Overcoming Disappointment | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries no matter how many mistakes you've made no matter what kind of pit you find yourself in right now the answer from God is very simple talk to God about it repent climb back out of the pit make a good decision that's going to override the bad decision skip the guilt trip and go on [Music] I want to talk to you this afternoon about how to overcome disappointment and discouragement you know we all have times in our life when we get disappointed and the answer to being disappointed is to get reappointed we all have times when we're discouraged but the answer is to then find a way to be encouraged just like light always overcomes Darkness positive things always overcome negative things now there's a little place that the devil wants us to live in called the pit anybody know about the pit the pit of depression the pit of discouragement the pit of fear anger whatever it might be well what is a pit it's a sunken place a low place a dark and an unpleasant place I believe self-pity is a pit there's nothing worse than spending a whole day sitting around in a half dark room feeling sorry for yourself it's terrible it's certainly not a place that God wants us to be in and it's certainly not a place that Jesus died for us to live in Joseph's brothers threw him into a pit and he ended up in the palace so he must have found some way to get out of that pit and you may be in a place like that right now maybe some of you watching by television you think you accidentally turned this program on just flipping through the channels and you're sitting in a pit of depression or fear or anger and it's no accident that you've joined us God is going to show you through his word how you can get out of that pit now we pray for God to get us out of places we don't want to be in but to be honest it's not all about prayer I've found out many times when we pray and ask God to do something for us he shows us what we need to do I must say that again just to make sure you got it a lot of times when we ask God to do something for us instead of just magically doing it for us he shows us what we need to do to change that thing in our life now there's a difference in works of the Flesh and the works of God the Bible clearly and over and over tells us not to get into works of the flesh and works of the flesh is our energy our idea of how we can make something happen and we've left God out of it works of the flesh we want to avoid but the works of God we want to do and the works of God are doing what God has shown you to do doing what God has directed you to do whether he's directed you from his word or rather he's given you what we would term a Rhema word which is not necessarily a written word but it's a word God speaks to your heart that agrees with the spirit of the rest of the Bible there are countless people that pray for healing day in and day out probably as much as anything we get prayer requests for God to heal people and God is our healer Jesus is our healer there's no doubt about that but we need to also make sure that we're not abusing our own bodies at the same time that we're asking God to do miracles in our life you might pray for a healing and God might show you that you need more sleep I'll go slow it's all right you might pray for a healing and God may be simultaneously telling you that you desperately need to get some of the stress out of your life that you need to slow down that you need to not spend every day multitasking trying to do five and six things at one time you may need healing in your life and maybe God wants to deal with the anger that you've carried around for years and years and years or maybe you feel bad and what you really need is exercise now don't worry I'm not going to camp on top of this particular point but I just want to make the point that we need to grow up enough to realize that we can't just keep asking God to do everything for us we can't ask him to Deliver Us from the problem that we keep feeding is that a good way to say it let's let's stop asking God to Deliver Us from a problem that we keep feeding day in and day out so it's very important that we realize that sometimes if you're in a pit of some kind how many of you know what I'm talking about when I say a pit it's kind of a broad term but I you know I mean even the final resting place of hell is called a pit so we certainly don't want to end up there but I don't want to live in one all the way up until my time here on Earth is up and sometimes the simple answer on how to get out of the pit is just to climb out get up and climb out now do your thoughts ever drop into the pit I was enjoying my morning walk recently which I do pretty much every day unless I'm traveling and a very negative judgmental and critical thought entered my mind about somebody that I know that has some annoying habits now I don't know if that ever happens to you but it's interesting to me how you can just be going about minding your own business and all of a sudden your head is full of this junky stuff that you don't even really understand why you're thinking about it but there it is well if we understand the Bible we know that the mind is the battlefield it's the place where Satan tries to take us captive if he can take our thoughts captive then he can usually end up ruling in our lives because as a man thinks so is he it's impossible to think bad thoughts about somebody all day and then get around them and treat them right it just won't happen so to walk in love we have to think Loving Thoughts to have a positive life we have to think positive thoughts so this battle of the Mind this girding up the loins of our mind as Peter said this is something that we have to be diligent about doing on a regular basis and you'll find sometimes that your thoughts are just going in the totally wrong direction well second Corinthians 10 gives us a responsibility cast those thoughts down casting down imaginations and reasonings and theories and every proud and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive Under The Obedience of Jesus Christ well this is not something that God says he'll do for us this is something he says that we have to do what he does for us is he causes us to recognize that our thoughts are going in the wrong direction the holy spirit is in our life to help us recognize that we're kind of getting off the path we need to stay on the Narrow Path but sometimes we drift off on to the broad path you can skip the guilt trip you don't have to feel condemned you just simply climb out of the pit if you find yourself in it you get back on the Narrow Path if you find that you've drifted over to the broad path and I want to say again you can skip the guilt trip you can skip the guilt trip because just because you're tempted to do the wrong thing that doesn't mean that you sin temptation is not sin the real problem comes in when we recognize that we're doing wrong and we don't care and we just keep doing it anyway but if you're working with the Holy Spirit to do the right thing a smart person an intelligent Christian will pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their life on a daily basis all day long not the condemnation of the devil but the conviction of the Holy Spirit one is beautiful the other one is absolutely terrible there's nothing better than the Holy Spirit saying he's not loud doesn't scream it's just like zip it okay so I'm having this walk and I recognized that I was having these thoughts that weren't good well I kept walking and another one followed right behind the first one and finally about seven in a row and I thought I have allowed my thoughts to fall into the pit I told myself where thoughts were wrong and I climbed out of the pit in other words I changed my mind and started thinking about something else a few minutes later I started to climb right back into the pit but this time I only descended about halfway down before I climbed out this continued a few more times and finally I didn't fall into the pit any longer now you got to realize that just because you catch yourself going in the wrong direction once doesn't mean the enemy is going to leave you alone the rest of the day sometimes you've got to listen I'm going to say fight the good fight of faith amen sometimes you got to cast down and it comes back and you cast down and it comes back come on some of you that are fishermen I mean you'll cast out you don't catch anything you reel it back in you cast out you keep it up until you catch what you want you'll sit there with that all day long okay my husband plays a lot of golf and I he he hits a lot of bad balls but that doesn't keep him from going back out and hitting again and again and again and again so there's some things that we know how to do again and again and again but then there's other things that we give up on too easily and I could have called this message today do it again but I didn't however that is what we're going to talk about there's one person that the devil cannot defeat and that's somebody who refuses to give up I said that's somebody who refuses to give up and no matter how many times [Applause] he dumps a bad thought in your mind you dump it out and go back in the wrong direction every time you find yourself in a pit skip the guilt trip climb out I got to keep saying skip the guilt trip because if you make a mistake one time and you realize it and now you start feeling guilty it's going to weaken you and help you fall right back into the same trap again guilt does nothing good for us at all repent go on about your business Paul said one thing I do one thing I do the great Apostle Paul one thing I do it is my one aspiration letting go of the things that are behind and pressing toward the things that are ahead and that is your privilege today whether you're in this building or watching my TV no matter how many mistakes you've made no matter what kind of pit you find yourself in right now the answer from God is very simple talk to God about it repent climb back out of the pit make a good decision that's going to override the bad decision skip the guilt trip and go on if you fall in again do it again if you fall in again do it again if you fall in again do it again and no matter how many times it takes you will wear the devil out if you don't give up you know I honestly don't I mean I Am A Gifted communicator but I don't have any really outstanding mental capacity or any great phenomenal abilities but I tell you what I do have I've got a lot of common sense and I am bullheaded I do not give up easy come on that's really all you need I mean you can have 15 degrees behind your name but if you're wimpy and you give up easy you'll never amount to anything you may look like you're a brilliant important person but it's really all in the fruit what kind of fruit are you bearing in your life it's really kind of interesting to me sometimes people that have a lot of well I guess religious education you know been through a lot of seminaries and they can read Greek and Hebrew and you know and I think that's great I'm not putting that down at all uh my brain can't handle all that uh but sometimes people like that not all but sometimes people like that will judge people like me who just simply feel like God called him an anointed him so they get up and do it and they're like well who do you think you are and what gives you the right and they look for every little mistake and every little flaw so they can judge and criticize but you know what I read in the Bible you will know them by their fruit you will know them by their fruit so a lot of times the people that are judging you they don't have as much good fruit in their life as you do amen so don't like what people think of you hinder you from being all that God wants you to be anytime you fall into a pit of sin Disobedience negativity failure discouragement or anything else that's dark and gloomy and not in the will of God the very simple answer is climb back out and Skip The Guilt Trip can anybody remember this today when you go home how's it going to affect you if you go home after being at this wonderful word filled seminar all weekend and listening to the amazing praise and worship of Jesus Culture hearing all the exhortations and hearing the sermons and I mean you go home you've bought the book you've got the CD you've got the T-shirt I mean you bought a Joyce Meyer pen you bought a Joyce Meyer notebook I mean you are ready to be the epitome of perfection when you go home and what happens if tonight before you go to bed somebody makes you mad and before you know it you have just like wow well how many of you know what I mean and then you think I don't I don't am I even saved Edition how could I go to something like that and then two hours later act like this well you know because the devil never lets up and the Bible says that when the seed is sown this is a mark IV that the Devil comes immediately to steal the seed that was sown so I I don't I don't want to be negative and I don't want to sound like I'm giving you bad news but you can pretty much figure on being attacked in some way come on don't look at me like that sometime in the next I don't know 24 to 48 hours because if there's anything the devil does not want you to do he does not want you to go home and actually maybe go over the things you learned here or meditate on them at all or follow through with any decisions that you made while you were here so what he does is he tries to drag you right off track and get you feeling bad about yourself so you just think the whole thing did you no good and you can just climb right back in the pit that we worked all weekend to get you out of come on help me am I not right so here's what I'm telling you no matter what if you find yourself right back in a pit again remember climb out and Skip The Guilt Trip climb out and Skip The Guilt Trip turn to somebody next to you and say climb out and Skip The Guilt Trip all right now we're going to talk about some specific people in the Bible who really overcame great failures and just went on to do amazing things and I hope to show you through this that God is not as put off by our mistakes as we are sometimes you know why because he already knows every mistake we're going to make before he ever calls us into relationship with him God is not surprised by you not one iota all right how about just flat out failing at something God gave you to do let's talk about Moses like every great man or woman of God or every man or woman of God we can skip the word great we all have weaknesses and sometimes there's even one area that might be just like our thing it's like our Thorn In the Flesh well for Moses it was anger Moses was a great man of God but he had a temper and that temper got him in trouble more than once actually it ended up being the reason why he was not allowed by God to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land he would let his emotions get wild sometimes and do things that he shouldn't have done so in Exodus 32 beginning at verse 15 it said Moses turned and went down from the mountain with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand tablets that were written on both sides and they were written on one side and on the other and the tablets were the work of God and the writing was where God had engraved the Ten Commandments on those tablets now he was there 40 days and 40 nights and I just I don't there's not much said about what happened while he was there other than he came back with those tablets and I frankly would imagine that it was too amazing to even find words to put to to write down where any of us could even under stand you know even Paul had different visions and he said he was taken up into the third heavens and he didn't even bother trying to explain it because some things have happened between you and God you cannot explain to anybody else and so you know a lot of times people will say to me well what happened when God called you well it's not really even something you can explain to anybody you just know you just know that you know that you know and the bad thing about trying to explain all of our experiences to somebody else is and they try to have that same experience and all I can tell is if God wants to say something to you he will make himself known so stop looking for somebody else's experience and just expect God to meet you where you're at and do what needs to be done in your life so I don't know what happened up there with Moses the Bible doesn't tell us so it's obviously none of our business all we know is that he came down with two tablets of stone and they actually weren't very big they were written on front and back and they had been engraved with God's own hand now man that must have been a holy amazing undescribable experience well when he got part of the way down the mountain far enough down that he had met up with Joshua again because some people started out with him but when they got so far up then only Moses was allowed to go all the way up and so Joshua heard the noise of the people that were supposed to be waiting in the camp and they didn't recognize what it was is it a sound of battle is it a sound of Victory and Moses said I hear singing verse 19 as soon as he approached the camp and he saw the calf the golden calf they had made and began to worship why because they got tired of waiting there's such a test to waiting isn't there and just making sure that we're still waiting on God and we don't start doing our own thing instead of waiting on God and Moses says anger burned his weakness flared up and he threw the tablets from his hand and he smashed them at the foot of the mountain so here are these tablets that God wrote on with his own hand in a fit of anger Moses dashed them to the ground and broke them wow well could God ever trust him again could God ever use him again but in Exodus 34 1 the Lord said to Moses cut two tablets of stone like the first ones and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you smashed when you learned of Israel's idolatry so he now had to go back up the mountain another 40 days and 40 nights and let's just imagine let's use our holy imaginations let's just imagine how Moses may have felt when he started back up that mountain and he had to walk past the broken pieces of his first mistake it could have actually discouraged him to the point where he would have never actually made the second trip listen you got to be careful if you're discouraged right now about your past failures it doesn't mean that God's finished with you and it doesn't mean that you can't begin again it doesn't mean you can't start over but you got to skip the guilt trip you can't just keep staring at the broken pieces of your past because if you look at it too long and you talk about it too much you'll never go back up the mountain again and meet with God [Music] whenever we trust God and believe what his word says about us more than our circumstances will make progress little by little step by step each day only then can we overcome discouragement and begin living in God's perfect peace today's offer includes two audio teachings a booklet and scripture cards which provide practical biblical steps to staying on the road to healthy emotions and overcoming discouragement one step at a time and you'll also receive the new be joyful devotional a 50-day guide to help you experience joy-filled living each day of your life step by step overcoming discouragement and the be joyful devotional are available to order for your gift of 35 or more contact us right now visit online at joycemeyer.org or call 1-800-727-967 God's manual to help us navigate life but life often gets in the way of knowing the Bible finding the time knowing where to begin and discovering what this all means to you we understand and we'd like to help at joycemeyer.org study you'll find free resources to help you get more out of the Bible whether you're a new Christian or have been walking with Christ for years so jump in today the word it's free it's mobile and it's tailored for you at joycemeyer.org no matter the danger no matter the hour speaking God's word is your superpower filled with captivating stories and fun illustrations the incredible power of God's word is the perfect way to introduce your kids to the big beautiful word of God perfect for ages 6 to 10. this new book presents scripture in words they can understand grab a copy for all the kiddos in your life now available wherever books are sold get it online at joycemeyer.org we hope you enjoyed today's program for more information visit joycemeyer.org this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries [Music]
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
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Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyer sermons 2022, joyce meyers 2022, joyce meyer 2022, christian youtuber, help for discouragement, works of the flesh, spirit-led life, mind renewal, take every thought captive, overcoming dissapointment
Id: UFL58z4T33U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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