Emotional Stability | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meyer get your YouTube exclusive offer today go to joycemeyer.org YT offer this exclusive offer is only available for a limited time this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries you know as long as our circumstances control us we might as well say that the devil's in charge of our life because he can mess around with our circumstances he knows just how to push your buttons and which ones to push at what time I'll tell you a little secret I'm Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt [Music] well thank you for joining me today on Enjoying Everyday Life you know what it just wouldn't have been the same if you wouldn't have joined me I believe that you'll help me preach better today so you pray for me while I bring you the word and I've already prayed for you that you'll receive it and that it'll help you in your everyday life today I want to talk about something that we all need and that is emotional stability wow I tell you I was so emotionally unstable 55 years ago when Dave and I got married because I'd been sexually abused by my dad and really mistreated in my childhood and never had a really good example and I remember Dave saying after I did have some positive change in my life he said I remember when I used to drive home at night thinking well I wonder what she'll be like tonight you know that's pretty sad to have to live with somebody like that but I was that way because my circumstances dictated how I felt and what I did now you know the Bible says in Romans 8 29 that we are predestined predestined by God to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ so that basically means that we're all to grow spiritually and keep growing until we become like Jesus and of course that's going to take a lifetime plus none of us will have arrived even when Jesus comes to get us but we should always be making progress so Colossians 1 28 and 29 says he is the one we Proclaim admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom so that we may listen to this present everyone fully mature in Christ now Paul said the Apostle Paul said that was his goal to keep working with people until he could present every one of them fully mature in Christ and if you listen to me Teach very much you know that a good portion of my teaching is about spiritual maturity it's about growing up in God and not just remaining a baby Christian it's about really living the life not just going to church on Sunday and thinking that's all that's required but actually hearing the word and then doing what we hear Paul said to this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully Works in me so he said I really work at this I strained myself to work with you and to help you mature in Christ are you growing in your relationship with God are you growing and improving all the time in Behavior are you growing in the area of not letting your circumstances dictate how you feel and what you do can you say now that you've made a little improvement from the way you were last year God is not the least bit upset if we haven't arrived but he does want us to be making progress emotions are said to be the believer's number one enemy and we all have them probably more than anything people tell us how they feel I feel I feel I feel I don't feel I don't feel and you know we really just cannot live by our feelings and ever be spiritually mature emotions tell us how we feel but they don't tell us the truth emotions are ever changing and usually without any notice I call them fickle feelings you can go to bed feeling one way and wake up the next day feeling a totally different way they change daily or sometimes even hourly I told somebody this week I said our bodies are so interesting like this is a Thursday that I'm here doing this but on Tuesday I get up and I just felt really good all day and Wednesday I got up and for some reason I just never could get with it that day I was just like I really couldn't get fully awake or just I just I didn't feel sick but I just didn't feel right and this morning I woke up and I felt fine again and so it's hard sometimes to figure those things out but there are some things that we can learn we may see something and feel like we want to buy it but truth is we probably can't afford it and another truth is we probably don't even need it have you ever emotionally bought something and then two days later think why did I buy that or I wish I wouldn't have bought that and it's really bad if you buy something and agree to make payments on it for five years and you didn't even take time to think it over we need to I always say let emotions subside and then decide and I'll tell you a little story that I tell once in a while that helps make this point several years ago like probably by now 35 years ago we didn't have very much money and I had worked and saved to the point where I had 275 dollars saved and that was like a fortune to me back then and um I wanted a good watch if I wore a watch that was not a good medal it would turn my arm green and so I wanted to get something that was good and so we were out at the mall one day and I really didn't go intending to buy my watch I didn't think I had enough money for it but we went in this jewelry store and there was a really pretty watch there you know they can make something pretty but that still doesn't mean it's really a good quality it was really pretty and it had some rhinestones on it and they were sparkly and shiny and and it was gold-plated which that played in can wear off you know and I tried it on really liked it and you know sales people that are really good at it they know how to help your feelings want something more and more so he said I'll tell you what if you'll buy this today that's always the way it is you got to do it right now if you'll buy this today I'll give you ten percent off but that's only good for today well I was so tempted to just buy that watch but it would have taken all the money that I had well let's say it was 259 or whatever so with tax it was taking all my money but I'm I'm learning and already preaching some things on the emotional stability by then and so I was already saying let emotions subside and then decide so I said I'll tell you what I'm gonna I'm gonna think about it for just a little bit and then if I want it I'll come back so I went out in the mall and started walking down the mall and I was thinking about do I really want to spend my money on that I just wasn't sure and walked by a store and there was a suit in the window I remember it was a purple suit and it was trimmed in Black and it was a suit that it it cinched in at the waist and then had this little ruffle thing and I just really really liked it and then Dave didn't help because he said oh that's really pretty that would look good on you you need to get that and so come on he says let's try it on so I went in and I tried it on sure enough it looked really good on me bad thing was they even had it in two colors they had it in red too and I looked good in red and I look good in purple but the suit one of them was going to be take almost all of my money one now I've got a dilemma because I can't buy the suit and the watch so what am I going to do so I said I'll tell you what I'm going to take a walk and I'll decide if I want it I'll come back and I want you to remember this because some of you start needing to take a walk before you buy something or you need to sleep on it it's amazing how we can want something so bad the day we see it but if we just go home and sleep on it the next day we'll think you know that's not really that important to me so I took a walk thinking what do I want to do what I want to do and you know what I ended up thinking you know what more than I want that watch and more than I want that suit I don't want to be broke I wanted to have enough money that if I wanted to take one of my kids to lunch I could or if I saw something smaller I wanted that I could buy it and still have some money left so I just went home didn't buy either one and you know what if you'll obey God he'll bless you a couple of weeks later my husband took money that he had saved and he had saved more than me we both had an allowance then and he bought me the watch and the two suits and I still had my money oh well that's the way to live see I waited and God blessed me I want to encourage you to learn how to wait and to really take time to Search Your Heart and really think about what you want to do what God wants you to do before you just jump off and do something emotional Hebrews 5 12 Paul tells the Christians by this time you ought to be teachers but you still need someone to teach you the very foundational Elementary truths of God's word all over again he said you keep needing to hear the same stuff over and over and over because it's still not working in your life and you know no matter how many times we've heard something unless it's working in our life we need to hear it again he said you need milk not solid food now what do you mean by that well you know a baby has to drink milk for a certain period of time because that's all their system will handle and then you finally start putting them on solid foods usually stuff that's all mashed up at first or baby food and you gradually add more and more solids while the word of God is like that you know I can preach you what I would call milk messages or I call them dessert messages and you'll you'll be happy with those you'll love them you'll receive them I can tell you how much God loves you how how wonderfully God has created you and the gifts that you have and the good plan that God has for your life and everybody's going to love that but if I start teaching on perseverance patience going through things that are hard and not giving up on them giving things away that God tells you to give away that you really don't want to give away now that's another story a lot of times people don't receive those messages they may listen to them but they don't obey them and it's very interesting to me because I can go into a church service and say well today I'm going to repeat I'm going to preach on how to receive your miracle from God and boy everybody will clap and cheer and they'll be so happy but I can say today I'm going to teach on patience oh nobody collapse or dare I say today I'm going to teach on suffering dead quiet in the room you know as a minister of God's word you got to have courage to preach things to people that they really don't want to hear because the feedback you get from them is not going to be very encouraging to you Paul said brothers and sisters I could not address you as people who live by the spirit but as people who are still still worldly mere babies or infants in Christ I gave you milk not solid food because you were not ready for it indeed you are still not ready for it for you are still worldly for there is jealousy and quarreling among you now that's interesting so he's saying as long as we are jealous of one another and we quarrel with one another we're still baby Christians you know why because those things are emotionally driven you hurt my feelings you made me mad so now I'm not going to forgive you I'm not going to talk to you whatever the case might be and we need to learn how to not let what other people do pull us down to their level we need to know what Jesus wants us to do he never changed I mean no matter what the Pharisees accused him of no matter what people accused him of no matter how people treated him he always remained the same and boy that was such a desire in my heart for such a long time I I didn't want my circumstances to control me you know as long as our circumstances control us we might as well say that the devil's in charge of our life because he can mess around with our circumstances he he knows just how to push your buttons and which ones to push at what time and I'll tell you a little secret one of the times where the most vulnerable is when we're really tired of when we don't feel good you're much more likely to behave in an ungodly way during those times and other times so sometimes you need to just go off somewhere and be quiet you know when I get finished with a conference and I've preached three or four times and traveled and I've talked and talked and talked and talked and talked many times I'll just tell Dave I'm probably going to be pretty quiet today because I'm just recovering and he knows that and a lot of times I just want to be by myself and it's it's it's better because then I can just rest and recover and come back to being the person that I should be don't ever make real serious decisions major decisions when your emotions are high or low you see if you feel really great you feel like well I can do anything and if you feel really low you feel like man I don't want to do anything and I've learned even with me it's like when I used to go out of the country and do mission trips two and three four times a year oh we would have these big Crusades in India or Africa and have hundreds of thousands of people there and it was so exciting wow I would be after I would preach to those people and maybe it was the last session and thousands of people had been saved and it was just wonderful I mean right then I'd we'd start home I'd start making plans on coming back I want to come back here and do this and that and something else and my son who handled all that he in the beginning would start making plans and then maybe by the time I got home and I was exhausted I would think no I don't I don't know if I want to do that and so he kind of learned to wait until my emotions calm down before he really found out what I really wanted to do so I want to repeat again don't make major decisions when your emotions are extremely high are when they're low wait till things settle and balance out let me say again learn how to wait before you make major purchases before you make major decisions if you're an impatient person you don't want to wait you don't like to wait I don't like to wait I'm a quick decision maker and it's challenging for me sometimes to wait but boy you'll stay out of trouble if you just learn how to wait and you know I think I'm really talking to some people today that need to hear this because you're right on the verge of making the decision that maybe is not the right decision for you to make or maybe you're about to turn something down that God wants you to say yes to just live a little more carefully and you'll like your life a whole lot better and you know you have to be careful too when you have wounded emotions our emotions can get bruised and they can even I call it bleeding they're not actually bleeding blood but you know your emotions can be wounded and hurt just like your arm or your leg and people have been mistreated you've been abused you've been mistreated you've been cheated on you've been lied to whatever the case might be that's not a good time to make decisions and people with Wounded emotions to be honest don't make very good decisions a lot of times like I've been I've been abused and so I felt like nobody would ever want me and I married the first guy that came along and I knew deep deep deep down that it was a wrong decision but I was so afraid that nobody would ever want me I did it anyway and sure enough it was a five-year nightmare it's just not wise to do things out of fear or or just out of emotions especially if you've been wounded anger self-pity jealousy insecurity guilt and many others were making people and me miserable if you're miserable you're going to make the people around you also miserably how we feel today is often because of something that happened yesterday our last week or last month or even when we were children if you're in a bad mood or you're emotionally upset being easy angered and impatient look at what happened yesterday it might be causing your problem you know I had an incident one time where I wasn't sleeping good and I didn't know why and finally I asked God why am I not sleeping good it's amazing what God will tell you if you just stop and ask him instead of trying to figure it out yourself and immediately I thought of a situation where I had been rude to somebody but I had not repented nor had I apologized to them and as soon as I made the decision that I would apologize to them as soon as it became morning and I repented ask God to forgive me I went right to sleep you know if you have unconfessed sin in your life it's going to bother you if you're a Believer it's going to bother your conscience you're not going to feel good and sometimes if we won't face the truth about what's going on then we blame it on things that's not even really the truth or you know you could be in a bad mood today because you ate too much sugar yesterday I have a daughter that's real sensitive to Sugar she has some low blood sugar issues and if she eats too much sugar it'll make her grouchy or sometimes even more easily angered know yourself and take care of yourself don't just let your feelings ruin your life what was your day yesterday like was it stressful did you sleep good last night did you get bad news or maybe have a big disappointment did you get offended argue with someone or become angry are you holding unforgiveness if you have unresolved issues they will continue poisoning your soul until they are resolved we get pretty good at denying things don't we and the only way they can be resolved is by facing truth and truth is hard to face especially if that truth is something not so nice about us that we don't really want to deal with well I love blaming everything on Dave until God told me it wasn't Dave's fault it was mine and I didn't like that but it was true I was the problem it wasn't him it was me and one of the things I was doing was given Dave the responsibility for my joy and God said it's not his job to make your you happy it's your job to be happy and that's true we give other people responsibilities that are ours and we need to stop it have an honest conversation with god he can help you so much if you'll just have an honest open conversation with him and whatever you do don't hold unforgiveness in your heart because you can never really be a joyful person if you have hatred or unforgiveness in your heart for somebody else one thing's for sure toxic emotions will never be resolved By ignoring them emotions that do the most damage or rage unforgiveness depression that's left untreated anger worry fear guilt and frustration and I wish I had time to teach on every one of them but I don't the Bible says a lot about anger in your anger don't sin don't give the devil any foothold so you may feel angry but you don't have to act on it you know something I've been saying recently that I think is worth hearing today and maybe if this is the only thing you remember about today's teaching if you remember this it'll help you you don't have to feel like doing the right thing in order to do the right thing come on I'm gonna say it again you do not have to feel like doing the right thing in order to do the right thing do you know what Jesus didn't feel like going to the cross but he did he asked God three times if you can remove this cup from me please do so however nevertheless your will be done and not mine and that's what we need to say to God you know today I'm offering you a book for your gift to the ministry of any amount that I think is a great book that will help you it's called authentically uniquely you every one of us is unique we're all different but that's okay God didn't intend for us to all be alike learn how to live free from comparing yourself with other people and living as a people pleaser this really is a good book and I think anybody can benefit from reading this book so why don't you get in touch with us right away and order your copy of authentically uniquely you listen we love you and we mean that when we say that if you need prayer you can call the office and tell them what you need and we'll be happy to pray for you we'd also appreciate it if you'd pray for us and please watch us on a regular basis I just think things are better when you join us have a great day God bless you I had this expectation that I could go into marriage and still be that fiercely independent person and marriage is all about becoming one flesh you know it's all about compromise eventually I said do you not find me attractive and he said he was crying I was crying and he said no I don't join us and see what everybody's talking about at joycemeyer.org talk it out [Music] in a world where mercy and Grace seem to be diminishing how beautiful is it that God allows us to be messengers of his grace and mercy and in the process he lavishes those things on us God is so good to allow us all to carry the light and hope of his word into the hearts of people who were lost broken and searching for answers [Music] he takes all we have to offer and does what only he can the miraculous we hope you'll visit the Joyce Meyer Ministries annual report because in 2022 God used you in remarkable ways and we believe it will encourage you and strengthen your faith you see as a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries you're a catalyst for his grace and mercy to flow [Music] visit joycemeyer.org annual report we hope you enjoyed today's program please contact us or visit joycemeyer.org to share your prayer requests or partner with us in Sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe [Music] this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
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Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyer sermons 2023, joyce meyers 2023, joyce meyer 2023, christian youtuber, Studio teaching, emotionally stable, emotions tell us how to feel, toxic emotions, wait to make major decisions, how to be stable in life
Id: _hA5BvMHagU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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