Eminem - Godzilla ft. Juice WRLD | Adults React

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Didn't realize that George was the younger Eminem

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Woah142857 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

What we learnt from this video:

  • a stand in (George) rehearsed all the Eminem parts first and then Em was told to do it like that for the final versions

  • the extras in the video didn’t know they were going to be in an Eminem video when they applied for the role

Time stamp 2:45

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/EmFan1999 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
- (FBE) Well, we hope you brought your rapping skills. - No! Seriously? - ♪ (rapping gibberish) ♪ Nope! (laughs) - He's so frickin' good. Oh my gosh! ♪ (rock intro) ♪ - (woman) Ah, you're a monster. - ♪ I can swallow... ♪ - Oh! It's Eminem! - So, he's back. (chuckles) - I remember this fondly. You might see a certain cameo from someone in this video. Let's watch and see. - ♪ Better hit the deck like the card dealer ♪ - He's so talented. It's insane. - Dude. He's so frickin' good. Oh my gosh! - He goes pretty hard still. How old is he now? He's like 40-something? 47? 47! He's 47, and he can still rap like this? Damn! - He looks like a dad now. I'm not gonna lie. I'm used to just the bleached hair. - Goddamn, he's good. - It has a good beat, though. Like ♪ (hums along) ♪ I feel like that-- oh! His-- ahh! That's what drugs looks like. - (chuckles) The faces. - Oh my goodness. Those eyes. - ♪ Monster ♪ ♪ You get in my way... ♪ - Who's that? Oh, is that Juice WRLD? - ♪ ...shines like Ice Road Truckers ♪ - Ahhh! It's so crazy seeing it live or actually all together. - Ah! Lickin' a basketball. Clever. - ♪ I'm in a mental hospital ♪ - Oh, nice. A little throwback. - ♪ ...in the midst of all this ♪ ♪ I'm in a mental ♪ - Still going off. Just... I had to do that so many times. And it was SO hot inside of the straitjacket. I was like, "Oh, this is so cool. What a fun experience." And then I was sitting there in the bed, and I literally was like, "Oh, god. This is so hot. We're on take 15." You have to, like, swing and flail your body around. - He's so good, but it just sounds so... like the same thing over and over and over again. - ♪ ...with a missile launcher ♪ - Whoa. - The crazy part, notice the bazookas with the children's school items. There are layers upon layers to this. That is... (whistles) - ♪ Monster ♪ ♪ When the moon shines... ♪ - I'm here for 2020 Eminem. - I hate it when you puke LEGOs. - ♪ And I got no plans to retire ♪ ♪ And I'm still the man you admire ♪ - That's cool. - ♪ I got 'em passing out like what you do... ♪ - Oh, look at that! Who is that hot stuff right there? - ♪ Got 'em passing out like what you do... ♪ - HOLY [BLEEP]! No! Is that George?! STOP! - So, fun fact about shooting this video, everything that Eminem did, I did as well before him. I was not only his stand-in, but also the younger Eminem. I would have to learn his choreography, his movements and do it for the camera before he even stepped on the set, and then they'd walk over with a little iPad or whatever and be like, "Do it exactly like George." - ♪ I stack chips ♪ ♪ You barely got a half-eaten Cheeto ♪ - Oh! - (Eminem) Ah. Oh, what the [bleep]? Mike? - (Mike) Em? Is that you? - (laughs) Mike Tyson! - (Eminem) Mike? - (Mike) Em? Is that you? - (chuckles) What the [bleep]? Mike Tyson out of nowhere. All right. - ♪ And eliminate 'em ♪ - Oh, [bleep]. (chuckles) You gotta give a shoutout to Dre. Dre put him on. - Dre was super, super cool too. - ♪ I'm beginnin' to feel like I'm mentally ill ♪ ♪ I'm Attila, kill or be killed ♪ - Whaat? - "Rap God" level right now. - I've seen TikToks of people doing this part. - He's going a mile a minute. He's saying like 75 words in 35 seconds. - I know we've all forgotten what rap music sounds like, because we've been listening to whatever the [bleep] has been going on lately, but this is good [bleep]! - ♪ Man, stop ♪ ♪ Look what I'm plannin' ♪ (chuckles) - (Juice WRLD) I hope everybody havin' a good day. - Aww. That just gave me chills. - (Juice WRLD) I hope everybody accomplish something significant. - That's so sweet to add that in. - (Juice WRLD) Even if you didn't accomplish anything significant, don't be discouraged. Just aim to accomplish something significant tomorrow, and the next... - I'm really glad they did this. - (Juice WRLD) If anybody's goin'... - Crazy, man. A lot of young artists passing away. - (Juice WRLD) I hope and I pray that you get through it, and just know that you do have the strength to get through whatever the [bleep] you're going through no matter what it is. - Love him. Yes, Cole. That was cool of Cole to do that. I remember for a split second being on set and being like, "Yo, where's Juice? He needs to do his verse." Then I was like, "Oh, [bleep]." That's when it really hit me that he was gone. - It wasn't a quick little in memory of. It was like, thank you, including his quote, what he's saying, those words of encouragement, and they gave it the time and space for people to process. I think that's a really well-done way to do it. - It's the classic Eminem sound. You know, that never changes. But having Juice WRLD in it, it's definitely adding a different layer that I'm not used to with an Eminem song. Kind of sounds like it's a collaboration with-- not like Rihanna, but on the same spectrum. - (FBE) So, you were actually in this music video. - Yes! I was. - (FBE) So, can you tell us about what that experience was like for you? - It was so cool. I honestly didn't know what I was filming until I rolled up on set. My younger self never would've thought that I would have the opportunity to not only be myself in a major rapper's music video, but also play the younger version of him, which is, as we all know, kind of polar opposite of what I am every day. It was really humbling, a really awesome experience, and I'm really flattered that I've been given an opportunity like this. - (FBE) So, that was Eminem's new music video for Godzilla featuring Juice WRLD, who tragically passed away in December 2019 but is still featured on this track. And as you obviously saw, they paid tribute to him at the end of this video. - I think that was really nice. - Just even including that clip, that's really nice. That's showing a lot of respect, so I like that. - (FBE) So, we're gonna talk more about that in just a bit, but before the music video was released, Eminem himself actually took to Twitter to boost the hype for the song. - Ooh. - "#GodzillaChallenge is on. Who can spit it? Reposting. Got prizes for my favorites." Ooh! ♪ Fill 'em with the venom and eliminate 'em ♪ ♪ Other words, I Minute Maid 'em ♪ ♪ I don't wanna hurt 'em... ♪ - He's just bragging at this point that he can do this as many times as he wants. - Jesus Criminy. - ♪ But they're gonna get it anyway ♪ - All right. I hope you guys do make us do this, because I'm gonna be like, (stutters) I'm gonna have an aneurysm. - That's pretty cool. Eminem doesn't do anything with social media anyway, so for him to actually go and promote it, it's kind of a big deal. - (FBE) So, after Marshall posted this video of him rapping one particularly difficult verse in the song, the internet did what it does best and the Godzilla Challenge was born. So, we're gonna look at what some people have done with it. - Okay, yeah. - ♪Fill 'em with the venom and eliminate 'em ♪ ♪ Other words, I Minute Maid 'em ♪ ♪ I don't wanna hurt 'em, but I did ♪ ♪ I'm in a fit of rage ♪ - Daaang! - ♪ 'Cause I'm beginnin' to feel like I'm... ♪ - Ooh! Smooth with the glasses. - Every bit of me's the epitome of a spitter ♪ - Oh my goodness. - How do people talk that fast?! - I... don't even know if I know this many words of the English language. - What's crazy is that this guy had to take a breath, right? Or two in between. Eminem just kind of bounced the whole thing throughout-- What is this man's lung capacity? - (woman) I don't know if you can see this, but I'm gonna do "Godzilla." And it's on 1.25, so here we go. - 1.25 speed? Why?! - ♪ 'Cause e'ry Tom and Dick and Harry carry a Merriam [bleep] ♪ - Do you wanna die?! - ♪ Trigger happy, pack heat ♪ ♪ But it's black ink ♪ - What?! No! - Damn, sis. - Fill 'em with the venom and eliminate 'em ♪ ♪ Other words, I Minute Maid 'em ♪ - Whaat?! julia_weber_20? You're killing it! - Oh my god. I can't even understand anything anymore. - ♪ Man, stop ♪ - What?! Okay. Maybe six shots, I might be able to do all that. - Imagine the absolute clout of pulling this out at a party and just absolutely going off. - ♪ (baby babbling rapidly) - So cute. Aww! - ♪ (baby babbling rapidly) ♪ - (chuckles) Same! - Honey, she's killing it. She doesn't even have to try. Goddess. Bye. - ♪ (baby babbling rapidly) ♪ - That was adorable. (laughs) - If that's not Eminem's favorite, I don't know what is. - That would be me trying to rap that song. That's what I would sound like. - (FBE) Well, we hope you brought your rapping skills... - No! Seriously? - (FBE) ...because we thought it's only fitting for you to try this challenge out yourself. - (snickers) ...All right. - (laughs) This is gonna be terrible. - (FBE) But since we aren't monsters, we're gonna give you a little bit of help and let you look at the lyrics, and we'll have the song playing on the laptop for you too. - That still is not going to help me. I'm going to be behind. - This is gonna be a disaster. Let's do it. (laughs) - ♪ Fill 'em with the venom and eliminate 'em ♪ ♪ Other words, I Minute Maid 'em ♪ ♪ I don't wanna hurt 'em ♪ - I didn't even get to start. (laughs) - (exhales shakily) - ♪ Fill 'em with the venom and eliminate 'em ♪ ♪ Other words, I eliminate 'em ♪ (stutters) (laughs) I can't! - ♪ Fill 'em with the venom and-- ♪ ♪ Other words, I Minute Maid 'em ♪ ♪ I don't wanna hurt 'em, but I-- ♪ ♪ Murderin' rage, nobody will-- ♪ ♪ I'm fittin' to kill 'em and dumpin' their fuckin' bodies in the lake ♪ (stutters) Oh my god. Ehh! - ♪ Fill 'em with the venom and eliminate 'em ♪ ♪ Other words, I Minute Maid 'em ♪ ♪ Don't wanna hurt 'em, but I-- ♪ Ugh. AHHH! Em, if you're watching this, I am so sorry. - ♪ (rapping gibberish) ♪ Nope. (laughs) Ah. See, I don't even know where the [bleep] I am now. - ♪ Fill 'em with the venom and eliminate 'em ♪ ♪ Other words, I Minute Maid 'em ♪ ♪ I don't wanna hurt 'em, but I did ♪ ♪ I'm in a rage ♪ ♪ I murdered 'em again ♪ And-- ugh. Stop it! (clears throat) ♪ Finna kill 'em and dump 'em all-- ♪ - ♪ I'm here to make anybody... ♪ Tch. Noo! - ♪ (rapping gibberish) ♪ (chuckles) My brain can't think this fast. - Oh my gosh. ♪ Vanilla gorilla ♪ ♪ You're bringin' the killer ♪ ♪ (rapping gibberish) ♪ I can't even get through the sentence that fast! - ♪ (rapping gibberish) ♪ ♪ I'm inflatable ♪ ♪ I'm unflappable ♪ (chuckles) ♪ [Bleep] you ♪ ♪ Man, stop! ♪ - ♪ Blown up like an inflatable ♪ ♪ (rapping gibberish) ♪ (snaps) ♪ Man, stop ♪ I could do that part. ♪ Look what I'm plannin'! ♪ - I saw it, and I heard it in my head, and I'm like, fill 'em with the venom and elate 'em-- and eliminate 'em. And I'm like, cool, I can do that. No. - (FBE) So, as of filming this episode, the "Godzilla" music video already has over 32 million views. - Wow. I mean, it makes sense. It's a really cool music video. - (FBE) One of the things a lot of people seem to be talking about is the so-called bizarre and absurd imagery throughout the video. - It's an Eminem video. What do you want?! - (FBE) Some are speculating about the deeper meaning behind some of the images and behind the video as a whole. But what do you think? Was there a deeper meaning here? - Not really. - His stuff's always really surreal. I think it's hard. You have to really peel it back. Clearly he's making a comment on society to some degree. He always is. - There was a lot of scenes about how he was taking shots and drinking, and then the chorus would be like, "I'm a monster," and it's kind of like how you're spiraling out of control, it seems like. Even at the end, a tribute to Juice WRLD and stuff like that, I feel like this ties in a lot with addiction and stuff like that. - I actually spoke with the FX department and, you know, just got the vibe from production while we were shooting for two days, and there is a lot more than you realize and a lot of small details. And a lot of it, a lot of it has to do with his history and 8 Mile-esque type things. - People don't realize that he was such a weird dude back in the day. And then, he had this little streak of I'm gonna be mainstream, I'm gonna just do regular pop and rap. Now he's kinda coming back into it, and people are like, "Oh, this is weird. I just remember that one song he did with Rihanna." - (FBE) Eminem's broken many records throughout the years. And in Godzilla, he actually broke his own record, reportedly rapping at a speed of 2,229 words in just 30 seconds during the verse that he used to spark the Godzilla Challenge. - Imagine being that talented, you just try to break your own record. (chuckles) - (FBE) We've seen a lot of music artists recently trying to capitalize on social media and challenges specifically for a marketing tool. But for somebody who's been in the game for so long, what do you think about how Eminem is adapting to the current music and social media scene? - I think it's great. You could be that, you know, get off my lawn old guy and be like, (as old man) "Screw this. I don't need Twitter!" If you want to continue having a career that thrives, you have to adapt to the changes that are taking place. And throwing it up on-- seeing what's going on and throwing it up on Twitter as a challenge, it's brilliant. - I think that's what you're supposed to do. Look at Lil Nas, who was Lil Nas before, and now he's performing at the Grammy's. And it all started because of a meme. - I love it. I immediately was like, yes, I'm glad people are doing this challenge. And I don't say that about all challenges. A lot of them I think are kind of dumb. But it's also, A, challenging people to rap better, and then B, it just puts his music and his style of rap out there more. And I personally think the best rapper alive is Eminem, so I love that it's going out there and people are doing it and people are trying to do it. They should be looking up to that. - (FBE) So finally, Eminem is nearly 50 years old. He's 47. But as he said in his song, he has no plans to retire. - I wanna see Eminem rapping into his 80s. - (FBE) So, before we go, what would your advice for the rapper in this phase of his career be? - Dude, just keep doing what you're doing. I don't think you need any advice from me. You obviously know how this game goes. - You just keep doing what you're doing! This isn't a poster child for anything other than doing what you love! - Stay true to you. Keep doing music that you love. People are gonna keep loving it. As long as you're doing what you love, we're gonna do what you love too. - Keep doing what you're doing. And then keep on investing in the up and coming hip hop artists that you see that have that little spark. You've learned so much, good or bad, through your career. Pass that on. I mean, that's why we go through the things we go through is to help other people not make the same mistakes. - (quickly) Thanks for watching this episode of Adults React. (chuckles) - (quickly) Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell, so you don't miss an episode. - Shoutout to Sun Yun Lee. - Thanks for watching! Man, stop. - Hey, everyone! Lauren, producer here at FBE. Did you know that this episode was requested by our fans in the comments? If you wanna know if we read all those comments, we definitely do, so please let us know what you wanna see us react to next down below. Bye, everyone!
Channel: REACT
Views: 9,155,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eminem - Godzilla ft. Juice WRLD, react to godzilla eminem, eminem godzilla reaction, react to eminem, adults react, react, reaction, fbe, for the first time, youtubers react, elders react, teens react, kids react, parents react, teenagers react, Eminem - Godzilla ft. Juice WRLD | Adults React, eminem new music video, Eminem, juice world, Juice WRLD, Godzilla, react to godzilla, react to eminem new music video, Jarad Juice WRLD, Higgins, godzilla challenge, eminem godzilla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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