these even if the supplies are slightly different even if the actual units either player has are slightly different you can fall back on second gas after the factory star port after the factory tech lab first reactor after marine and then well we said we were going max so the follow-up is getting supply blocked at 46 one of my favorites and then two more guesses between 30 and 35 workers add-on complete i'm gonna send one marine to the front of his base i'm going to flip the barracks i know i said marines are good this is the one matchup where that's not true marines not as good in uh tvt because everything else kills them we're gonna get vikings and tanks i know a classic tactic and as i have the gas i'm going to add a second factory all these replays will be publicly available for those who are actually truly interested by the way that's the beauty of sc2 replay stats when you go down into the description yes that exists you'll find the sc2 replay stats profile for macrosoft um and with it you can look up any of the games you're interested in and see the replay and see the build even though i'm telling you right now the execution of these builds and by builds i'll i'm not doing a bill i've just got an idea and a game plan which is three factories a reactor star port and 50 suvs i want to make sure i don't die and then we work on taking a third and getting upgrades i'm delaying the upgrades in the third a little more because against terran they have terran units uh which are strong and he can have the same units as me so if i get too greedy too fast he could overrun me let's take a look [Music] i don't think it's a huge risk we see multiple racks like we did before he's adding on more barracks i can see tonight thanks i am safe to get a third command center i am safe to get double armory and with around 50 suvs i have full two base economy which means i can support at least if it was barracks i can support five finished up but since it's factories which are quite expensive am i super supply blocked see game is hard dropping supply and build more depots and i really should have had an engineering bay even if you're not going bio even if you think they're not making any star port units should i have the engineering bay by five minutes not to spam turrets but it could be a match chance of a battle cruiser just having the engineering it's very important to just have it in case you need it it's not that expensive don't feel obligated to get plus one infantry weapons for your six marines who happen to get built lucky them but it's just something that needs to be there and now i am going to build a few turrets because why as i'm taking my third one of the big issues or big vulnerabilities of mac is the lack of mobility you have a bunch of siege tanks you have vikings but they kind of need to be in the same place at the same time uh otherwise you're missing out on me most of the strength of the unit composition so cc i'm gonna add factories four and five i'm gonna lift over that f key to my third and then i'm gonna hit the stop command and screw it up and now i'm gonna build some thor's because i don't trust myself with just tanks and vikings just tanks and vikings are good if you're willing to be diligent about it but once you got about 10 tanks or so that that should be enough at least for a while i'm gonna send a few marines out to scout i'm gonna put the vikings on control three control f1 for those idle workers mind out of that cluster and still in the game and nice we're gonna add them to the third as well as whatever clump of these seems like good enough get some spotter depos mineral patches and we have our very first house thor what cost congratulations thor all right so this is why we have those marines out there and the censor towers just having any idea of when that army is coming to the is the most important part add-on is good to go and we can start tutu i'm gonna continue making aliens i'm just kind of sprinkling in hellions tanks uh thor's i think five or so thor's ten tanks and then your add-on is all done hellions and vikings for the rest is is your mix now if they're very heavy like in this case he's very heavy on the bio units he doesn't really have any star four units surprisingly though if my bronze league heroes senses are tingling the fusion core is on the way uh actually i predict there's your armory took all the minerals this is not exactly what i expected to see it's a bit of a i mean close um but not exactly what i thought i would see definitely something worth looking at but yeah um well now we're getting close to maxing out i'm going to add a couple more command centers a couple more more star ports of my own i'm just select all army now unseats the tanks and i'm gonna do it the scan valley he's got that base all right i think there might be a corner base but so as a great man mineral field once said if he's doing something weird go kill him well i would say tech switching into uh mass starport is uh definitely is in that column because he just spent however much finished up all right let's make sure we don't get too crazy upgrades it's unclear what he's going for he may not have decided yet though based on the fact i built vikings i am expecting vikings unfortunately i have nothing back at home for this particular viking raid attacking your base so we're just going to have to do something of a base trade i guess i'll send some of my units back home here and this is not the ideal some of them will go to the third [Applause] is he coming home mind out of there and still in the game nice it might be there's not gonna be much to go back to but vikings actually quite good against thor and he has worse upgrades no do not underestimate landon vikings against mek that's part of the reason for massing the vikings at least for me i mean he masked the vikings because that was the build it uh it does kind of counter mech though and did you know that all terran buildings are mechanical as well so they do bonus damage on the ground against terran building and they don't do bad against them in the air either so i'm not saying that going for 10 star port reactor viking switch after a half-hearted bio attempt is good but i'm saying it wasn't the worst option i'm saying it definitely there are worse choices so credit to him we held the line 32 8 p.m and honestly he took a third on location i've got to give credit where credit is due if he focused a little more on his unit composition and while i say this is not about having a build order he definitely could use just a basic start for those first few minutes like i described and i think he's uh he might be better than me at low apm and silver because that was like i think every single one of those actions was efficient there's a difference between efficient and smart efficient is just not overlapping and spamming smart is not running into siege tanks and then switching into 10 starboard viking but um but he wasn't spamming by any means a protoss [Music] the only protoss we've played so far this one will be better has gone one base dt rush and then left the game so we'll see if uh we make it past that point here is that true no that's not true there's another proton there was a mr bingo strat carriers who uh tried to build a nexus in every corner i forgot about him that was um i was more chasing neck's eye around the map than fighting protests in that game but uh yeah so far nothing that really would resemble a now what is standard here in the darkness in the metal leagues uh what does standard even mean we try to set a new one yeah i'm starting to so i want to make sure that this low apm challenge like it's fun it's entertaining i know many of you are not even gonna think about installing sc2 let alone playing ladder but i want those of you who actually are to find it productive which is why we're going to be limiting it to 10 to 15 games which is two to three hours at a time um give or take it really depends a bit on the games but with some consistency these games should be between 10 and 15 minutes um of course we're not going to end it too early as he's building cannons on the high ground here so now the thing is you might be like oh my god cannons how do i defend no no no okay i need to say it out loud because a lot of people don't really think about it a lot of people will see cannons and be scared of cannons what you need to do is see cannons and realize those cannons cannot pick themselves up and walk across the map and attack your base he just spent 150 minerals on a forge 150 and probably soon to be more minerals on a cannon he spent almost an entire nexus on defenses and i have no intention of attacking so what i do have an intention of is getting supply blocked at 23 which is i feel like i should gift a subject for that because that's i was so i was spending so much time saying don't panic if there's a cannon that i just screwed up like that's a big one that's a 23 that's like literally the the first real time you could be supply blocked if you get supply block before that i assume you're afk because it would be your first depot which you must build before anything fun story i'm inspired by um the conversations in in about aoe4 about how c2 was not very balanced when it came out and that is true one of those things uh was that terrans did not need before they built the barracks so uh what this means is terrans would literally just build nothing send the suvs across the map build the barracks outside your base float into your base all before even building a depot and start building marines before your cyber corps start if you were protoss or sometimes before your pool started if you were reserved so the timing and that is why my friends that at least you have to build a depot nowadays this was worse than wings of liberty because it said it further behind especially for tearing and wings of liberty because remember you start with six workers a hundred minerals wasn't super easy to come by when you sent two suvs of your six out on the map so uh that is a very very important point on top of just the time to build it so while i am 95 sure cannon man over here oh billy bob to the watchtower i usually if you had to choose i'd like to send to the watchtower um like on this map that is closer to my main because if he's gonna have something slipping by up there watch towers don't usually cover the main attack path they usually cover alternative paths or air paths because otherwise taryn would just be able to siege up tanks in the most useful location on the map so on this map i i like to have the north watch there because if he has star gate units warp prism probably come that way probably head towards my main as they oftentimes do so where are we we're well past the point of needing to build more factories but we'll call this a demonstration of even if you screwed up your build even if you got distracted even if your cat spilled some of that um long island iced tea onto your keyboard well you can come back and realize okay i need a couple more factories i need the armories i need some depots i've got a plan and that plan is to get 75 suvs to get five factories pumping out siege tanks thor's it's to get a reactor star port building vikings because vikings are not that bad against protoss ground except for mass zealot archon which while some of the best protoss ground very few players will build at this level in fact it it kind of gives you that built-in anti-air option against the dreaded void race um that you don't have usually when you're playing as mac but it's been it's been quiet for a while and i'm about to finish my armory so let's take a look phoenix yeah you can actually see what's building there and also when the phoenix finishes you can see that it's a phoenix he also has a twilight council but we nope well commander also would have seen a phoenix when he showed up at my base at the phoenix but that was also on the table so i'm gonna throw a few thor's in gonna get plus one mech attack i've got let's let's send it over here let's go let's go scout for more i'm gonna be taking my third soon and since i'm up against air i'll just put a sensor tower into me sensor towers i'm happy to say have been gaining popularity with pro players as as clem and maru starting to realize that even though they're perfect and they have 700 apm and never miss micro it's only a hundred gas to get like an extra four seconds of warning four seconds doesn't sound like a lot but it is a lot and you don't have to constantly scan looking for armies so even like clem and maru even in non-tbt matchups have been building sensor towers a lot a lot more often and maybe not a lot more than zero let's put it that way so you can whenever you build a censored tower you can say i'm just like and we both know that's a lie but it's a comforting lie like you'll be good at starcraft 2 or winter cares about what you think about battles or protoss for smart and uneducated people right terence so so comfort yourself with those sensor towers today mind out of that cluster upgrade is all done let's take a look what's it gonna be stalkers so siege tanks and somewhat important when playing max sensor towers are also powerful one well you hopefully look more at the minimap you know i saw a tip that i didn't point out but i kind of liked it in the chat yes i know right like i actually did it is when you do i recommend one to two practice games against the ai practicing maxing out as quickly as possible getting those workers it is to patrol a worker at the corner basis like what i'm about to do now patrol the worker here honestly the ai kind of does that uh as well which is a bit weird okay but patrol worker at the corner basis and at the very least it'll draw your eye because it'll be something moving on the mini-map even if it's not an enemy though sometimes you might spot something i think that is one of the best training methods i've heard because it's so hard to be like just look at it right i i had nothing i got nothing for you on that like set a metronome to look at it but what if they happen to not be there i i like it i think it's worth a shot you're all mined out of that mineral field don't worry it's been so long since whoever made that tip did it i can take the credits they're probably not even here now winter hey we're all getting a little bit better it's just some of us are getting paid to help like and subscribe so i did the classic taren move here i just for some reason decided it's time to go why i'm not maxed out i don't have upgrades finishing i just it popped into my head look i have an army let's attack no let's finish our 2-2 let's get unsupply block to make sure we have units in production and then let's attack taren for well this was for diamond players in general but the principles apply throughout the leagues um upgrades production making sure you have enough factories economy making sure you have the bases and the suvs producing building units when you can and then we attack and the toss moved out with something or other i'm actually gonna put a few hellions at the watchtower i'm gonna do what people never do on this map because it's kind of annoying is take down the double rocks in the center ah yes so remember this is what to avoid my bronze league heroes what to avoid and what to remember the instinct to not expand to your third this is what we're trying to break you of and this is almost universal no matter what race you're playing against zergs are a little less common because of crete but the instinct to it's too scary to expand my third so i'll just try to hide it the map isn't that lost there's not that many bases and everybody knows where the bases are so here we are all right we're going to go into high impact mode on the source this is uh one of the few times i've been out maneuvered because i opened up a path but at this point there's not too much of a point in sieging the stalkers die to everything they might be dying of just their own lack of self-esteem it's unclear but they also die to mec um one of the most exciting things you can see your protoss opponent build and they'll oblige much of the time as stalkers because um it is one of the few units not only siege tanks and thor's but vikings can deal with it so vikings are actually a surprisingly solid counter on the ground of course so even if you thought you were dealing with air and he comes out with stalkers vikings are not a useless choice let's make sure we got three three started i'm gonna get the uh your army is under engineering bay upgrades this is when the dts show up by the way we're sticking to the script he now either has carriers and or dts um i think it's going to be a couple characters like usually what happens is players feel like well i tried void rays didn't work or it's florencio he does not have warfare he's been he's still building off of uh the gateways so uh it's fine there's a non-zero chance he's trying out his new ddr pad hockey um still probably going to end up higher ranked than me oh a little more of the same mineral research finished but i'm still waiting on high psychology you engaged that research was high stack auto tracking me forces under attack the boys are next actually i think twitch chat on this side makes more sense because i do like having the alerts um wait did he start a carrot no it was a void wreck my stereotypes are wrong all right want the alerts on the right no the in-game alerts are on the left underneath the beautiful comments of twitch chat actually i i we gotta go back we didn't check 46 and that seems about right for the opponent i will say the real staple of these um less experienced players is their lack of supply block if there's one thing we've noticed from bronze league heroes and beyond is they very much enjoy having supply there is such a thing as too much ah but it is still better than getting supply blocked all the time he was also trying to know he's just your average silver leaguer honestly if he had traded out those stalkers for charge lots and those phoenix's for void race you'd have a real composition there it's just it's stalkers and phoenix's are two of the units that require the most micro for protons not the least so you're kind of setting yourself up for disaster if you choose um those units all right a tarrant we we've had one zerg and that one zerg was stream sniping so and had triple the apm or more of most of the opponents but the reason i chose taren first is today and historically in the bronze and silver leagues sirens have made up nearly 50 percent of players so that means if you're a bronze or silver terran right now no you're not alone but you're in near majority company uh and i like appealing to the most possible people um it is simply like i i think it makes sense the first campaign and many of the training uh tutorial missions are taran taren is your it is the simplest to pick up if you played any other rts um the concepts are relatively simple like you build units out of barracks and factories and star ports you don't warp them in from wherever like our last opponent didn't you don't bank up a larva by spitting onto a hatchery with a unit that gets joint pain when it's off the slime like uh you don't have those concerns this is not very nice but you can't hide spending 400 minerals on a command center no matter what the rest of your opener is you can't hide 400 minerals on a command center better command center so that means if he's got a command center i think i'm pretty safe to get one of my own and another thing to point out that let's not read too much into is that he had two depos he had walled off which means it's kind of unlikely he had gas that early but it's not a hundred percent and it's not the most relevant part is did he expand and he did so that means i'm safe enough i'm still gonna make a bunker uh and we're still i mean the entire point here is i'm doing the very minimum of acknowledging my opponent exists like they can attack sometimes we have to prepare in certain ways but most of the time just doing this middle of the road like marine tank viking it'll get you most of where you want to go which is not dying until 200 supply add-on finished up you pick that one cc upgrade done so i'm gonna add a marine to this watchtower i'm gonna send jim bob i'm not i'm sorry billy bob jim bob uh builds our command centers it's very different he doesn't like being called by his brother's name and now more depos if i'm about to be split but i'd build two or three at a time i'm actually going to send one marine right to the center and then we have all the vision we need for quite a while 33 suv is right between that 30 35 set this over there build another tank drop some mules engineering bay just a pre-five minute not because i necessarily think i need it but i should have it i'm going to send the barracks off into the wild blue yonder which is literally underwater here on 2000 atmospheres like so very blue but i digress a few more depots a couple more moonlights and now additional factors as we're still able to produce right in front of that suv's face gonna get a turret in each mineral line because of course the chance of battle cruiser is never zero continue building vikings and there's really no reason like vikings the only time vikings are not great is against just a straight up by army they can kill the bed of x and all that but like viking tank will get you a lot of the way so i think that he doesn't have units in the medevac so much as his walking across but if he does happen to have units in the medevac this inspires me get the armories was that the first medevac based on the damages let's get that third command center so this is uh you kind of just dropped for the sake of dropping because this is exactly what we're trying to avoid which is i'm doing something i'm i'm a map control no you're barely in control of your own keyboard let alone the map right now so supply block i'll drop them down it's like i'm hurting for money and as we get the third cc i'm gonna make one more turret in the corner i'm actually gonna scan let's see we got a star port we got the ever important turret ring uh so this means i think i can skip a couple tanks to get a couple more factories a little more quickly i'll build some hellions just to fill in for now i try to keep i think it's good to get in the habit of having vikings on a separate key you start that habit early or at least try to commence and it will make it a lot easier later when you really do need to have air units like vikings under not moving the same way your siege tanks do that will make your life a lot easier as time goes on even if it is kind of hard to get um wrap your head around early on just shift click control click one of the methods you can use here i'm going to hit the select army hotkey i'm going to control click the vikings in the select army hotkey so they're all my whole army selected and now control 3. so if your units are kind of scattered around as will happen nice that is one way to use the select army hotkey without it as a more precise method upgrade is all done mineral field depleted your third base should start um after your first round of production or second round so that means your first three racks or after five racks depending on what you really prefer but it's important to get around 50 suvs by eight minutes and right around that 50 suvs or your second round of production you should have the money for a third command center and if you don't you have to think about why like are you cueing up a bunch of siege tanks are you dying actively to like a marine drop um or are you not dropping mules maybe those are some of them the culprits there so for right now what i saw in his base was a terran who's building siege tanks and marines and vikings and a bunch of turrets on two bases i am confident since i've been focused on production i shut down that early drop and i got my third base on time there's no way that he has more supply there's no way that he has a larger army and there's no way he has better upgrades the real only risk now is getting caught off guard by something like a battle cruiser switch which is not a huge deal when you've been building vikings uh or essentially attacking a terrible angle mineral patch is gone and it's not the idea is we the basic units we're building have already prepared us for many of the possibilities so before we move out with 2-2 finishing pretty consistent again let's take a look thor's vikings i like the cut of your jib thankfully i'm slightly edgier a mineral field has been depleted also just kind of learning the scan radius i see a lot of terrans will just drop the scan directly on where they think something is like if you think the army's here uh just dropping on the natural remember the scan radius is larger it's larger than the uh the indicator it is larger than this but you can kind of see it with the animation on the outside i've actually never noticed that you can actually see where the animation reaches even though the the circle is is smaller so there you go pro tip learn live you can see where the scan will reach with like the flashing huh so there you go we're all mined out of that mineral field we're gonna head on in get the tanks sieged up put the vikings in place anti-armor missiles but the thor's did get trapped by the siege tanks which is caught between a rock and a hard place ragna rock and roll am i right looks like that thor is pretty hammered all right time to stop mineral patch is gone and it's not coming back looks like after this we're going to the hard rock okay that's too much honestly i probably already should have right now it's just things to get in front of siege tanks mostly i might get some more star ports factories command centers built a lot of vikings which means there is a small danger here of a switch into things like liberators all right a mineral field has been depleted so my tank upgrades are significantly better and that makes a huge difference um is that tank bugged out it got hit by an empty armor missile a while ago and it never recovered and now it's just very hard to tell what's going on all right [Music] mineral field depleted so this is the stage where the actual answer is viking battle cruiser or just you know having out of that mineral field a huge army that also works i did select all right it's all done it was a little lazy and i finished up just the ability to trade four thor's to one is definitely a a helpful move you engage the enemy on purpose okay who can play that game for every scan he scans me i'll scan him back you'll lose this you can't have more orbitals than me mind out of that cluster and still in the game nice there's no like it's a no more gas left there i'm sure it all went to a good cause cc upgraded but at what cost okay let's not waste our time here too much all right i'm gonna unsiege we're gonna drop the vikings and now this scans for realsies this is a bad idea don't do this the real way if you're not trying to do a series on a relatively short timer not really sure is to go uh get more vikings get range liberators and or battle cruisers or just have a bunch of thor's i guess that works too look at that yeah that usually also does pretty well i've never seen this screen [Music] raining blood did he pick up into that medevac so we are oh where did we end up on that no oh no it was all the sk he baited me into the scans ah it's his fault that's not fair all right we got one more game tonight that should land us at silver assuming we don't get quite a contender now i have your attention but i hope you've enjoyed the gaming is now chilling no no no never i hope you've enjoyed this first episode of the 2022 low apm challenge there are many many more to go i'm not sure how i'm gonna handle the sheer amount of games of course there will be protons and zerg though i'm probably going to get taren through silver first and then kind of decide um but yes these numbers from sc2 replay stats and the next episode we'll have some sc2 replay stats elite codes which allow you to check out that training center uh more often i mean you can still check it out every day it's just like are you playing more than two games a day let's be honest with ourselves [Music] enjoyed the more loose and casual build style made me actually play the game it is a stressful game it's a anxiety-inducing game welcome back [Music] another game of starcraft but it can be fun you need some direction and uh you need someone to at least point you in the right direction i think now unless well well when i started out i after my wow arena partners started playing sc2 for a day and i went and bought it from gamestop uh and then canceled my wow sub because i was poor um then i played i i a lot of people nowadays don't really have the ability to follow in my footsteps to use my methods which were uh sleep through class most mornings because i was up watching gsl at 5 00 am and 2 40 p while playing 8 to 10 hours beforehand so essentially having no sleep playing 30-something games of wings of liberty a day uh so i do admit that that method is probably not going to be great for most people uh nowadays so a very key point here is if you kill the probe uh you kill the probe so now he brought a second probe which is going to add to the problems a little but um we'll have to see here gonna get some more vision he is and that should be the rest of his uh oh he got another pro so that is quite a call thankfully he he ate clicked not on the scds there so that means we can just deal with this you know this is pretty helpful i will say it's good that we got a cannon tonight so the count is about five as cvs five s cvs or workers of any kind really they will kill um a pylon before it finishes four if it just started is a comfortable number your command center better than ever i'm gonna do a little micro here um and then as taran like worst case scenario i can just lift so command cannon rushes against taran especially cannon rushes for the sake of cannon rushing as opposed to like for a big follow-up um are just the real key is don't panic uh you you do have to do some finicky micro but you got to realize where the threats are and where they aren't and the summary is if the cannons can't see you they can't shoot you that's what it comes down to uh and that is most of what you can use against them so in this case i didn't i either zoned out or i got canon rush so early that i didn't realize i'm not going to be going back this game this is definitely a bio game um off of this awkward start trying to afford heavy gas things is just rarely the uh ideal he's expanded here a bit of a cheeky move just going to hang out over here so not his first rodeo just a summary gonna hold position those marines and their lives are now no longer relevant to me i know it sounds hard but now i mean i'm gonna watch i'm building suvs here to be clear but that did cost him your add-on has been constructed we're gonna move this over we're gonna move this to build a reactor and we're gonna start walling off now the usual follow-up as we all know is void and then dt not necessarily in that order but if he expands early uh i think stargate is a little bit more likely we'll see how much of a stereotype he's going to be wow i'm just going to start i'm just going to put in the mineral guy now i think it's worth this game gateway gateway he's gotta forge that one so it may very well be neither we're gonna start plus one drop a mule get myself a bunker and another depot because it's looking pretty dangerous for me right now if he does some sort of warp prism charge lot play uh i think that is uh a significant threat all right billy bob i'm gonna need you to go out there scout things out i think charge lots because usually don't go for the plus one i might be applying a little too much logic here but i'm gonna feel more and more comfortable as my upgrades get closer when oracle did not expect that your research is complete didn't even know that players of this level knew what an oracle was research complete but uh overall so we had a forge obviously well now that i'm thinking about it he had that forge a while ago did he not so the ford should not be surprised i didn't even think of that um i was just kind of like oh we got a forge kind of uh not remembering some key parts of this game so far all right your upgrade is complete so now i've got my two sets of production let's scan here he's got an expansion building some shield batteries he may now we're gonna go around this one this is the time to build a third center though your forces the fact that he's over here means well yeah it's unlikely so right before i come in it is time you're all mined down in fact those force fields kind of helped it is clear he wants to get charged i'm gonna stim again army under attack get an armory we're gonna build some more reactors did i get an armory i did second engineering bait that is an armory right all boxy an upgrade has been completed your cc is now a bcc a better command center we're gonna back off here add-on is good to go your add-on is all done and start those two two grades he has a colossus let's see he's taking the other third we're gonna make sure we're producing units and remember vikings the enemy engaged your army is still home some mules some concussive shells yeah i got plenty of medevacs actually what i need most is to make sure i'm building vikings i will cue them up make sure we charge a lot of proof remember the hot king vikings from the select all army let's do some of that it gets a little uh clunky with all those medevacs mixed in better to have the medevacs alive though than the alternative some more vikings at this point my economy should be better as well upgrade complete but at what cost i got some vision i think those are colossals he's uh tickling me very hard right now some repair we probably uh edged it out a little bit though i have my suspicions that he wasn't quite the bronze leaguer we were looking at but nice of him to give us um a cannon rush there and uh one of the more dangerous ones the cannon rush from low to high ground as opposed to like a lot of players with the cannon rush you have to think about is this actually threatening me because there i see a lot of cannon rushes that are more like the idea of a cannon rush rather than actually rushing anything but he did put those cannons in dangerous locations they had to be dealt with so overall uh hopefully that was in one of the more educational games at least on the first part if following it up is a little um more difficult i i think that guy probably won't be facing your average silver but a mineral field you will find cannon rushes you'll find zerg rushes you'll find all sorts of russians and you have to think one is this actually a rush because a lot of people will say i got rushed i got cheesed just because your heart has been beating at 130 beats per minute since you pressed the ranked button doesn't mean his seven and a half minute 12 charge lot attack is a rush okay um and it doesn't mean that just because you've spent all this time building star ports and they're halfway done with battle cruisers that you have no counter there are other things to consider but uh when you are faced with it the key is and it's cliche is don't panic literally just say don't panic say it out loud uh to yourself i did now i said it technically to other people as well but especially for taren because taran gets punished the most for panicking you're essentially um because of the way taran production and supply blocks work if you panic and you slip on those things you're gonna keep slipping uh so it's very important to kind of get back to the the straight edge game plan of getting a second base getting your production and putting together at least something of an attack if possible so let's take a look so shiny the glimmer though the three looks surprisingly low resolution oh yeah i remember the tears were added after wings of liberty back in wings of liberty it was just silver but now we have the multiple tiers back in my day you're way off the mark now you see why as that protoss player was averaging more than your average diamond protoss not that that necessarily means anything as we're trying to prove here part of what we're doing and and this will come up um is being as efficient as possible and i usually at least like to think i know what efficient is possible looks like so even when i do go above and and the people will be paid for it i'm gonna give myself the seat we're gonna do four because obviously um even when i do go above i still do my best to uh be efficient and explain why so but we're not done this first short three and a half hours give or take now if you're on youtube like subscribe uh i will say a big reason of why we're back to the low apm challenge is people have commented both through their literal comments through their literal comments and through the fact it is uh pretty much the most watched series i have that they enjoy they're entertained uh or they learn something edutained even but either way um and on top of that i think uh it's something i'm pretty good at so hopefully you learned something but if you have any questions you can either hang out live uh as i'm a vampire but i will now i don't don't hold me to this but i will as these come out on youtube uh try to compile some of the questions from youtube and answer those during a time like this for some q a so something if anyone has some tearing questions well we'll take general questions as well we're doing protoss and sir don't worry uh the reason we're splitting them up is because last time i did random and i forget which race it was i'm pretty sure it was zerg that we didn't get for like the entire first day but i got to like silver too before playing one of the races and that's not ideal so when should you grab your second cc if your opponent isn't going for a one base right outside your base um you grab it on 20 supply after getting your first marine out of the barracks and your suv goes down you build your orbital get a marine your command center if your suv that you scouted with at one minute uh or rallied out from 17 if you see they didn't expand or they don't have any buildings in their base or they have a bunch of buildings in their base you build that command center in your base so you can keep it safe keep it secret not really secret they might be able to see it from the ramp that's not important um but the second cc on the low ground if they only have one gas if they're also expanding which is zerg and protoss usually with more macro builds will uh try to expand a little before turn then you're safe to put down the low ground but i think a key takeaway is don't be afraid to expand to your second and especially your third i think the biggest hurdle not at silver not getting the silver but i i'm confident you can get this over but getting through gold and platinum is terran players just especially terrence and their skittishness uh their how timidly they think about third base so if you can put yourself out there and just take the right third not one in the corner but just take your third and work with it uh that puts you ahead of most as zerg how not to die versus stupid stuff queens um queens you should aim for at least three queens per hatchery so like nine or ten queens by eight minutes or so queens are the counter to air they help against ground they give you more larva creep it's queens it's it's actually a major complaint um if you watch my games against scarlet uh scarlet explained why players don't go for overlord speed at a high level zerg because you spend money to scout what they're doing and then you just build queens anyways so that is much of the early game why why spend money to scout if the response is still going to be queens so i think uh the what people struggle with is that queens are not on the select army hockey i like to put my non-inject queens on uh the two key just that's usually what i put uh units that are useful but i'm not using all the time my main army's on one utilities on two whether that means scv for building or vikings or siege tanks or queens or for protons like a warp prism observers void rays stuff like that and then three is usually for a spellcaster ability uh alternatively a flyer unit so four per pylon five per cannon so with with cannon rush the ideal if they just started a pylon is at least four up to five workers a cannon four but if it's halfway done you need five cannons have 150 150 so 300 total hp pylons have 200 200 so they actually have more hp it's easier if you have to choose to kill the cannon than to kill the pylon so you have to think about what is actually threatening me if i try to kill this pylon in the cannons finish or he just builds another pylon was that worth it many times no but it is relatively easy to just outright kill the cannons use modified standard i actually go over my hotkeys at the beginning of this but yeah i use lightly modified standard hotkeys um and also i have a short guide on hotkeys out there as well i do think grid is fine i i've come around i no longer am neutral on grid i support the usage of grid hotkeys i kind of wish i'd use them to start but i'm old and fear change now so i don't um but if you're starting out i think grid hotkeys are perfectly fine oh good are you watching i have your attention flash spot is chilling for 11 months i use windows hotkey setup kappa what why is that a kappa why is there a kappa what obvious grid user yeah any other specifically town question and then of course for youtube who made it this far wake up you didn't press the like button before it auto played um [Music] please do so and thank you how good is liberator versus carriers don't you vikings i'm trying to get people in the habit of vikings viking and using a separate hotkey is the counter to a lot of things it'll make your life a lot easier uh if you get in the habit of using vikings well not as the only unit but as a supplemental unit what would you scout that would change your build pass bunker well if you've scouted the bunker's probably on the low ground uh and i'm assuming you've expanded honestly i don't really scout like we're not really scouting for several minutes past that um i wouldn't really change my build besides unless it was a one base um if i wasn't sure what a one base was i get the engineering bay at like 330 and i might add turrets on a little more quickly against protoss i might scan against taran around four minutes which is when starport is finishing up and they're committing to whatever tech they're doing on one base if they're zerg and they're on one base the bunker should be on the high ground make sure it's one base but the bunker should be on the high ground with vikings when is the time to drop them i assume you mean to the ground to the window to the wall um but essentially when you're confident you don't need them in the air uh this means like you you shouldn't be building that many vikings unless they do have a use in the air but they're not it's not bad to have six or eight vikings as part of your army against protoss uh they're not better than medevacs much of the time but if you have eight medevacs might as well build some vikings um against terran you should lead with six vikings or so get in the habit of that um because early on you don't really need medevacs it's more about having tanks against zerg vikings are less of a choice uh vikings i i will say just to be clear against their vikings are not really very good uh they they they don't have bonus damage against anything they don't even trade well with other air units they're pretty much your desperation counter to brood lords or vipers and you probably won't see many of those so another choice would be liberators uh in that later game but liberators i think we're going to be tackling liberators closer to the gold league um i don't think liberators are necessary or very helpful outright except for getting kind of cheesy wins uh in the silver league best counters for lots of void race uh widowmans vikings aren't bad marines you might be asking best kind of but he has storm well that's a different story in that case the tanks in the right spot vikings to make sure the void rays can't abuse you um ghosts are another higher metal league thing i don't i don't like i'm willing to to put vikings out there i think that'll ease people in to using more than one control group for units and that means we can apply that in uh taren 102 to ghosts liberators and doing actual drops i know yes even with low apm but that is uh the the upper metal leagues oh yeah thor's are always a good general unit advice on how to get fight protests at colossus and disrupters or storm tanks tanks what to make against mass muta thor's maybe some widow mounts doors are good little mines are very good uh you just gotta be careful because that's another thing that takes a little bit extra control marines are also just very good it's just marines don't fly their one weakness when's the rank to add in some little months i think that's going to be something we start mixing in as a counter around gold um but i think whittle minds as an opener or strategy are going to be a little closer to diamond maybe not quite diamond but close um because while whittle mines are very good i think they create bad habits to use too much of and rely on um especially early on and they're quite clunky to control well so that's part of the bad habits thing like building five to ten widowminds is good with mech yeah but it's a it's a lot of extra stuff it's a very different thing do you think there's a difference in the 1v1 rankings uh in my experience i'm actually several hundred mmr higher on europe than on n a this is partially because sarah and friends drag the mmr of the entire letter up but um before masters or so really the key difference you're gonna see is a lot less english the skill level is comparable in my experience there's not really a big difference korea on the other hand is like a literal league above but um that you're going to get insulted in several different languages which i do appreciate it's very it makes me feel cultured how do you counter widowman's wizard lurkers are a solid bet making sure you have overlord speed just getting good with lurkers or using lurkers really um is important uh it little minds are hard like zerglings will go wandering into them but just having lurkers as a as a good composition against taryn that is going to get you pretty far does mech play as taran dying no there was never a time where people played mech as like the go-to build there were times when it was more popular these were times before uh protoss stargate openers with like void rays and carriers were more plausible these were times before the lurker got buffed if you remember a few years ago the lurker had its upgrades added where it now has the range and the speed it didn't have that before so the lurker being a more viable uh mid to late game counter makes mac significantly weaker on top of the fact that bio has kind of always been just better for the most part all right news uh more questions next time and on youtube i will do my best to at least have someone jimmy uh to collect questions and answer those but i hope you've enjoyed i hope i made your day and your games a little bit better thank you for watching the low apm challenge 2022. i'll see you next time stay tuned
Channel: WinterStarcraft
Views: 458,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Protoss, SC2 build order, Terran, apm, bronze to gm, bronze to master, build order, low apm challenge, protoss build order, sc2 2022, sc2 beginners guide, sc2 bronze to masters, starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft 2 2022, starcraft 2 bronze to masters, starcraft 2 bronze to masters 2020, starcraft 2 gameplay, starcraft 2 guide, starcraft 2 strategy, starcraft 2 tips, starcraft 2 tutorial, winter sc2, winterstarcraft, winterstarcraft bronze to masters, winterstarcraft low apm, zerg
Id: ar9FVHTtpS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 21sec (13401 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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