- ♪ Respect what we built ♪
- It's rap that I can understand. - ♪ I'm Kanye West ♪
- Huh?! What's Kanye got to do with this? ♪ (ragtime intro) ♪ - (reporter) Millions
in California are dealing with the dangers of extreme heat
and rapidly spreading wildfires. - Yes. And this is a problem.
- I had a friend that says there's more fires in California
than he's ever seen! - (reporter) 103 degrees
in downtown Los Angeles. - Oh yeah. Tell me about it.
- (reporter) As climate change continues to yield record temperatures.
(car honking) - Climate change, pollution...
- Pollution and traffic, ugh! Reminds me of my everyday travels.
- Wait a minute. All that trash. - Oh. Oh, dear. - Oh, I know what this is.
I've seen this. I saw something
on television about it, and I only saw
the animated part. - "Earth."
- (man) ...overheated or something. - Pretty important place.
- It's Lil... Dicky. - Bunch of kids
bullying another kid. - Oh! You little ruffians. - Hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey! No good. - (boy) Pick it up, dork! - There he is!
- (Lil Dicky) What did you just say? - That's Lil Dicky.
I did a video with him. - (FBE) Really?!
What was the video called? - Yeah, it was called "Molly feat." - (FBE) What'd you play?
I was the father of the bride. - (Lil Dicky) What did you just say? - (boy) I said, "Pick it up, dork."
- Is all this necessary for music videos? (chuckles)
- (boy 2) Are you Lil Dicky? - (Lil Dicky) Yeah.
- And who is that? - (Lil Dicky) Hello.
- (boy) Yo, Lil Dicky, my bro thinks you suck!
- Oh, boy. - (boy 2) Ay, suck my butt, Lil Dicky!
- No, he didn't. - (Lil Dicky) How about you take
that perfectly round head and suck my butt? How about that?
- (boys exclaiming) - That's my kind of guy.
- Okay. Well, good. A responsible child. Bravo! - Wow, that poor guy is left
to do it all by himself. - That looks
like the Bible to me. - And there's a book. - Oh, the book.
The magic book. - (chuckles) ♪ (playful music) ♪ - A book of knowledge. - (Lil Dicky) Just one
of the guys down here. - What in the world?
Inside the book? - It's so pretty!
- (Lil Dicky) And I just wanted to, you know, for the sake of all of us...
- I don't recognize him, but I'm having a feel good moment.
- That's the same guy that was just with the kids.
- ♪ We love the Earth ♪ - Yeah, we're not loving it enough.
- ♪ It is our planet ♪ - Oh.
- ♪ We love the Earth ♪ - I love it.
- ♪ We love the Earth ♪ - Oh, beautiful. - ♪ We love the Earth ♪
- We better love it. It's the only one we got!
- They're talking about protecting the Earth, climate change.
- ♪ Hi ♪ ♪ I'm a baboon ♪
- Justin! - ♪ I'm like a man,
just less advanced ♪ - Yeah, so we've got the animals.
- ♪ And my anus is huge ♪ - (laughs) No!
I knew that was coming! - ♪ Hey ♪
♪ I'm a zebra ♪ - I think this is Ariana.
- ♪ No one knows what I do ♪ - Good singers.
- ♪ Am I white or black? ♪ - Man, Noah's ark.
- ♪ I'm a lion cub ♪ - Aww, she cute.
- ♪ And I'm always getting licked ♪ - But you're eating the zebra.
- ♪ Cow ♪ ♪ Moo ♪
♪ You take milk from my [bleep] ♪ - (chuckles) Okay,
now it's getting funny. - ♪ I'm a common fungus ♪
- Magic mushroom! (laughs) That's why we're singing all that,
'cause we got a magic mushroom. - ♪ I'm a marijuana plant ♪
♪ I can get you [bleep] up ♪ - Uh-oh.
- ♪ And I'm Kanye West ♪ - Huh?! What's Kanye
got to do with this? - ♪ I'm a marijuana plant ♪
♪ I can get you [bleep] up ♪ - Oh, I don't know about him.
- ♪ We love the Earth ♪ - Kanye. I don't know about him. - You threw a sarcastic
Kanye West in there. How could you not laugh? Come on! - ♪ It is our planet ♪ - I love the music.
I love the concept. - Adults can relate to it.
Children. - ♪ It is our planet ♪ - Well, he's got a great message here.
- ♪ It is our home ♪ - This is cute.
This part is cute. - ♪ Ba-dum-ba-dum-dum
ba-dum-ba-di ♪ - Now, the other part of the Earth.
- ♪ We're just some rhinos, horny as heck ♪
- (laughs) - ♪ I'm just a giraffe ♪
♪ What's with this neck? ♪ - Reminds me a lot of Disney movies.
- ♪ I hop all day, up and down with you ♪
- That's it. It's cute! - ♪ What the [bleep]?!
I'm a clam?! ♪ - ♪ (chuckles) ♪
- ♪ I'm a wolf, ah-ooh ♪ - ♪ I'm a squirrel looking
for my next nut ♪ - (squirrel 2 groans)
- Looking for his next nut. A whole lot
of innuendos in here. - ♪ Giddy up, let's ride ♪
- The visuals are great. - ♪ ...HPV ♪
♪ Don't let me in ♪ - (laughs) - ♪ And I sleep all the time ♪
- (chuckles) - ♪ We love you, India ♪ - Taj Mahal.
- ♪ We love you, Africa ♪ - Excellent message.
- ♪ We forgive you, Germany ♪ - (chuckles) Yeah, 70 years on,
I guess we should. - ♪ We forgive you, Germany ♪
- I don't know if I forgive them, but that's okay. (chuckles)
Well, my grandparents died in concentration camps.
I have a hard time with that one. - ♪ It is our planet ♪
- It's a presentation that I didn't expect,
that I haven't seen with a younger crowd. - ♪ We love the Earth ♪
♪ I'm a man ♪ ♪ Hello? ♪
♪ Can you hear me? ♪ - (chuckles)
- ♪ I've trudged the Earth for so damn long
and still don't know [bleep] ♪ - Man, that's for sure.
- Wow. - ♪ Give each other names
like Ahmed and Pedro ♪ ♪ And yeah, we like... ♪
- This is beautiful. - ♪ And it covers up
our human [bleep] ♪ ♪ Eat a lot of tuna fish ♪
♪ But these days, it's like we don't know how to act ♪
♪ All these shootings, pollution, we under attack... ♪
- Right, that's true. - ♪ Respect what we built ♪
- It's rap that I can understand. (chuckles) - ♪ ...when you have sex ♪
♪ And I heard women orgasms are better than a [bleep] ♪
- Uh, what? - ♪ What we gotta stand for? ♪
♪ Love ♪ - Pure genius.
- ♪ ...the Earth ♪ - It's just an appreciation
of what we've been given. - ♪ We love the Earth ♪
- We'll, we're not loving the Earth enough. - I like him hugging
the Earth like that. - (Lil Dicky) There's so many
people out there who don't think global warming's
a real thing, you know? We gotta save this planet.
- See, he's giving hope. - (Lil Dicky) Guys,
everybody look into whatever the [bleep]
Leonardo DiCaprio is always pushing, 'cause I feel like that guy
knows more about... - He was in "Titanic."
- (Lil Dicky) ...how we're [bleep] it up than anybody.
Like, if aliens did come, we should definitely send Leo
as our guy, our rep. - Yeah...
- (Lil Dicky) In fact, the profits... - Yeah, no, I know.
Leonardo, he's a big advocate. - (Lil Dicky) In fact,
the profits that come along with the streams and the sale
of this song are going right into the Earth.
- Ohhh. - That's great.
- Long live Lil Dicky! - (Leonardo) This might be
my favorite song ever. - That's wonderful
that he did that. - (Lil Dicky) Wow. Thanks, Leo. - Everything being said in here is pretty right on the money.
It'll only take the next generation to stand up to pollution
and take care of the Earth We just need one generation
to say, "No! It's not okay, because our parents
say it's okay." - They're just silly.
This is actually a real wonderful message, too.
It's a very constructive one, and it's pretty.
- There was some definitely curse words, inappropriate words.
Those words did not cast any negativity on the production.
It's well done. My hat goes off,
whoever put this together. - (FBE) So, one of the big things
that people are talking about beyond just the song's message
and the video itself is how many huge stars
from the music world appear in the song.
- That's what-- you know what I'm thinking?
I'm hearing all these voices, and I'm going,
"They sound familiar." - (FBE) So, of course,
you probably recognized some. Can you tell us whose voices
you recognized in the song you just heard?
- Did I recognize them? No. (laughs)
- No, I didn't really recognize any of 'em.
- I thought most of the voices were his. He was just
using different voices. - Kanye, I did,
'cause he, of course, introduced himself
and butted right in there. - (FBE) Fun fact,
that actually wasn't Kanye. - It's not? Okay.
He didn't do his own voice? Well, of course not,
'cause he's not the star of it. (flames rage)
- (voice-over) Burn! - Did I hear Ariana Grande?
Ahh! (claps) Yay for me. - He calls Justin
and Ariana by name, so that's why those have really-- but I know Kevin Hart is in it.
Kanye West, that was too funny. Though, I need to see
all the credits. And you just go, "Oh my gosh!
How did he get all these people?" - (FBE) So now, we're gonna
show you everyone who was in it. - Okay, perfect!
- This will surprise me, I know. - Oh my gosh!
- Oh, Kevin Hart does Kanye. To bring in people
and all their fan bases will look at it, then it just--
it's like a ripple effect. - Oh my gosh!
Well, this is wonderful. Ed Sheeran,
one of my favorite singers. - Bieber, I know him.
Zac Brown, I know. Katy Perry,
know that of course. Leonardo DiCaprio,
he's my favorite actor. - Snoop Dogg. (chuckles)
I figured it was Snoop Dogg with the herbs growin'.
- Doesn't matter who those people are. The point is they're all contributing
and feel they can use their fame and authority to maybe
influence somebody. - I don't know Lil Yachty.
Lil Yach-ee? How do you say that? Everyone else, I know them.
- (FBE) Wow! - I'm so proud of myself
that I know all these people. - Going back a few years,
we did have "We Are the World," you know, and brought in
all of those singers. Thank God for some positive things! I think some of these
people are growing up. - (FBE) So, that was a song
by a rapper named Lil Dicky called "Earth."
- I have never heard of Lil Dicky. - I've never heard of him.
Actually, as a rapper, I think he's pretty good,
'cause most of the rappers, I don't like.
- Lil Dicky. His real name is Dave Burd.
I've met the guy, talked to him, I had a nice conversation.
He's a great guy and very intelligent. - (FBE) Lil Dicky is a rapper
who's actually known for his edgy songs
and comedic take on the genre. But in his new video
that you just watched, he combines his signature style
with the serious and controversial topic
of climate change. - Right. And it is controversial.
That's for sure. - (FBE) Before we dive into this,
can you tell us when you remember the topic of climate change
first coming up and how people discussed it then
compared to now? - I think around 1990.
Species were dying, and they have
so many mutations. It's an issue,
and we need more songs like that. And we need more action
being taken. And it needs to be done immediately.
- I remember. October 1968. And I remember how the weather was
as compared to what it is now. And there is a difference.
- When I was younger, in the '60s, '70s,
and smog was getting worse and worse and worse,
and people were starting to wonder, "How do we get rid of this?
How can we control this? What's going on?"
- It was late '70s, I started hearing, early '80s about the hole
in the ozone. I don't think the youth
were as much on board with, you know, working,
you know, getting things out there. - Way back then,
it was global warming, that everything was becoming warmer.
And then it came into the fact that it wasn't only warmer.
It could be warm. It could be cold.
It could be storms. It could be increasing rain.
Some still ignore it. We have a president
who ignores it right now. - It was never a subject
we talked about in school or socially or anything
when I was growing up. I'm not in entire agreement
with the whole cure, but there is-- it is relevant
that we do need to take a look at our air and ocean
and everything around us. - Prince Charles--
and I think it was '70 or '72, he came out talking about it
and talking about the fact that we really needed
to do something about it and not just bury our heads
in the sand. We've had all this time
to do something, and we just haven't.
- (FBE) So, this music video is a partnership with
the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. - I didn't know that he was
so heavy into climate change. - (FBE) So, it's intended to be
an environmental call to action with all the proceeds
of the song going to the foundation. - Oh, that's great.
That's great. Yeah, he's kind of
made that his life's work. - (FBE) So, Lil Dicky
is calling this song and video his life's most important work.
But some people have pointed out that the comedy can take away
from the seriousness of climate change, and others simply feel
that the topic isn't a real issue and the song isn't necessary
in the first place. - Wrong. This video is for everyone.
- No. If there was no comedy and it was just plain,
it could be boring. - It gets people's attention,
'cause, you know, people will look at some of these documentaries
on climate change, and they just blank out.
- It's great, because we're talking about the world and how
it's being affected, and he's also taken the real world
that we live in, the society we live in,
the things that we say, the way that we act,
the things that we think, and are opposing them
with the world. - (FBE) A lot of the people
are comparing Lil Dicky's "Earth" to the 1985 song "We Are the World,"
which also featured some of the most popular artists
of the time, and the proceeds helped those suffering
from severe hunger in Africa. - Absolutely. I remember that song.
- That's right. That really made an effect. - Incredible,
the message in that video. - (FBE) However, now with the internet
and with social media, it's much easier for projects
like this to be shared and to reach more people.
- Yeah. Of course. It can go all over. - (FBE) Do you think a song or video
like this is more effective today with the reach of social media
even though there is SO much content that you can consume now
across TV and the internet? Or was it more effective
back in the days when people could only watch things
pretty much on TV? - Technically, it might've been
more effective then, because we didn't have the options
to not watch certain things that they put in front of us.
- What you have in the '80s is something more special,
because it was so unusual and it was so limited
in terms of being able to view it. But that meant it was also
limited in how many people did see it, so this is obviously
getting seen by more people. - This is a new day,
and this is how people through this medium
are able to connect to what's going on in the world.
- Oh, it's absolutely more effective today because
of the seamless global marketplace. You can reach a billion users
or watchers overnight. - "We Are the World" was phenomenal.
It was a phenomenon, because it just
hadn't been done before. But if that had had the internet,
I can't imagine how much farther along we would've gone to help
the people in Africa. - (FBE) So finally,
this song has gone viral. It features over 30 major celebrities
and already has over 45 million views. - Wow. Wonderful.
- Good. More! More! - (FBE) A lot of people
might feel like Lil Dicky isn't necessarily an artist that
your age group would be interested in, but now that you've heard
the song and seen this video, do you think elders
would like this music? - Well, I wanna go listen
to some other Lil Dicky songs, which I haven't done yet,
but I wonder if I'll be shocked. - No, I'm fine the way I am.
Yeah, I'm not into rapping. - I'd be willing to give it a listen.
That's all I can say. But this, I think
everybody should see. - The elders would
like that music, because it's got that
old-fashioned rhythm/groove to it. - I love the song. It's good for people 8 to 86! - I'm sure there are many,
many people who may not know Lil Dicky or anything about him,
but once they hear that and see that and understand it,
it really doesn't matter if it was Lil Dicky or Lil Ralphie.
It doesn't really matter, because the message is great
and it's meaningful. I'm proud to have
worked with Lil Dicky, know the guy.
I think he's terrific. And I think
the whole thing is terrific. I'd even watch it again. - Thanks for watching
this episode of Elders React. - Subscribe and hit the bell,
so you never miss an episode. - Thanks for watching. Bye.
- Hey, I'm Sierra, producer here at FBE.
Do you wanna help save the planet? You should check out the links
in the description below, where you can donate
to the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Let's come together and live!
♪ Ah-ooo ♪ Bye, guys.
Omg. That old man that was like "its lil dicky, I did a video with him" they said what video? Old man: it was called molly feat. I was the father of the bride. That was so cute. And funny that he thought it was called molly feat.
Funny how the elders had a better reaction to it than this sub lmao
That was honestly so wholesome. Thanks for sharing it. I loved watching their reactions to it
Great reaction.