When Going From FAT To BUFF Makes BILLIONS..

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already spending real-life money what's not to love my job is to take this unfit individual and fix that start squad and then i can tap to squat faster and i must be live streaming my workout progress because i'm making money off this somehow which is where heathy drink comes in now i'm making 18 dollars per successful squat it's all a money-making game 64. per squat lets me upgrade myself very quickly because after i buy a couple more heathy drinks i can start doing crunches instead what am i getting now 200 dollars per crunch well now isn't that just handy buy 10 more levels into it but actually just spend all my money on it 432 oh healthy proteins like fish and chicken sure i know the very basics of fitness i'm sorry i have a free wheel spin absolutely i want to do this do you know how much i love gambling oh five gems for ten thousand dollars i can buy chairs buying some herman miller furniture right now does that even do anything for me they just they just exist whatever keep buying upgrades i will become the most fit man alive even if it cost me everything i care about although it looks like i just need a few more healthy proteins a couple more crunches and a couple more healthy drinks and now i can start jumping rope look at that i've got a nice little razor sound system it looks like is this the stamina logo from cod zombie whatever i'm fairly certain i'm working out at yeah twice the rate now for a minute just tap tap tap away and go into a hundred heathy drinks i can almost wait i can max this out should i max out my squat then too does that matter and i'm looks so goofy why am i going so quick i don't know but i'm making 5k a jump rope now i'm gonna be a quick billionaire before i know it oh my gosh keep upgrading crunches can i get to 10k a second i'm at 5.8 i can just click this button instead every jump rope is an upgrade come on i've almost maxed it out i just need like 13 more no i was so close i'm back to jumping at normal human speeds i was almost super human but i did finish crunch 101 what i just need now is 20 in the jump rope and a lot more into healthy protein because then eventually i'm gonna figure out what fruits are it's interesting that my person apparently has never lived a day in their life and i was clicking the other tabs for a hundred million dollars i can go outside someone would have to pay me a hundred million dollars to get me to go outside why would i ever do that for free especially in this gym system i've got everything i need i've got a golden dumbbell a water cooler and two very lego looking speakers all right more healthy proteins in my life now we're making 5.9 k a jump rope yes we will have that six pack before we die i just want to save up about a hundred thousand more dollars which is a very not common sentence to ever hear because now that i have half a million i can get a career i have to pay to get a job oh no wait this is like just a whole other money making scheme look at me go look at me scribbling right i'm making 6.9 grand now oh because i figured out how to pass a fifth grade education well it's looking like i can finally pass healthy protein and now i can unlock fruits meaning my money making is yet again off to a really really really really really great start uh i clicked a button and i just well i have four times the money earning right now did i mean to do that not at all will i accept that absolutely yes use my money to buy fruits and more jump rope levels i just doubled the amount of money i'm getting off jump rope because of that oh my gosh i've now officially made over a million dollars spend it all on healthy proteins because if i just make a little bit more cash i can max it on out oh that's looking nice and if i jump over here i can max out my math course i have an idea i think i've doubled my productivity and how much money i get also i can just start maxing out my english degrees because 53 000 a second well now that ain't bad more social studies too oh high school diploma did i actually graduate with it or did i just unlock it what's the difference actually wait i have enough now i can get a waiter job yes that just gave me like two millionaires dollars but i'm making over a hundred thousand dollars a second now and what are we oh i'm serving sushi to people what is that chef doing to that poor poor fish he's dead man you're just you're you keep cutting for what what did he do to you just let him live let him be also i forget all my boosters are extremely easy to just okay as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted by watching an ad all my boosters are just extremely easy to buy you can imagine how much more money i make whenever i boost the income by everything a good 20 per each one making 48 000 a second right now and i don't even have any boosters on i've officially bought into vitamins and i have a bicep workout if i can get to a 30 in my waiter job so now everything's actually starting to cross over also i'm at a 30 in my waiter job 25 000 to unlock easy i've become healthier and now it's time to become stronger i'm really pumping that iron now wait it's a double speed double money 300 000 a second i can't let this chance slip i just need to absolutely buy out oh well rope jumps dead in my dead i mean completed where did my brain just go and also buy a bunch of fruits easily and if i just click fast enough and keep purchasing i should be able to max it out just a little bit please yes making millions never been easier but i do also want to quickly tap over to my other job because now i can get customer friendly too to start making extra money maybe now i can actually just go back in and start finishing more degrees i'm turning into a respectable member of society right in front of everyone's eyes and science courses done do a huge chunk into social studies now i'm spending 15 million on upgrades wait i probably have a bunch of boosters i still need to buy that i do indeed my high school diploma now also at 20 there's just so many ads here i need to watch if i tap back over to my workouts though i can actually buy up to 100 and bicep and then i can start getting good sleep the three stools of fitness working out eating right and sleeping well i do none of those in my real life but you know what that's fine i'm not gonna be worried about that at all no it's okay i've just realized i can get five free gems for watching an ad so let me do that real quick sweet premium currency because now for 15 minutes i've got double the money means life is about to go pretty quick get my nice little vitamins maxed out coming over here and i can probably max out social studies pretty quickly i think done get that high school diploma up and that just tripled in profit oh my gosh sure do it again that's like another forty thousand dollars a second now and then i can easily max it out i think i've officially graduated i don't know if it's better to go in a waiter job or customer friendly but customer friendly is very low so i'm just going to upgrade into it and i'm officially making 1 million dollars a second so whenever my weighted job reaches 110 i can get into teamwork what's that thing about making the dream work speaking of working how about some working out more bicep upgrades just keep pumping that iron man you got this i just really wanted to unlock whole grains so this works gives me an extra 45 000 a second because it's something new just keep going into it yep perfect i'm so close to being able to get treadmill i've seen more whole grains oh i got it lift those dumbbells lift those dumbbells don't worry i'll support you by continually clicking the button oh i did it yes treadmill purchase that's a free 36 million dollars now because that works like that for some reason i'm making 2.1 million a second i've just doubled how much money i'm making look at how fast i can book it on this treadmill oh my gosh all right mortgage sleep then i just need some more whole grains in my diet and now i can get a personal trainer only earns me 5.8 000 a second but that's really easy to upgrade to 162. what the hell i'm making 3 million now i feel like i'm experiencing exponential growth at its finest let me buy some boosters for everything in here which actually 3.7 million but then i can just get another 10 on now i'm at 3.8 oh this takes 10 million for my personal trainer that's fine i can buy that you know because i'm making 3.9 million dollars a second oh i can finally pay to go outside yes this is what i do when i go outside i just i sit here dating 101 unlock unlock sure just go into all of these things wait i went into dating 101 and then i immediately went yeah i need a dating app that book must not have worked too well huh that's fine though pet friendly means i get a little buddy to hang out with but now if i really want to make it in the dating game i need to be as vain as humanly possible let's get this physique going huh biceps maxed wait i'm about to get a lot of cash for just being a little patient sure thing can i max out sleep off that yes can i also go into a lot of whole grains i'm gonna wait a second if i'm just a little careful with my clicks i should be able to unlock meditation i think i unlocked that and then i started making 7.2 million dollars a second no yeah that math checks out i'm fine with that especially since i just maxed out whole grains extremely easily gotten treadmill quite the ways up personal trainer next and i accidentally clicked a briefcase because i was just mass clicking however i can buy a ton of meditation and then enough for personal trainer to get walking unlocked and leveled up 15 million dollars a second all cause i figured out how to walk for fitness i've been running this entire time on a treadmill it's almost like the little activities such as walking for 30 minutes a day can be just as effective as sprinting hardcore on a treadmill it's just a fitness industry has been played with nothing but rampant toxic information for like the last 38 years but what do i know i'm just a guy who clicks green little buttons and profits i'm a little curious to try this with the extremely fast mode now how does this look extremely goofy goodness is i'm almost making 50 million dollars a second now we've really ramped it up go ahead and buy into meditation because now i can have swimming too this is all looking good oh 100 in the treadmill sure thing how are we looking over here friends can we buy 100 in a teamwork customer friendly and waiter job i just maxed these out actually the answer was yeah pretty closely get enough teamwork going and now it can be hard working and what do you know i finally started my college degree years of working at this sushi shop and i'm sick of it also i need some boost buttons there is a lot of these guys but it's also all for you know a ton of profit so it's worth it oh i just unlocked leadership i now have all the prerequisites to get a new job i just need 50 leadership okay well that was easy quick 100 and hard working and then you know 150 in online college factory supervisor achieved look at me supervising not knowing really what i'm doing at all and now this is my last little bit i need if i get a 100 factory supervisor i think i'll be as fit as one human can possibly achieve in their lifetime question is how much money does it take to get to 100 in this well actually i'm halfway there all right dump 1.4 billion dollars into my factory super what am i even i'm getting glasses is that what i supervise better now can i just keep clicking the green button as it pops up makes life go just a little bit quicker wait 98 99 100 yes boxing unlocked i am the fittest man alive look at me go wow i'm getting seven hundred thousand dollars every time i upgrade it too oh yeah treat that speed bag like grossly money there we go maybe now that i'm fit as can be supervising my job and owning a car i can finally get a girlfriend everything's starting to look up but there's still so many more life things i need to do
Channel: ImCade
Views: 239,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, idle success, idle, billions, imcade idle, idle clicker, When Going From FAT To BUFF Makes BILLIONS
Id: RDbNvbZZt-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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