Emma Switches Places with Mommy! Let's Play Mother Life Simulator with Emma and Mommy!

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so the kitchen is here okay we gotta get the bottle okay there you go all right gonna wash the box quickly quick quick we have plenty of time emma here we go turn on time's running out it's okay that's plenty of time baby hurry up okay how do we get it four three now we have pointed two one [Music] hi guys today we're gonna play this really fun game called mom life okay i'm a mom emma's not a mom she's only how old are you [Music] zero years old okay so today is zero years old and um you're five years old emma is gonna learn how hard it is to be a mom okay mom is not easy emma you're okay okay okay let's play okay you're talking too much for emma all right let's see here what's that like yeah card card so there's a car and uh that's me i i know you're it's mom's life so you are the mom can you take care of a baby can you yeah i took care of you no you didn't daddy did what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you took care of ryan wait so i got something out okay so it says she was my only sister can't imagine to live without her what about her kids we are the only family they have oh it's okay we'll take good care of the kids right yeah i have to go the baby is crying okay so i think it's baby time wait i'm gonna move joystick and move to a location okay so we have to go get the baby ah not the fridge we're gonna get the baby we're the baby we have to look oh what is it oh we have to get the pacifier first you see okay there we go pick up the fafsa fire uh-huh now we gotta go find the baby but what is that oh you have to wash the pacifier you don't want a dirty germ bacteria pacifier there we go i mean it's clean okay there we go there you go you're doing great baby's in here yep baby's in there i don't see and unless we have to follow the baby it's some more at the door okay oh maybe a paradise there's a baby grass there you go oh there we go easy yeah we can make this one because i have to be the more okay pretend you're zero years old okay right now you're the baby because you're smaller than my head you're right you're right so it says pull off diaper from a baby oh no baby's crying it's a dirty diaper that's why where is it no you have to go pull the diaper from the baby first go find the baby there you go uh-huh there you go take the diaper there we go wait what oh i have to go wash it oh my hand is dirty oh you're right you're right how do i walk there we go you're right get throw in the trash you're right you gotta wash your hands first you gotta watch i'm not looking sorry sorry i don't know i can live right now yeah it's right now we're just washing it okay clean hands okay all right now we can go all right we gotta go find the baby drawer because we need fresh diapers okay baby there we go all right we're good we're right we're back guys we are back okay no ads on this one baby is hungry fine feeder in the kitchen okay so baby's hungry we gotta go to the kitchen wait i don't know the kids did it that's the baby's room so what is that room here look it's a bedroom bedroom mind it's like that's the baby room emma grandma's not even helping she's just watching tv right yeah where is the kitchen it's right there where you said it wait what yay wait wait wait wait wait that was the kitchen i thought it was a baby's wait one other way other way other way okay okay wait how do i know oh what that was that's weird all right you do it emma risboo right here right here all right follow the footprints follow the footsteps press there you go all right wash the feeder we gotta go wash it because it's dirty [Music] that's right press there you go yay there's time limits okay the baby's too old i don't know how to deal with this all right okay we got it we got it i can't make it on time all right no no we you can do it on time man let's just we didn't know that was the uh the kitchen but but now we know so the kitchen is here okay we gotta get the bottle okay there you go all right gotta wash the bottles we have plenty of time emma hello what is happening ready turn on time's running out it's okay that's plenty of time baby it says wash the feeder we already washed it right let's see here oh it's already it's already it's already clean right give it to the baby hurry up all right all right all right we got this guys because this is a baby there you go tax isn't complete there's no milk in the feeder add milk first we gotta add the milk of course we can't just give empty bottle to the baby that's mean sorry baby how much time do we have plenty of time we have plenty of time we have no time left all right there you go baby there you go see easy so how does it feel being a a mama so so so that means okay it says pick up the toothbrush and toothpaste from the bathroom okay we gotta go to the bathroom we gotta use the bathroom that's the bathroom okay here we go okay sorry that's a little boy yep that's jack that's the guy i have to take care of next okay pick up the toothpaste and toothbrush okay go ahead emma and boom okay then it says give it to jack this yes guys uh-huh jack you can pick it up yourself why are you gonna learn how to be independent he has to brush his teeth with chicken leg jack jack right i don't have to do now done that's it okay so we we were just taking care of jack definitely i know yeah we're so good at being a mom right i never lose you hey it says the school bus is waiting outside pick up the school bag from the kids room okay so where is his room he got some roomy oh that's his review because i thought he went in there you're right mommy get out of that sofa okay that's almost always in my way emma okay where's the bag where's your bag jack oh it's in that drawer in that drawer is it in the drawer right there okay i think it's in the drawer right now wait that's the school bag right there okay here we go nice give it to jack jack you couldn't get that yourself jack right to go here and say bye to jack let's follow him yeah follow jack and follow wait he went out that way he let's get out to see your face bye zach bye have a good day at school bye-bye listen to your teachers be good bye [Music] is it nap time yet i'm ready now okay you myself always get t-shirts okay it says you must eat to stay healthy eat some food from the dining table back to the there we go and the kids in uh-huh in the kitchen again there we go the tv always gets yeah bye-bye baby's still good baby not crying good not crying good okay oh eat some yummy food there oh yeah and i'm eating something pretty okay can we eat the fruit i'm getting fruit oh wow she he's she's just eating everything we're eating a lot huh [Music] i guess being a mom is a lot of work so she's still super hungry you know she needs all the energy to take care of her kids when that looks okay it says motherhood is difficult and rewarding that is true let's see he's going to need a mother yeah grandpa's not helping at all right something is wrong the smoke is spreading across the whole house no is there a fire oh we gotta hurry gotta save the babies you do it okay okay i'm scared all right guys i ain't fired there's a fire in the kitchen don't you worry baby you stay safe okay mama got you oh the kid jumps right pick up the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall okay okay we're gonna go back i see the fires thing for sure and right there right there all right you do you do it don't panic everybody have to stay calm how about we go in the front just yeah just put it out there we go we did it you did it come on [Music] yay plenty of time emma you're doing great yay [Laughter] yeah we did it emma yeah double double yeah all right guys so that was our fun being a mom video they were going to end here it's a long you know yeah i think we're gonna take a nap right thank you for watching remember ryan always say stay happy and rise up bye
Channel: VTubers
Views: 2,627,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtubers, vtuber emma, vtuber loan, mother life simulator, mother life game, emma and mommy, emma and mommy switch places, emma is mommy, mom life, playing mom
Id: XKwl-f5RwMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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