Emma's Sick?

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hey guys so if you remember from yesterday autumn was sick throwing up and she's still sick today she stayed home from preschool oh she's not throwing up but she has kind of like a cold like she's coughing sneezing runny nose stuff like that but no throw-up which is really good so she's definitely getting better and I just gave her some medicine and she's just really tired Mallory Emma and Kaylee are at school right now this is just kind of like a little vlog of the babies yeah but that's all we're doing right now so we'll see what happens am i Mallory and autumns preschool hi oh yeah autumns doing better she's not throwing up anymore so that's really good what oh she must have caught her from autumn I'll be right there just make sure Mallory doesn't catch it or any of the other kids I'm sorry all right I'll see you in like ten minutes bye so a my school just called and um the preschool just called Kaylee goes to the kindergarten the principal just called in and we just threw up I think she caught like the stomach bug from autumn so I don't really know how because I like sterilize all her things maybe she got too close to her I don't know I have to go pick her up so I'm gonna bring Kaitlyn with yeah and I'm going quick so I'm gonna have to call it the babysitter to come and watch them really quick and it is Abigail because I don't trust any other babysitter's doesn't know they've had that terrible game haven't trusted any other babysitter's here's have a Caitlyn and I'm just gonna go so we're off actually put Caitlyn in this car seat I mean in the carriage so we're just gonna go we'll see you guys when we get there I really gotta go bye kids look good for Abigail oh yeah and she just showed up but we gotta go alright we just got to the school oh my gosh I see them do you eat mommy mess you up oh honey oh all over the table oh it's all over you oh honey we have to clean you up let's get this napkin come on let's wipe you up come on we have to wash your shirt it's all over it so I took off my shirt because it's covered and throw up I need to clean it so I need to get her into the carriage hopefully she does not throw up in the carriage haven't put you in the back so you is your money cool I know I'm gonna put your shirt on this as well just right there let's go okay let's get you home now or I'll see you when it's time to pick you up okay okay let's go all right we just got home I just threw him a shirt in the wash I'm gonna give her a bath because she threw up on herself so you don't know how dirty she's gonna be she could still have some on her that I don't see that's right at the tripod I already have her bath filled up oh I seem to take off the cover let's get you in take out all the toys oh poor girl you want some toys it's clean new offers the hose the hose here it is oh I'm gonna clean Emma give her a bath and we'll get back to you guys all right guys I might just got out of her bath so I put her into this little towel and I'm not gonna put her back into these clothes I'm gonna stick her into some pajamas sorry guys I should've grabbed them before and looks like how do you want to talk like autumn you don't want to talk usually you're so talkative right yeah guys I really can't find her pajamas I'll be back right when I turn the camera off I find her pajamas seriously right when I can cough I found the pajamas and I'm gonna get her a diaper instead of her to not be so good about potty training like using the potty and which is very understandable she doesn't like to move when she's sick here we go let's lean it this way okay here we go you haven't won a diaper in a long time even in your in your underpants and this is a one of her favorite ones well this is her favorite one mine and hers we both love the ones with the little butterflies on them here we go I'm gonna put her into this little dress I always feel like it looks like a hospital gown but I know this little nightgown huh yeah should I make you some soup yeah yeah all right let me know here you go I'll have to clean everything later why don't we just put her in her bed as well I'm gonna make her some soup so it's time to make Emma soup I don't know if she'll be very happy about that got her bib where's and then I will I think I like heard some chicken noodle soup too because it seems to me autumn feel better so it'll make it feel better they're both sick yeah and I definitely caught it from autumn hopefully not the other babies catch it it's always horrible and as a mom when your babies get say any of your kids this goes so bad just want to help them it's hard to do because you don't always know what to do but I've done this many times before go I'm gonna let this color you need to get her a bottle I am going to use Lucille's and I will definitely sterilize this one and I was done being sick because it's her bottle is a toddler bottle and it has a thicker hole for better flow and this one's smaller so it's better to help her not drink so much well it's just the flow is different here we go there so we're making chicken noodle soup and now I need to add in I'm just gonna mix up her soup I'm gonna have to give her some medicine so I'm not gonna get medicine the same way as the other babies I'll show you her and Maori take it I'm a different thing it's a guard chicken noodle soup let's get her medicine ready yours Emma's soup I better just put her spoon there and for medicine she takes it from this cup she has to sit from so I have to take these my name is do this on the car and I use this one of these to help me actually autumn's has already been used with this I'll just use hers so I'm gonna grab Emma and we're just gonna feed her and make her better of all this stuff so we'll be back here's Miss Emma I have to get her medicine ready so I just shake up the container she does take a lot to do it this way than poor because I'm afraid I'll fight for it you know it's pouring an action might be the best method that's how much in my drinks almost a full cup there's no markings but you Ness to me so I'm gonna have to clean out autos give them a her medicine right you ready for your medicine yeah yeah all right here you go bubblegum before this we had some nasty green stuff all right lots of minutes and water to help rinse that down even though it's a good flavor it's not always the best hope we have some soup I nice and warm here we go this do you like the soup yeah then there's some make you feel better yeah yeah all right so this is helping anyone tea you wanted tea yeah all right I'll make you some tea I just put a little tea bag and down this tea as you can see it's I'm working and then we are gonna have some some sugar to make it sweet for her yeah I'm just using the tea bag I need to have do this here's a little tea cup which is delicious without the top and I'm gonna put some sugar into it go didn't more all right it's a lot of sugar sweet sweet tea I guess so we're gonna let her drink some of this all right so I'm gonna give her some tea and soup let's give me some more soup okay tea soup I need it back you guys up because I'm gonna bump into you I don't all right here we go let's give you some tea mmm she loves tea all right more soup slurp it you want to slurp your soup come on on your Mustang just use a spoon go just finish your soup we'll give her some water there were some tea just drink all of her tea Wow here was my water and I will clean her up all right I just got them addressed Emma how are you feeling let's go okay Oh her face is soaking wet guys oh god all over yourself oh look at that that is nasty I gotta clean this up alright guys well this is Benny now see I gotta go thanks for watching please click like and subscribe and in the comments let me know to get well better again well soon oh wait you know all the babies hopefully all the babies don't get it see you guys later bye
Channel: Kelli Maple
Views: 10,226,721
Rating: 4.5995307 out of 5
Keywords: VideoFXLive, vfx4.4.2
Id: yZRZdP2qM1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2015
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