[EN] AnimDessin2 Overview

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I will cover one of my open-source extension then I named Assam so as a disclaimer I always doing this video regarding the usage of my extension in one shot so so easy probably misspellings and or whatever I don't have time to do a proper edit so I prefer to to leave you this video and to give you an overview as I'm not kidding you and so it is so first I will I will cover what's the purpose of an indecent secondly I will show you how to install it and at the end I will give you an overview of the different buttons and what's what's it is what's this button are designed for so let's start by the purpose we propose is what we name sale animation like animation is not for a gif or Jif even how you pronounce it it's really for decently like animation so let me just giving you some link you can you can you can look at for support glen keane at CTN 2012 where i explain for support our he is doing his key poses and and keeping in the loop to animate so you need to do every during that's how it works and and also after that you have also the way let me just showing you is that if you're looking at the well disney multi-plane camera video you will see the process you need to take pictures of the drink sometime you take one pictorial or doing some time civil so we have to be exposed between so here's some references you can take a look if you don't know the traditional animation so it's really more to transpose to internal animation in tradition and by the way i designed this this extension for and we have to go Bua nations to you that's an independent studio based in france for my friend run harmony and so you can take a look at what they are doing and the question for you is that was the original purpose was to push industries with development to express to is an even if that will be 2d or 3d I always see is character moving so all the basic of his behaviors and that know a lot of lot of trees are also designed shot movie with it so I'm really glad about it if you want more information after this video go online online on my website you'll find the link of the description and go into the links section and here you will find all the links about my different things but also got my address extension for comic-book colonization current only books and also for Vienna missions on Tokyo bicycle of motion and some user guide and here willing to download the Installer so just wanted to show you this nice animation by cylinder doing so Minzy artist event organized by thing of animation and it is at one stage which means that what it turns our first real meeting in real life and and I was working enough to do two to same design first is rough sketch that's what you saw with a blink in the same transposition so you can see designing the drawing with a little skin and you can you can see the drink and keep the flow moving and after that just just to give you another view before doing some potatoes animation because I'm not a name at all and after that you can create another line of any mission so so video route on top - to do the first case on top of the roof and after that you need to do again from the clean overdoing and drew some in-between image to add more smoothness to the final animation so that's just that was just to give you the context of this extension so now I will install it so you're going on my github so you have a link first thing here to go to my github but again you have also the link in the description and in the section Photoshop animation so a lot of text to describe actual missing some pcs in this video but but actually it's pretty simple its frosted 5 if you want to have keyboard shortcuts I will show you that in a minute so first thing first you need on this grid back to click on this blue button and download the zip of everything you can find here okay so don't know visit avoid to right-click I saw some issue on some browser so all users are reporting me because they did see is sort of zip and sometimes is misunderstood by by the browser and you can unzip it and you have some function so if you're going by sorry I bought so if you're going at here you will do the full zip of the entire thing and you will don't touch it does it expand inside I already done it on like on Windows that would be the same so I just did an ends it of this thing you will to install the extension you need to you need to download a free utility is a free software name extension manager by Aniston's so I'm opening that you're going here and you just choose the platform or Windows or Mac and you just don't lose this small software this small utility when it's done you just going on the extension manager you can see it will manage your extension and you can remove extension in style so you just click on install you just browsing on your Explorer or finder and find the extension say open you will have a progress bar and at the end if we say ok it's done that's it that's it to install XP after that you need to restart Photoshop I won't do that because you know so we installed and you will find the extension in the window menu extensions and you will find and in the some or over of my extension you in style after that you can place this extension where you want personally I prefer to have 12 it just on top of the timeline into drugs that leave it but it's up to you or for that if you want so first of all I think at the beginning you will prefer perhaps to use the bottom but when you are in animation and you want to speed up generally probably you will like to add some keyboard shortcut to do that you are the next first step for the installation for doing various action process you need for an InDesign for support you need to copy the the enemies on script folder for an inquiry on you need to enter you have more preset to install so folder is inside and so you need to copy it inside the application folder your program folder on Windows you will find it so Adobe Photoshop the version of your Photoshop and by the way the extension is a variable for from CC 2014 to activation and go into preset folder and in the preset folder you will find a script folder so I already did it so you just copying the folder here it so we give the case same for color and if you're in studying possible and in color at the same time and in color at different presets so you need also to insult TLP tools preset package so in this case in in place of copying and the script folder you're going on the tool tools folder and you just open also the TLP inside and that's it you restart Photoshop and after that you will find any scripts in the file scripts subfolder you can see I have a lot of script from over developer and from myself I mean c2 with one in color and in his phone in designed you will find any pattern here except for the boat save save is already by default a shortcut you can assign but you will find any of my custom buttons there duplicate the frame this one I'll create one friend this one with two friends etc you will find everything here and in this case like I did for this one for sample we can go now in the Edit menu keyboard shortcuts and here in the fight like hero like you can find you will find the scripts so just rolling down and and indeed and for the poll for duplicate you can just assign a shortcut except save and that's it you will have your own shortcut for every of this button you so that's it for the installation part and let's talk about a little bit about the process how it works and and the sittings you can also have for having forcible bay and better performances etc so first of all the first button it's just to open the timeline make sense to have the timeline open to any nature and as a disclaimer and not design another developer at all so I'm using tricks to design this panel so something I can't say keep the timeline of open so some button will do will want to work so we if the timeline is not open so that's also the reason why it's at the first place then you will just click on this button to create a new scene so a new animation clip normally you will not do the entire animation in once one file you will do each scene inside inside it each plan and after that you will composite everything from the volume after effect and from a pole or whatever so normally you you have to have not need huge Photoshop file with everything in it you need to have a section of Polly's so here when you're clicking there let's create for you just Photoshop PSD and you can define the frame rate generally in animation it's 24 12 I prefer to use 24 12 you're doing 12 drawing you're doing 12 to in yes red frame here you go you're doing the double but you can also work at 24 and uses return to just two wandering every two frames does that make sense so up to you to your preference so here you are generally I'm just moving yeah the thing you probably see a thumbnail but I I did air in the panel options so the flyout menu of the timelines of this burger menu on the top right corner you have panel options and I say known from the pre okay and you can define if you want here the tankard or if you want to put a frame number so up to you and here I have a frame number now available and and I have just been smooth done and so that reduced besides in the height of my of my timeline so now we have the thing so really that it will work from my PC I don't have my tablet my Cintiq with me so I will do I will do the doing and my potatoes with my trackpad and by the way I'm not an animator so just designing for animators that is plug in and here I will do a potato and so you can see that created also video we have a regular layer inside but before doing your first drink I will undo that the second so in fact is just because by default I will I mean create when you click there and create for you the setup of the file but also in one ratio so it's 1080p so clicking on the salon 1 7 button here will allow you to exit the canvas for support if you want to rather or you can use also the sorry moon shortcut image size and you can for some pole double if you want four if you want 4k or sample or 80k you can you know multiply x y 4x it one so you can design your at your actual own own size and define limiting because again Photoshop is pixel based software so by default if the reservation is useful when you want to add scale that will be complicated so help to you to to choose but before any making we will write the something and the issues so here I have my real platitudes and now I can click on this button or assigned a shortcut on it and I will have the ability to roll my student friend in Photoshop when you have two friends you can activate a feature named the onion skin so meaning you will have a good thing of view of the previous frame and you can define the options so these two button adds just a shortcut for the feature of that inside of this moon you can see onion skin settings and enable onion skin so just simple shortcut there and we are like I would like to work to frame before when frame after visible as a good thing and to reduce video sting effect iPhone of all are 30 and you can change if you prefer of the blending mode yeah what is brain so that's allowing you to to do that and you can create for the power to come for a mix it like cetera so yeah I'm more in straight-ahead animation so moving creating for organic thing as you can creating frame after frame and just working like that for more professional you will have more to work with keep aziz and creating after all some in between but up to your audience at depend up oh you want any prefer to animate as i mentioned one frame is exposed if you want to draw for the poll because I met 24 if you want to draw just one frame for two exposition just click on this button and in this case you can see the visibility is to frame for one layer so in this case I will just work at two and that's how it works now again I can play I can scrub in my video so to scrub a new video you have buttons but it will be more convenient to use a keyboard shortcut and you can by enabling by clicking one time you don't need to click every time on these buttons that will activate when Peter I already acquainted with these amiable timeline short clips and with that when you are using your left or right arrow key on your keyboard you will not move the layer with a book tool it will just sorry I was all on the focus of the menu you will move and flip the animation okay so that's really convenient Wow actually so like like me you can just flip the animation like that and the spacebar will not be rehand to move in your canvas that will be play/pause like in any video audio software so that's with the fundamentals regarding performances you have some option and you can see also one thing when I'm and using play it loop that's because also I enabled loop playback you can also enable this feature using this gear icon and that's where the performance also feature can help reservation so the reservation is place of calculate in the full resolution of this of this picture at 100% like when I'm on and pose pose Photoshop is rendering and 100% but when I'm playing I can say okay just calculate 50% of this quality of this be the size or that would be 25 so as I can add if you don't have a big computer and the file size you start to boot so in this case you can donate when t5m you will see better the animation even if it's not at 100% accurate regarding the quality of the line you can also like I did here below friends keeping meaning if your Photoshop have a hard time to render every friend to keep the smoothness of the playing of the playback you will keep some frame to to keep on track on the right timing to allow you to see brightening of your animation so I already enabled it so let's continue the overview of this of this obvious panel so we already saw things so of course save is save and let's create for Nepal a new a new one and a will you also have the ability for sample to duplicate so this this well pretend there is just duplicates that mean cousin Paul put's you just need to move a little bit or transform a little bit this is drawing us to warp to modify one thing that's just arise we draw a section with Nepal so here you know you have a way to duplicate quickly this this frame you also have the ability to colorize important for these key poses so here for sample adjusted to color you can see you have an indicator on the linear in a in a normal day here and you can of course erase that and and apply for the bottom of a color let's talk now when you you did your final clean and you want to create in between you not animate in stretch straight forward but you know any meeting with keep Aziz and in between in this case you have a pattern here which is exactly the same code to be a laser this one but here it's more in between sections words to make sense to duplicate it's just creating a new frame like this one and it will pose with new friend just after the little one and let's put some some color on it let's do some in-between stuff will run and if you miss the placement for sample sometime you have this layer selected and when you're clicking on it it's now not at the right position it's another position so in this case you have the ability bikes editing first this one to to move this layer on on the left or on the right of course you can also move it in that way but sometimes especially we shortcut it's it's easier to just move that way we will shot it so that's that's it for this pattern one thing it can be tricky if you if you if you don't know the tricks when you are here for example I want to modify to modify this layer here this one the one below that you can see the layer selected it this one so if you're trying to paint you can't simply because the layer is not selected so here a worker want to allows that you can also if you bring to your move tool you can have auto auto select selected I don't like to select personally in regular Photoshop stuff but for animation you can select don't auto-select layer so meaning when you are here and when you're pressing so you are with your own drawing tool and you pressing command or ctrl on Windows you will move to temporarily to the move tool and with that you can click on it and you will select for you the layer you want so again if I'm a I'm selecting this one so we and my my tan line is let's say here so command ctrl on Windows and click on the pixel of the dream you will in this one click on the pixel and you will auto select the layer for you and when I releasing the command or control key it will come back to doing so again let's say continue to to do my my drawing on one modification and and given I'm moving here I would like to do to go so in this case if I think I want to move here I can also move on this section like that and I can continue to so that's a worker one regarding the fact it's a different layer and if the timeline is not is at this place but you can't select the layer auto single layer window plane so every round now let's talk about the over the overall pattern there and just a quick overview especially if you have a scene is really known sometimes you just want to look not on the entire this one shot so it's not an issue you want to look from this place to this place or to render an extract from this place to this place in this case you can move this this on door or you can just click there and let's say I would like to to isolate only this this part and now it will play only in this in this trim area of the timeline and if you're exposed you can export from between positional etcetera so let's undo that and here you have also the ability to put some comment on your timeline so let's say you design the first thing and you want to your animator it again better to do the race for the pool you need first to go on the flyout menu on the show section and you can have to to to show the comment the comment track this one okay as a result you have a long list you can select an animation line and can set that as a favorite and when you when you show only the favorite clip you will hide your line of animation thanks to this video so that's whatever hidin figure inside inside the inside Photoshop so let's say I would like to put recommend for you know a collaborator so now I have the comments open you can just click here and add a comment let's say we draw this one and or adding in between or whatever and so you you know after that you have a comment and you can just be in bit on overall just edit recommend to see what it is etcetera and by the way you can expose that Alice and HTML resume or text resume so that's it for this overview you can add some video track but it's not part specifically often in the Sun but you can have so little part and you can add video reference below and that's it after that what what you can do with with this project when it's done you can click on this a small arrow on the on the bottom left or you can go on the file menu you can go on the export and and you have export window video sorry so in this case you can render a quick video taste for some poor to Bhutan on YouTube to send to someone or whatever so ash ash to 264 for support could be a nice word or image sequence because you want to be shake once the target whatever but you can also import this directly the speeds in in after effect as a composition and you have every layers available inside after effect just a warning regarding that if you are importing the PC directly in after effect for the compositing if you're placing a video real video reference Dillo meaning you you're going to layer video layer and import video layer that will not work inside that will not be supported inside after a Titan you will have an issue so only the MTV do a blank video layer you're creating in Photoshop and regular video your animated will be supported when you involve the kids so if you're doing rotoscoping in mix with video and and drawing in this case just render and your video in import the render inside after so that's it for me I hope that was helpful and prison again it's an open source project and so in doing that in my side project a side project so in my personal time so the any payment or reward let's say to reward is there for me to see the result the artists are doing with my plugin that's that's the reason why I'm doing that my passion for animation so thanks again
Channel: Stéphane Baril
Views: 13,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, 2D, addon, extension, photoshop, opensource, cel animation
Id: Tg8R6iugSP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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