Empires SMP - Secret Cave Base & Deal with the DEMON!!! - Ep.20 [Minecraft 1.17 Let's Play]

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well hello everybody and welcome back to another episode here from empires smp how is everybody doing and welcome back to mifflin oh horsey what's going on i don't have to get excited oh yes another beautiful day in mifflin but how's everybody doing man we did this awesome assassins guild i mean um tavern inn in the last episode with a secret inside our assassin's guild's blue and great and i foresee we get a couple of customers in here today i have a feeling but thank you all so much for the amazing name suggestions we went with the iron wolf tavern inn oh it's such a good name right i love it and also added this nice little sign on the outside very cool right also i asked you guys for some lore to add to the world and i added so many books scattered around this whole area my favorite one is the one i'm holding right here i'll help bloodsheet by anonymous that's a good lore right there right but we got random books all over the place here's one right here in front of this guy what's up i haven't traded with you in a while oh still one very good discount go to sleep uh but look at this one oh i'm gonna okay i'm gonna flat i'm gonna go real fast through it you guys can pause and read it but look at that bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam ba alicia thank you so much and we got so many i got a bunch more all over the place but keep it coming all right give me all of your lore send it to me right now if anything put like a hashtag lore so i know that's specific and i'll copy and paste it and put it in books scattered all throughout mifflin i even kept some in here uh i gotta bring back uh our librarians in here but i want to make this more of a actual library i put some books and all this uh but here's another one look at this all right here we go yes by charlotte and i also got another one right here look at this there you go gabe oh it's so cool you can pause it and read it as you watch whatever oh what a great day in mythic but thank you all so much for the lore i also asked you guys to give me a bunch of titles and i got a bunch of really good ones for right now i have it here in our storage area but once we build our castle which is coming very soon i have a very very special shrine for it maybe we can build a statue for ourselves but there it is king sausage ruler of mifflin tamer of wolves keeper of iron summoner of beast sorcerer supreme master assassins slayer of god and the one true king oh baby this is epic but don't worry we can continue growing in it over time let me know if there's any other ones that i've missed also guys want to see something awesome i have an assassin's guild box look at the cool things we have in here oh isn't that cool a whole box of murder and anti-death devices perfect right we got invisibility posts we got extra bows spy glasses aside in case we need to ride a steed on the way over we got rosie junior rosie's um baby cousin um because i don't want to sacrifice rosie in case crazy stuff happened but rosie junior is just as good as an assassin as rosie so it's okay we got some weakness arrows some chains i don't know how we're going to use that whatever and we got some sores and other little things is there anything else that i need though to add to the assassin's guild box let me know i think it's pretty good though right it's pretty nice let's put it up here in case we need it we uh we're good to go oh and i got extra invisibility potions at all times night time perfect nope oh god it's fine i'm an assassin you can't stop me who wants some i'm the number one assassin here on the server come and get it that's lag that was lag that wasn't me that was lag is there a witch around here which you don't want any of this witch stop it do you know who you're messing with we're fine a train disaster knows when to run away let me see if i can get some levels or something here inside a training hall uh i'm fine wait what was that going what was that again i have no idea what you just said [Music] oh yes yes yes i want to be your friend demon listen we were talking the other night okay if whip was there everything was cool he's a little scared i'm not i think you're cool i think you and me we could become best friends [Music] you want some meat oh hold on a minute here you go [Music] dragon oh you want me to kill the dragon is that it oh there you are i see you come a little closer let me give you a hug oh you're gone now okay you want me to kill the dragon no big deal i got this i i think i know where the dragon is i've seen it once or twice before i can go kill it for you want me to kill it right now okay you do you need like a team do i need to get a team together like the avengers you know go kill thanos and stuff like that have you seen the marvel movies excellent excellent movies i don't know if you have that in the dark dimension oh hi you're cute yo yo what that's a cool face oh you're man you have a big old smile you look like you're happy oh i don't know when it's time oh i can't wait oh i love this this is gonna be fun wait are you gonna do good stuff when you're releasing you're gonna do some bad things either way i'm cool with it can i tell people do you need help do i need to spread the word of the demon oh man okay okay i won't tell a soul don't worry but listen when it all said and done at the end of this i'm your friend okay we're friends right we're cool yes i'm friends with a demon oh this is great okay don't you worry i got you i'll i'll do whatever you want even you're cool with me now don't spook me like that because that was i think i had to change my clothes this this was a white robe now it has a little bit of stains on it oh oh villagers i'll be back oh that was fun oh i'm friends with a demon fresh with a demon this is great now about five minutes later the demon decides to pay the card father a visit and jimmy he freaks out he stops everything he's doing he flies over to my base disregarding whatever walls we had between us and asked me for some help he was just over there dude oh he's kind of cool right right what's going on down there sausage by the way i don't where what are you looking at oh that oh no no big deal that's just a summoning circle that i created um i had to do a little bit of a sacrifice the other day do some magic to bring bubbles and then to bring a wolf army it's no big deal it's pretty cool you've been missing a lot being on the other side of that wall you know yeah yeah i kind of like it over there yeah nothing bad at all down here don't you worry oh it's so nice oh uh just turn around don't rush it don't run [Laughter] yeah good job demon you got it pretty good he's dead now he's pretty dead that's so great david we're doing it ah by the way demon haven't told anybody about our deal haven't told a single song i'm making people think that i'm scared david yes oh our plan is coming together and uh jimmy's cod head is on a zombie oh hi damon how you doing today you got the godfather's head oh oh no hello oh you made it back safely i need food oh here was here take this take my meat it's crazy meat from the bloodstream thank you oh can i eat it is it safe to eat it's safe to say come on down here's your stuff all right right here and then and this is we had a lot of stuff i don't know how you had that have you seen him have you seen him yeah yeah he sees around here somewhere it's kind of talk around here so he's hiding within the shadow so but it's no big deal i'll protect this all right all right let me just yeah just armor up there's a lot of bad guys around here everything's okay i got you i'll protect you i'm i'm good at vanquishing bad guys you know with this the first time we're being buddies here you know perfect you splattered pretty bad after you saw that guy it's fine i did yeah i hit the floor pretty hard didn't i yeah yeah um oh my gosh yeah i hate this game i hate this game i'm messing flip kick me out kick me out of this series kick me out okay i don't care anymore kick me out of this it's okay come here come here i know a good spot for you to hide go downstairs you're not chucking me in the blood no no go underneath underneath this this hidey spot he can't bother you down there he can't bother you down there don't you worry [Music] i don't want to send around don't worry jim it's okay you're safe inside the blood circle everything's fine i don't think he knows who he's dealing with he doesn't no he has no idea where is he i'm gonna take him i'm gonna take him right now [Laughter] i think we log out i think we log out i think we log out i'm going i'm i'm flying away no no give me my wings uh yeah i'm going see ya bye [Laughter] oh poor godfather he has no idea what's coming a lot of you are probably saying right now sausage what are you doing that's a demon you should have trusted but listen i got a bigger plan in the end now if you get close to this demon you become friends with it you're alive yourself with it somewhat not all the way you know i'm not lying to myself all the way with this demon i'm not crazy but i've got a plan not even part of a plan i got a foolproof plan so at the end trust your king lord sausage ruler smith the tamer of wolves etc but for now this theme is okay with me always doesn't kill me first now something that i noticed is that this tavern is actually running pretty low on potions yep we actually have zero potions here and i don't really feel like making any but i know someone who has a bunch the wizard geminate all the horses excited again when i mentioned the wizard oh the beautiful wizard geminate has a bunch of potions back in her apothecary and all she wants to return is a little bit of quartz so you know what i invited her over and see if we could do a little bit of trading uh-huh now let her know what's going on here in this world oh man we're doing some crazy stuff happening you know the best place to go for any gossip is a tavern right oh yeah bloodshed hello come on in come on in come on in the tavern is open for business is it beautiful okay wait where are you i'm uh i'm i'm in a bedroom how did you get up there where wait what kind of magician things are you doing i i uh how do i get back down is my question wait are you even are you in the tavern then oh how did you get up there i found it hello wow so i came the unconventional way oh yeah but it's good to be here hello welcome that is some wizardy stuff that's crazy you scared me for a little bit i thought you were invisible or something um nice uh skin there you're an assassin now what's going on oh yeah come on in part-time assassin part-time bartender part-time as well yeah yeah the only thing we have nothing to drink so that's why i uh i i asked if you could bring some something don't worry perfect you look in there oh oh wow perfect oh wow wow and this and the chocolate box for me too yeah yeah there's diamonds in here oh this is beautiful i don't have much to give you compared to that but you know what i'll i'll bring more this is what i got as far as quartz thank you oh this is going to help me so much with my empire i appreciate it i'm so happy gem oh and um have you heard of the dark spirit uh that's been around it's been around for a little bit for a couple days now have you seen it oh leave it to me to come to the tavern to get some gossip no i didn't know about a dark spirit why is there a dark spirit i don't know i'm collecting clues right now um this is so far what i know me and whip were hanging out the other day in his area and a demon appeared uh and it said release me release me and i was like yo right cool i'll release you just let me know how to do it that you know what i don't think you should you maybe maybe don't you know but it seemed like it needed my help so i was like how do i do it what do you what do i need to say something like a nice demon yeah it sniffed me it said um burn burn burn run but then it started smelling me and it said i smelled nice uh and and it was pretty cool though for with me personally but there's some people not so much but with me it's been all right okay i know yeah that's i'm concerned that's concerning yeah no it's it this is the thing we either release them or we just learn to live with them for all eternity i think if we release them right they could just go about their business they could just get out i don't think they're gonna go about their business though i don't have you talked about have you talked to shovel about this not yet i heard she was the first one that encountered it too okay well she fights this sort of thing so maybe we should uh consult her and like learn some stuff and not release it without any knowledge so don't help it and don't release it without consulting you guys first got it okay yeah yeah oh i'm so glad we're on the same page it's fine i'll see what i can do i see what i can do uh oh and it came to jimmy uh this morning as well i protected jimmy i like let you know right now he came to me even though we're we're kind of at ward with each other he came to me for him yeah he clearly oh he had so many improvements some improvements i helped him i helped him i didn't feed it to the demon i like here when you're doing nice things i like that yeah you see i helped jimmy and everything even though i could have been like you know what demon eat this man he smells like fish but i didn't but you didn't i didn't i helped you okay that's the gossip that i got for today so demon i helped jimmy i saved his life and demon and supposedly he's connected to the dragon somehow i don't know and we'll see what happens yeah suppose he's connected to the dragon if we kill the dragon we kind of release it in a way too yeah okay and one more thing come on come on over if you need anybody killed you come see me right here sausage i have some advice right yeah in the place where you're serving drinks yeah uh presumably alcoholic drinks yeah tavern maybe don't put your knives in the room right next door this is just a temporary spot i'm making a bigger hq all right for my uh my guild um and but this is for just for now you know it's part time yeah but i'm gonna find a more permanent spot uh and i'll take the knife away don't worry um all right yeah i'm pretty cheap worry me i'm pretty cheap pretty cheap if you need anybody kill you let me know i don't need any deaths i don't thank you very cheap no thank you it won't cost you much oh just let me know i don't know little does jem know i'm working for the demon it's pretty cool evil laugh i'm still working on it though you know what gem is great check out all of these awesome posters we have here that we can give out to anybody who comes over here at the tavern actually not give out i'll sell them maybe for some emeralds or something this is pretty good assortment right here very delicious now i think it's officially time that we build ourselves some kind of a secret base a sacred underground base because a lot of crazy stuff is happening on the server one we got a demon going around places i could do some magical spell some concoction to make sure the whole underground is protected also we're an assassin now so a lot of people might not be too happy if i go and murder them okay and on top of that you know the ruler of mifflin should have just a place to hide out just in case of war happens right so i'm thinking an underground secret base is in order and we can kind of tie it into our assassin's guild if anybody else joins the guild we can have a spot for them to hang out down there too oh wait i forgot um to take the pillager um to his post ah you'll be fine there a little bit longer but let's get this started let's build ourselves a lovely underground secret base and i'm not telling you where it is not telling nobody [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and welcome to my secret underground base what do you guys think oh man i love this base right here it is so cool it is so lovely it's so lush that's right even before the lush cage officially launched i made my own lush cave my secret underground lush cave base look how cool but look at this we got little mushrooms just like the ones we have upstairs this is a little smaller version we got a little red one we got the orange one down there we got another little blue one right there we got a nice little creek an underground creek down here at the bottom we have a little proof of proof of smoke uh places uh to hide all over the place i have a lot of secrets in here that i'm not going to share i'm not going to reveal later on but know this this is nothing compared to uh what kind of uh catacomb like structures we're going to be seeing underground here under this area and i'm not going to tell you where it is but check this out look how cool we have a little area over here this is a little meeting area in case anybody our assassins will come down here and we plan strategize and stuff like that also it doubles as a kitchen look how pretty this kitchen is uh and uh oh what is this book i don't remember put ooh i don't remember putting this book down here what does that even mean can somebody go ahead and google dress like this what is this huh okay um oh they they know i'm down here okay i guess we're not that safe but it's okay i haven't started the magical force field yet i'm still in my assassin's robes i gotta go ahead and change and maybe do something later that's fine there's bad guys everywhere though but i'm perfectly safe everything is well linked but look at that we got some drip leaf up there the only thing i didn't add was uh the drip stone uh for one i don't i i like it but i i don't think it looks cool in a lush environment like this maybe we'll have a separate cave with drip stone but look at this this side is our sleeping area over here in case we have any other friends that come down here they can sleep here as well and also we have this guy somebody named this um i'm gonna maybe they're like a butler or something give me some lore for this lovely meat holding dead villager um they could be our butler down here they they could help us out or maybe um a retired assassin that died and came back to life i don't know give me some good lore and a name for this uh lovely um dead villager that's perfect i got them they actually smell right there and they uh they're kind of trapped so they can't get out but check this out we're going down here look at this little spot down here we can do parkour to get to the other side cool i love those uh but yeah we got a little hidden spots here little cages that could go in different locations later on we got another one down there looks like a sewer grate right you can do a little sewer down here oh man so many possibilities what do you want to see down here let me know in the comments what should we add down here in our underground secret base so many good spots but check this out i tried to pack as much detail as i could this took about six hours i think uh to finish uh it's it's not the biggest yo it it's a good it's a good amount of space but it took about six hours but it was a lot of fun look at this this goes down here to a little secret spot there's definitely nothing down there the other side nothing oh hi hi hi hello but we're definitely safe down here nothing bad will ever happen to us underground oh what a good place to hide uh oh and check this out this looks like a little bit of a ruin that goes up to something right it looks pretty cool too no there's a little corruption spreading down there okay this is um this is cool oh look how pretty oh nice this should be all crystals now it's just half crystals have corruption all right good times [Music] oh thank you mighty demon i will be ready oh just speaking a little elvish a few moments ago oh i'm ready jim hi are you okay no i'm not okay oh i'm sorry i was kind of afk a few minutes ago i kind of blacked out i didn't know what was happening i was just hanging out here in the blood circle for a few moments in the blood circle did you cause did you cause any spirit by any chance no no no no no no that's not me i know the spirits around i didn't cause it i was just here just chanting just hanging out you know i'm trying to do some magic over here chanting what exactly i don't know i was reading i was reading from this book um over and over again it's a huge long autobiography of you know elvish times and i just i got lost in the trance no big deal get out of here sausage it's just blank pages no no it's like 50 pages jim watch out everything's fine okay i just gotta just i just gotta throw the book in here i just gotta throw the book in there it's fine we're good oh sausage there there was a demon oh yeah they're pretty nice aren't they they're pretty sweet they were really nice i think so actually it told me to run from my own empire can you come back can't come to my empire with you and tell me that it's safe it's fine let's go yeah i'm good let's go i'll i got you look i protected jimmy i've protected flip i'll protect you too come on let's get out of here you were there for all of the times that the demon was there i wasn't there for the joey and the shovel though that they were the bro oh see i told you he said you're safe everything's fine is that what he said that's cool demon everything's okay yeah it's fine don't worry about it jim i'm worrying about it no i'll protect you don't it's it's not a big deal it's just a demon you know you know some people think the word demon is it's evil it's not it's not it's just whatever uh-huh it's no big deal i think it's a big deal no it's daytime every day they can't hurt you okay they can't hurt you yep are you don't challenge it maybe maybe don't tell it what it can and can't do i feel like demons don't generally like that you know demon you're not gonna come on you're not gonna do nothing david david's like i don't know that's fine let's go we're okay you're a wizard jim you're the more post-powerful wizard there is here on empires you'll be fine uh well yeah i did put in an order for my weapon but it's not here yet so in the meantime i'm worried when you get so scared for it there's nothing new don't you think it's a little suspicious that you've been online for all of these times the demon has been here and you've been the one that people go to for safety like isn't that seem a little bit sus what do you mean jim it's not my fault i'm just i'm just here to help whenever anything bad happens blood sheep and the summoning circle and and the wizardy magic where you're actually not doing any magic you're just kind of sucking the magic from me and shovel is it's a little you know jim still people do wizardry things differently it's behind you where i don't see it where is it at it's not here we can't go in there hey we just i've just now decided that we can't go in there okay i don't know we can go somewhere else okay you have a safer place like maybe do you have a castle oh it's not built yet oh yeah yeah come with me we're gonna go where bubbles at bubbles is protector all right bobbleson yeah yeah yeah we got the castle le chateau le bobels come with me but listen everything's fine it's just a coincidence that i happen to be around every single time just the coincidence you know sausage i don't think there's any such thing as a coincidence what are you talking about listen this thing came way before me a lot of people are just like sausage you've been doing some weird magic around here you'll be doing summoning circles you've been bringing in what i'm saying people people been talking but this thing showed up before i did any of that bubbles come here girl everything's fine that's my girl oh i didn't like that it said it saw us um bubbles she's got this bubble's got this come on girl everything's fine take care of this demon bubbles it's fine okay that's when i'm gonna go come on come on bubbles it's not fine it's not fine this is not fine how could you say this is fine i kind of yeah it's not fine it's okay where can we go wait can we go maybe crystals will scare it off can we go get my crystals we're never leaving this place jim we're never leaving this place um come with me come with me okay come this way come this way come this way come around over here oh yeah yeah yeah okay um oh my dogs are freaking out jim come upstairs oh no i can't keep up i can't go up sausage i can't go up this is it's a force field try try do you try go up i did but sausage you built this place um oh god it's a big face there was a face we're breaking we're breaking your castle no no um it's kind of changed colors from the last time that i was here um and changed colors what color was it it was like a bright red and now it's kind of bluish um i don't that means anything um everything means something there's no such thing as coincidence definitely means something do you think it's getting more powerful well it's showing up in the daytime now it wasn't showing up at the daytime last time it was pretty much just nighttime in the daytime it would just disappear so it's kind of changing a little bit it's okay though we're fine we're gonna be just fine so it is getting more powerful then i guess but you know if it can come out in the daytime and before it couldn't yeah now demon are you getting more powerful yeah i think it's gonna be no i'm not opening i'm not i'm not gonna close the door no no oh no thank you oh man maybe we should stop locking ourselves in rooms yeah i kind of thought this would have been the safest spot one did i just say one where is it singing one way or another that's a song i want my crystals we need my crystals we're going to my empire come on okay hey hi i brought gifts of uh to protect us from hold on hang on um no it's no big deal i kind of went um i kind of went into another another realm just to protect myself just for a moment i got this new power i've been working on it's fine it's all you got to do to round this in the blood of our enemies there we go yeah perfect oh hold on we're going to complete the circle there it is okay i think you can't get in here you think it cannot get inside this is a good circle okay perfect um hold on i think i need let me i'll bring you something i mean we gotta do one more thing hold on i'll be right back all right here we go we got a blood sheep i had one in the area yeah perfect all right and all we got to do is put the blood sheep in the center do a little spin like this a couple times and then okay there we go all right okay all right everything's good just let that float there once it despawns then we know for sure it is never coming back never this is the this is the cure for the demon yeah this is pretty much what is gonna uh happen now uh once this disappears the demon will be gone oh no you picked it up jim you picked up the bloodshed my bed my bad my bad do you think that it's scared of dragons we could try it i think it really likes dragons actually demon do you like dragons demon wants to be released maybe we can ask the demon questions yeah we can do a q a with a demon let's sit down yeah and then we'll be able to figure out we'll be able to learn more about it yeah come on demon give us a q a put that away okay let's ask what what do we need to ask um demon demon nice to meet you uh where did you come from far away right noted right noted uh how far oh no see i knew i see i told you it wasn't me ask shovel about demon will do noted okay um why did you change color i'm getting stronger oh you are getting stronger all right jim you know you knew so much even before you even asked that question yeah yeah i'm smart i tell you so sometimes this wizard brain getting stronger i'm making magical music while you ask questions perfect uh sausage do you have any questions oh yeah david damon um what is the best way to unleash you onto this world so you could be comfortable don't answer that one don't answer that one don't answer that one that's a good question i hated that it's beautiful music oh there it is rip f in the chat f's f's for lizzy what else can we ask it wait um what are you afraid of do you are you afraid of anything do you think it will tell us its weaknesses what are you afraid of might make a mistake i don't want to answer that no no don't ask yeah what is okay what is the wizard geminite most afraid of no don't even think about it don't think about it i'm not gonna tell i'm not gonna tell my weakness too because i don't have any i really don't have them you don't have anything zero um better not do nothing to bubbles oh oh you're fine you're safe everything's okay did it even pass by over here okay nah i i didn't believe him for a second you know what kind of friends he wouldn't hurt you would he would he now he wouldn't hurt bubba look how pretty bubbles is plus he doesn't know bubbles has magical properties too the demon can't mess with you i think so i know so oh man look at this demon gotta fix your castle bubbles locking us in being gem like that that's crazy talk man it's okay bubble everything's gonna be all right i got your girl oh you probably got me bubbles probably saved me in the end ain't that right girl we're fine but just to be on the safe side i think i need to up my magic game over here so with the help of the blood sheep very very soon maybe even the next episode oh blood sheep that's right in this very spot we're gonna be constructing the church of the blood sheep i think with that we're going to up our magical game even more just in case if that demon wants to mess with me and mess with bubble i don't think so i think that was just a little trick just to let gem know that now you know we're not in the same side so you know if anything demon i got you but just in case church of the bloodsheet this is going to help us become even more powerful all right i'm out of here for now thank you for watching i'll catch you guys on the next episode from empires [Music] you
Channel: TheMythicalSausage
Views: 206,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: themythicalsausage, minecraft 1.17 survival, minecraft 1.17 survival lets play, empires smp, empires smp minecraft, empires smp mythical sausage, minecraft 1.17 empires smp, minecraft 1.17 empiressmp, minecraft empires smp, minecraft empires, minecraft empires 1.17, minecraft 1.17 survival let's play, empiressmp minecraft, empires smp Minecraft 1.17, Minecraft 1.17 EmpiresSMP, minecraft underground cave base, minecraft cave base, minecraft 1.17 cave base, minecraft secret base
Id: 3LCix7yWKsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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