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hello friends welcome back to this channel JCA Ecosistemas today we are going to make a video about free energy the subject that has generated a lot of controversy and that then the youtubers are trying to talk about it in this case with a free energy generator formed by a alternator and an electric motor linked through a piece of advice that I am going to do I am going to show you the assembly of the device we are going to make it work and then I am going to explain step by step how it works and why they are giving this this system now let 's go to begin with, this is a single-phase electric motor that we are going to see incorporate into the base, but before, before, improve a little, before he showed you the base, the base is simply a way that there is nothing, there is nothing inside, it does not have any kind of mystery good wood where we are going to love where we are going to focus the assembly of this whole system well we are going to think with the weapon we can put the screws we are going to treat them as quickly as possible so that the video don't be tedious you should demonstrate from scratch how this works but I have to put the screws that yesterday is the motor to the base that is missing to the other the motor would be screwed to the base as it appears in another video sometimes an electric motor and here I have a alternator a car alternator and we are going to the altar in this place to be able to make it rotate with the belt at this moment we are going to put the thing on it I hope it is going well 4 the engine has a plug the alternator has another plug the idea is to join this so that the generation of the alternator drives the engine and the button drives the generator we are going to do it through a strip simply to have the possibility of incorporating the plugs well and we are also going to screw it to the base and I ask you to please see everything the video because I am going to explain absolutely everything to you, maybe it will be a little long but the idea is that nothing escapes the theory or the operation of this device that has had many views in others colleagues who have done it we are going to determine why it works why it doesn't work yes well more but I have the ruler I have the motor I have the alternator this is the plug if we are going to put it in the secret we are going to put the motor it had been incorporated what you need love to drive this so that the generator activates the motor and the motor activates the generator well let's try to watch you still nothing happens go when the motor world what happens if we bring what a barbarian this person no longer something to wear the medium designed for me and spectacular well sir we have achieved free and free energy although it is a bit clear a bit strange because those who know some theory will say like two of these so now I am going to explain what it has that having happened that a generator and this good motor very well a generator is made up of an armature like this one some coils in the rotor in the stator is the fixed part that when turning produces electricity many that I have seen sto in video bay without that they have tried with a magnet two decimal images in reality they cannot try with anything handheld it has to be exactly the same 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 2 it means that this has 12 poles I have to put two magnets north south north south north south north south because if I put fewer magnets it will not coincide with the amount of coil you have here it has to be exactly the same because each coil must induce from below the animal many put one and hand another magnet smaller bigger they do tests and in reality because they don't understand anything about genres it has to be exactly the same number of magnets as coils in reality the magnets generate absolutely nothing for us despite the fact that many do not agree they do not generate anything generate a magnetic field that if we do not notice it within this general state will not generate anything and many say that a magnet placed in a refrigerator has energy because it is sustained, I have a little proof here Let's suppose that this is the refrigerator , people or animals, or the energy of the magnet, theoretically, it is acting against the weight of Lehman, but look, this is a coin, I put them here and it also stays, it is stuck and this magnetism is acting, none of them have energy, there is simply a molecular cohesion we can say that this is not the same thing as these guys it turns out that here we talk that there is an energy that sustains the weight of the magnet but also if we hit it it will sustain it means that the magnet placed in the sector does not generate any energy already explained in other moments we simply have to produce a mechanical work well another thing we are going to go to the heavy to see we are going to step on the extractor of a generator here I the ninth here is another one and so on successively until we reach 12 coils in the case our 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 and 2 times there is a bit small symmetrical there must be two magnets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and 12 I have a generator with 12 poles 12 villages because each animal v a to form a pole in sub verse has to be the a north south north south north south north south north south and so on now let's go to the electric motor this is the electric motor from 1400 laps and it has 4 for one pole than another pole here and another pole is here I am already seeing something strange I am joining on the same axis with one with a pulley the same diameter as in the figure these are rules they are with sea it has the same diameter this one puts here this means that when I am back this one will also give no is and it turns out that it is not like that because it is in the frequency it has to do with the revolutions this is going to be 1500 because it has 41 since it has 12 poles with many revolution flights it is going to generate the same power let's put / 44 times 520 4 times 3 2 4 4 times it does not have to but they are joined first that if webber are the amount of pole that the magnets put they do nothing more than prevent the support from being magnetized by one of the electromagnets this that everything in the classic case has a coil here is a collector where the current enters and in which it made a ninth it is about and the towns generate this form the magnetic field because they wind it for the simple reason that by varying the current or cutting the current in the armature it stops charging in a The car stops charging when the battery is full, but if you go on a trip to the president, the battery bursts the lights, all those in charge, then what does it do? It is in the armature, a voltage color car and it stops charging if you put it wrong the only thing it does is replace the core with magnets but it gets complicated if you want to reduce attention or something like that but it doesn't matter you can have magnets the energy of the vouchers you don't know I already explained with those capita that one sticks I do too I can paste the two are glued with cement we should say that to size energy let's follow the addicted revolution to improve this and if we want to put the alternator entering the current here this goes general p first in the calf of although it has not been modified the coil generates two seconds and it works with 220 but this step there are another three hours la paz the first weight of the number of towns that coincides with the second is to think that the in image the magnets are going to be the miracle it does not do anything that a powered sector was located this button is going to receive less awareness because it is an alternator of gift sure this is a water they work and it is going to be able to come let's suppose that it is that andrés we are going to be supposing strange things but supposing we are going to put a generator, the box, this generator, and this on a motorcycle , so that this keeps moving, the amount of energy that this produces has to be equal to that which is going to generate the driving force that the motor is going to generate. so that I can return it later, I put it more because this device has losses if I put the 12 here, I 'm going to get less than two euros at the outlet because there is a loss in the heating of the wires and n friction we are also going to avoid it let's say I put 12 and I want to get here with 12 it doesn't work either because when I put 12 this engine is going to receive 10 and then the two officials can't keep me up that's why a lot of people get behind the wheel good gas , put a steering wheel and what does the energy do? The steering wheel burns it and maintains the data, but it is the energy that they applied at the beginning. We are going to be on the steering wheel to continue with this topic. This does not work. but it doesn't work I don't want to deceive them I wanted him to stay until the end and now he showed me what the secret is because if this will work I know what I can do the elm that the tycoon with the largest fortune in the world I don't say about mendoza neither argentina nor mexico the largest in the world is investing more than a billion dollars a billion I do not lack places it is going to put zeros of dollars vsd to generate in a ba factory lithium batteries this if I could tell this man don't waste time you reached a billion dollars this is the car that you have a tesla we're going to go here we're going to do it like this electric we take like this the me like this one thing with him motor here 1 on each wheel and on the sides forward it puts a generator on my chest and it keeps running this you see the mistake that all beginners make that electric motors appeared the generators they wanted to do this but the generator is not free energy this produces is what it consumes in the shaft in power and the motor the energy it consumes is what it gives as this system is less than this it cannot be maintained let's suppose that it shows a wonder and it is maintained but afterwards I cannot tell you anything about this sentence not only does the movement rotate, but when I go to extract it a little bit, it consciously stops, well, all this is good , but this device works as it could be, we are going to try it, we are going to start sewing again, let 's go s to put the strap back on we are going to reconnect this and we are going to eject it so that it works and I am going to put the consumer on it I have no words it stopped well what happened here I am sorry to tell you that this is false totally false there are many videos that the only thing what they do is deceive people what they achieve is to have a lot of views I would like to have the same amount as them but I am not capable of deceiving anyone I have a group of followers to whom I owe the trust and the way of being really honest I am going to show this is an alternator this good common and silver alternator I have connected it here but in reality it is not generating anything the only thing I do is that the engine turns I have to get the energy when they see where I get the energy they are going to wanting to kill and space quite hot here but well it is not the important thing the important thing that you see with the light how this works how the deception works but of course those who do not know much about theories believe it here there is a cable in here or I have a battery I'm sorry I'm going to disconnect it because it's not true but this battery in which it activated the motor that I have here in the motor is the 12 volt motor it activates the battery and in turn where did it get the energy I have here inside I have with me a small inverter it is an inverter it makes me turn on the lights and produce the 220 now I am going to explain to you maybe I will show it again this is an inverter that is hidden in the extra battery hidden in the motor it is not the size that many here have they can just put an axle and lithium batteries me because I had is and there was no time to make anything and run the motor with the inverter because the motor with magnets the poster with magnets becomes a motor and you can make it run with a inverter we finally go to the board again to see if we can determine all that well we delete here the circuit that I took from the battery the current to the motor that is hidden from the same battery take current to the inverter and the inverter take out 220 watts for the ruler and here I could have put anything I was going to learn now the one that shows the video gives you 220 or just normally not normally always the generators do not give 220 well it depends on the revolutions if you have a generator at home to feed the house through a motor, you will realize that as it begins to consume, attention decreases because they are 210 and if you accelerate it it can reach 230 the voltage means that it is variable to the revolution here it is always fixed because because I am taking out from a solid state inverter that has a cycle here of that link that maintains voltage when I saw the video that the voltage is maintained at 220 and that this is a complete lie knowing how the energy is balanced I realized that inside there was a inverter this can also be done to the electric motor and put a smooth shaft, no more the pulley and the alternator as it has problems you make it conscious with the inverter and it will rotate like a motor and if it was the shaft and here inside the engine the batteries would be put the unfortunate thing about this is that it is a hoax and I wanted to make the video it took me a long time to hide it and to do all this that was an average artisan workforce with the idea that you want it very clear and explicit I do it with him all the aspects that I have to the people who are subscribe to my channel and with all the intention that the truth is the only thing that lasts the truth the rest is known in the long run friends that was all for today I'm sorry I would have liked it to have free energy, we are going to try to explain later some magnetic motors that I think if it works the problem with magnetic motors is that you cannot extract much energy from them because it depends exclusively on animal power until next time and I am very sorry that have no free energy for now and
Channel: JCA Ecosistemas
Views: 606,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tecnologia, energias alternativas, jca ecosistemas, energia solar, energia fotovoltaica, energias renovables, ciencia, auto electrico, vehiculos electricos, energia electrica, baterias de litio, litio, fosfato litio, energia libre, energialibre, energiagratis, energia gratis, free energy, jose carlos abdala, alternador, energia infinita, energiainfinita
Id: njGojJ2Yxp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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