You Didn't Help Me at the Store so I'll Lie to Your Boss About You ! r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady and our first little story to warm up hey you paid me I used to frequent a marina slash fishing pier in my area and because of that I'm very familiar with the place the employees and how everything runs now I am an educated professional but don't dress like it on a fishing day more wife beater in gym short style I'm also not in full butcher clothes gloves aprons masks like the employees are so I'm playing some fish I just caught on the publicly-available cleaning table clearly marked as for customers and about 50 feet away from the building with signs all over it marking where to drop off fish for cleaning and prices for it a boat pulls up behind me and a few teenage boys jump off and go inside I'm assuming their mom steps off it and Pat's me on the shoulder rude lady do you actually want to help meet the Fisher right there me um what RL ugh the fish are right there and pointed down into her boat where piled and not in any form of container are about ten trout maybe 25 pounds total the marina had charged ten dollars to clean them me okay they can help you over there RL they have a wine you don't I'm not waiting me well they're pretty fast and it doesn't look too busy RL you just don't want to do your job do you I'm not waiting she tossed thirty dollars at me strip club style before walking inside not gonna complain I pulled the trout off the boat and started to clean them she came out a few minutes later with the boys and made snide comments about me the entire time I was cleaning her fish this is why you all are going to college she cut off too much of that one why is it so expensive I'm sure y'all could do that just as well well that last one actually got one of the kids to speak up and inform her that not only did they think they were going to be doing it but it should only be about ten dollars and pointed over to the marinas tables RL you overcharged me it's only supposed to be ten dollars me well I didn't tell you a price you picked one and threw it at me but also I don't work here and don't go by their prices RL and why would you do any of that and take my money knowing I thought you worked me well you paid me your fish is done hope you boys enjoy college as much as I did and our second story give him your fries disclaimer events in this tale are true however dramatic effect shortening of certain conversations or embellishment of details have been done to add to the entertainment of our dear readers and to protect potential IRL spoilers oh the joys of children let me correct that oh the joys of extremely spoiled children who are never reprimanded I work in IT in a medium-sized town in the southern United States the company I work for does not have a very strict uniform requirement other than a shirt with our logo on it and for us not to look like bums this story takes place at a nice local restaurant that's known for its healthy foods that caters to the local college population from the next city over it's a great place to eat and I tend to take my lunch there often as such I've come to be on a first-name basis with the restaurant staff the restaurant uniform is fairly simple the waiters and waitresses wear a black collared shirt with the diner's logo on the front right of the shirt I stopped by today to eat and as luck would have it I'd chosen my black collared work shirt this day though the diner prides itself on healthy foods they do have a few items on the menu that are heart Stoppers all ingredients and nutritional values are listed quite clearly as much as I like my healthy eating I did decide to go with one of these items today's choice gourmet french fries hand shredded and breaded potatoes cooked to perfection covered in a home blend of spices add some cheese bacon a few good choices of vegetables and oh my god it's so good I need to get some I'm getting off track as I was partaking of my delicious fries and answering a few loose emails from work on my phone little boy no older than nine walked up to my booth and started to reach for my fries I noticed him and moved my plate away from his grip he just gave me a look I can only describe as a death glare and says give me a fry I shook my head at him if you say please I'll share one with you give me a fry he practically yelled it drawing the attention of a few others nearby who just shook their heads I continued to eat and browse my phone the boy stuck around for a few moments before leaving soon after an older lady came up with the boy in hand and three more young children trailing behind me with a look of utter fury on her face hey Dee why won't you give my son a fry me excuse me lady you heard me why will you give him one me because he didn't ask for one and because it's food I paid for you don't just take food from someone else like he was trying to do lady this is reflecting poorly on your restaurant if you think not letting a little boy try one of your dishes is an acceptable thing to do okay that's the point where it clicked yes I had on the same exact shirt the staff was wearing except the logo difference I pointed this out to the lady showing her my IT business logo rather than the restaurant logo what came next well here it is lady that's no excuse not to give him a fry I used insert company I work for all the time for my PC repairs you should just give him a fry for having a loyal customer as a mother but I bet you don't even work there you don't even look like you work with computers I bet you're just using that as an excuse as an aside I'm 24 I look like I'm 18 and no I'm not very intimidating physically I look like that nerdy kid from high school me in disbelief you've got to be kidding me what kind of logic even is that ma'am if someone came up to your table and tried to take your food without asking that would be acceptable to you lady of course not if they didn't deserve it but we're loyal customers now give him your fries the boy was pulled towards me just a little as she said that and once again he reached for a fry and tried to snatch my food I pulled it away again and made a shooing motion with my hand the lady left after letting out a frustrated groan complete with throwing her hands up in the air dramatically I continued to eat wondering what the hell even just happened before she showed up again with a manager in tow me hey Rick Rick hey man this lady says you stole her food me no her son tried to take mine without asking nicely she thinks I work here lady well he does look at his uniform Rick man he comes in here every week and I know for a fact he works for insert IT company I've had him repair my computers here several times lady make him give my son some fries or you'll never see us back here again Rick sorry to hear you say that ma'am but I'm not making a good customer of ours give up his food that he paid for unless he wants to he obviously doesn't want to so I'm gonna ask you if you want to try his dish we can prepare one just like it in a smaller portion and give you a discount on it ignoring Rick she turned back towards me and screamed absolutely atrocious you would treat a child this way with that final dramatic turn she stormed out of the building without paying Rick crap man that was special you want your meal on the house me now that wasn't y'all's fault could use a refill on my drink though Rick sure thing dude and our third story years of pent-up rage so I used to work in a pretty popular East Coast grocery store chain called Price Chopper as one of the customer service associates part of my job was processing refunds dealing with complaints and doing price adjustments sign reads differently forgot coupons at the register etc we always used to have this woman come in every single week and she always conveniently forgot her coupons when checking out and forgot to scan her loyalty card she'd then come up to my station and try to con me out of more money than she deserved I'd always catch her in a lie but I had to always have my customer service voice and tone or I'd get in trouble her oh this coupon is supposed to be double me I'm awful sorry about that BAM but I can see here that you've already used that coupon in this order you're more than welcome to use it next time you shop with us my inner monologue I hope you trip on your way outside neat crap so I quit move on to bigger and better things and move out of the area but due to still having friends in the area I frequently visit on one visit I was wearing khakis and a zip-up hoodie and holding a case of beer in line at the checkout this woman is up at the customer service yelling at the associate currently working someone I trained and I think is way too good to be working there she's thrashing around yelling and seized me in line she gives me this smug crap eating grin on her face and storms over to me her your trainee is being extremely difficult to work with he won't take my coupons he says they're expired but I know your manager makes exceptions he won't even try to accommodate me me oh yeah huh damn sucks to suck she loses her GD mind and starts screaming for a manager the manager comes over to us baffled as to why he's been called and she starts screaming about how rude I've been how I helped the woman before her in line and how I was refusing to help her now because I didn't like her as my ex manager tried to explain to her I didn't even work there anymore so he knows she's lying I totally him completely lost my crap I just started screaming me listen you effing Bay you're the worst every single time you come into the store I go in the back and hide you smell awful you have zero personality and you look like a dumpster fire with lipstick we used to walk on eggshells around you because we needed the job but I don't work here anymore so f you f you everyone here hates you and we know you're a scammer we know you literally do nothing except try to save 35 cents on eggs do you know how effing sad that is also why in all the years of coming here have you never once bought soap try some seriously it's like a family of squirrels died in your mouth and the only way to find them is to follow the trail of dead teeth your life is garbage so f you it was like years of this pent-up anger towards her it was just released and she stepped back and was speechless for once in her trash can of a life I know I yelled more but for the life of me I cannot remember what I yelled she ended up just leaving without saying a word the manager who is a super nice guy told me that he hoped I understood that he'd have to ask me to leave but give it a few days and I be welcome back as long as I watched my behavior I totally understood why I had to do it did and on top of it he told me just to take my beer and leave don't worry about paying thanks bud hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 62,989
Rating: 4.9488769 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, You Didn't Help, so I'll Lie to Your Boss, About You, Your Boss, Boss, store, at the store, You Didn't Help Me at the store, Karen, i dont work here, funny reddit stories, best of reddit, r/, r/IDOWorkHereLady, i do work here lady, reddit stories, reddit top posts, r/prorevenge, r/entitled parents, r/ Tales From Retail, r/talesfromretail, r/Maliciouscompliance, r/entitledparents, r/TalesFromRetail, r/Prorevenge, i dont work here lady, RedWheel, Manager, Actually not, boss
Id: JaNnXAjFa7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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