Emotional Baggage (Sins of the Parents) Part 1 with Allen Nolan

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[Music] a man by the name of leslie ray popeye charping died in 2017. no services were held but his daughter wrote his obituary now before i read his obituary let me say that i am not making this up in fact you can go online and you can google leslie ray popeye sharping obituary and it will take you to the website of carne's funeral home in houston texas and you can read his obituary and you'll find out that i'm not making any of this up this is what his daughter wrote leslie ray pompey charping was born in galveston texas on november the 20th 1942 and passed away january 30th 2017 which was 29 years longer than expected and much much longer than he deserved leslie battled with cancer in his latter years and lost his battle ultimately due to being the horse's bleep he was known for he leaves behind two relieved children a son leslie roy charping and daughter sheila smith along with six grandchildren countless other victims including an ex-wife relatives friends neighbors doctors nurses and random strangers at a young age leslie quickly became a model example of bad parenting combined with mental illness and a complete commitment to drinking drugs womanizing and being generally offensive leslie enlisted to serve in the navy but not so much in a brave and patriotic way but more as part of a plea deal to escape a sentencing on criminal charges while enlisted leslie was the navy boxing champion and he went on to sufficiently embarrass his family and country by spending the remainder of his service in the balboa mental health hospital receiving much-needed mental health care services leslie was surprisingly intelligent however he lacked ambition and motivation to do anything more than being reckless wasteful squandering the family savings and fantasizing about get rich quick schemes leslie's hobbies included being abusive to his family expediting trips to heaven for the beloved family pets and fishing which he was less skilled with than the previously mentioned leslie's life served no other obvious purpose he did not contribute to society or serve his community and he possessed no redeeming qualities besides quick-witted sarcasm which was amusing during his sober days which were which were few and far between with leslie's passing he will be missed only for what he never did being a loving husband father and good friend no services will be held there will be no prayers for eternal peace and no apologies to the family he tortured leslie's remains will be cremated and kept in the barn until rey the family donkey his wood shavings run out leslie's passing proves that evil does in fact die and hopefully marks a time of healing and safety for all now as you can imagine once this was posted by the funeral home it went viral of course most people thought it was a joke but it wasn't in fact when the news agency actually reached out to his daughter who wrote the obituary here's what she said she said i told the truth i'm not sorry about telling the truth and i'm not sorry for standing up for myself and then she added two more comments she said this this obituary was intended to bring closure to the family and although i appreciate everyone's concern for me it would have been much more appreciated during my childhood so sad in other words she wanted to know why adults didn't intervene when she was a child you know what's sad but everyone has baggage things for things from the past that they carry with them to shape them mode them affect them and continue to wound and hurt them but nothing compares to the baggage that people have and carry from the things that they suffered as a child from within the home and from their own family to be honest with you i'm constantly amazed at the amount of pain that people carry from their childhood from being raised in a dysfunctional home and or an abusive home but it's not always from growing up in a dysfunctional home or from being abused as a child though those two things are usually the worst things that a child can suffer but emotional baggage can also come from other things such as parents placing unreal expectations on their children or trying to live vicariously through them or a father a mother abandoning their family divorce excessive punishment conditional love impatience that causes everyone to walk on eggshells around that person the truth is there can be a variety of things that can cause children pain and suffering which will affect them for the rest of their life in fact the bible refers refers to abusive or dysfunctional behavior within a home as the sin of the parents and that's what we're going to talk about this morning and actually we're going to talk about it for the next few weeks we're going to talk about how abusive or dysfunctional behavior in the in the home affects children creating baggage for them and how they carry that baggage into adulthood and many times do the very same things to their children that their parents did to them without even realizing they're doing it we're also going to talk about why some people can never seem to get rid of their baggage and it ends up ultimately ruining their life while others though they were just as deeply wounded are able to rise above it overcome it and are actually made stronger from it so let's let's start by looking at what the bible has to say about the sins of the parents and the effect that it has on their children so if you would turn with me to the book of exodus chapter 20 we're going to read verses 4 and 5 and if you're familiar with the bible you know that the 10 commandments are found in exodus chapter 20. so as moses is giving the 10 commandments he's writing these down he also adds a parenthetical statement now he doesn't put it in parentheses but he actually goes off on a little tangent and he adds something that's very interesting and that's what we're going to look at notice what he wrote in verses 4 and 5 you shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below you shall not bow down to them or worship them for i the lord your god am a jealous god punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me now i want you to turn to exodus chapter 34 verses 6 and 7 and i'll give you a little bit of background information before we read it moses says god i want to see you i want to know who you are and god tells moses he says no one can see my face and live but i'll tell you what i'll do i'm going to place you in the cleft of the rock and then i'm going to walk by you and as i walk by you i'm going to place my hand over your face so that you can't see my face unless you die but as i pass by i will drop my hand and you can see my backside and you can see me all right so now that you know the background let's read verses six and seven and as he passed in front of moses who's he got proclaiming the lord the lord yahweh yahweh in other words the compassionate and gracious god slow to anger abounding in love and faithfulness maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness rebellion and sin oh i love that about god isn't that good i wish we could stop right there but we can't because that's not all who god is so let's keep going yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation do you see that god punishes the children for the sins of the parents down to the third and fourth generation now look at deuteronomy chapter 5 verses 9 and 10. how many of you are going woohoo i don't like this i don't like this but let's keep reading you should not bow down to them or worship them for i the lord your god i'm a jealous god punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing love to a thousand generations not just the third and fourth generation but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments there it is again god punishes the children for the sin of the parents down to the third and fourth generation but what in the world does that mean god punishes the children for the sins of the parents down to the third and fourth generation you know if you're like me i have an inquiring mind and if you remember back in the old days when they actually had the inquirer their motto was inquiring minds want to know and i want to know why are entire families affected for generations for something their parents did and how are they affected how are they punished well first let me say this these passages of scripture that say that god punishes the children for the sins of the parents have been widely misunderstood you see most people believe that what these verses are saying is that god holds children responsible for what their parents did rather than treating them as victims of what happened let me say it again because that's very very important most people believe that what these verses are saying is that god holds children responsible for what their parents did rather than treating them as victims of what happened and people that's simply not true that's not true at all god does not hold children responsible for what their parents do or have done in the past never and let me prove that to you turn with me if you would to the book of ezekiel chapter 18 and let's read verses 5 through 20. now this is a relatively long passage of scripture and normally i would try to condense it my wife tells me you read too much scripture people just zone out but the reason i'm going to read all of it is because this is a very important passage of scripture and if i were you i would take notes in the margin of your bible i would actually highlight this i would go to the front of your bible where there's a blank page and i would write this down this passage of scripture so that you can easily find it everyone with me ezekiel chapter 18 verses 5 through 20. notice what it says suppose a certain man is righteous and he does what is justin right he does not feast in the mountains before israel's idols or worship them he does not commit adultery or have intercourse with the woman during her minstrel period now how many of you think that sounds kind of weird you're reading through the book of leviticus and it tells men they're not supposed to do that if they do that they're unclean and they're going to be unclean for a certain amount of time until they do well people this is part of the ceremonial law it's not part of the moral law it's not part of the civil law jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law it's no longer doing things or not doing things that makes me clean or unclean what makes me clean or unclean is jesus if i reject jesus then i remain unclean if i accept jesus christ as my lord and savior he's what makes me clean so you're asking why in the world would god put something like that in there well i'm going off on a tangent hopefully you don't mind the reason god did that this is because this is an object lesson it's an object lesson to teach them that you don't mix like with death semen represents life if a woman has their eggs it's not fertilized that egg is going to die it's going to have to be excreted from the body and so it's going to be excreted in the form of blood it represents death and as a result of that god uses this as an object lesson to teach his jews that you're not supposed to mix life with death that's all it was everyone with me so if you're wondering why in the world he put that in there there's why it has nothing to do with what i'm teaching it's just a little freebie there all right let's keep going he is a merciful creditor not giving keeping the items given as security by poor debtors he does not rob the poor but instead gives food to the hungry and he provides clothes for the needy he grants loans without interest stays away from injustice is honest and fair when judging others and faithfully obeys my decrees and regulations anyone who does these things is just and will surely live says the sovereign lord man this guy's a great guy he does everything god tells him to do then verse 10 comes along but there's always a but but suppose that man who's really good who does everything god says lives a just an upright life suppose that man has a son who grows up to be a robber or a murderer and he refuses to do what is right and that son does all the evil things that his father would never do he does worship idols on the mountains he commits adultery he oppresses the poor and the helpless he steals from debtors by refusing to let them redeem their security he worships worships idols he commits detestable sins he lends money at excessive interest should such a sinful person live no he must die and he must take full blame for his death but suppose that sinful son in turn in other words this same son has a son so now we're down to the third generation the first generation was a good man a just man a righteous man but he had a son that was wicked that's the second generation this second son has a son so now we're down to the third generation everyone catch that but suppose that sinful son in turn has a son who sees his father's wickedness and he decides against that kind of life i'm not gonna live like that he says this son refuses to worship idols in the mountains and he does not commit adultery he doesn't exploit the poor but instead is fair to debtors and does not rob them he gives food to the hungry and provides clothes for the needy he helps the poor does not lend money at interest and he obeys all my regulations and decrees such a person will not die because of his father's sins he will surely live but the father will die for his many sins for being cruel robbing people and doing what clearly was wrong among his people what you ask doesn't the child pay for the parents sin no for if the child does what is just in right and keeps my decrees that child will surely live the persons who sins is the one who will die now i would underline this in your bible the child will not be punished for the parents sins and the parent will not be punished for the child's sins the child will not be punished for the parents sins and the parent will not be punished for the child sins righteous people will be rewarded for their own righteous behavior and wicked people will be punished for their own wickedness do you see that children will not be punished for their parents sin and neither will be parents when neither will parents be punished for their child's sin period no exceptions so if that's the case then why in the world did moses write that god punishes the children for the sins of the parents down to the third and fourth generation and what did he mean by that well what moses was saying is that god punishes children for committing the same sins they learned from their parents in other words god does not say well i'm not going to punish this generation for the sins that they're committing because after all it's not their fault because they learned it from their parents no god is not a liberal you want to know why pastor allen's not a liberal because god is not a liberal you don't get a free pass just because you grew up in a bad environment see today liberals it was not their fault they can't help it it was the home environment it was the environment of their neighborhood let me tell you something god is not a liberal you do not get a free pass just because you grew up in a bad environment in fact let me say that again but let me say it in a different way because i want to make sure that you get what i'm saying what moses was saying is this if the children continue to do the same sins that their parents did they will receive the same punishment as their parents you need to hear that again what moses was saying is this if the children continue to do the same sins that their parents did they will receive the very same punishment as their parents did now here's what's bad and sad at the same time children who grow up in abusive and or dysfunctional homes come to believe that dysfunctional behavior is normal behavior therefore they tend to repeat the same sins that their parents did it's what they know and it continues from generation to generation it's like a curse that's handed down from one generation to the next in fact that's where the term generational curse comes from exodus chapter 20 exodus chapter 34 deuteronomy and that's what moses was talking about sins being passed from one generation to the next now it doesn't always happen that way because but most of the time it does which always blows my mind because you would think that if a child grew up in a home where the parents abused drugs they would never take drugs but nine times out of ten the child follows in the footsteps of his parents and he commits the very same sins as his parents did and it's passed from one generation to the next and so on poverty works that way i am not for welfare and i want to help people but welfare does not help people work fair does when you give people something for nothing you create a generation that says i don't have to work takes away motivation i don't have to do anything i can just sit here and i can have more children and i can take in welfare and i know i'm probably really irritating some of you because maybe you grew up in a home where welfare and you needed it let me say this i want to help and i want to be able to give money but i can't let you receive it for not doing anything because what it does is it breeds laziness it takes away motivation and then what takes place is the next generation grows up and that's what they do in the next generation now doesn't always work that way because sometimes you have someone says i'm not going to live like this my parents did this they go off to college they're the only one in their family gets a college degree they go get a job and guess what her family looks at him and goes they think they're so big and high and mighty because they want to pull them back down yeah but you see these generational curses pass from one generation to the next and what you'll find is god is not a liberal he understands how human nature works and he tells us what we must do to break these generational curses so why is it that way why does it seem that the children do what they see their parents do you would think they wouldn't do that you would think if they saw their parents become alcoholics and they're irresponsible their life goes to pot that they would say i'll never be an alcoholic and yet you know what you find many times they become alcoholics drugs same way yeah why is that in other words why do children who grow up in abusive or dysfunctional homes come to believe that dysfunctional behavior is normal behavior and therefore they tend to repay repeat the very same sins that their parents did now as i said it it doesn't always happen that way but most of the time it does so why is that and how does it happen we need to know so we can ensure that we don't follow in the footsteps of our parents and do the very same things that they did and then pass it down to our children who pass it down to their children and then pass it down to their children so let's look at how it happens first and then we'll look at why it happens because this is very interesting and it's very important you know i'm a curious person and i want to know how do people get so screwed up well i'm going to show you how it happens so turn with me to the book of matthew chapter 6 verses 22 and 23 this is one of those passages of scripture that should be highlighted in your bible and when you highlight in your bible you need to write down all these important little tidbits of information i give you so you understand it because this passage of scripture explains so much about life and human nature notice what it says your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body when your eye is good your whole body is filled with light but when your eye is bad your whole body is filled with darkness and if the light you think you have is actually darkness how great that darkness is now this passage of scripture is very difficult to understand until you realize that it's an analogy it's an explanation of something by comparing it point by point with something else yeah so once you understand that this is an analogy it's easy to understand it's an analogy between the way we physically see things and the way we mentally see things now the key to understanding any analogy is understanding what each thing represents so in the past i've explained what each thing represents but i don't have the time to go in and give you a full explanation i'm just going to tell you today what each thing represents so if you're taking notes write this down put this in the margin of your bible the i represents a person's perspective the way they see things yeah light represents truth darkness represents falsehood and last but not least the body represents the mind i don't know why but this last representation really throws people but it shouldn't remember this is an analogy and in this analogy jesus is comparing the way we physically see things to the way we mentally see things that's why the body represents the mind physically see things mentally see things body physical mind mental is everyone with me good because the way you see things is a lot is a lot like the way you or the way you see things mentally is a lot like the way you see things physically so look back at the last part of verse 22 and verse 23 again and let's read it straight out of the bible here it is when your eye is good your whole body is filled with light but when your eye is bad your whole body is filled with darkness and if the light you think you have is actually darkness how great that darkness is now let's read this again except this time let's replace each word with what it represents notice what this is saying when your perspective is good your whole mind is filled with truth but when your perspective is bad your whole mind is filled with falsehoods and if the truth you think you have is actually false how great that falsehood is do you see that do you see what jesus is saying what jesus is saying is this if we have the wrong perspective on something that means that what we think is right is really wrong in other words what we think is true is really a lie which means that we're making life decisions based on lies we're navigating through life based on false information that's why you keep screwing up because you think you know how things work you think that you're making these decisions based on truth but what you think is true is really wrong how screwed up is that and that's why it's so important to have the right perspective on things and i'll be honest with you on everything the right perspective on love the right perspective on marriage the right perspective on sex the right perspective on family the right perspective on god yeah now we're going to we're going to take this analogy that jesus was making a little bit further and we're going to ask a question jesus said if your i be bad now what would cause a person's eye to be bad well there are several reasons why a person's eye might be bad but let me give you the two most common the first reason a person's eye might be bad is because when the eye was forming it did not develop normally and the second reason is trauma in other words the eye was injured and the injury was severe enough to cause damage to the eye now remember in this analogy the i represents a person's perspective so we can ask the very same question about a person's perspective in other words what would cause a person's perspective to be bad now there are several reasons why a person's perspective might be bad but let me give you the two most common and they're the very same as the eye because remember the eye represents a person's perspective so here's the two most common reasons why a person's perspective might be bad the first reason a person's perspective might be bad is because when the perspective was forming it didn't develop normally yeah works the very same way as the eye and the second reason is trauma in other words some type of traumatic event occurred and it damaged that person's perspective now let's go a little bit deeper and let's look at the first reason the first reason a person's perspective might be bad is because when their perspective was forming it didn't develop normally now our perspective on things is formed by our home environment and what we're exposed to it's formed while we're growing up that's why those years are called the formative years now if you grew up in a normal home you're going to develop a normal perspective on life a healthy perspective on life but if you grew up in a dysfunctional home your perspective is going to be affected in other words the way you see things will not be normal the only problem is you won't know that it's not normal to you it is normal and that's why you're so screwed up that's why you're unhealthy what you think is right is really wrong and what you think is true is really a lie but you don't know it you know when micah joy was in fourth grade the teacher sent home a note and said i'd like to speak with you so i went in to see the teacher lisa was going to school at the time i was dropping off the kids to school so i went in and and i met with the teacher and the teacher said micah can't see the board from where she's sitting you need to take her to the optometrist i said well how far back is she sitting she said she's sitting on the front row oh my gosh so we took her to see dr james mahaney who's family and an optometrist and what we found out is micah was legally blind and i cried when she got her glasses because she said daddy i can see the leaves on trees and i felt like such a horrible father but i didn't know she couldn't see and she never said she couldn't see normally but the reason she didn't say anything is because she thought that everyone saw things the way that she did so what i'm telling you is that if you grew up in a dysfunctional home you probably don't know it to you is normal but it's not it's not normal for husbands and wives to yell at each other i'm going to do something as an object lesson that's going to make you very uncomfortable but i want to do it to prove a point is that all right dang it lisa i don't want small water anymore i told you time and time again i want large water how simple is that i get up here every time and i get dry mouth and i'm not able to do that next time get some dang water up there how many of you felt uncomfortable even though you knew it's an object lesson you know why you're uncomfortable because that's not right and by the way i would never speak like that i wouldn't i've never done that would never do that and even if you grew up in a dysfunctional home you still probably felt uncomfortable when i did that because that wasn't wrong what i did you just don't do it in public your mom and dad did it behind closed doors they yelled at each other they said hateful things to each other and you think that's normal let me just tell you right now that's not normal i can remember my daughter's coming home in fact micah came home one time she was about sixth grade and she said mom and dad i love her home and i said well thank you i was thinking physical and she said you and mom never yell at each other she'd been over a friend's house and i mean she had seen it and it scared her because she'd never seen adults act like that that's not normal it's not normal for parents to yell at their children that's not normal it's not normal to grow up in a blended family i'm sorry i know that 50 percent of the families here are blended and let me say this god loves blended families jesus grew up in a blended family joseph was not jesus biological father he was conceived supernaturally born of a virgin joseph grew up as his stepfather all the other siblings knew jesus was different he had a very very rough childhood you can read some of the messianic psalms that are about jesus childhood and you get a picture of what is known as his secretive years and let me tell you jesus had a tough childhood because he grew up in a blended family you know what that tells me god loves splendid families but let me just say this blended families are not normal there's problems that you and baggage that you bring in because you've been married before you've been divorced that's not the biological father that's not the biological mother those things affect children listen to me if you grew up in a dysfunctional home it's affected your perspective and you're going to have to find out how it's affected your perspective and to what extent and then you're going to have to change the way you see things to the way that god sees things you know one of the things i try to do is i try to come in and find out as i read the bible do i see things the way that god sees things i know some of you don't like me because i'm just cleric and i just tell you how he is and i'm telling you right away even in this sermon i said god's not a liberal you didn't like that i don't like think sometimes that i read in the bible but you know what it's not about the way i see things it's the way god sees things because god is healthy god's created things to be normal and i need to make sure that i see things the way god sees things so that's the first reason a person's eye might be bad when the eye was forming it didn't develop normally and the same thing can happen to a person's perspective it works the very same way if during the formative years a person grows up in a dysfunctional abusive home it affects the perspective the dysfunctional behavior or abuse keeps them from developing a normal perspective the second reason a person's eye might be mad is because of trauma now i'm going to tell a story i think this story is true it might not be because i was told the story 30 years ago by lisa's father gooey and i have a pretty good episode on memory how many of you have a good episode of memory i remember things about my childhood that my siblings go what i go oh yeah don't you remember my kids just think that i'm hilarious because i i can remember all these things in fact i tell my kids you know my very first childhood memory was i was going through this tunnel and it was very very tight and i could see a light at the end and i barely made it out and someone grabbed me by my feet hung me upside down and slapped me and i started crying i'm just kidding i can't remember that far back but i have a really good episode of memory i remember episodes really well so what's kind of interesting is i was told this story about 30 years ago and you know i'll hear something lisa will hear something and 20 years ago say oh yeah don't you remember and she'll say what oh yeah so-and-so told us so i think this story is right though it's been 30 years since i heard it lisa's uncle john i believe is blind in one eye when he was a child he was following lisa's dad cooy through the woods and a branch swung back and caught john in the eye the trauma to the eye made him legally blind in that one eye and the same thing can happen to a person's perspective in other words some type of childhood trauma can damage a person's perspective just like draw trauma can can damage a person's eye and when i say childhood trauma i'm talking about things such as physical abuse sexual abuse a premature death divorce appearance etc those are traumatic events that can really screw a person up so that explains how it happens that explains how the sin of the parents affects the children but now let's talk about why it happens in other words why does the sin of the parents affect the children because that doesn't seem fair how many of you think that doesn't seem fair and in many ways it's not but that's the way it is and let me explain why it's that way sin has a corporate dynamic in fact i want you to write that down if you've got your telephone here i want you to type that in as your notes if you're at home i want you to write that in your bible sin has a corporate dynamic now does everyone know what i mean by that corporate dynamic means that even though only one person bears the guilt for doing something others around them bear the effect of what they've done let me say that again corporate dynamic means that even though only one person bears the guilt for doing something others around them bear the effect of what they've done see the word corporate means group it means a collective a whole a unit dynamic is something that actually changes or causes some type of effect upon that unit that group so corporate dynamic means if someone sends it doesn't just affect them it affects the entire unit the entire group in other words even though children are not responsible for what their parents do it still affects them that's what i'm saying and that's how sin works especially within the family the children may not be responsible for what their parents do or don't do but people they reap the consequences they feel the impact listen to me sin is not committed in a vacuum therefore there's always a ripple effect always adam's sin did not just affect him it affected the entire human race in fact we have something that the bible refers to as the adamant nature the sin nature where did we get that adam and eve when they sinned they had a sin nature that's been passed down to every one of us we are all born with a sin nature we have it as a result of what adam and eve did and we see the very same thing happening with family unit within family units what my mom and dad did or didn't do affected me good and bad i grew up in a healthy loving family i was never abused thank god i was never molested i felt loved safe and secure i was positively affirmed through words and actions i was encouraged and given every opportunity to succeed and be blessed and i've been blessed with very very minimal baggage in my life but i've also seen ezekiel chapter 18 verses 5 through 20 and i've seen it fulfilled right before but right before my very eyes i've watched one of my siblings refuse to do what's right i've watched him do all the evil things my parents would never do and that we were taught not to do and he has lived a very cursed life and it has affected his children now god did not hold his children responsible for what he did but they felt the impact and they reap the consequences of his actions and they carry a lot of baggage in their life because of him and people that might be you maybe you were raised in that kind of family family and it has affected you and you carry a lot of baggage in your life because of your childhood what do you do can you ever be healthy can you lose the baggage and be healed of course you can and i'm going to talk about that next week for some it will be easier than others for some it will be more difficult than others in fact if you're taking notes let me give you a principle you ready to write this down the more dysfunctional you are the more unhealthy you are and the more baggage you have let me say that again the more dysfunctional you are the more more unhealthy you are and the more baggage you have let me tell you what i told both of my son-in-laws when i had my granddaughters i looked at them and i told them it's no longer about you it's about them it's not about your happiness it's not about what you want or you don't want it's not about your prosperity it's not about any of that it's about my grandchild some of you need to realize it's not about you it's not about your happiness it's not about what you want or don't want if you're a parent it's about the family it's about what god wants and you know what's kind of interesting i've learned this over my life i'm not that smart but i'm just smart enough to know that if i do what the bible says i'll be blessed but i've learned in my lifetime if i do what god wants i kind of get what i want if i try to make god happy i become happy if i want the kingdom to be successful i'm successful wow took me a lot of years to learn that and some of you have never learned it but the good news is next week i'm going to show you if you have a lot of baggage if you have a warp perspective what to do what steps you need to take to change that to become healthy to get the right perspective you know what's great about god he doesn't just tell us what to do and what not to do he tells us why to do it and how to do it that's what i love about god he's so good and what he says i'm a jealous god and i punish the children for the sin of the parents down to the third and fourth generation he's not saying i hold them responsible what he's saying is if you sin it's going to affect your kids and you need to understand they're going to follow in your footsteps they're going to do what you do and if they do the same sins as you i don't give them a free pass i still hold them responsible somebody had a terrible upbringing and you were a victim of what happened but let me tell you that does not give you a free pass god is not a liberal he still holds you responsible because you are made in his image and you can change things you are not an animal you do not have to act and react according to instinct you can you can make it the rational decision to do what god wants and he will enable you to do it and you can be everything god wants you to be because you are made in his image now if you're here this morning never receive jesus let me tell you that's where you start because if jesus is the lord you're in trouble you're living for yourself you're trying to make yourself happy you're doing all these things and here's what's what's sad about that you're actually ruining your life but once you make jesus lord start doing things god's way let me tell you things start falling in line and god starts blessing you so if you're here this morning never received jesus let me tell you you need to do it you're not going to miss out if you receive jesus you're missing out right now so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to say a very simple prayer if you want to receive jesus christ as your lord and savior all you have to do is say this birth the prayer is not magic but if you believe what you're saying when you're saying this prayer god's going to change you you're going to put your faith in him your sins are going to be forgiven and when you die you're going to get to go to heaven but what's a great is on this earth you can start changing because jesus is now lord the holy spirit will live inside of you and he will enable you to change so if you want to receive jesus just repeat this prayer i want everyone to bow their heads close their eyes if you're at home you can say this prayer too here goes god i know i'm a sinner and i know that my sin has separated me from you maybe my parents taught me to do that maybe i just was rebellious and did it on my own but it doesn't matter my sin has separated me from you and it's affected others and it's affected me but god i believe you love me and because you love me you sent your son jesus to die for my sin and i believe when jesus died his soul went to hell to pay the punishment for my sin but i also believe that when all my sin was paid for god you raised jesus from the dead jesus i put my trust in you that because you paid for my sin i don't have to pay for my sin because you were resurrected i will be resurrected and get to go to heaven too jesus i'm making you lord of my life thank you for saving me
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 6,607
Rating: 4.8878503 out of 5
Keywords: pastor allen nolan, allen nolan cornerstone, allen nolan bible study, allen nolan explained, allen nolan sermon, cornerstone church allen nolan, cornerstone pastor allen nolan, allen nolan, Emotional Baggage (Sins of the Parents) Part 1 with Allen Nolan, emotional baggage, sins of the father, sins of the parents, generational sin, sin passed down from adam, parenting, dysfunctional family, christian family, sins of the father series, cornerstone fellowship pastor allen nolan
Id: bvyAcZ6WhXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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