Time: Our Creator's Calendar - The Foundation (Part 3) - 119 Ministries

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[Music] [Music] [Music] this series by 119 ministries is completely dedicated to examining some of the most challenging issues related to Yahweh's calendar it precedes with the assumption that you already recognize that the whole Bible is true and applicable to all believers today the goal of this series is not to suggest that we have everything regarding this subject figured out in fact we know that we do not we're not going to pretend that we do the reality is that we may understand nothing whatever it is worth we are simply sharing our studies on these matters which of course could change at any time after further study this series will force us to take a position in a sea of controversy this means that by default not everyone will be happy with the results our conclusions many may be disappointed or perhaps even angry that we did not come to the same conclusion system at minimum we hope that our presentation at least offers understanding why we currently believe what we believe at best we hope that this teaching offers you clarity resolve and understanding when it comes to our creators calendar in fact after some time passes we may find that we're not even happy with our own results and even change our position after further ongoing study likewise we ask that you continue testing everything to the Word of God including this teaching and hopefully as is our intent we simply offer clarity and insight on this topic instead of more confusion if you would like to learn more on what we believe and teach we encourage you to visit us at tests everything that net we pray that this teaching series blesses you [Music] [Music] as we mentioned at the start of this teaching in some way Yeshua must have taught Yahweh's calendar in order to fully preach the law of God we see that at least in the year of his death you have followed the same calendar as the Pharisees or at minimum they counter the Pharisees use and the biblical calendar that you sure use lined up in the year of his death interestingly enough not once do we have any record at all that you shoe a states that those in the first century were keeping the wrong calendar not keeping the correct counter would have obviously been a big deal if the wrong counter is being kept in the first century that would have likely been the first thing issue would have addressed would have been the massive debate of the day there have been many mentions of this instead he rebuked such things as washing your hands before you eat or rubbing two grains between your fingers on the Sabbath and other silly traditions that add it to the Word of God those are certainly valid points that Yeshua addressed but for him to address those issues but not an invalid calculation of the calendar would have been highly unlikely we already revealed some of that by us witnessing issue agreement the prophets and the realization of the day of trumpets or a new moon that moon shall not give its light however the best way for you to teach us the correct calendar is to actually become the calendar so that we cannot deny it nor be mistaken about it he is the word of God in the flesh the Word of God contains the biblical calendar so how did you shoot become the calendar before our very eyes and who we can determine how the father and the son observed the calendar to determine the spring feast in the Yerba shoe is death would that not also be the same calendar that we would want to observe recall it yeshua became our passover lamb meaning according to scripture he was slain between the evenings or about 3:00 p.m. on the fourteenth day of the Hebraic month Exodus chapter 12 take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month when all the members of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight between the evenings 3 p.m. 2nd chronicles chapter 30 they slaughtered the Passover lamb on the fourteenth day of the second month that priests and the Levites were ashamed and consecrated themselves and burn-off wrench to the temple of Yahweh when Yeshua had died spices were purchased after his death yet mark records this as being after the Sabbath and Luke records the purchased beam before the Sabbath mark chapter 16 when the Sabbath was over Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James and Salome he brought spices so that they might go to anoint Yeshua's body Luke chapter 23 then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes but they rested on the Sabbath and obedience to the commandment this would seem to be a contradiction Luke seems to suggest that they prepared spices before the Sabbath before they even bought some which according to mark was after the Sabbath however once one realizes that the first day of unleavened bread and the seventh day of that week were both considered Sabbath's or rests one can then realize something quite profound Luke and Mark were both correct and also then revealed that the 14th day of the month the day Yeshua died must have been on a Wednesday there are up to two Sabbath's during the feast unleavened bread the first day of leaven bread the fifteenth and expected seven-day sabbath who is then placed in the grave just before the sun went down leading into the 15th day of the month on the Hebraic calendar that was the first sabbath then after the unleavened bread sabbath the spices were purchased which would also be just before the weekly seven-day sabbath he was in the grave or the earth for three days and three nights according to yoshua zone prophecy Matthew chapter 12 for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the huge fish so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth some state that Yeshua could have included a day or night just by including a few minutes of that day or night however it seems rather clear that is a literal three days and literal three nights issue is the one who gave this prophecy and he defined an actual day and thus a night as well comprising of twelve units of time John chapter 11 Yeshua answered are there not twelve hours in the day if anyone walks in the day he does not stumble because he sees the light of this world thus should we'd not define a day in the same way you should defines a day if he said three days and three nights should we use his definition of a day and night or ours three days then must mean about 36 hours of day and on the flip side must equates about 36 hours of 9 just like Jonah so from the time the Sun went down on Wednesday and the Sun went down on Saturday Yeshua was in the earth until the moment of his resurrection that's fulfilling the prophecy of three days and three nights his resurrection was then discovered on Sunday morning as the Sun came up and revealed the open tomb so here is the startling realization this is important to understand if we were to know the exact year Yeshua died coupled with the evidence we already cited that reveals the day of the week and the day of the month that he died we can then calculate what our father used as the calendar for his son's death did you catch that we know that he died on a Wednesday we know that he died on the 14th day of the first month on the Hebraic calendar if we can then know what year Yeshua died all we then have to do is determine with the Sun Moon and stars we're doing that day month and year that he died and then BAM right before our eyes we had to counter that the father and the son used thus whatever the father used as the calendar it'd be safe to assume that the father knows the correct calendar better than anyone and it is in this fact that we realized that Yeshua revealed the correct calendar for those that follow issuer's example and teach what he taught instead of men's example and doctrine there should be a sincere evidence in following issue a' and not the ways of men proverbs chapter 14 there is a way in which seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death whether we get it right is another matter but the point is this we do not want to settle for it is certainly and knowingly the air of men and try to understand that truth you should practice and taught less we follow men and not truth Acts chapter 5 we ought to obey God rather than men all that being said here's what we need to do now we need to determine the year Yeshua died scholars have long argued the timeframe between 29 seee and 33 c ii is a time of the crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah but for the longest time we lack witnesses detailing exactly when his death occurred the best we could do was an educated guess most scholars actually agree that year 30 makes the most sense they may be more right than they realize because we're going to present evidence that they did not even likely consider that really solidifies your 30 as a year of his death ironically and the Jewish writings we can find several witnesses all agreeing to the exact year issue had died we read in The Jerusalem Talmud forty years before the destruction of the temple the Western light went out and the crimson thread remained crimson and the lot for the Lord always came up in the left hand they would close the gates of the temple by night and get up in the morning and find them wide open a similar passage in the babylonian talmud states this our rabbis taught during the last forty years before the destruction of the temple the lot did not come up in the right hand nor did the crimson colored strap become white nor did the westernmost light shine and the doors of the Haeckel would open by themselves so what exactly does this mean this is referencing a practice on Yom Kippur in which the random choosing of the light would determine which of the two goats would be for Yahweh and which goat would be for the Iselle or scapegoat the lot was practiced by selecting a white stone or a black stone statistically that would result in equal chance for each stone and of course that was the historical result however beginning in 30 seee for 40 years the high priests always selected a black stone the odds of this happening are just over one and one trillion as you can expect statistically this is basically impossible this of course absolutely dumbfounded the priesthood and was the subject of much discussion this was such a big deal that it was documented in multiple ways the only thing that they knew was that something was seriously different in the Yom Kippur sacrifice something very profound happened in 30 seee in reading the letter to the Hebrews which is all about the Yom Kippur sacrifice we learned that is what Yeshua accomplished on the cross that was causing all of these strange events to occur thus as you can likely guess already it was in 30 seee that you should had died on the cross however before we explore the ramifications of the understanding of when Yeshua died and how it relates to the calendar we have several more witnesses to bring to the table relating to the evidence of 30 C being the year that the spring feasts were fulfilled by Yeshua as two to three witnesses semadar we want to bring several witnesses to the table as it relates at 30 seee the next miracle which the Jewish authorities acknowledged was that the temple door swung open every night on their own accord for 40 years this was the case beginning and 30 seee the leading Jewish Authority of that time Yohanan Ben Zakai declared that this was a sign of impending doom and that the temple itself would be destroyed the Jerusalem Talmud States said Raban Yohanan Ben Zakai to the temple o temple why do you frighten us we know that you will end up destroyed for it has been said open your doors o Lebanon that the fire may devour your cedars Yohanan Ben Zakai was the leader of the Jewish community during the time following the destruction of the temple in 70 CE when the Jewish government was transferred to Jem Nia some 30 miles west of Jerusalem the next miracle was that the most important lamp of the seven candlesticks menorah and the temple went out and would not shine every night for 40 years over 12,500 nights in a row the main lamp of the temple lamp stand the menorah went out on its own accord no matter what attempts and precautions the priests took to safeguard against this event Ernest Martin states in fact we are told in the Talmud that at dusk the lamps that were unlit in the daytime the middle four lamps remained unlit while the two eastern lamps normally stayed lit during the day were to be relit from the flames of the Western lamp which was a lamp that was supposed to stay lit all the time it was like the eternal flame that we see today in some national monuments this western lamp was to be kept lit at all times for that reason that priest kept extra reservoirs of olive oil and other implements and ready supply to make sure that the Western lamp under all circumstances would stay lit but what happened in the 40 years from the very year Messiah said the physical temple would be destroyed every night for 40 years the Western lamp went out and this in spite of the priests each evening preparing in a special way the Western lamp so that it would remain constantly burning all night again the odds against the lamp continually going out are astronomical something out of the ordinary was going on the light of the menorah representing contact with God his spirit and his presence was now removed this special demonstration occurred starting with the crucifixion of the Messiah and now for the most interesting documented event written in Jewish history noted to be from 30 C e issue is death the 70 CE e the destruction of the temple and has further been taught for forty years before the destruction the temple the threat of Scarlett never turned white but remained red and this said Raban Yohanan Ben Zakai to the temple o temple why do you frighten us we know that you will end up destroyed for it has been said open your doors o Lebanon that the fire may devour your cedars and this forty years before the destruction of the temple the Western light went out and the crimson thread remained crimson and the lot for the Lord always came up in the left hand they would close the gates of the temple by night and get up in the morning and find them wide open lastly this miracle concerns the crimson strip or cloth tied to the ISIS or goat a portion of this red cloth was also removed from the goat and tied to the temple door each year the red cloth on the temple door turned white as if to signify the atonement of another yom kippur was acceptable to the Lord this annual event happened until 30 C II when the cloth remained crimson each year to the time of the temples destruction this undoubtedly caused much stir and consternation amongst the Jews this traditional practice is linked to Israel confessing its sins and ceremonially placing this nation's sin upon the Oz's el goat the sin was then removed by this goats death sin was represented by the red color of the cloth the color of blood but the cloth remained crimson that is Israel sins were not being pardoned and made white as God told Israel through Isaiah the prophet Isaiah chapter 1 come now let us reason together says Yahweh though your sins are like scarlet they shall be white as snow though they are red like crimson they shall become like wool the clear indication is that the whole community had lost the Lord's attention in relation to something that occurred in 30 seee the only thing that makes any sense whatsoever as issue as death the yearly atonement achieved through the typical Yom Kippur observance was not been realized as expected atonement apparently was to be gained some other way who or what would provide the atonement for another year concerning the crimson strip though not mentioned in the scriptures and long before 30 C II during the 40 years as Simon the righteous was High Priest a crimson thread which was associated with his person always turned white when he entered the temples and her most holy of holies the people noticed this also they noted that the lot of Yahweh the white lot came up for 40 straight years during Simon's priesthood they noticed that the light picked by the priests after Simon was sometimes be read and sometimes be white and that the crimson thread would sometimes turn white and sometimes not the Jews came to believe that the crimson thread turned white that got a prude of the Day of Atonement rituals and that Israel could be assured that God forgave their sins but after 30 seee according to multiple witnesses and accounts the crimson thread never turned white again for 40 years eventually leading to the destruction of the temple and cessation of all temple rituals what happened in 30 ce2 merits such a change at Yom Kippur by some accounts on April 4 30 C II on the 14th day of the first Hebraic month the day of the Passover sacrificed our Messiah schewe offered himself as a sacrifice for sin to this event there is a transfer of the atonement now no longer achieved through the two goats as offered on Yom Kippur like an innocent Passover lamb the Messiah was put to death though no fault was found in him but unlike temple sacrifices or the Yom Kippur events as already detailed where sin is only covered for a time the messianic sacrifice is covered for all time this is essentially a one-time event for each person's lifetime and not a continual series of annual observances and animal sacrifices each year Yeshua simply points to himself at the appointed time of Yom Kippur that mechanism providing forgiveness of sin through Yom Kippur clearly changed in 30 C II so if you had died in 30 C II which clearly appears to be the case based on several witnesses and historical confirmations established in the matter then we have an amazing opportunity placed in front of us we are now equipped and enabled to line up the phase of the moon with the first day of the month in which is schewe died we know that Yeshua had to die on the 14th day of the Hebraic calendar and also on a Wednesday according to what we have already established thus if the new moon is the conjunction theoretically we should be able to start from the conjunction count 14 days and it land on a Wednesday this would be the test so let's test it if Yahweh used a conjunction to determine the first day of the month for Yeshua then that basically quells any debate whatever Yahweh used to calculate the timing of the spring feast should be exactly no more no less how we should do it as well we have the perfect example of the Lord's Calendar calculation before us this would have been the way Yeshua would have fully preached play righto the law of God in matters of the calendar however God calculates the appointed times should be how we calculate the appointed times so let's do it and the spirit of testing everything this is going to be the ultimate test testing everything now that we know that Yeshua died in 30 seee as we stated before now all we need to do is determine the timing of the conjunction of the moon that would have placed Passover after the vernal equinox and would have also produced the sign of the beef barley time and date calm places the time of the appropriate 30 C conjunction as 1729 Universal Time which would be 19 hours and 29 minutes Jerusalem time or more simply 729 p.m. the free work calendrical calculator Kalinda's calculates the conjunction moment the same day as 1748 or 5:48 p.m. Universal Time or 748 p.m. Jerusalem time for comparison we also checked the moment using so Lexi eleven numerical integration which is the gold standard for celestial mechanics which yields the very same day at 1750 or 5:50 p.m. Universal Time or 7:50 p.m. Jerusalem time both colonists and Sollux employ the same delta T polynomials for adjusting for the tidal slowing of the earth rotation rate as published by espenak and meais at nasa eclipses website so the available time ranges we have before us are from 729 p.m. to 7:50 p.m. you might note that we have a range of 21 minutes just from these highly respectable sources now that we know the timing range of the lunar conjunction on March 22nd we can also test the method as it relates to the Crescent and this is important we know that at this time of year in Jerusalem that the earliest that the Crescent could have been spotted would have been the first evening following at least 18 hours after the conjunction thus we can accurately test a carry out calendar the Crescent model for the day of Yeshua's death if the 14th day of the Hebraic month lands on a Wednesday then the Crescent model passes at the 14th day lands on any other day then it fails and that Crescent model must be rejected as a valid method for determining Yahweh's calendar now as our earlier analysis of the Tanakh would suggest we would expect that the Crescent method would completely fail and as we test it we validate that the Crescent method does indeed fail it clearly does not land on a Wednesday Yahweh did not use the Crescent method to determine the first day of the month thus neither should we we have no choice but to reject the Crescent method this should have been the expected result given the darkness than light pattern revealed in Genesis 1 but the author of Psalm 81 wrote and with the prophets clearly taught as it relates to the new moon not giving any light now that only leaves us with the heaven and earth calendar the conjunction method so we shall proceed with testing that method we simply cannot just assume that the conjunction method works but we must test everything we know for certain based on all celestial mathematical models that the conjunction occurred on March 22nd between 729 p.m. and 7:50 p.m. in Jerusalem in near 30 the year of issue is death this would establish the first night and day of the first c-break month and 30 seee we can simply count 14 days from that point and then determine if it lands on a Wednesday if it does then we know that Yahweh uses the lunar conjunction to determine the first day of the month because that is exactly what we see evidence with the issue ax as a special note on what would be the tenth day of the Hebraic month which would be the day that Yeshua rode into Jerusalem on a donkey this is the prophetic day in which the lamb is inspected for blemishes Yeshua was fulfilling this role as he passed through for inspection some suggest that the tenth day could not have been a Sabbath like we are suggesting because the donkey would have been forced to work however even in the most strict interpretation of the Torah through the Jewish Talmud riding an animal for less than a Sabbath stay walk or a less than a mile was not considered work here it sure rode the donkey for a much less time and no one would have taken any issue with his actions on Shabbat this is also the same Hebraic day that he took issue with the money changers on Shabbat thus we find that it fits perfectly yet let us continue it needs to continue to fit perfectly Yeshua's death needs to be on a Wednesday day just a few hours before sundown when we get to the day of April 4th which is also the 14th day of the Hebraic calendar or exactly 14 days from the lunar conjunction we find that it is indeed a Wednesday thereby proving that Yeshua fulfilled the spring feast using a lunar conjunction to determine the start of the first day of the first month everything works perfectly from all the evidence related to the conjunction being defined as the new moon to the point of Yeshua actually fulfilling the spring feasts in exactly the same way thus fully preaching the calendar in the law of God to be the perfect example and revealing the real calendar of Yahweh some final comments on the Crescent we realize that many subscribe to a crescent only practice of determining the first day of the Hebraic month please note that we respect and appreciate that that being said there are a few other things to consider as it relates to the crescent moon in searching for the word Crescent in Scripture it is realized that occurs three times in the context of jewelry of pagan and worldly origin Islam is also very attached to the Crescent and is a symbol of that religion there are some that suggest that the Crescent is highly suspect even noting that carry eyed Jews derived from the area of Iraq and the Crescent was highly esteemed we are not certain how much caution should be placed on the Crescent as an object often related to an esteemed to false gods we would encourage each to do their own research on the matter here is what we do know the only three time say Crescent as mentioned in the scriptures is when it is a pagan origin and we also know that Islam a false religion that some believed that the anti Messiah arise from also esteems the Crescent to be fair correlation does not necessarily imply causation perhaps these are simply negative coincidences surrounding the Crescent perhaps meaning nothing in the end that is the evidence and data that points to the truth they should take precedence we have reviewed several key passages that determine that both the vernal equinox and the Abebe should be an agreement determining the first month of the year we have examined scriptural evidence that points the moon being in conjunction as being defined as the new moon to determine the first day of the month and lastly and perhaps most importantly for those who claim to follow Yeshua we see that Yeshua himself and his death and resurrection in fulfillment of the spring feast entertain a calculation in the first month that began on the lunar conjunction not the Crescent we hope that this teaching was of value and only offered clarity on a subject that is already saturated and confusion in the body before we closed this teaching we would like to teach step by step what we have just reviewed and teach you how to calculate the calendar for yourself also please note that you can find the results of using this calculation method in the calendar section of test everything net we have calculated in advance they appointed times and special days for you to make it easier on the flipside we encourage you to learn how to calculate the calendar for yourself so that you're not dependent on men for such things calculating the calendar for those that are interested here are the steps to determine the counter consistent with the results of this teaching calculating the spring feast number one determine the spring equinox March 20th number two determine the Jerusalem New Moon conjunction before the equinox number three determine on which he braked day or night sunset to sunset that the lunar conjunction occurs number four this Hebraic night and day sunset to sunset is a first night and day of the Hebraic month number five count Hebraic days until you land on the fifteenth Hebraic night and day sick eh if this e-brake night and day 15 Lance after March 20th the spring equinox then this Hebraic month is the first month of the Hebraic calendar or six be if this Hebraic night and day 15th falls before March 20th spring equinox then this is the thirteenth month of the Hebraic calendar revert back to step two using the new moon that follows March twentieth spring equinox and proceed to step five until the fifteenth day of the first month is determined number seven now that the fifteenth night and day of the first month is determined this spring feast can be established the 14th day of the first month is the day in which the lamb is to be slaughtered between the evenings 3 to 4 p.m. if there is a functioning temple as the sun goes down the feast unleavened bread is then eaten going into the fifteenth night of the first month this is often called the Passover meal because the Passover is eaten at this time bitter herb unleavened bread and a teaching of Exodus are to be a part of this event number eight the fifteenth day and twenty first day of the first month are both days of rest in holy convocations the seven-day period is also a time of eating only unleavened bread and is called the week of unleavened bread number nine determine the days of the wiggly Sabbath during the seven days of unleavened bread the Hebraic day after this weekly Sabbath is the day of firstfruits number ten from the first weekly Sabbath during unleavened bread count seven Sabbath's the day after the seventh weekly Sabbath is Shavuot or also known as Pentecost calculating the fall feast number eleven from the established first month determine the seventh new-moon conjunction number twelve determined on which Hebraic night and day sunset to sunset that the lunar conjunction occurs number thirteen this Hebraic night and day sunset to sunset is the first night and day of the seventh ebrake month this day is also known as the day of trumpets this day the shofar is blown and is a day of rest or holy convocation we expect that some day Yeshua might return on this day number fourteen determine the tenth night and day of the seventh month this is yom kippur the day of atonement this day is a day of rest and holy Kaba number 15 determine that 15th day and night of the seventh month the 15th of the seventh month is the first night and day of Sukkot Tabernacles which is also a rest and holy convocation the 15th to the 21st of the seventh month is the time of dwelling in booths the 22nd of the seventh month is the last great day and also a rest and holy convocation calculating Purim and Hanukkah Purim calculate the 12th month and in the same way that the other months were calculated perm is on the 14th and 15th night and day of the 12th month this is optional and not a commandment Hanukkah calculate the ninth month in the same way that all the other months are calculated Hanukkah is on the 24th night and day of the ninth month and lasts for eight nights and days as reminders the stars point to the first month of the year and can also show the seventh month of the year the Abebe should always be found in the first month of the year the Stars and the barley or heavens and earth will always agree with each other the conjunction when the moon dies and begins rebirth signals the rebirth of the month there's a deeper spiritual teaching here the Sun establishes the Hebraic night darkness and a day light or between sunsets that houses the conjunction the sighting of the sliver of the new moon is a validation that the new moon was reborn and that the conjunction did occur but does not impact or determine the start of the month the means were established in the mouid in the beginning was a Sun Moon and stars in that order from greater to lesser and using this approach the lesser yet valid agricultural sign the BEP will always agree with the higher witnesses of the Sun Moon and stars as earth is under all of those the ax B barley is the result of spring not a cause of spring this teaching was simply the foundation for his calendar we realize that there are other topics under the umbrella of Yahweh's calendar that are worth reviewing if you are interested there are other teachings available to test in a time our creators calendar series we hope that this teaching has blessed you and remember continue to test everything Shalom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: 119Ministries
Views: 30,373
Rating: 4.8615384 out of 5
Keywords: time, calendar, foundation, creator
Id: mlBvq2_2r7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 10 2014
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