Amish Woman explains: What my typical day looks like

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what is your typical daily schedule like okay first of all um I usually make breakfast for my husband before he goes to work what time would that be about I'm just curious 5 AM 5 am so late yeah 500 a then I it's pretty early uh and then I um do my devotionals I have to read the Bible every morning and it just gives me a sense of purpose and then go on a walk um get some fresh air and then I can start my day this morning I had to do a lot of laundry because well I just did it Saturday so I had to do more this morning and then I usually ride my bike up town one of my daughters calls my youngest daughter calls me every morning so I we do our chat and I check in on my mother uh she's 91 years old so um make sure she's okay just your mother live near you does your family can yes she lives about maybe three miles from here but I can easily ride my bike over and see her I don't see her every day but I do at least once a week I have six sisters and we always um kind of make sure she's doing okay and she is she's pretty spry she can get around like most 70 year olds so I feel blessed to have that how many can I ask how many children you have do they live around you or are they in other communities do you guys get together often yeah I have three children I have a daughter living in Missouri and a younger daughter lives about 5 miles from here and then our son is in Middlebury my youngest daughter is the only one that's Amish the other two were never in well yeah my oldest daughter was a part of the Amish community but then she met her husband and yeah they're doing good we like to go down and see them and my son lives about 7 miles from me so he checks in all the time U my husband is a cancer patient so um they're very supportive of us so yeah that's helps a lot so I cut you off earlier I didn't mean to but I just was curious about the family you said after I think after going to town you start you come back and start work on the on the magazine on the magazine yeah most of my days are spent out there answering F phone calls and uh we also have two show uh three shows that we do this year so uh there's people wanting to sign up for the shows cor right yeah craft shows we have one in chip Shana one in Ohio and one in Tennessee Chattanooga and that's Gathering of Crafters that you put together and yeah so you're in the office where I'm talking to you right now uh no I'm actually in my one bedroom it's the only place I can get internet in the house I see okay okay gotcha but uh if you're when you're working on the magazine you would be in the in the office next I would be in the office I just I just discovered that I don't have a speaker on my desktop so that's why I'm doing it on the MacBook and can I ask just on a maybe tangent how how long has it you know because you know we have these new technologies that come along MacBook desktop everything years ago obviously it wasn't a question 30 40 years ago these things didn't really exist but in your community how long has that been or when did that happened that they started to be seen maybe as acceptable or you know usable in business contexts or how did that kind of kind of go I think probably in the 90s uh is when uh depending on what you were working on maybe you had an office up town and then you'd have it yeah it's a lot of these Amish businesses get run with a generator but in the office you would find some kind of like a computer or a what are those others called they're like a computer but they're not always online which I'm not sure I think a lot of people probably are online now in the office but they have these huge generators that they run all day while they're working and that's how they get their electricity and that's supplying supplying the office equipment or any other right yeah and battery backup we have a lot of that or solar panels cool and then just circling back to your schedule we can kind of close that topic but you work in the office and you work magazine are what are you are you interacting with um customers like people that want to subscribe are you what does that look like yeah I interact with customers who want to subscribe or we have Crafters that call me and ask you know say they want to submit something they ask how to do that and I go out and see them too a lot the crafter crafts people or they stop me when I'm doing a show that's how I connect with them and you finished work on the magazine what about kind of like a 9 to5 schedule or is that yeah it's uh probably I would say it's probably from 6 if I don't get my uh book work done in the morning um by 8:00 it's hard to get back to it because there's so many Interruption interruptions from people wanting to subscribe or asking like good Interruption though that's a good one right pardon that's a good Interruption to have yeah yeah exactly I'm always happy to talk to people um but oh sometimes they call like at 7 in the evening I just shut the phone off at 3:30 4:00 and my schedule's pretty flexible during the day flexible but you have those boundaries so you're not getting called at midnight or you know hey I need to right that happens sometimes if they're in the western states you know they don't realize you know what time it is okay and then so the end and in the end of the day you you what's a typical evening like I guess you you come finish work and dinner time yeah dinner time my uh daughter and her husband come over sometimes or we'll go see friends my grandson will come over and have to do his laundry stuff like that it's just random gotcha like regular life right yeah it's nothing unusual that was interesting because I think sometimes people are curious um I think one maybe misconception people have is that you know all Amish people are farmers and they're on like a 4:00 a.m. Milk The Cow schedule and I don't know if you came from that back did you come from a farming Background by any chance yes we did but there's not too many farmers right around around ship shuana because the land became so expensive so people would sell you know sections of land and the main type of work in this area is actually RV the RV industry which is where my husband and my son and most most of the family works but the RVs this year they've been slower so people have I don't think a lot of people didn't work work uh 5 days but I think it's good that we have that um slower time and then it speeds up because um people use their mind trying to find new things to do so you have a lot of new businesses popping up creative minds you know doing new things and that's how some of those make their living I think the toeka area has a lot more farmers and Middlebury probably does but yeah around here it's not that many but we used to milk a lot of cows so you know that life you know that schedule yeah I do and milking the cows by hand that's not done anymore in this area anyways so so you don't miss that marleene uh actually I did miss it cuz it it it was a good way to wake up it was a slower Pace than what we have [Music] now
Channel: Amish America
Views: 44,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amish life, Amish women, Shipshewana, Indiana, Indiana Amish
Id: Sjchla-enWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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