Living Carefully | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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for you created my innermost parts buried beneath years of pretending and fear how precious are your thoughts for me oh God lies a beautiful creation just waiting to be revealed I will give thanks to you because I am wonderfully made it's time to discover how to be real how to be loved how to be authentically uniquely you today we are offering authentically uniquely you for your donation of any amount and contact us now at or call toll-free 1-800-709-2895 this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries I'm Joyce Meyer and I believe you everywhere you hurt [Music] well thank you for joining me today on Enjoying Everyday Life I do pray that you'll enjoy the program and that it will help you live a life that is more pleasing to Jesus today I want to talk to you about being careful how you live now what do I mean by that well you know we can't just live any way we feel like living and act any way we feel like acting and we have to realize that we have an enemy the devil and he is always after us trying to deceive Us in some way shape or form so we need to be careful for example the Bible says be careful that you are not deceived in the last days there is going to be great deception and we believe that we're living in the last days and probably the last of the last days and so something that is good to pray about every day is God help me not to be deceived deception is really dangerous because when you're deceived you don't know you're deceived and to be deceived means to believe a lie Satan is a liar and the father of lies and so he lies to us he may tell you when you have a problem that you know you did something wrong and that's why you have this problem and you need to be able to say you're a liar or he may say well you you have so many problems God probably doesn't love you well you need to know the word well enough to be able to say you are a liar God loves me unconditionally and there's never a moment in my life when he doesn't love me so Ephesians 5 15 says be very careful then how you live not as the unwise but as wise now see I guess I could give you some fancy definition for wisdom but I like to define wisdom as doing now what you'll be satisfied with later wisdom means making right choices and God gives us choice we're not robots we can choose to do the right thing but we can also choose to do the wrong thing and if we do the right thing then we're going to like the results we get in our life but if we do the wrong thing we are not going to like the results that we get in our life decisions that you and I make today will affect tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that so let's think about a few things what is your lifestyle is your lifestyle one that would say I'm a Christian who loves Jesus or do you just go to church on Sunday and then live like the rest of the world all week what are your habits are you in the habit of disciplining yourself do you have good habits do you have a habit of gossiping do you have a habit of telling other people's secrets well those are things that the Bible tells us not to do we need to actually pay attention to what we do and not just get up and do everything we feel like and everything that we think is okay and everything we want to do we need to live according to the word of God to read the word James says and not do it we're deceiving our own selves doing things that are contrary to the truth do you have a purpose in your life do you know why you get out of bed every day like my son is in charge of our missions and he says this is why I get up every day well I know what I'm called to do and I get up every day to serve God in whatever way that he wants me to serve him now I do other things I don't just sit around and do religious things all day but that is my purpose my purpose is to serve God what is your purpose is it to help people is it to make money is it to have a great reputation is it to serve God in whatever way you can serve God do you have a plan for your life and if your plan turns out not to agree with God's plan are you willing to let go of that plan and go with God I think we should all have plans but we need to make sure if God wants to interrupt them that we're willing to let go of them and I love this question are you leaving a legacy you know do you want to just when you're gone nobody misses you or nobody knows you're here or do you want to leave something that has impacted the earth now I'm called to minister the word of God so one of the things that I want to leave as a legacy is and I had this goal 40 years ago I said Lord I want to leave at least 100 good quality books that I've written about the word that people can be reading a long time after I'm gone well thankfully I'm way past 100 books now but that's part of my legacy and we're working to make sure that when I am gone that the ministry can go on perhaps it'll become a missions Ministry then or whatever but I don't want the work that I've done to just stop and be nothing after that my kids want to continue to help God my grandchildren want to continue to help God and work for God are you accomplishing anything you know time is so precious I think about time and it is really absolutely amazing how fast time goes by now I know if you're 20 you don't think you'll ever be 60 or 70 or 80 but trust me you will be and you'll be surprised when you get there and you'll think my life has gone by so fast well the time to make sure that your life is worth something is now while you're living it don't get to 80 years old and then look back with regrets and say I wish I would if I wish I would if I wish I wouldn't have but make the right decisions and the right things now so live carefully I think it's a good occasionally to take an inventory of your life I like at the end of every year I like to sit and look through my calendar and look at what I did the whole year what what did I accomplish well sometimes I look and I think my gosh I am so surprised that I did that many meetings that I got to teach that many times are you know you you can tell how you're living by life your life by what you spend your time doing what you spend your time doing is what is important to you and believe me if something is important enough to you you will find the time to do it for example my husband has been working out with weights since he was like 16 years old so 65 years whatever he's been working out with weights and so Humanity looks great he still wears the same size clothes that he did when we got married he just looks awesome well people can look at him and say well then I wish I looked that good well he didn't get it wishing he got it doing the right thing when he needed to do the right thing well I didn't start working out until I was 62 because all I did prior to that was make excuses and the excuse I usually made was I just don't have time with all the teaching I'm doing the books I'm writing and traveling I'm doing I just don't have time but I really felt one day after looking at myself in the mirror you better start doing something now and God actually spoke to my heart and said you're not going to be strong enough for the last 30 years third of your journey if you don't start getting some exercise and so I thought well doing something's better than doing nothing always remember that doing something is better than doing nothing so if you think well I can't do anything you can always do something so you start with a little something and you'll find that little something that will grow so I thought okay I'm going to go to a trainer so I do it right because one of my excuses was I'd always try to exercise and I'd hurt myself and so I thought I'm gonna get a trainer I'm gonna do it right but I didn't want to have to go to the trainer all the time I wanted them to give me a program let me go home and do it you know for two or three months when I had time then come back and get a new program that was something this particular gym did well after doing it for a couple months I started seeing such good results that I wanted to do it more and so long story short I ended up having a trainer three times a week help me with my workout and now I have been working out for almost 18 years well I see the results if you make right choices you will see right results carefully Define means with watchful attention to supervise let me ask you a question can you supervise yourself or do you have to have somebody else stand over you and tell you the right thing to do all the time it means to be responsible for to be careful about are you careful about your words are you careful about your thoughts you know there was a lot of time in my life when I just said whatever I wanted to say I didn't think about the weight of my words because nobody had taught me that the power of life and death is in the tongue but now I'm more careful about what I say and if I say wrong things I'm convicted by the Holy Spirit and I feel that conviction and I can repent and ask God to help me say better things be careful that no one misleads you the Bible says in Matthew 20 24 4. watch out that no one deceives you wow deception is so great in the Earth today and social media has really caused a lot of it if you believe everything that you read online you are going to be in serious trouble I did something silly a few weeks ago I decided to look myself up and I found something on the internet that said all of Joyce Meyer's clothes come from Gucci well I don't even have a pair of Gucci sunglasses not that there would be anything wrong with it if I did and I don't not have Gucci because I think it's a bad line of clothes or something it's just not what I want I have I wear other things but the point is is because they are a little expensive somebody was trying to make me look bad they were trying to make me look like that I just spent all this money on my clothes well it was just an outright lie but you know most people who read that will believe it please be careful that you don't just believe everything that you read online especially if it's something about other people and whatever you do don't spread it because what happens a lot of times is people read something they believe and then they tell it to somebody else and before you know it there's a rumor started about somebody that's just not even true the Bible says that we're to be careful who we associate with so let me ask you a question who do you spend your time with what kind of people are they what kind of influence are they having on your life the Bible says don't associate with anybody who talks to Freedom that really means talks too much and you know it's really true if if you're if you're around a person who just talks and talks and talks and talks and talks they are going to end up saying things they shouldn't be saying they're going to tell things they shouldn't be telling because when you just talk and talk and talk you just eventually forget what you're saying and you end up just talking to me talking Proverbs 2019 says he who goes about as a tale Bearer reveals secrets therefore associate not with him who talks too freely let me tell you something if somebody talks to you about somebody else they're going to talk about you to other people don't make friendships with those who are given to anger Proverbs 22 24 says don't make friends with a hot tempered person don't associate with people that are easily angered well why is it important who you associate with because whoever you're around can have an influence on you like a Believer should not spend an excessive amount of time with unbelievers now that doesn't mean we should ignore them and act like we're better than them I believe that people who believe in Jesus should spend a certain amount of time with people that don't otherwise how are they ever going to be influenced to Believe In Christ but I always say associate with unbelievers as long as you are affecting them and they're not infecting you you got to be sure that you don't become the wrong thing by hanging out with the wrong kind of people the Bible says don't associate with people that are given to change what does that mean people that are always changing their mind about what they're going to do or changing their mind about let's just say that even somebody who is just constantly changing jobs well you know there's a reason for that there's something is not right if somebody can't get a job and stick with it for a period of time don't associate with those who are immoral greedy don't give God first place in their life foul-mouthed slanderous reviling critical negative a drunkard a glutton a swindler or a robber well my goodness let's see what Paul had to say about that First Corinthians 5 9-11 I wrote you in my previous letter not to associate closely and habitually I love that doesn't mean ignore them completely but don't get into real close intimate relationships with those kind of people with unchaste impure people not many of course that you must all together shun the immoral people of the world are the greedy graspers and the cheats and the thieves or the idolaters and I love this since otherwise you would have to get out of the world completely and ignore Human Society altogether well I think that's pretty interesting because it is almost impossible in the world we live in today to even live in the world and never be around anybody that doesn't fit into any of those categories but now I'm writing to you and please listen to this not to associate with anyone who Bears the name of Christian brother if he's known to be guilty of immorality or greed or as an idolater whose soul is devoted to anything that usurps the place of God R is a person with a foul tongue if you know a Believer who gossips about other people if you're smart you'll tell them I really don't want to hear that it's a nice way of correcting them without them feeling like they're being corrected you say I don't want to hurt their feelings well would you rather them poison your soul be bold enough to help people and say you know we really shouldn't be those are not the kind of things we need to talk about let's talk about something positive I mean if I'm with somebody and they start everything is negative negative negative everything in the world you know just fall apart I just I get tired of hearing it after one I just say let's can we talk about something positive I don't want to talk about negative stuff all the time so he's saying it's worse to associate with a Believer Who does these things that it is an unbeliever Who does these things because the believer should know better or if a person has a foul tongue a drunkard a swindler you get the point you know you can catch sickness but you can't catch health think about that if you're around somebody with good health you can't catch their good health just because you're around them but if you're around somebody with the flu you could catch the flu from them if you spend time with them and they breathe on you etc etc well there's a scripture in the Amplified Bible in the book of haggai verses 12 and 13. that I find very interesting it says if one carries in the skirt of His Garment flesh that is Holy so that would be like meat that had been offered to God back in those days because it has been offered and sacrificed to God and with the skirt of the flaps of His Garment touch his bread or wine or oil or any kind of food does what he touch touches become holy so if you touch something holy will that make you holy says no Holiness is not infectious I love this you can't be infected with Holiness you have to choose it you have to live carefully and choose the right thing it's not going to just accidentally jump on you and then he goes to the other side and he said if someone is ceremonially unclean because he's come in contact with a dead body now these are things from the Old Testament if he should touch any article of food shall it be ceremonially unclean and the priest said yes it shall be unclean because unholiness is infectious now I love that because he's saying exactly what I'm trying to say to get across here if if I hang out with people who are holy I'm not going to catch them by hanging out with them but I can see their good choices and that will help me make good choices but if I hang around with people that gossip slander or stingy don't love God if I'm not very careful and you can do it but you have to be careful that you don't begin to start acting like them without even realizing that you're doing it personally I love to hang out with generous people I don't like being around stingy people because I think people that are stingy also have a whole lot of other problems and I don't like hanging out with people that don't keep their word I don't like hanging out with people that are lazy I like to choose friends that are living the way that I want to live because when we spend time with right kind of people it helps us also be the right kind of person so ask yourself Who Your Friends Are and some of you actually could make a major change in your life just by changing some of your relationships and then the Bible says to guard your heart wow guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life well that's true out of the heart the mouth speaks so you want to guard what you listen to what you let come into you that's why it's not wise to listen to gossip or just to listen to a lot of negativity all the time Above All That You guard guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life guard your thoughts pay attention to what you're thinking guard what you watch on TV be careful about what you watch you may think it doesn't have any influence on you but it can I am so glad when I watch television that I know right from wrong because I certain things I immediately know well that's wrong well that's wrong well that's wrong and you only learn that wisdom from the word of God I actually Wonder if something major doesn't happen in the world what is going to happen to the next two or three generations because if they're not being taught what's right then they're really going to believe that evil is good and good is evil Matthew 12 34 says you brood of vipers how can you that are evil say anything good for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of set a guard over my lips O Lord keep a watch over the door of my lips and I pray that God put a guard over my mouth lest I sin against you with my tongue to guard means to protect defend to watch carefully to be cautious and to pay attention are you living carefully or are you just living according to the way you feel do you just get up every day and just do what you feel like doing are just whatever you think you want to do we need to know the word of God and know it well enough that we automatically without even realizing what we're doing compare our Behavior our line our Behavior up with God's word now I'm grateful that I've been studying the word for 45 years some of you aren't old enough yet to have done that but I really want to encourage you to listen to the word it's so easy to study the word these days you can get podcast you can listen to things as you drive to work and drive home as you work around the house you can watch or listen to good things on TV there's all kinds of conferences and meetings and great churches every opportunity that you get get the word of God in you because the world that we're living in today is dangerous and the Bible says be careful that you're not res that you're not deceived be careful and be on your guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and that leaven would equal compromise be careful that you don't compromise and to compromise means to go a little bit a little bit below what you know to be right and boy I'll tell you that little bit lie what a lie that is the devil will say well it's just a little bit that won't hurt well yeah a little bit can do a lot of damage we need to be careful about the little things in life if you obey God in little areas then you will obey God in bigger areas but if you disobey him in small things you're probably going to disobey him in bigger things too so I just want to encourage you today as I close this teaching to be a little bit more careful about how you live who you hang out with the kind of people you spend your time with careful about your thoughts and careful about the things that you say careful about what you watch on TV surround yourself with good influences because God loves you and he's got a great future planned for you now today I'm offering my book that I've written and I work hard on my book so I want you to buy them this is called authentically uniquely you I really felt we were going to advertise something else for the program today and I asked if we could advertise this it's about living free from comparison and the need to please other people you know you're never really free until you're free from trying to impress people live your life live who you are you're unique and be an authentic person who is true to yourself God created you with his own hand in your mother's womb you are not a mistake you don't need to compare yourself with anybody else and you don't need to compete with anybody else be bold enough to be free to be who you really are God bless you he loves you so much make right choices today and enjoy the rest of your day for you created my innermost parts buried beneath years of pretending and fear how precious are your thoughts for me oh God lies a beautiful creation just waiting to be revealed I will give thanks to you because I am wonderfully made it's time to discover how to be real how to be loved how to be authentically uniquely you today we're offering authentically uniquely you for your donation of any amount and contact us now at or call toll-free 1-800-709-2895 at the 2023 love Life Women's Conference I'll teach you how to trust God and find calm in the chaos featuring Joyce and her guests Bishop TD Jakes Sadie Robertson Hoff Lisa bevere Natalie Grant and Danny Gokey October 19th through the 21st in San Antonio Texas register today at these are volunteers at our medical and dental outreaches and when you use the gifts that God has given you to do something for him he always blesses you for it amen and we invite you to come along with us what do you think should they should they do this you can go to our website and find out more information but volunteer for a medical dental Mission as soon as you possibly can we hope you enjoyed today's program or visit to share your prayer requests or partner with us in Sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe [Music] this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meyer get your YouTube exclusive offer today go to YT offer this exclusive offer is only available for a limited time
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 93,606
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Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyer sermons 2023, joyce meyers 2023, joyce meyer 2023, christian youtuber, live carefully, be careful not to be deceived, guard yourself, guard from negativity, joyce meyers today 2023, joyce meyers sermons
Id: rw_QgD7uoCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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