Emma and Mr. Knightley have a fight - Emma (1996, 1996 TV, 2009, 2020)

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[Applause] [Music] very well i admitted you have improved harriet smith i hope you're not the only man to have noticed i'm not i believe your friend will soon hear something serious something to her advantage who makes you his confidant i have reason to believe that harriet smith will soon receive an offer of marriage from a man desperately in love with her robert martin he came here two evenings ago to consult about it he's a tenant you know and a good friend he asked whether it would be imprudent of him to settle so early whether she was too young or whether he was beneath her better questions for mr martin i could not have chosen myself i never hear better sense from anyone than from robert martin he proved he could afford to marry and i said he could not do better no indeed he could not come i will tell you something in return he wrote to harriet yesterday oh yes yes he was refused not sure i understand he asked was he refused then she is a greater simpleton than i believed the most incomprehensible thing in the world to a man is a woman who rejects his offer of marriage i do not comprehend it because it is madness i hope you're wrong i could not be i saw her answer you saw her answer emma you wrote her answer didn't you if i did i would have done no wrong he is not harriet's equal i agree he is not her equal good he is her superior incense and situation what are harriet smith's claims of birth or education that make her higher than robert martin she is the natural daughter of nobody knows whom the advantage of the match was entirely on her side what a farmer even with all his merit a match for my dear friend it would be a degradation for her to marry a person whom i could not admit as my own acquaintance a degradation for illegitimacy and ignorance to marry to a respected intelligent farmer she is a gentleman's daughter whoever her parents they made no plans to introduce her into good society she was left with mrs goddard for an indifferent education her friends evidently thought this was good enough for her and it was and she thought so too until you began to puff her up vanity working on a weak mind produces every kind of mischief hmm you dismiss her beauty and good nature yet i would be very much mistaken if your sex in general does not think those claims the highest a woman could possess men of sense whatever you may say do not want silly wives on my word emma better be without sense than miss apply it as you do try not to kill my dogs we see so differently on this point that there can be no use canvassing it which will only make each other angry ah i see the tea is ready let's stop and have some [Music] clearly emma you have someone else in mind if you're a friend [Music] but if the gentleman you dream of is mr elton your labor is in vain as vicar elton is unlikely to make an improvement match especially to a girl of obscurity who may bring him disgrace in unreserved moments when only men are present i have heard him speak of a large family of young ladies from bath who all have 20 000 pounds apiece [Music] believe me when i tell you that he may talk sentimentally but he will act rationally if i had my heart set on mr elton then you're opening my eyes would have been a kind service but i care only to what no more please no more [Music] she refused him yes harriet smith refused robin martin yes then she's the greatest simpleton that i thought what is the foolish girl about oh to be sure a man always imagines a woman to be ready for anyone who asks her nonsense amanda's not imagining any such thing i hope you're mistaken i saw her answer nothing could be clearer you saw her answer you wrote her answer emma this is your doing you persuaded her to refuse him and if i did i should not feel that i'd done wrong mr martin is a very respectable young man i am sure but he is not harriet's equal no he's not he's her superior and most sensing situation harriet smith is the natural daughter of nobody knows whom a girl with no connections a parlor border at a common school she's been taught nothing that is useful she's pretty she is good tempered and that is all my only scruple in recommending the match to wrong we recommended it yes i did my only scruple was on his account i thought he could do much better both as to fortune and as to securing a useful helpmate but i could not reason so to a man so much in love and depend upon it he had encouragement from her she may have been inclined towards him at one time but the case is altered now she knows now what a gentleman is and no one but a gentleman has any chance with harriet oh that is nonsense that is aaron nonsense you're not thinking of elton are you if you are depend upon it elton won't do he may talk sentimentally but he will act rationally he knows the value of a good income harriet smith has no chance i have no intention of marrying harriet to anybody you have done your friend no favors emma [Music] you have spoiled her best chance of happiness it was badly done and i am sorry for it you are wrong mr nightly and you will see you are wrong and then you will be sorry [Music] [Applause] mr robert martin is desperately in love with your miss smith and means to marry her there i've surprised you for once he came to speak to me about it and despite my doubts about the match i gave my blessing this was the day before yesterday i must say i'm surprised your friend has been able to keep the good news to herself i thought he would have spoken yesterday he was so determined how do you know that mr martin did not voice his thoughts yesterday well i do not know it absolutely i i thought she spent the whole day with you now i will tell you something um miss martin did speak yesterday that is he wrote and he was refused and she's an even greater simpleton than i thought oh of course it is incomprehensible that a woman would ever refuse an offer of marriage a man imagines a woman ready for anyone who asks a man does not imagine any such thing harriet smith refused robert martin it's madness maybe you are mistaken i saw her answer nothing could be clearer you saw her answer hello you wrote it you persuaded her to refuse him emma look at me this is your doing i am sure of it you could never lie to me with any success mr martin is a very respectable young man i am sure but i will not agree that he is harriet's equal no he is not her equal he is far her superior harriet smith is the natural daughter of nobody knows whom she's not a sensible girl and has been taught nothing useful she's no experience and little wit she's pretty good tempered maybe but that is all i felt that in all respects he could do no worse but he was so in love with her he is so in love with her that he would not be reasoned with i even thought of you i thought even emma will think that this is a good match i cannot believe you know so little of emma as to say such a thing a farmer a good match for my intimate friend it would be a degradation a degradation for illegitimacy and ignorance to be married to a respectable intelligent farmer there can scarcely be any doubt that her father was a gentleman and a gentleman a fortune nothing has been begrudged her why should the child pay for the offences of others harriet is a gentleman's daughter she associates with gentleman's daughters she is therefore superior to your robert martin emma emma we live in the real world where children do pay for the offense of their parents and it does not appear to be in their plans to introduce harriet into their society whoever they may be but we live here in highbury where we treat people with the respect and courtesy they deserve harriet's friends whoever they may be thought mrs goddard's boarding school and mrs goddard's company good enough for harriet and harriet also thought it good enough until you encouraged her to think about her station she was as happy as possible with the martins in the summer and robert has no vanity he would not have proposed if he thought that she did not favor him i know that she must have encouraged him well then let us as you say live in the real world where men of course always reject a girl with a pretty face in favor of one with a well-informed mind i bow to your superior knowledge you're 16 years more experienced you must know best harriet with her her good looks and her easy temperament will be right at the back of the queue with your sex when it comes to choosing a mate now we have both made our argument let us not quarrel really it is better to be without wits than apply them as you do emma there don't you see how you add force to my argument men don't like girls who argue harry is just the sort of girl every man wants she bewitches his senses and satisfies him that he is always right will you ever marry she'll be just a sort of woman for you mark my words harriet can pick and choose i've always thought it a bad friendship for you emma but now that i think of it i think it is worse for miss smith men of sense do not want silly wives and most men of family will be afraid of the disgrace that they get caught up in if and when the mystery of her parentage is revealed you let her marry robert martin she's respectable and happy forever you encourage her to set her sights higher she might end up at mrs goddard for the rest of her life i think so differently about this i really think we should stop talking about it as you make no secret of your matchmaking i assume that you would not have taken this drastic step unless you had another suitor in mind and as a friend i will just hint to you that if elton is the chosen man elton will not do he knows he is a very handsome young man and will never marry cheaply i have heard him speak with great animation of a large family of young ladies who all have twenty thousand a piece harriet and robert are not your playthings your dolls to be told what to do and marry under the table at your bidding their flesh and blood and one day you will bitterly regret your meddling [Music] refused then she is a greater simpleton than i ever believed her harriet smith refused robert martin i i hope you are mistaken i saw her answer nothing could be clearer you saw her answer you wrote her answer this is your doing emma you persuaded her to refuse him well if i did i should not feel that i done wrong mr martin is a respectable young man but i cannot admit him to be harriet no indeed he is her superior in both sense and situation emma your infatuation about that girl blinds you what are harriet smith's claims either of birth nature or education to any connection higher than robert martin she is the natural daughter of nobody knows who it is her allowance is very liberal nothing has been grudged for her improvement she is known only as a parlor boarder at a common school she is pretty and she is good tempered and that is all that is all these are not trivial recommendations mr nightly till men do fall in love with well-informed minds instead of handsome faces a girl with such loveliness as harriet has a certainty of being admired and sought after wherever she goes i am very much mistaken if your sex in general would not find these qualities the highest claims a woman could possess upon my word emma to hear you abusing the reason you have is almost enough to make me think so too better to be without sense all together than to misapply it as you do men of sense do not want silly wives and more prudent men would be afraid of the inconvenience and disgrace that they might be involved in when the mystery of her parentage came to be revealed let her marry martin and she is safe and respectable forever but if you teach her to expect to marry greatly nobody within her reach will ever be good enough for her your plans for harriet are best known only to yourself but as you make no secret of your love of matchmaking it is fair to suppose that plans you have and as a friend i shall just hint to you that if elton is the man that i think it will be your labour in vain he knows that he's a very handsome young man and and a great favorite wherever he goes but from his general way of talking when there are only men present i'm convinced that he does not mean to throw himself away i'm very much obliged to you for opening my eyes mr nightly but know that i am done with matchmaking for the present i only want to keep harriet for myself you
Channel: Mistress of Pemberley
Views: 173,818
Rating: 4.9309959 out of 5
Id: aqF2TagnOns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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