[EN-C] 必買 Must Buy! Steam Deck OLED - the Best Handheld | In-Depth Reviews 最佳掌機 Steam Deck OLED 全面評測

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You have been waiting a long time, my friends 兄弟们久等了 I finally got my SteamDeck OLED 我的OLED版SteamDeck终于到手了 I stayed up and binge maked this video 我也是连夜爆肝 Make sure this video has anything you want to know 把大家想了解的都制作到了这期视频中 I put together a list ahead of time 我提前整理了一个表格 Integrate all the parameters of the old and new SteamDeck together 把新旧SteamDeck所有的参数整合到了一起 The difference between the two is marked 标记出了二者不同的地方 I will also post it in the comments section 后续我也会放在置顶评论区 In this video I'm going to talk about these changes and improvements of the new version 这期视频我将会针对新版的这些改动和提升 Take you through them one by one 带大家逐一体验一下 I'm also going to include ROG ALLY in the video 在视频中我也会加入ROG ALLY And Legion Go, two Windows handheld consoles 和Legion Go这两台Windows掌机 To take part in a comparison test 来参与对比测试 If the video helps you 如果视频对你有所帮助的话 Please also click "Like" to support and follow me, we will get started! 还请xdm支持一下,我们马上开始! Start with the appearance aspect 首先从外观方面开始 The new version of SteamDeck has changed the power button to a jumping orange color 新版SteamDeck将电源键换成了跳跃的橙色 The key letters are a little darker 按键字母颜色深了一些 And upgraded the look of the joystick 并且升级了摇杆的外观 The surface has a reflective metallic texture 表面做成了反光的金属质感 But it feels rubbery and elastic 但是摸上去是有弹性的橡胶质感 The whole joystick cap is bolded 整个摇杆帽都有所加粗 The underside of the joystick cap has been changed to a dark color 摇杆帽下方换成了深色 In addition, the screen border has been reduced 另外就是屏幕边框有所缩减 We can't stop the carrier this time, haha 这次停不下航母了 besides 除此之外 And a slight change in the screws 还有螺丝的细微变化 And changes in internal structure 以及内部构造的改变 Nothing else has changed 其它就没有什么变化了 This protection package has a certain appearance change 这个保护包有一定外观上的变化 But why can't my bag be detachable like someone else's 但是为什么我的包不能像别人的那样可拆卸呢 I don't know if this is a problem with Japanese users or 512G users 不知道是日版用户不配还是512G用户不配 It is worth praising 值得夸赞的是 The lockup experience is a lot smoother 拉锁体验倒是顺滑了不少 The most important upgrade is this OLED screen 本次最主要的升级就是这块OLED屏幕 First of all, the screen size is a circle larger than the LCD 首先屏幕尺寸比原来大了一圈 It came to 7.4 inches 来到了7.4英寸 The refresh rate has also been increased to 90Hz 刷新率也提升到了90Hz However, the resolution is still maintained at 1280*800, which is the best match for the current chip performance 但分辨率还是维持在了与目前芯片性能最匹配的1280*800 Not upgrading to 1200P, I think is a plus 没有升级到1200P我认为是加分项 Measured in the case of no HDR 实测在未开启HDR的情况下 The maximum brightness of the screen is more than 500 nit 屏幕最高亮度可达500多nit The old version has just over 400 nit 而老版只有400多nit The color gamut was measured by a comparator 色域方面通过较色仪实测 Close to 100%sRGB color gamut coverage can be achieved 可以达到接近100%sRGB色域覆盖 And 85%DCI-P3 color gamut coverage, good performance 以及85%DCI-P3色域覆盖,表现不错 We can also adjust the color brightness and color temperature in the Settings 我们也可以在设置中调节色彩鲜艳度以及色温 In addition to color performance excellent 除了色彩表现优秀 This OLED screen actually supports HDR 这块OLED屏幕竟然还支持HDR You can feel the comparison before and after the HDR switch 大家可以感受一下HDR开关前后的对比 Of course, it's hard to tell from the video 当然通过视频大家是很难感受得出的 In short, the contrast between light and dark is more intense 总之就是明暗对比更加强烈 The light and shadow are more realistic 光影更加真实了 I took a closer look 我仔细观察了一下 After HDR is enabled, the game FPS will decrease somewhat 开启HDR之后,游戏帧数会有一定下降 In addition to HDR, OLED screens have high contrast 除了HDR,OLED屏幕有着高对比度 Low response time characteristic 低响应时间的特性 It can make black more pure 它可以让黑色黑的更纯净 It also reduces drag when moving at high speeds 也可以减少高速移动时的拖影 The screen Angle will be much greater 屏幕可视角度也会大很多 Look at it this way 从这个角度来看的话 OLED is indeed more suitable for handheld screens OLED确实更加适合掌机屏幕 However, from the point of view of eye hygiene 但是,如果从用眼卫生的角度出发 The strobe phenomenon of the OLED screen at low brightness made me a little hesitant OLED屏幕在低亮度下的频闪现象又让我有点犹豫 Measured below about 50% brightness 实测在大概50%亮度以下 The strobe lines are bold 频闪线条加粗 The screen will enter a more severe low-frequency PWM dimming 屏幕会进入较为严重的低频PWM调光 There is no high frequency PWM, and there is no eye care scheme such as DC 没有高频PWM,也没有类DC等护眼方案 I'm personally sensitive to stroboscopic 我个人对于频闪是比较敏感的 A bright environment is recommended 推荐大家在明亮的环境 Keep the brightness above 50% when using it 保持亮度在50%以上使用它 But then again, the V club is pretty weird 不过话说回来啊,V社也是挺奇葩的 LCD version of the device in low brightness LCD版机器在低亮度下 The screen flashes like crazy 屏幕竟然也会狂闪 What a fool 真的是瞎几…… Taking blindness to the extreme 真是把瞎眼做到了极致 The actual look of the screen 屏幕实际观感 I won't compare the LCD version here 这里就不对比LCD版机器了 Let's compare it to ROG and Legion Go 我们来对比一下ROG掌机和拯救者掌机 A few things to add 有几点补充一下 First 第一点 New versions of the device can still adjust the refresh rate in the control menu 新版机器仍然可以在控制菜单中调节刷新率 The screen will also light up again after adjustment 调节完之后屏幕也会重新点亮一次 Second, the new version of the device touch screen experience 第二点,新版机器屏幕触屏的体验 Much better than the LCD version 要比LCD版好很多 A light touch can trigger a response 轻轻一碰就可以触发响应 I think the touch sampling rate has improved 应该是触控采样率有所提升 Third point 第三点 The OLED screen of the new device is still slightly larger with the left and right borders 新版机器的OLED屏幕仍然是左右边框略大 The top and bottom borders are narrow 上下边框较窄 I guess it's still native portrait 我猜应该还是原生竖屏吧 Friends who understand can share in the comment section 了解的朋友可以在弹幕中说明一下 But it doesn't matter on a SteamDeck 不过在SteamDeck上也不重要 Fourth point 第四点 The photosensitive module changed from one in the middle 感光模块由原来正中间的一颗 To one on the left and right sides 变成了左右两侧一边一颗 The automatic brightness adjustment should be more accurate than the LCD 自动亮度调节应该要比原版更加准确 Here's what you need to be aware of 大家需要注意的是 When buying the case 在购买保护套的时候 You need to select a sleeve with reserved openings on both sides of the screen 需要选择屏幕两侧带有预留开孔的套子 It can't share with the LCD case 与原版的保护套是不能通用了 As important as screen quality is sound performance 与屏幕素质同样重要的音质表现方面 Before ROG came out 在ROG掌机问世之前 The SteamDeck did act as a sound ceiling for a while SteamDeck的确当过一阵子音质天花板 Today we have a formal PK again 今天我们再来正式PK一下 Take a look at new and old versions as well as ROG 看看新版旧版以及ROG掌机 Who has the best sound quality 谁的音质表现更加精彩 Sure enough, it has not shaken the status of ROG sound quality 果然,还是没有撼动ROG音质的地位啊 In terms of buttons, the new one compares with the old one 按键方面,新款对比老款 ABXY, cross key, back key ABXY,十字键,背键 There's almost no difference between the shoulder button and the trigger button 肩键以及扳机键都几乎没有什么差别 Feedback feel belongs to the first echelon 反馈手感都属于第一梯队 The shoulder and trigger press sounds slightly different 肩键与扳机的按压声音会有轻微不同 Trigger conditioning 扳机调教方面 There is a certain empty position in the first compression segment 在按压首段存在一定虚位 There is no empty position at the end of the press 按压末段没有虚位 The overall linear value changes are particularly uniform 整体线性值变化特别均匀 There are also Select and Start keys, as well as Steam and menu keys 另外Select和Start键以及Steam键和菜单键 They all feel slightly different 手感都有轻微不同 Joystick aspect, due to the replacement of joystick cap material 摇杆方面,由于摇杆帽材质的替换 Make the use of feel greatly improved 使得使用手感大幅提升 The LCD is a very slippery skinny joystick cap 原版是特别滑的瘦瘦的摇杆帽 It's hard to use without another joystick cap 不另外套上摇杆帽的话,会很难用 OLED version both on the surface and around OLED版无论是表面还是四周 Have a very good anti-slip treatment 都有着非常不错的防滑处理 No need for the joystick cap 不需要外加摇杆帽了 Joystick pressure feel better than the old version 摇杆下压手感也要比旧版好一些 Especially when pressed in different directions 尤其是在不同方向按压时 Obvious progress 进步比较明显 Joystick adjustment 摇杆调教方面 Both can adjust the central point dead zone range at will 二者都可以随意调节中心点死区范围 There is no dead zone between center point and cross direction 可以做到中心点与十字方向没有死区 No adsorption, tuning level one 没有吸附,调教一级水准 It is worth mentioning that 值得一提的是 Innovative joystick touch function 具有创新意义的摇杆触摸功能 It was also retained in the new edition 在新版上也得以保留 Set the touch trigger gyroscope 设置轻触触发陀螺仪 It doesn't work too well 简直不要太好用 On the trackpad experience 在触控板体验上 The new version is also a big improvement over the old one 新版对比旧版也有着大幅提升 Feel more delicate touch 感觉触控更加细腻 The texture of the vibration has also improved 震动的质感也有所提升 If you have not mastered the OLED version of the device 如果没有上手过OLED版机器 You'll feel the SteamDeck trackpad vibrate 你会觉得SteamDeck的触控板震动体验 It's good enough 已经足够优秀了 But with the new version 但是上手新版之后 You'll feel a little more plastic in the vibrations of the old trackpad 你会觉得老版触控板的震动多了一丝塑料感 It's a little loose 有点松松垮垮了 Not as tight and powerful shaking experience as the new version 比不上新版更加紧实且有力的震动体验 That's what they called "you're pampered" 这就是俗称,惯的 The hardware configuration has also been improved 本次硬件配置方面也有所提升 First of all, the OLED version of the device has canceled the 64G and 256G versions 首先OLED版机器取消了64G和256G版本 The minimum value is 512 GB 最低配为512G I also bought the 512GB version 我购买的也是512G版本 The hard drive is still a 2230-size SSD 硬盘仍然为2230尺寸的固态硬盘 In terms of battery, the OLED version has been upgraded to 50Wh 电池方面,OLED版升级到了50Wh The APU has also been upgraded from the LCD 7nm to 6nm APU也由原来的7nm升级成了6nm The chip energy ratio is higher 芯片能耗比更高了 OLED screens are also theoretically more power-efficient than LCDS 另外OLED屏幕理论上也会比LCD更省电 After stacking these buffs 叠上了这些buff之后 Compare the LCD 40Wh battery 对比原版40Wh的电池 The official battery life can be increased by about 1-4 hours 官方给到的续航时间是可以提升大概1-4个小时 This part of performance test 这个我们后面性能测试的部分 Let's check it out for you later 来为大家检验一下 In addition, the memory frequency has been increased to 6400MHz 另外内存频率也提升到了6400MHz May increase the game FPS to some extent 可能会在一定程度上提高游戏帧数 Charging aspect 充电方面 The official attached is still 45W integrated charger 官方附送的依然是45W一体化充电器 But the length has increased 但是长度有所增加 It has reached 2.5m and its appearance has changed 达到了2.5m,外观也有所变化 The new model has added a Logo 新款增加了Logo The measured remaining electricity is about 10% 实测在剩余电量10%左右 The maximum power supply of the C-port of the new device can reach about 42W 新版机器C口最大供电功率可达42W左右 The old version is around 39W 而旧版在39W左右 On the standby screen 在息屏待机状态下 The new charging power can reach about 41W 新版充电功率可达41W左右 The old version is only about 22W 而老版仅有22W左右 In the shutdown state 在关机状态下 Same charge condition 充电情况相同 Plug the new charger into the old device 将新版充电器插到旧版机器上 No change in charging 充电情况没有变化 In addition, I also tried to use 100W PD charging head 另外我也尝试使用了100W PD充电头 The power supply is consistent with the LCD charger 供电情况与原装充电器也保持一致 When finally fully charged, the new device will turn green 最后满电时,新版机器会变成绿灯 The old device only had white lights 而旧版机器只有白灯 Much to my relief, the battery charge increased 令我十分欣慰的是,电池电量的增加 It doesn't make the weight of the device go up 并没有让整机重量有所上升 On the contrary, it has declined 反而是有所下降 It went from 669g 由原来的669g to 638g 下降到了638g This should be due to the fact that the OLED screen is relatively thin 这个应该是得益于OLED屏幕比较轻薄的原因 It may also be that the cooling module has been modified 另外也可能是散热模组有所改造 Or some other optimization 或是什么其它优化 Don't underestimate the weight of this 30g 大家不要小看这30g的重量 Switch from LCD to OLED 从LCD版换到OLED版 The change in weight is very obvious 是可以非常明显的感知到重量变化的 Can greatly improve the user experience 可以大幅提升使用体验 Here's what we're going to focus on today's test 下面来到我们今天的测试重点 The 6nm APU portion 6nm的APU部分 First of all, APU process upgrading 首先APU制程工艺的提升 Can improve the energy consumption ratio 可以提高能耗比 In theory, as the LCD with lower CPU power consumption 理论上可以以更低的CPU功耗 It can achieve the same performance as the LCD 达到与原版一致的性能 For longer battery life 以获得更长的电池续航时间 The fever will also be improved 同时发热情况也会得到改善 The core temperature will be much lower than the LCD 核心温度会比原版低上不少 In this way, the fan speed will decrease 这样风扇转速就会有所下降 Fan noise can also be solved 风扇噪音也可以得到改善 When running the game without limiting TDP 实测在不限制TDP的情况下运行游戏 The core temperature of the LCD version will come to more than 80℃ LCD版核心温度会来到80℃以上 The fan speed is about 5700 RPM 风扇转速在5700转左右 The core temperature of the OLED version is about 70 ° C 而OLED版核心温度在70℃左右 The fan speed is about 5000 RPM 风扇转速在5000转左右 Fan noise is nearly 10 decibels lower than the LCD version 风扇噪音比LCD版低了接近10分贝 Baby temperature 机身温度 There will be no significant heat in either gamepad area 二者握把区域都不会有明显发热 The highest temperature on the front side of the LCD version is concentrated on the black edge at the top of the screen LCD版机身正面最高温度集中在屏幕上方黑边处 It's around 52 ℃ 在52℃左右 The OLED version is only 43 ° C 而OLED版仅有43℃ Back heat 机身背面发热 The OLED version is also much lower than the LCD version OLED版也要比LCD版低上很多 In actual experience 落在实际体验上 Whether it's body temperature or fan noise 无论是机身温度还是风扇噪音 Can be said to be a qualitative leap 都可以说是有质的飞跃 And the FPS of the OLED versionis even higher at this time 并且此时OLED版帧数还要更高一些 The power consumption of the whole device is also lower 整机功耗还要更低一些 It's just too much progress 简直是进步太大了 Performance aspect 性能表现方面 I set them up to the same Setting 我将二者画面设置成完全相同 Adjust the TDP so that both reach the same number of FPS 调节TDP让二者达到相同的帧数 In BioShock, lock the LCD version at 15W TDP 在生化奇兵中,将LCD版锁在15W TDP At this point, the FPS can come to about 146 frames 此时帧数可以来到146帧左右 And in the same scenario 而在相同场景下 The OLED version requires only 13W to achieve the same FPS as the LCD version OLED版仅需要13W就可以达到与LCD版相同的帧数 This time 这个时候 Its overall power consumption will be about 6W lower than the LCD version 它的整机功耗会比LCD版低上6W左右 Battery life is nearly an hour longer 续航会高出接近一个小时 And the fan speed at this time is also more than 1500 RPM lower 并且此时的风扇转速也要低上1500多转 It was so awesome 简直是太牛逼了 While playing low-power games like Dead Cells 在游玩死亡细胞一类低功耗的游戏时 Limit the TDP of both to a minimum of 3W 将二者TDP都限制在最低3W的状态 Ensure that the Settings are completely consistent and do not limit the FPS 保证画质设置完全一致,不限制帧数 The OLED version of the fan not even turning OLED版的风扇竟然tm不转了 But you can see 但是可以看到 The LCD version has a much higher FPS LCD版帧数会高很多 But I found 不过细心的我发现 At this time, the power consumption of the LCD version is also much higher 此时LCD版的整机功耗也要高很多 If you give the OLED version more 1W power consumption at this time 如果此时给OLED版多1W功耗 It only takes an extra 1W, which is 4W TDP 只需要多1W,也就是4W TDP Its FPS is easy to reverse 它的帧数就会轻松秒杀 And the power consumption of the whole device is still 1W lower than the LCD version 并且整机功耗还是要比LCD版低上1W If you convert to battery life 如果换算到续航时间 The OLED version is two and a half hours longer OLED版会高出2个半小时 It really nice 真的是有点东西啊 The same situation in Red Dead Redemption 2 在荒野大镖客2中也是相同的情况 When the Settings are exactly the same 在设置完全一致的情况下 No restrictions on TDP 不限制TDP The OLED version will have a higher FPS and lower overall power consumption OLED版帧数会高一些并且整机功耗会低一些 And when limiting 10W TDP 而在限制10W TDP时 The LCD version will be about 2 frames higher LCD版会高2帧左右 However, the overall power consumption is nearly 4W higher than that of OLED 但整机功耗要比OLED高接近4W And add 1W power consumption to the OLED version 而给OLED版增加1W功耗 The FPS will reverse the LCD 帧数就会反超LCD And the power consumption of the whole device is still 2W lower than the LCD version 并且整机功耗还是要比LCD版低2W多 With a bigger battery 配合上更大的电池 The battery life is nearly an hour longer 续航又能多出将近1个小时 It can be said that a qualitative leap has been achieved 可以说是实现了质的飞跃了 Finally, let's test the Bluetooth and WiFi upgrades 最后我们再来测试一下蓝牙和WiFi的升级 First, the new version of the device has been upgraded to Bluetooth 5.3 首先新版机器蓝牙升级到了蓝牙5.3 Here I test the delay of Bluetooth headphones 这里为大家测试一下蓝牙耳机的延迟情况 Let's get a feel for normal speed 大家先来感受一下正常的速度 It's a built-in stereo 这是机身自带音响 This is the case when the LCD version of the device is connected to a Bluetooth headset 这是LCD版机器连接蓝牙耳机的情况 And this is the case when the OLED version of the device is connected to a Bluetooth headset 而这是OLED版机器连接蓝牙耳机的情况 Let's take a look at the slow replay 再来看下慢速回放 The new version of the device also has a upgrade of the wireless card 新版机器的无线网卡也有一定升级 Added support for WiFi 6E 加入了对WiFi 6E的支持 My home is telecom broadband 我家是电信宽带 About 300 megabits down speed 大概300多兆的下行速度 Download speeds can reach 42M/s 下载速度可以达到42M/s The speed is about the same as the LCD 速度与原版差不多 In actual experience of Chinese players 落在国内玩家的实际体验上 Can enhance the streaming experience 是可以提升串流体验的 Measured by PARSEC streaming 实测通过PARSEC串流PC You can tell by the stopwatch 通过拍摄秒表可以看出 LCD version delay is about 50ms LCD版延迟大概在50ms左右 The OLED version has a delay of only about 20ms 而OLED版延迟仅有20ms左右 The improvement is obvious 提升还是比较明显的 Video to here, what I can think of 视频到这里,我能想到的 Can be observed 能观察到的 The difference between the old and new versions of the device 新旧版本机器的不同之处 All tested for everyone 都为大家测试完了 I want to talk about how it feels 我想说一下使用感受啊 I've been reviewing Windows handheld since the end of 2021 从21年底我就开始测评各种Windows掌机了 It's actually a little bit of aesthetic fatigue right now 目前其实是有点审美疲劳的状态 As long as the chip is not upgraded, every product is similar 只要芯片不升级,各大厂家能整的活 It's hard to innovate 能搞的创新设计都已经卷的差不多了 My current status is 我最近的状态是 My main business and the video has taken up almost all my time 主业副业已经几乎占满了我全部的时间 Interest in games is also declining 对于游戏本身的兴趣也在养胃状态 That puts me in a position where I don't like play handheld 这样我就处于既不爱折腾游戏机 And I don't like play games 又不爱玩游戏的尴尬境地 Before the new SteamDeck arrives 新版SteamDeck到货前 The old SteamDeck was also forgotten in the corner 老版SteamDeck也是被我遗忘到了角落里 It hasn't been on for a long time 很久没有开机了 Until this reviews 直到这次测评 I picked up the SteamDeck and realized 我拿起SteamDeck才发现 It gives me a strong urge to play games with it 它会给到我很强烈的想要用它玩游戏的冲动 Its system is pure 它的系统纯粹 Simple operation and flexible OFF-ON 操作简单,休眠灵活 Pick it up and you can instantly go into the game library interface 拿起来一键就可以瞬间来到游戏库界面 You can turn it off at any time, even in the middle of the game 甚至在游戏中途也可以随时息屏休眠 Next time you want to play 下一次想玩的时候 Just One click and continue the game 一键唤醒继续游戏 Of course, it depends on the problems caused by those networks 当然啊,这要建立在那些网络所导致的问题 Can be easily resolved 都可以轻松解决的情况之下 It's a pure game handheld 它就是一台纯粹的游戏机 There is no Windows's complicated early setup, installation, debugging and other processes 没有Windows掌机那些繁杂的前期设置、安装、调试等工序 Various menu sound feedback, vibration feedback 各种菜单的声音反馈,震动反馈 Various menu animation effects 各种菜单动画效果 It makes me feel like 都会让我觉得 Now that's a game handheld! 哇,这才是游戏机啊 The SteamDeck OLED will be my main gaming device next 接下来SteamDeck OLED应该会成为我的主力游戏设备 I think, my game time 我觉得,我的游戏时间 Will be more because of SteamDeck OLED 也会因为这台机器的到来而变得更多一些 What kind of game is this 这什么破游戏啊 Why is it so interesting? 怎么这么好玩 To conclude 最后总结一下 This new version of SteamDeck solves almost all the pain points of the old version 这次新版SteamDeck几乎解决了老版所有的痛点 Is well worth the upgrade 是非常值得升级的 But let me remind you 但是也要提醒一下各位朋友 The SteamDeck isn't the most powerful AAA gaming device out there SteamDeck并不是目前性能最强的3A游戏设备 Nor is it the most portable mobile 3A gaming device 也不是便携性最强的移动3A游戏设备 Although the energy consumption ratio of the whole device has improved 虽然整机的能耗比有所提升 But most AAA games 但是大部分3A游戏运行起来 It's still hard to get three hours of battery life 还是很难达到3小时的续航 Before buying 另外在购买之前 You should also consider your eyes 你还要考虑一下自己的眼 睛 Can adapt to low frequency PWM dimming OLED 能否适应得了低频PWM调光的OLED There is also the need to worry about the burning screen of OLED 还有就是需要担忧一下OLED的烧屏问题 If the above four points 如果上述四点 Can't stop you from wanting it 都不能够阻止你想要得到它的冲动 Just buy it 买就完了 Well, that's all for this video 好啦,以上便是本期视频的全部内容 If you like, remember to support me 喜欢的朋友记得支持一下 Remember to follow my channel 记得关注我 I'm PianoFENG, I'll see you in the next video! 我是疯疯,我们下个视频再见!
Channel: Piano FENG
Views: 17,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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