Empowered Monolith 75-100 Leveling Optimization Strategy Last Epoch 1.0

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hey everybody it's curse and today I'm going to bless you with what I think is the optimal way to level up an empowered modelis all the way to 100 so I just hit level 100 yesterday based on the max roll rank list I was most likely the fifth in the world to hit level 100 behind two blade dancers one Warlock and one hardcore Rune Master it was a ton of fun but I realized five or 6 hours before the end of the race that there's a much more efficient way for me to gain experience and I started optimizing around that and I caught up to so many people I was probably ranked 9 or 10 before I started really utilizing this method that I'm going to teach you today and it gave me a massive Edge if I hadn't slept for 5 and 1 half to 6 hours and I had utilized this from the very beginning I legitimately think I had a shot at being first I won't be talking about XP gain optimization in non- empowered monus for three different reasons one is that your primary objective in non- empowered monel is likely going to be to get a key so that you can jump the campaign from chapter 5 to chapter 9 another primary objective in non- empowered monos once you have completed that part is going to be to unlock empowered monos XP gain is a secondary objective just because the XP gain once you get to empowered monos is so much better and the third reason is because if you're playing fairly optimally you're going to get into empowered models around level 70 to 75 at least that's how it worked out for me let's say you get into empowered monel at 75 to get to 75 from level one you need 10 million experience and then to get from 75 to 100 you need a 332 million total experience so the net difference of that is 320 roughly and that means that the XP requirement to go from 75 to 100 is 32 times more than the XP requirement from 1 to 75 so optimizing your XP gain for that period from 75 to 100 is really important and it's something that a lot of people haven't really played around with and so that's what I'm going to talk to you about what is the best way to get from roughly level 75 to level 100 in empowered monos in last Depok 1.0 all right so you've unlocked EMP powered monel and now you're trying to get to level 100 the tldr is that what you want to focus on is xpt modifier rewards right here that's all you need and I'm going to talk about how to optimize around those and give you a few different tips and tricks to minimize the number of hours needed from 75 to 100 and the best thing about what I'm going to show you is that you don't need any overpowered build your build can be fairly mediocre and as long as you can zoom through monos that's all you need pretty much you won't need a build that can clear corruption 2,000 monos so the first question is how much xp do these XP Toms give you and I'm going to science that out because when I started making this video I didn't know whether corruption improved the amount of XP you get from them or whether these modifiers down here I suspected that they did not but we got to science that out so let's do a corruption 156 XP TS and we're at 141 XP gain with potentially another 12% from this modifier right here let's see how much we get from the XP comes okay so here's the XP that we have 998 milon 43745 to the next level so that number should change after the XP Toms there we go that's one that's two and for the record that was 143% increased XP gain based on these two modifiers that we had now we can try a corrupt opon 100 XP toone with only 68 XP gain potentially another 15 from this modifier all right so into this one we're going with 997 125 154 to Next Level okay that was two XP Toms unfortunately we got the double up from the 35% bonus that's another two and another two XP TOS at corruption 100 so as you can see regardless of the corruption each to always gives us 353,000 roughly experience I also checked with somebody that was a lower level than 100 and the amount of XP we gain is not tied to the level it's always 353k in the name of science we also checked how much each to of XP gives us in a non-m powerered mono and it was about 40,000 so it's nine times less than Tom of XP in empowered monels so keep that in mind that is one of the reasons I said you don't want to focus on getting experience in non- empowered models if there's an xpt on your way to getting to empowered monels sure grab it but don't go out of your way to get XP TOS your primary objectives in non- empowered models like I said earlier is get to empowered monos the XP toone modify rewards themselves are more likely to spawn close to the center of the timeline this little node right here so all of these nodes are much more likely to have xpto bonuses compared to other nodes so as you go farther away into the timeline these nodes are much less likely to have XP tones and as you can see that is the case with all of these nodes so my first recommendation is as soon as you unlock empowered monos you have two choices the first choice is hit every single corruption 100 monolith and get all of the TOs that are near the entrance near the center of the monolith that would be a massive XP boost you should gain 5 to 10 levels from that I'm guessing here and that is probably the fastest way to level up as soon as you've unlocked empowered monos another route you could take is you could prioritize fixing some of your blessings for example if you're too weak defensively you might want to get your all resistance blessing from rain of dragons in which case you just go and do monos in reign of dragons focus on that kill the boss until you get an all rest blessing if you need damage depending on your build you might want crit multi from black Sun so you have the option of raising the power of your character through leveling the different corruption 100 monos or through acquiring monolith blessings given the strategy that we are employing here you don't really need to optimize all of your monolith blessings because you don't need to be fully geared and fully optimized to do corruption 100 to 200 monoliths but this can also be very class and gear and uh character dependent some builds don't need any power to clear 200 300 400 corruption those builds obviously are at an advantage because they don't need these blessings they don't need to optimize around those they can just focus on getting experience and this is why the fastest leveling builds are Rogues and usually Shadow dagger Rogues because you don't really need much to be able to clear the first 1 two 300 corruption tiers so let's say that you're trying to get as many XP Toms around the center of your monolith at corruption 100 or maybe even higher depending on what you see from your starting location you always see two nodes away from you so you're going to be able to see these three these three down here as well as the three right here even if you don't see any XP Toms I would still Scout one of these that is going to unlock at least two additional nodes potentially three because every adjacent node should be linked to at least two other nodes some nodes link to three others and those are also really good ones to explore just to see what you can uncover behind them but once you've uncovered the vicinity of your Center here you want to employ the the usual corruption raising strategy of beining in a certain direction so let's say in this monolithic example I have found an XPO and the furthest one that I have is four nodes away from my Center so at that point I would take this and start going as far away from the center as possible because that is the fastest way to raise stability so then you can kill the boss find a shade that gives you as high of a corruption raise as possible because the further away you are from the center the more your corrupt raises when you kill the shade nodes and once you've killed that shade the good news there is that it resets your monolith so you get more chances to get XP TOS so that is my recommendation hit every single corruption 100 monolith so all 10 of these make sure to go and check into every single one of them for Toms once you've exhausted the Toms in all of those pick a monolith timeline let's say rain of dragons is a really good one because the all rest blessing or the Critical Strike avoidance blessing they're both super strong and great for early game characters and once you've chosen your monolith timeline let's say it's rain of dragons start raising its corruption raise the corruption as much as possible while making sure you're comfortable giving your builds power level don't raise it to a point where you cannot kill enemies or you die all the time because if you die while trying to complete an XP Tom reward modifier you lose that reward so you cannot afford to be dying if you're trying to get to level 100 sap and remember while the experience you get from killed enemies increases with the corruption level the experience you get from Toms does not so don't feel forced to raise corruption just to be able to get level 100 every build can get to level 100 fairly easily because most builds can clear corruption 100 to 150 so this is part one of what I wanted to highlight with regards to optimizing your leveling strategy for part two let's talk about factions when it comes to gaining experience through XP TOS circle of Fortune is definitely the optimal Choice here and that is because the tier five monolith Echo reward upgrade is 35% chance to double rewards from monolith Echo and that includes XP TOS so as soon as you have unlocked tier five there is a 65% chance for you to get 3 XP Toms and a 35% chance for you to get 6 XP Toms so this essentially increases the XP gain rate from XP TOS by 35% Merchant's guil does not not have an equivalent so circle of Fortune is certainly Superior to Merchant's Guild for leveling purposes Merchant Guild has its own advantages but we're not going to talk about those today we're just focused on leveling and because of this upgrade right here coff is what I'm recommending for leveling and to quickly cover how you can unlock your factions it happens during chapter 9 after you complete the main quest line that sends you to mayoka slums as soon as you complete that one you'll be sent back to mayoka Upper District and then the next quest line will send you into the oasis and there you'll be able to talk to somebody that will give you the choice of going to the bazaar or to the observatory so choose the observatory and there you can unlock your faction of Circle of Fortune you want to do that right away so that while you're doing monos you can gain tiers and as soon as you gain tier five you really want to focus on XP Toms even further and here I'm going to add a note that it is possible that the optimal way to level to 100 is to First Focus to on upgrading your circle of Fortune to tier five by just completing monos and then to clear every single corruption 100 monolith of the ones that you have available here that might be a slightly faster way I'm not sure just because you will get 35% more out of your XP TOS after you've unlocked tier five so it may be better to focus on pushing corruption until you get tier five and then going full out on XP TOS across every single monolith timeline for part three it's not really optimal in the long run it is only something that you may consider for a shortterm gain if you're racing to 100 or something like that and that is let's say like in my example you've raised the corruption level of rain of dragons to about 200 once you have exhausted all of the XP Toms around the center or in all around your timeline that you feel like checking you have two choices on how you can reset it the first is like I mentioned is to kill a shade but the second way to reset your timeline is by reducing the corruption not increasing it and that's done through this node right here it is always right next to the center unless you're at corruption 100 you cannot reduce corruption 100 in empowered monel you can only raise them but once you've raised them even if it's just by 10 corruption you can then lower that the minimum lowering amount once you go over a certain threshold let's say 150 or 170 I'm not sure is 10 at a time however if you're wi 100 150 that reduction amount is much lower so let's use this corruption 113 spirits of fire timeline as an example we go into this Echo there's a mini boss fight here that you can easily clear once the last mini boss here has been cleared you get a few drops you just ignore those and then at the end of this you get to reduce your corruption by 37 or 13 and you can click this multiple times so you can go three once and then another three after that so I'll show you right here we're going from 113 to 110 and then we could do it from 110 to 108 if we wanted to but we don't need to as soon as we've reduced it once that resets the timeline there you go and in this new timeline there's one XP to but more importantly you can just clear one of these each and check what is behind a lot of these different nodes and hopefully find more Toms worst case scenario if you don't feel like checking all of these and none of them have TOS you could always reduce use this by another tooo so having a timeline between 100 and 120 corruption is going to give you quite a few resets and this is what I would recommend is utilize a low corruption timeline for resetting and for getting more XP Toms because you don't want to reduce the corruption of your highest corruption timeline that essentially makes raising corruption in other timelines easier so it's a very bad long-term play to lower the corruption of your highest corruption timeline I did that a few times and I have regrets I wish I had gone and just lowered the corruption on my 110 timeline but I was also at the time not exactly certain whether or not the corruption amount impacts the XP gain of XP TS at all now that I know definitely the recommendation is go for a low corruption timeline easy resets and now let's do some rough math to get from Level 1 to 100 you need roughly 332.5kg 22 Ms experience roughly and given that every single XP to gives you 353k XP you just need 913 XP Toms to go from 75 to 100 and since we get three Toms every time we complete a Tom reward that is 304 XP to rewards from your monolith if you are playing circle of Fortune we can then further divide that by 1.35 and the final result is that we need 225 to home reward completed to get from 75 to 100 together with the XP gained from killing random mobs in corruption 1 to 200 this is going to be a significantly more efficient method of getting to level 100 versus just simply pushing corruption and killing enemies the only way that I can see pushing corruption as being a more efficient way to get it to level 100 is if we are playing an incredibly broken build at the beginning of a patch uh maybe some bug got left in there and the build can clear I don't know a th000 corruption with e in a case like that it might be optimal for you to just push to corruption 1,000 but I suspect it might be close or probably even better for the XP Tom strategy even then because pushing corruption takes time whereas resetting your mono is not very timeconsuming at all so that is my recommendation if you want to get to level 100 as fast as possible in empowered monos start by unlocking circle of Fortune as your faction get to empowered monels ASAP and then start racking up as many XP to rewards as you possibly can when you run out of XP to rewards raise your Corruption of your monolith and then keep resetting your monolith either by increasing the corruption or by reducing the corruption through this node sanctuary of a tera every time you reset it you have more chances of spawning xpts because they're more likely to be close to the center versus further away from the center despite being top 10 and getting to level 100 I don't really care for or enjoy enjoy the leveling process nearly as much as the build making process so I hope this video is useful for people like myself who want to cut that leveling process as short as possible so that we can enjoy other parts of the game so if you employ the strategy to great success make sure to not that in the description if you find more ways to optimize the strategy let me know so I can learn from you as well and if you've enjoyed the video feel free to like or subscribe you can check me out on Twitch as well I stream my entire progression from 1 to 100 and now I'm on to the next phase which is way more fun for me and that is optimizing my build and potentially thinking of other builds to have fun with thanks a lot for watching this video take it easy and sad
Channel: The Curse
Views: 13,071
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Id: GKkBESW77mc
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Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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