*EMOJI* Role in Among us

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so if you guys don't hit the like button emoji you're gonna make me the sad emoji dudes welcome to emojis in among us we got the kissy face the angry face the thumbs up and of course the poop emoji guys stick around for my turn to be the imposter i promise my round is not crappy hit the like button hit the subscribe button let's do this all right everybody hit the like button emoji now my controls are all jacked up i don't who just exploded okay so dudes welcome back to among us as you can see i am an emoji yeah this mod is ridiculous stick around for my turn to be the imposter i got some ideas for a combo okay so check this out i can do i can walk up to this phone and do emoji swap right look at all these emojis we got anger we got cry we got kissy we got the thumbs up which you just saw we have laugh i'm to turn into a laugh one look at me look this does a good job on this mod so how this mod works the all the emojis have different abilities the imposters emojis have even more abilities this is gonna get interesting and there's also a giant mini game hey hey hey lookups hey hey bible you want to be crap [Laughter] crappy joke hey you're the kissy face somebody's dead wait are they are they actually there oh i'm going to hold on step back so step back okay gotta get gotta go okay let's go again let's go get let's go get let's go eat it i got this one i got this one i got this one oh i got it i got it i got it i got it um wait wait what is this oh yeah i'm on the left here and pat's on the right okay okay memory memory okay okay this one and this is that one is it on or down eyes and angles oh i didn't see where the kissy one was [Music] there was i actually i actually looked away for a second i actually looked away first oh my god where was the poop where's the poop oh no wait is that a double eye do you remember yes nice yes get it out oh yeah oh yeah no i completely whoever you see in the top left whoever gets to three points first wins pat oh [Music] it's me no this is what i think you are so what the laugh cry does right hold on what is that now you're angry i got a friend oh no me too oh no biffle died so i can do the uh the poop one right i can poo flush and it'll bring me to uh a random spot everybody's dying let's food flush it brought me back to the same toilet i i don't want to be poop anymore i don't want to be pooping no i [Music] there's so many dead emojis everywhere is it who's left correct wait wait is it just us three it's just it is just a second ago wait but wait ian we're playing against each other henry it's zod no matter the outcome we lose i'm sorry i have to do the studio but you don't know which one it is [Music] who just got let's transfer i got to be careful so as the imposter i can transform emojis anywhere i want but i have to be careful nobody's around because i'm not near uh telephone then they'll know i'm the imposter okay let's go up here make sure nobody sees me let's transform into cry i'm so sad okay i wanna i wanna do a combo i wanna put down the death trap because if i put a normal puddle down that will just make people slow right but if i put a death puddle okay okay sigils is there put a death puddle right there go this way that's good i'm gonna call lights [Laughter] so as the poop normally whenever you jump in the toilet as a crew member it randomly teleports you to one of the toilets but for this i could teleport to any toilet i want to so i want to i want to try something is somebody going to come down here oh right there okay okay let's do this let's do this couple let's do this combo die thank you for stinky oh relief goes there [Music] oh yeah let me do that oh wait i forgot i can do the kiss of death don't you kiss me listen listen you want to kiss me huh you want to kiss me huh fine i'll kiss your back come up here look look look at this toilet look at this look at this toilet look at this toilet i'm looking at it get kissed again okay okay [Laughter] and let's get out of here let's get out of here okay perfect all right so i can go outside of the map right look at this random toilet out here okay is anybody out here people help biffle this oh i got stuck outside the map do you see this what i can't see anything biffle i can't see anything literally what is it somebody dead there's a dead pile of poop on the phone oh no i'm going oh i can use the flush i can use the poof flush hold on get there no did that actually work did you really just come back here i'm so angry that somebody died here bible i'm so angry two people are coming jump oh that was close oh my goodness there's two dead crooks in hell no let's go down there and get myself an element let's go down there hello can you hear me wait hi can you hear me hi yeah i i ca okay why were you just invisible i okay what happened i exploded right i exploded but i went into the poop form after that to the toilet and then i toiled it here but i was still invisible so well look i'm i'm actually look i am look i am an angry turd watch out watch out of the toilet [Music] oh wait i came out here hello wait i'm out here hello oh you i don't understand hello is it broken wait hold on wait now i'm actually poop oh no oh you know what i'm actually angry oh okay so i want to do that other combo with the uh oh yeah i don't even need to use that crap i'm stuck these things are so slow okay let's close everything i want to close everything i want to close everything close everything okay make sure nobody's around me i see so i see god why is he actually saying this to the love of things i don't know can you stop getting angry wait no that wasn't me wait somebody got angry that wasn't me wait what are you angry okay let's do a mini game with me versus loaf oh i'm in a minute love and again i can see where all of the thingies are okay i'm gonna go yeah come on come on okay i'm gonna go this one and let's go this one oh no oh that one and that one was that first or second was that first or second that i think that was the it was third it was false the first one first i don't know so you did angry in the bottom right you did monkey in the middle top middle top no i didn't know i didn't i did it in the top middle that's exactly what he did this one uh this one oh no oh you know where that says no okay i don't remember yes you do it's right there there you go oh get out low [Music] [Music] oh gotta go okay let's go down here and i can also do a mass explosion and kill some people oh no oh no did i break it okay we're good we're good okay i just vented when i can teleport in toilets what does that mean so i also want to do i did the kissy oh they have 50 50. let's see if i can get somebody on a 50 50. okay there's sud and there's henry let's hit zud with the 50 50 transform into crying [Applause] [Music] you're literally stuck for seven years oh okay we're good okay let's do this let's do this okay i want to save the cry death for uh for a ch i'm gonna be kind of toxic maybe okay people left one two three four five five people left five people left okay okay okay so let's transform into angry hey sigils listen listen listen listen listen listen i'm listening i am so mad right now so mad right now thank you kiss you no i need to poop no stop what there's no pooper over here stop taking me over here i don't want i don't want to be here listen let's go you just need to let this happen i know i'm going to go invisible and get out of here bye i got lights guys i'm invisible and i got lights i'm invisible but i got lights i'm invisible why are there so many i want to be poop hey i want to be poop look i'm playing okay listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen um you guys want to have a conversation about something no i'm out of it i'm getting out of here okay i wonder if a mini game is going to start right now let me just go ahead wait why what wait what oh no so there's only how many supporters so if i choose yeah you guys are on my team so if i choose the first one the top left with his which is poop right okay wait what and then the top right one which is angry right right right right right right right right right so if i do that before you clicked it right now wait i think he said it before all right so didn't he also look i found the other skull huh we haven't even gotten one yet how what dude okay oh no i think you have no chance here wait wait you just hold on for the team we can press the button take one for the team and we can press the button trust me no no he's actually just cheating literally i'm sorry go ahead no no there it is the last one was so good it was bottom left bottom left for laughing bottom left for laughing if you get one just hey thank you i appreciate it guys hit the thumbs up on this video no no please please please please please oh you're gonna kill me yes i got it first what are you gonna do i'm still pressing i'm still pressing it i'm still pressing it don't worry die on the way out [Music] [Laughter] i gotta stay here forever [Laughter] guys if you have enjoyed emoji mod hit the like button down below hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video right now for this next video tell your friends and dab on your dad you know what i'm saying yep
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,084,740
Rating: 4.938879 out of 5
Id: bmwMenlFpC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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