Empires SMP - THE GREAT WALL OF MYTHLAND!!! - Ep.18 [Minecraft 1.17 Let's Play]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well hello everybody and welcome back to another episode here from empire's smp how is everybody doing oh man i'm doing so good hopefully you guys are doing great we are back here in the mightiest empire known as mifflin hanging out doing great things and today we're gonna have a lot of fun number one thing that i really want to start doing is some magic right now and i'm going to be using some of these magical mushrooms right here that we got from shelby i'm going to plant them and i'm going to see if they grow up to be nice big and strong and i think now with the gem crystals combined we can make something really really special right here but before we do any kind of magic i got some clothes to change too i got something very very special for my royal tailor's own beanie and it is fantastic i'm gonna look great and it should be delivered up here in our wizard tower here it is oh man from a royal taylor zombie contains magic inside oh this looks great let's take a look oh okay okay i'll take these little extra gem crystals i didn't know it's how many had jam crystals and let's take these lovely outfits yeah let's get rid of this thing because we don't want to leave any evidence of anything around here and uh let me do a quick change job i'm sure these clothes are going to be very very magical let's go oh yes i feel magical right now let me step outside into the lights oh baby yes yes oh my i feel like a wizard now wizard sausage the king wizard at your service look at this now i feel great this is the outfit the magical robes i'm gonna be wearing anytime i do magic here in mifflin i feel so powerful right now oh man the magic is flowing through my veins let's go play some mushrooms so let's pick a spot i'm gonna go ahead and see if i can transform first off this mushroom we had here from a while back not that one i wasn't look to go this cute one right here i think this is a nice ohio shape um right here yes okay so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go right underneath all right we're gonna throw is ready to go i'm gonna throw a jeb crystal right and i'm gonna throw one of these a lovely right there right and then i'm gonna just grab this bag and i'm gonna plant this right there okay this should grow i'll leave it alone every time we just have to disappear it'll happen now you know what this one is a fresh one so i'm gonna just dig this one down right here i'm gonna dig it down two times right i'm gonna throw this down right in here that's more from the nether so that should be pretty cool drop the gem crystal and cover that up okay let's see what happens with that one nice outfit huh yeah you like it i like it too we're gonna do some magic and for the next one i want to put it here in the little village maybe right oh um hello oh great i need some iron guns to protect this area well actually you know he would have killed him that's fine um i think take care of that now how about this one right behind the village this would be a good oh no i need a brown one i need a brown this one oh perfect right back here this is a good one all right let's take care of this one and then pop perfect oh and the cover of darkness this is the one that have a feeling something crazy is going to happen so now we'll just wait and see and hopefully we get some really cool magical mushrooms oh that's so great oh let's sheep hiding in the darkness oh helpless sheep also today i really want to make mifflin even more prettier than it is right now i cleared this spot right here because i noticed something very very serious over here in our farmlands we have all these lovely crops right here we have wheat we have carrots but we don't have potatoes so i'm gonna put a little potato farm over here i got some stuff ready to go so we can go ahead and set that up we got some potatoes here we got some nice little terraforming blocks we can make this look pretty cool right here in this area take a little bird's eye view to check this out right oh what is this [Music] what it why do i have an aquarium on my backyard what is this looks like a wall oh um there he is um okay i'll get to the crop making in a second what is he doing over there i don't got my spot glass i got to get my spot glass really quick i want to know what he's doing there's my spy glass let's go ahead and take a closer look look at him go what is he even doing up there that's a fish tank it's a fish tank wall it's very nice though jimmy man that's a i've never seen a fish tank wall before look how pretty that is but i want to know what's going on over here look at him go huh let's go say hello to the card father look at him oh he's home [Music] what is this how do you like this sausage are you serious right now this is an aquarium wall this is the great wall of cod my friend oh man i can never get through now how am i ever going to pass no no don't i know what you're thinking don't do it this is this is a signal right a symbol oh okay wait i don't want anything to do with you sausage i've put this wall up the great wall of cod to keep you out oh okay okay i see where you're going i see it i don't i don't want you here i don't want you i can't cross okay you know what if if if i can't cross over there you can't cross over here either i'm gonna build my own wall no no i did the wall first you can't build the wall i'ma build a wall and i'm gonna build it ten times taller than this no no because if you build the tool i'm gonna have to build mine taller well guess what if you build a toddler i'm going to build a dollar too no i don't want to see any wall over there oh you i promise sausage if you build a wall this is my wall if you build a wall there's going to be more dramas no you know what you haven't heard the last of me no put that spyglass down you haven't heard the last of me you that sausage you stop that wait there's gonna be trouble listen before i build my wall twice as big as yours what do you think of my nice new outfit i'm a wizard you look amazing thank you so much you're gonna you're gonna hear from me in a moment let me go gather thousands of blocks prepare for war wars 2021. he's gonna hear from me look if jimmy likes my office isn't it pretty now before we build the greatest wall the world has ever seen in minecraft i'm gonna pay a visit to jim i gotta show her my brand new wizardly outfit oh i feel so great totally not to her level she is still the head wizard the most powerful wizard in all empires i could be second right an apprentice wizard okay a novice wizard um what's like a a wizard that's not as powerful just right below a wizard let me know i don't know let me know in the comments what's like a like a lesser wizard but still powerful but lesser i don't know what i'm talking about let's go oh [Music] oh that's a tassel wizard tower in the making [Music] hi sausage hi that's my song whenever i get into an area that's my song it's totally not the jurassic park sunshine it's not jurassic park though no not at all no copyright look listen again [Music] it's so beautiful thank you thank you yeah yeah okay take a nap i don't have a bed here you know you can have my bed you can have my baby thank you thank you oh i see the wizard tower in construction yeah yeah yeah i'm building a tower sausage it's going to be beautiful oh my god i see is that a diagonal in the bottom base yeah there's two diagonals very excited oh you are a maniac a a maniac diagonal building inside tower thing that is crazy that's not even a normal diagonal two that's like a 43 degree angle great i think it's going to be yeah that'd be fun good luck with that one i don't know how to do that diagonal that's a weird turn you know that i don't do those that's crazy no you could do it you're such a talented builder you could totally do it let me see your skin take off your wings oh sorry sorry here look [Music] yeah it's very wizardly you know you're still the head wizard you're still the most powerful wizard in the realm i'm just like a little apprentice i'm trying to see if i can just gather enough power to be even half as good as you gem okay right okay okay sure so this this is my new whenever i do any kind of magic around my base this is what i'm gonna wear okay sure so you're only like a part-time wizard yeah yeah you know i'm mostly just you know royal king with like a side hobby and making stuff disappear explode you were jealous of my powers i see yeah no no no i'm not yeah it's okay it's fine you don't have to say anything it's not jealousy it's my power i'm admiring from far away and i'm like wow that's pretty cool i want to see if i could get you know half as good one day yeah exactly and your if it wasn't for your job crystals you know i wouldn't be in this position of of of wizardly you know powers you know it's great thank you jem you you made this happen yeah i'm so proud of you you're going to be a great wizard you're going to wait you're going to use like good positive magic right not like oh no yeah i'm wearing very very like it's light blue and yellow okay it's very like it's earthly at the same time and it's a little bit you know it's like i'm gonna be nice today for now kind of thing you know for now no i mean like there's nothing that could corrupt my soul and turn me into anything horrible in my world in my realm you know we got good friends that will definitely not poison me from the inside and take me over it's gonna be fine i'm gonna be a good boy wizard okay that's good because that sounded very dramatic no everything's fine i'm not being corrupted at all and look i even brought you some magic too um this is some of shelby's that i planted so you can have those it's a shelby's oh yeah yeah very cool spreading the love see you gave me gem crystals now you can have magical mushrooms that are totally legal yeah but these aren't even from your empire no i know nothing really you know for my empire is really magical i just bring stuff from other people take advantage of it and grow it from there that's what i do but you know what with a blood sheep is kind of magical that's my thing the blood sheep i think they're magic in that yeah yeah i got some i got some magic yeah do you think i could borrow a blood sheep sometimes oh yeah i can bring you a blood sheep don't you worry i got them all over the place in the background i got a green house oh no you got a creek house where yeah it's in the mountain oh oh i've seen that when i i broke in there one day with foot i mean i've never seen it before where is it you broke in there with flip no no no no no no no i mean no i thought i i missed a misunderstood it's the day we went downstairs i'm getting a security system that is all i'm getting a security system i need one no no we didn't break it we were just hanging out you know we were waiting for you that day for the meeting that's right mm-hmm we met at the gate i don't that's just you know you know this is hearsay you know i was watching a lot of courtroom dramas that you know i objects yes uh i just found out jimmy did an aquarium wall um mm-hmm it's a black aquarium to block off you know my base so i told him just for the sake of peace i'm gonna build my own wall i'm gonna build twice as big so you can't see over my side you're gonna build it twice as big yep twice as big never think you don't maybe need to flex on everybody no but you know what jimmy said after that he's gonna build his twice as big after i built mine twice as big so he flexed right back at me mm-hmm y'all are a bunch of school children that's all i got to say well whatever he started he started it he stole stuff from me okay but he started it imma end the gem well i'm gonna do wizard stuff i'll see you soon okay goodbye totally not jealous no you'd never be jealous give me a little jab and try to be my own man i don't have my wings on i can't fly oh hello my wolf pack how are you guys doing today war is coming very very soon okay prepare yourselves you know what i should do like a little training ground that can train you guys how to eat people uh you know what we'll work on that later on i got a wall to build bubbles what's up what are you doing bubbles what's up girl guess what we got a wall we're gonna build to block the car father he built something you know this come with me bubbles we're gonna do some stuff today you're gonna help me build this wall come on out let's get out of here yeah i got a new outfit uh you know what you're not the only one that can get a new outfit okay i love your new collar beautiful everyone in the comments says you're like bubbles looking beautiful today yeah bubbles is blushing i can tell but before we do anything else before we build that wall you go cure these guys here oh god um such a good king but at the same time everything's bad happen from time to time bubble um wait right here don't eat these villagers i'm gonna cure them uh right now with my magical powers here they are hello um do you mind if i cure you guys ow that hurt a little bit okay get close so i don't waste this potion bomb beautiful damn change your life oh we got one come on what do you think it's so long i actually cured you it goes exactly at the same time change to a normal person okay actually keep looking at me keep looking at me keep your eyes focused on me don't hurt your friend next to him okay don't you hurt him i can't move now because if i leave he will eat him again and this will be a perpetual cycle of death and destruction um you got for a trade you actually had nothing good oh thank you perfect oh back to normal i see you're a depth strider what a waste i can't believe pictures made you destroy it we don't need no strider so just does oh looney three oh you're a looting three boy oh actually oh jimmy was actually looking for one of these don't tell the godfather you're here hopefully we don't have any godfather alliance spies here in our midst oh let them know that we have any looting three bombers we got a potato farm to make before we make those walls oh and there's a bloodsheet bubbles i'll have blood sheep get them get them blow sheepish weeds okay but that bloodsheet is smart but what's the pleasure of beside bubbles now the blood she was smart we're right next to the ravager it was luring you to the ravager oh wow that's a little scary plus she's way too smart bubbles forget it forget it bubbles come on let's go get away from that bloodsheet they're way too smart luring bubbles to that ravager are you serious right now all right bubbles wait right here you know what let's take a little break a little wartime peace break let's build our little crop farm that we have over [Music] here [Music] do [Music] bubbles we're done oh man look at this and just like that we got ourselves a lovely potato farm oh bubbles go in there frolic girl what do you guys think i love it it looks so cool i had a bunch of these little tall flowers in the back some bushes i was looking at a um oh and i didn't have one over there a scarecrow i'm gonna put a scarecrow they had a scarecrow right here i'm gonna add those soon but what do you guys think this looks so pretty oh i should add more crops right bubbles maybe we should do a beetroot section oh that'll be good i have no beat receipts but we'll take care of that soon bubbles it's time to construct this wall girl wait for me right here you help me pick out some blocks so um definitely going to be using some deep slate over here that's not that much please tell me i got more up here okay yeah it looks like i got more up here definitely gonna need some cobble i'm gonna need also a bunch of sugar boxes because this is gonna be a lot of materials now i think this might be good enough for right now we got a lot of cobble we got some tough block we got some stone that can convert into stone bricks also some andesite some moss and a bunch of deep slate a little bit of wood action there a little coarse dirt to terraform a little bit i think this is good to go but before we even get any of this started i want to let flip know what's going on and also once i finish up this wall i'm going to need a little bit of firepower in case we need to retaliate purely for defense purposes though and i know he was building some kind of sanctuary for the greatest fish in the world the salmon uh so i'm gonna go ahead and give him a gift this will be our trade looks like flip has a little bit of a slime problem around here i wonder how that happened oh we have some spying going on what's happening right here oh look at that who's that who's he meeting with oh that's joey oh it's okay he's part of the alliance i should go there and scare him but let's just spy up here for a few minutes i wonder if they could see me up here they can't hear me that's for sure that's a pretty sheep i actually asked scott for one of those a little while ago hopefully we get a little blood sheep in our area i wonder what they're talking about i think he might be giving him a totem oh he better give me a totem i showed him how to get to that place see if they know what's happening let's see if i can hit one of them from right here i'll go after a foot that is an expert shot oh my god i am so good at this game i'm hiding down here i'm hiding [Laughter] shhh oh you know what this wizardly robe here actually improved my dexterity and archery skills by plus 15. thanks zombie there oh hello excuse me can i help you oh no nothing i'm just hanging i'm waiting for my our appointment i'm waiting for our appointment yep oh uh you're you're next in line you're next to me thank you hey joey how you doing i was just waiting for my turn my appointments it's at uh listen that arrow was a little close for comfort sir it was we're supposed to be friends i wasn't expecting to hit that shot it was supposed to be like oh hey i'm up here uh i was shot but then i got scared and ran away and hid in here that's fine got it got it well um just just to make things even there you go you get a nice little arrow in your head there wow thank you oh it's cute that was worth it oh yeah it looks like you're a little sprout oh why is it on my head okay you like my new outfit this is my wizardly robes wow you look so cool look at this they've been miserable you've evolved thank you look at this here have a salmon oh thank you thank you yeah we are trying to salmon over caught of course of course we're trying to preserve the salmon population here on the server joey i'm building a sanctuary for them oh that's so kind of you yeah i think this has been harmed for way too long we really just gotta do something to help the little fishies out there they're going something they're helpless especially the godfather he's murdering all of them oh you're welcome advancement look at me wow amazing wow so now that i have you both of my airship what what what can i help you out with oh well uh i have a prep position but you know what i think i need to have a meeting with you private just because this is like a private deal i want to have with you oh okay yeah yeah yeah all right um sausage you go ahead this is what's happening i'm going to give you a report right now jimmy put up a wall um i've i've heard i've heard i've heard it's full of cod yeah for the car and it's a big aquarium technically it's it's a wall of a it's an aquarium wall and i've never seen anything like that it's pretty cool yes they're pretty cool but um i i'm not having it okay if i'm blocked from his side i'm gonna block him from my side so i'm gonna build this huge wall with a gatehouse it's gonna be glorious it's gonna be twice as big as his okay okay so what i need from you is once i'm done building it i want to build some cannons on top to shoot at him if he ever tries to cross so if you can come by later on give me a little bit of an estimate let me know how to set up some cannons and that'll be great um okay but but but are we we're gone we're not gonna make the cannons be able to hit the wall right like the cannons are only to be able to if he crosses the ravine because that was we made peace over there on that front we made peace between you two and what we're doing you know we're doing two he built an aquarium for you to look at though let's do two tests how about this two types of cannons let's do a cannon a a warning shot cannon okay to stop him from coming and then if we need to a a very dangerous one but that's only if we go to an all-out nuclear war that's just a back-up plan but i want some scary ones just a scare maybe some firework rockets or something just to be like stop get back okay okay okay firework rocket cannon that that could happen we could we could do that one or maybe what if i just armed you with some crossbows with the firework rockets ready to go oh that's a good instead of a cannon because then you can aim because we're doing the firework cannons those only shoot in straight lines it's hard to aim there when he's doing his serpentine tactics to get all the way around you wouldn't be able to hit him that sounds good that's unless we put a million cannons all the way down the road you know and just shoot everything yeah it might be a little too expensive there for that one but if yeah you know that that could work that could work here you go i'm paying you in cards for your sanctuary there you go cod cod no no no cod no cod are allowed no problem give me your card yes i would love to see you let me see that thing look at this right down here oh perfect ow i hit myself it's fine oh all the way up the waterfall only the strongest of fish are able to climb oh yes the car couldn't come up here oh this is glorious wow yes yes yes yes look at all of the lovely salmon we have in here there aren't they beautiful oh they're so pretty i want to swim with them oh this is so nice they're so much more peaceful than cod come on look at this oh they're we're the only the nicest of fish are allowed up here only the nicest we everybody there's just peace and happening happiness and harmony and this is really what i've moved towards i've kind of put in my destructive ways behind me for a little while here i'm just carrying and trying to rebuild the entire population of salmon in this world because they've been harmed for so long they have been they've been murderers like senselessly ever since we've been on here by that cod man every single time i see him he's grabbing one he's burning it he's grabbing their heads he's burning that you know i'm glad you're doing something this is pretty much the only living population of salmon across the entire server and i just i can't have it be it was my original brand identity when i started my channel way way back in the day here yeah the first ever emote i made for my channel yeah was the fishy and it was a salmon the squishy no hopefully this place stays here for all eternity nobody comes down here and messes with it for no i'm finishing the mountain peaks around the back to completely hide it in so we can't have any hooligans jumping in here and it's it's a process it's a process but i'm doing it i'm doing the good work to save the salmon doing great thank you so much for everything you've done and uh and i'll let you know when uh you know my walls is up so then you can just totally forget about your peaceful ways and make something to kill somebody else in case they cross the line no no we're about peace here now we're about peace we're about peace and uh we're building a dungeon soon to trap the godfather head inside so uh keep that in mind build it build a dungeon room yeah for your side has to be themed around your alliance that's the rule i got and it has to be deadly it'll be deadly don't you worry about it you know i told pearl about this too she's ready to help too good good good okay gotcha we'll call the banners together here soon and that'll be great i just talked to joey about it he's in as well oh perfect oh this could be fun no no no death until until we have to okay perfect i got this yep yep yep yeah oh god i'm watch your head i almost made it i was trying to get in let me do it again hold on whoa so good at this thing this flying thing is like natural to me [Laughter] oh i love this place i haven't been inside here when you build it up oh oh you're coming no that was not when this was done this is perfect oh wow i love it thank you we're getting all organized and ready for war so good i'm ready to kill people i'm so ready oh by the way um i heard through the grapevine that you've been killing people on the server no not a lot i only got two deaths well two player kills so far two that's it well listen i'm in the business of lives and i'm selling totems so the more people you kill the more in business you'll keep me so listen each with each death and customer you bring me i will gladly give you one of these oh oh this is great oh listen joey i've been waiting for this moment okay for a very long time i have a have a an outfit just for this wait for wait right here do you have a closet do you have a closet anywhere around here um uh no you can go changing one of the sharks with the villagers oh i'm gonna do that you don't mind wait for me right here uh this is i'm okay i've been waiting for this moment wait one second okay i'm gonna change right here i'm gonna change right here oh yes perfect get out of here joey i'm ready ah let's do it mythical assassin i'm gonna murder everybody this is great i've been waiting for this moment i wanted somebody to tell me so go kill people for me i got this oh my god well your mission has been set yes okay so you i murder somebody and i get a totem each murder yes a totem oh this is good yes but you have to you have to bring me their head oh no big deal that's no that's easy i'll bring you their head all cold and bloody perfect this will be a great friendship oh i can't wait oh who's online right now i'm gonna go kill catherine okay i'll be right back i will bring you her head catherine's gonna die and just like that the assassins guild has been born hmm we have made it into house blossom let's see where she's at our first contract killing oh this is great i wonder if this can affect our alliance it's nothing but business though thing personal iron guns patrolling oh there she is oh god okay all right see if we can infiltrate the castle's defenses let's go where's she let's move okay no it's fine i always had a grappling gun or something oh i don't think she saw me go go to the back you guys better not say nothing no she didn't see nothing we've broke into the castle's defenses [Music] okay let's go upstairs well well well hello hello how are you today i'm good how are you oh i'm doing great you know just passing by just like you've been you've been passing by here a lot lately haven't you um what are you talking about what are you talking about no i'm just hanging you know i'm just in the neighborhood just bringing some gifts uh you've got a new outfit on oh this old thing it's no big deal it's it's listen what's that what's that for it's is this the thing you know i'm just you know for the occasion oh oh okay what's the what's the occasion um prepare to die katherine this is um okay we could discuss this i was i was um this is this is my first contract kill um so what so i'm kind of new to this whole thing so i'm not really ready uh but it's uh it's fine you want you want me to die pretty much you know joey kind of paid me a totem uh and he wants me to kill people and if i kill somebody that means they might want to buy totems from him so it's kind of like a win-win you know i bring you his head uh and then everything is perfect after that and he pays me wait wait wait wait if you kill me i get joey's head no i'm sorry i'm nervous help me you're saying things wrong i'm confused i'm scared okay wait wait wait this is the thing i have to kill you i have to give him your head and he gives me totems as a as okay so you're hired to murder for totems yeah and then what happens is then at that point he's like kathryn you're dying a lot from these assassins come to my uh base and buy totems from me so then he makes money on top of that it's a business deal so so but you're you're telling this to me when you probably shouldn't right yeah this is my first time you know so okay well okay um it's gonna take this out um so can we make a deal yeah yeah we can do a deal you could we could do something what do you what do you think i'll let you kill me if you give me a totem oh for real how easy is that okay that's perfect oh and then he's gonna see that i murdered you so then he won't be mad at me oh it's great oh perfect okay hopefully the second time i do this is gonna go a lot better uh so he yeah here have a totem okay well no no i don't want it right now wait no don't actually don't don't use it yet don't no that's why i want to put it away i want to put it away okay hide that hide that and then sleep okay so you don't spawn in a weird place i'm probably doing all of my figs oh your army has grown a lot i wonder who did this uh you did what how many spies do you have how many spies you have it's fine yes um you're welcome you know my flowers told me everything thank you so much for your blossom's blessing i actually loved it so i had to give you back something something that you know you can use you know there's a lot of iron in here in these you know i love it i love it i love it i'm gonna make them a big beautiful base a little bit oh that's so good okay have you slept yet uh oh oh hold on double check i'm pretty sure i already did just in case okay perfect where would you like to meet your doom i guess i guess you can just murder me in my throne that's the best place oh man can i do it like can i do it like like an actual real assassin let me just can i climb up here hold on a minute let me see if i can get up here it'll be look more like an assassination attempt it'll be pretty cool let me try to do it up from up here oh perfect wait wait wait that didn't hurt stuck in the whatsoever okay this is great this is great okay take off your armor too it'll hurt less oh i forgot i was holding my crown i'll just throw it on the ground oh yeah i just dump it there okay this is great oh perfect okay i'm going to make sure this is as painless as possible here it comes ready okay all right here we go one two three perfect hello that was painless oh man oh this is great here have that that's my crown oh oh thank you my dignity is restored you're welcome oh though they okay they asked they're very pleased they're very pleased oh this is great oh thank you for letting me assassinate you oh this joey okay he's gonna want to pay me all right just pass by his place and see if he gets some free totems on me okay okay this is great thank you for letting me murder you oh thanks for the free totem oh this is great oh there he goes there you go selling all right i didn't say nothing i am i am the winner i won't let him know that i actually do have one you know it's a secret it's a secret secret okay okay still still alliance friends okay thank you so much okay goodbye i'll kill you later oh first assassination attempt perfect in the books oh this is great who should i murder next let me know in the comment section but for real this time ain't gonna murder pearl though she means you'll kill me quick her already murdered me one my sweet sweet assassin i did it i did it the best assassin in the business she didn't even see it coming how did you do it to her oh i did it to her real good i saw her in the throne room and i snuck up on top i actually stalked her for five minutes she's dead oh does she wow she doesn't suspect anything does she not a thing she has no idea what just happened oh it's so good oh good well here's your reward oh thank you so much i'm gonna kill so many people for you this is just the one of many you just watched oh yes i hope to have one of each member oh don't you worry i don't care if they're alliance or not they're getting murdered by me very good well go off my assassin thank you so much i'm gonna go kill more people bubbles we're assassins now what a great day this was gonna build a wall now all right be back [Music] [Music] [Music] and there it is the great wall of mifflin has been constructed on the other side of the cod empire now we're totally safe okay and it's actually i did a little bit of sneaky measurements it is actually the main wall it's a half a slab taller take that jimmy that's so fun let's see if he uh expands his i can definitely see maybe a giant aquarium going to build limit at one point but that's fine we'll go ahead and keep building up this tower i even left space on the top so we can keep going up and up and up which is awesome but you know what i gotta do something this wall is still not finished i gotta close the gates that's right we're closing the gates there's no way jimmy can cross right now after we get this last fence post done take that jimmy but i want to do a lot more to this area it's just the beginning i want to build a nice bridge a nice beautiful bridge to cross this river over here i want to detail the bottom even more and add more details even though it's pretty detailed you can see right here we got iron bars there we got a nice little bit of texturing there on the side some bushes and stuff like that but you know what this needs more defense also the sun's going down i'm scared hurry up sasha goes out your walls dangerous out there oh and it's nothing in here yet trust me i'm gonna detail this whole part we're gonna even do some little underground catacomb stuff don't tell anybody maybe we can do some secret uh layer stuff okay whip has a secret layer it's it's more technically an eval layer i'm gonna have my own little layer down here uh maybe we could do something in the ground to make this even cooler but to get up to the top what we're gonna do is go in through here and go up the ladder and yes i still have to detail that but look how cool that is oh it's a little overgrown now don't worry about it but up here on the top i still need the detail even more but you know what we gotta add some lighting down there because that's a very responsible spot for bad guys but i'll take care of that but look at this perfect areas here to shoot down any bad guys coming especially the cod empire but i think we're looking pretty good as far as defense i gotta call on flip in the next episode and see if we can get that firepower that he promised us maybe some exploding crossbows maybe we can even do something down there some little turrets maybe even a giant ballista there to shoot down any dragons to try to pass by is he over there okay no we're safe for now but thank you all so much for watching hopefully you enjoyed this episode we had an action-packed one and also assassin's guild coming soon maybe we could build something for that maybe down in the catacombs but i'm out of here for now thank you so much for watching i'll catch you though on the next episode from empire's smp look at this wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] though [Music] you
Channel: TheMythicalSausage
Views: 288,413
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Keywords: themythicalsausage, mythical sausage, minecraft 1.17 survival, minecraft 1.17 survival lets play, lets play minecraft 1.17 survival, empires smp, empires smp minecraft, minecraft 1.17 empires smp, minecraft 1.17 empiressmp, minecraft empires smp, minecraft empires, minecraft empires 1.17, minecraft 1.17 survival let's play, survival minecraft 1.17, empires smp mythical sausage, minecraft medieval wall, empires smp wall, minecraft castle walls, minecraft gatehouse
Id: O6efvmq57Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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