Adults Try Not To Sing Or Dance - Top Songs From 2000 (Eminem, Blink 182, Jay Z) | React

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- (React) Today, my friends, you are going to be thrown into a time machine back to the year 2000. - Woo! - Yay! - Let's go! - Okay. - (React) 2000. - Ooh! - ♪ In the year 2000 ♪ - (React) I'm gonna be bombarding you with bops from the year 2000, and we'll try not to sing, dance, or overly enjoy said bops. - Ugh. - Okay. - That's the hard part. - (React) If you do, you get dinged, get it, good, let's go! - ♪ Honey came in ♪ ♪ And she caught me red-handed ♪ - No! - This is like every guy's theme song. - Stop! - ♪ Picture this ♪ ♪ We were both butt-naked ♪ - What is that phone? (laughs) - ♪ How could I forget ♪ (buzzer rings) ♪ That I had given her an extra key ♪ (buzzer rings) - I was just singing this song the other night. - Same! - (React) Oh, what did that sound like? (laughs) - You'll never know! (React laughs) - ♪ You better watch your back ♪ ♪ Before she turn into a killer ♪ - ♪ Let's review the situation ♪ ♪ That you caught up in a ♪ - ♪ It wasn't me ♪ - ♪ She saw the marks ♪ ♪ On my shoulder ♪ - ♪ It wasn't me ♪ - ♪ Heard the words ♪ ♪ That I told her ♪ - (Alex) You're a jerk. - ♪ Heard the screams ♪ ♪ Getting louder ♪ - ♪ It wasn't me ♪ - ♪ She stayed until ♪ ♪ It was over ♪ - (React) (laughs) Wow! You both made it! - (React) Oh my gosh, you made it! - Dang it! I tried, I tried dude. - Ooh, that was so hard! - Unflappable. - Your vibe encapsulated me, and I was just fighting it the whole time. - Yeah. - (React) Can you name the artist? - No, I cannot. - (React) You know this. - Shaggy. - (React) Shaggy, that's right! That was Shaggy coming on the scene. - Good to know. - He was, yeah. - (React) After that, then he dropped Angel, great song. - ♪ Girl, you're my angel ♪ ♪ You're my darling angel ♪ - (React) Take another point away from both of 'em, thank you! - Ah! (buzzer rings) (both laugh) - I love that song. - That was pretty good. - Yeah, that's a good song. ♪ (upbeat rock music) ♪ - Oh, this is classic. - I wanna say I know this. - I know exactly where I was... - ♪ All the ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ Small things ♪ (buzzer rings) - Hey! (laughs) (buzzer rings) I knew it! Hey! - ♪ I'll take one lift ♪ - No, dude! - Look at Travis Barker, he's so hot! - I always think I know the words to this song, and then I sing 'em all wrong. - Me too! I had it, I knew a couple. - The white person in you is screaming right now. - Mm-hmm. - ♪ Waiting ♪ ♪ Commiserating ♪ - How many people in the 2000s had to look that up in the dictionary to find out what it meant? - Commiserating? (laughs) - Yes! - This is easy for you, huh? - This is one of my favorite bands. - (React) What!? - Yeah. - ♪ Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na ♪ ♪ Na, na ♪ - (React) Harmonizing, what!? (laughs) - I know you wanna head bang. - Mm-mm. - Hey! - ♪ Work sucks ♪ I, we don't know. - ♪ I know ♪ - This is great! - (React) You guys passed again! What!? - Yep. (sighs) - He was stressed though. - Is that Barkley, playing on the drums? - (React) Uh, Travis Barker. - Travis Barker, I knew that! - (React) Mm-hmm. - Oh, no way, really? - Yeah. - (React) That's so funny, you know him from like reality TV? - See, right. (laughs) - Yeah, I know him from like Kourtney Kardashian. - (React) Oh my God! - I mean, come on! (buzzer rings) (Travis screams) (buzzer rings) - ♪ Y'all gonna make me ♪ ♪ Lose my mind ♪ - No! - ♪ Up in here, up in here ♪ (buzzer rings) (buzzer rings) - What, what? - ♪ Up in here ♪ ♪ Up in here ♪ - Ugh! - ♪ Y'all gonna make me ♪ ♪ Act a fool ♪ ♪ Up in here ♪ ♪ Up in here ♪ - Y'all gonna make me ♪ ♪ Lose my cool ♪ ♪ Up in here ♪ ♪ Up in here ♪ - ♪ I'm about to bring it to you ♪ ♪ Cowards, and it's gonna be quick ♪ - ♪ All your mens ♪ ♪ Up in the jail before ♪ - ♪ Suck my woo ♪ (Travis laughs) ♪ Get done quick ♪ - I'm getting a free concert today, I'm loving this. - ♪ Up in here ♪ ♪ Up in where ♪ - ♪ Y'all gonna make me ♪ - ♪ Go all out ♪ ♪ Up in here, up in here ♪ - I'm sweating. (laughs) - ♪ All my big ballers ♪ - ♪ Meet me outside ♪ - Sorry, we gotta keep going. - DMX will be visiting you in your dreams tonight, bruh. - Wow, I wonder I'm just a masochist. (record scratches) If I didn't... Maybe I enjoy ♪ (somber piano music) ♪ this painful experience of not dancing and singing. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ - ♪ Sweat, baby, sweat ♪ - I'm keeping it together this time. - ♪ Can you do the kind of stuff ♪ ♪ That only Prince would sing about ♪ - You know you know this song! - No! - You look like that guy! - I do not! - I don't know what this is. - Me neither. - I'm used to pretending that I don't like this song. - (Brian) Mm-hmm! - Because back in the days of my pre-teens when this came out, I wasn't allowed to like this song. - (Brian) Oh yeah. (React laughs) - This is your theme song! (laughs) - No it's not! Nuh-uh! - Mm-hmm. - Nope! - Did they go to France to film this? - They most certainly did. - Why? - ♪ You and me baby ♪ ♪ Ain't nothing but mammals ♪ - ♪ So let's do it like they do ♪ ♪ On the Discovery Channel ♪ - ♪ Gettin' horny now ♪ - (React) Come on! - You know you love this song! - With the choreo, and like, the visuals. I love it! - Hey! - That one was harder than I thought it was going to be, because of the fact that I was just gonna like, drop one of the lines. - Joe is very harsh when he grades, so we can't even drop one, like right now, or he'll dock against us. - Oh, no, no, no, no, no! - (React) Oh, no, no, no, no, no. - I've played this game before. - (React) You both got out. You didn't know the song, but you were secretly moving. - Dang it, was I? (both laugh) - ♪ Discovery channel ♪ (buzzer rings) - I didn't even mean to! - ♪ I'm going down, down baby ♪ ♪ Yo' street in a Range Rover ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ Cocked, ready to let it go ♪ ♪ Shimmy, shimmy, cocoa pop ♪ ♪ Listen to me now ♪ - Oh my God. (buzzer rings) Everyone's so beautiful. - ♪ Take a puff, pass it to me now ♪ - ♪ You can find me ♪ - ♪ In St. Louis rollin' on dubs ♪ - Come on! - No, I refuse! I'm winning! - (React) Who is it? - That is... Really? - (React) Who is it? - Nelly! - (React) There you go! - And the St. Lunatics! (laughs) - ♪ Light it up and take a puff ♪ - ♪ Pass it to me now ♪ - ♪ Find me ♪ Oh no, we already did that part. - (React) You're out! - I'm sorry, for me, what little black kid didn't wear the Band-Aid? Nothing happened. Nothing happened there, but every single one of us. - I am fighting my natural instincts over here. - (React) Sylvia, what did you think of the video that you just saw? - That was so hype. I loved it. And everyone was so pretty. I was like I don't look like that when I'm walking around in my neighborhood. (Corey laughs) - ♪ Cut my life into pieces ♪ - Shut up! - ♪ This is my last resort ♪ - You know this is your song. - ♪ Suffocation, no breathing ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ Don't give a ♪ (buzzer rings) ♪ If I cut my arm bleeding ♪ - [Censored]! - (React) Yeah! (laughs) - ♪ This is my last resort ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ Cut my life into pieces ♪ - Man, look how, he's going through it. - ♪ 'Cause I'm losing my sight ♪ - ♪ Losing my mind ♪ - ♪ Na-na-nah, na-na-nah ♪ ♪ Na-na-na-nah ♪ I don't remember the lyrics! (laughs) - What? I know the lyrics! - I know this song, don't ask me who's singing it. (React laughs) - Um... - I don't know! (laughs) - So I take it you're more into the rock era. - Yeah, I was. - (React) You lost that one, the first one! - Ah well. - (React) Ah well. - (React) Guys, who was that? - Metallica? - (React) No! - No, it's not Metallica. (laughs) - Sorry! - ♪ Awake on my airplane ♪ - Oh, I love this song. - (React) She knows it! - Of course I know this song. Okay, well since I know it, and y'all don't, I'm going for it. (buzzer rings) - I literally don't know this song. - I don't know this song either. - ♪ Kicking and screaming ♪ - I don't think I've ever heard this. - ♪ Could you wanna ♪ ♪ Take my picture ♪ - Is he drowning in his emotions and that's why he's in a house full of water? - Maybe! - What is going on? - What's going on is I'm walking down my street with my iPod. - Oh, he's screaming. He's really emoting now. - (React) Aw, Sylvia, you're dancing. - I can't help it, I can't help it! (buzzer rings) I was like almost there too, and then he started like belting for his life. - ♪ Now ♪ (React laughs) - (React) Got her! - That was worth it. That was worth it. - Well. - Nope, it's over. - Come on, dawg! (buzzer rings) - You already know? - ♪ Check it out ♪ - ♪ Ooh that dress so scandalous ♪ (buzzer rings) ♪ You know another ♪ ♪ Can't handle it ♪ - Oh wow! - ♪ You shaking that thang ♪ ♪ Like who's the ish ♪ - ♪ When I look in your eyes ♪ (buzzer rings) ♪ So devilish ♪ - You like to dance ♪ ♪ All the hip hop spots ♪ - ♪ And you cruise to the crews ♪ ♪ Like connect the dots ♪ - ♪ Not just urban ♪ ♪ She like the pop ♪ ♪ And she was ♪ - ♪ Livin' la Vida Loca ♪ - ♪ Had dumps like a truck ♪ ♪ Truck, truck ♪ ♪ Thighs like what ♪ ♪ What, what ♪ - Baby move your butt ♪ ♪ Butt, butt ♪ - ♪ Uh, I think I'll sing it again ♪ - ♪ Let me see that thong ♪ - ♪ Baby, make your booty go ♪ ♪ Da-na, da-na ♪ - I don't know this. - (React) Woah. - ♪ That thong, th-thong-thong ♪ ♪ Thong ♪ - Oh wait, yes I do. (laughs) I know that part! - ♪ Go ♪ ♪ That thong, th-thong-thong ♪ ♪ Thong ♪ (React laughs) - Hell yeah! One of the best, okay. - The best, the best. - Okay, first of all. - The best summer jam ever. Period. - In history. - (React) Do you like it? - I do. (both laugh) I might have just been like, liking that performance though, I don't know. (Corey laughs) - ♪ May I have your attention please ♪ (buzzer rings) - Oh my God! - ♪ Will the real Slim Shady ♪ ♪ Please stand up ♪ - Oh! - Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. (buzzer rings) - (React) Out again, guys, you are so bad. - One of my favorite karaoke songs, dude. - Good luck! - I don't know all the lyrics, I know some of the lyrics. - ♪ And started whoopin' her ass ♪ ♪ Worse than before ♪ ♪ They first were divorced ♪ ♪ Throwing her over furniture ♪ ♪ Ah ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ It's the return of the ♪ ♪ Ah, wait, no way ♪ ♪ You're kidding ♪ ♪ He didn't just say ♪ ♪ What I think he did, did he? - Are they in like, a mental hospital, yeah? ♪ And Dr. said ♪ - ♪ Nothing you idiots ♪ ♪ Dr. Dre's dead ♪ - ♪ He's locked in my basement ♪ ♪ Feminist women love Eminem ♪ - ♪ Chicka, chicka, Slim Shady ♪ ♪ I'm sick of him ♪ - ♪ Walking around grabbing ♪ ♪ His you know what ♪ - ♪ Flippin' the you know who ♪ ♪ Yeah, but he's so cute though ♪ - ♪ Will Smith don't gotta ♪ - ♪ Cuss in his raps to sell records ♪ ♪ Well I do, so [censored] him ♪ ♪ And [censored] you too ♪ Sorry. (React laughs) Yep, I heard this song probably about one or two times. (Sylvia laughs) Yep. - ♪ Inside your living room ♪ ♪ The only difference is ♪ ♪ I got the balls to say it ♪ ♪ In front of y'all ♪ ♪ And I don't gotta be ♪ - (React) You lost that round! - Yeah. - I know. - (React) Both of you. - That was worth it. - ♪ I just spit it better ♪ ♪ Than 90% of you rappers out there ♪ ♪ Then you wonder how ♪ ♪ Jacking off with Jergens ♪ ♪ And I'm jerking ♪ ♪ But this whole bag ♪ ♪ Of Viagra isn't working ♪ - (React) You guys are insane. (explosion echoes) (both laugh) - Headphone drop! (explosion echoes) - Me too! (explosion echoes) - (Brian) There it is. ♪ (upbeat rock music) ♪ - You know who this is? - ♪ Look at the stars ♪ - Oh! - (Atheana) I feel like I've heard this song. But I don't know it. - ♪ Look how they shine for you ♪ - Is this the guy that was married to like, Gwyneth Paltrow? - (React) Yes! - And has a kid named Apple? (bell rings) - This is Coldplay, right? - (React) Yes! - Come on! - ♪ It was called yellow ♪ (buzzer rings) - Why are you sweaty? - I had a Coldplay phase. - ♪ Your skin, oh yeah ♪ ♪ Your skin and bones ♪ - This is the kind of music you listen to in your bathtub. - I'm singing it inside. (sighs) - No, those backgrounds. ♪ Ah ♪ - ♪ You know I love you so ♪ - I don't trust somebody that names their kid Apple, though. - I really do like this song. I haven't heard it in so long, so it's more refreshing, and I'm literally just enjoying it and listening to it instead. - It's like a spiritual shower. - Those vocals are crazy. You sounded really good singing it too. - Thank you! I wish I knew the words. (both laugh) - ♪ Ge-ge-geyeah, geyeah ♪ (buzzer rings) (Brian sighs) - Not fair! - Let's go, Jay-Z! - ♪ But I don't trust or need 'em ♪ ♪ Take 'em out the hood ♪ ♪ Keep 'em looking good ♪ - I don't know what this is. (buzzer rings) - ♪ Talk about ♪ ♪ What's the reasons ♪ ♪ I'm a pimp in every sense ♪ ♪ Of the word, mama ♪ ♪ Better trust than believe them ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ Ah, ah ah ah ah ♪ - ♪ Check 'em out now ♪ - Ooh! - ♪ We doin' ♪ - I love that little, is that a flute? Oh, it's Jay-Z! - ♪ Check 'em out now ♪ ♪ Big pimpin' ♪ - ♪ On B.L.A.D.s ♪ ♪ We doin' ♪ - ♪ Big pimpin' ♪ - ♪ Up in NYC ♪ ♪ It's just that Jigga Man ♪ ♪ Pimp C and Bun B ♪ ♪ Oh, you go ♪ - I don't know what he's saying. Bunb? B-U-N-B. - I think it was P-U-M-P, I don't know. - B-L-A-D, BLAD? - Yeah. - BUNB and BLAD? - ♪ Who let the dogs out ♪ ♪ Who, who, who, who, who ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ Who let the dogs out ♪ - This song is so mean! - This song is kind of screwed up. - Do you wanna know some fun facts about this song? - (React) Yeah! - He's talking about ugly girls in the club. - Oh, really? I didn't know that. - (Atheana) Yeah! - I always thought that the lyrics were a little weird. - I don't care. ♪ Yippie yi yo ♪ I danced to this song so many times. ♪ Yippie yi yo ♪ - I'm protesting. - I feel like I'm being driven to school right now. Like, I'm about to walk into Kindergarten. - ♪ Who, who, who, who, who ♪ ♪ Who let the dogs out ♪ - They look like they're having fun, it's colorful, there's some puppies running around. - Oh, 'cause the women are dogs. - Are you just getting this? - I think I got it at once point, and then I forgot it, and now I just got it again at this moment, in real time, and you saw it. - The panting! (laughs) (breathes heavily) - I thought it was dumb when it first came out, and it had, it grew legs, and just became popular. I was like okay, well yeah. It's one of those. - ♪ And so we talked all night ♪ ♪ About the rest of our lives ♪ - Is this Vitamin C? (bell rings) Oh, this was like a lot of people's graduation song. (bell rings) (Corey laughs) - Oh! (buzzer rings) - You wanna know why I laughed? 'Cause all I'm thinking about is Scary Movie 2. (laughs) - Yeah, that bright, bright orange. - (Brian) Yeah. - This is like the graduation song, right, yeah, that everyone sings. - Oh, I know this song! - ♪ We remember ♪ (buzzer rings) (laughs) - Oh my God, all the screenshots. - ♪ Had together ♪ - I don't know, I always thought this one was kinda saccharine, and like, I don't know, just too cheesy. - I agree. - ♪ We will still be ♪ ♪ Friends forever ♪ ♪ La la-la-la, la-la-la-la ♪ - Wow. - Yo! - Wow. - That will forever be a funny record to me. (both laugh) Forever. - Yeah, that one was... That one was pretty easy. - I remember the song. Eh, mm. - (React) Meh. - Nah. - (React) Shmi-shmeh. - Shmi-shmeh. - ♪ It's the ♪ - Yes! ♪ End of the world ♪ (buzzer rings) ♪ And all of Western civilization ♪ - (React) Woah. - Is that SSX Tricky? - I love him! - ♪ At least it's settled ♪ ♪ In a final location ♪ - Red Hot Chili Peppers! - ♪ It's understood that Hollywood ♪ ♪ Sells ♪ - ♪ Californiacation ♪ - Was this on PlayStation? (React laughs) - It looks like EA Sports. It's in the game. - Did Tony Hawk have a snowboarding one too? - Ooh no. - I don't think so. - (React) But it's very Tony Hawk-esque. - Yes. - It's very, yeah, yeah. - Look at the music video's sick. - I don't remember swimming in SSX Tricky. - Punched a shark. - Oh, he punched a shark. - Yeah right, bro. Yeah right, bro. - He punched a shark, woah! - Look at that body! - ♪ Dream of Californiacation ♪ - ♪ Cation ♪ - ♪ Dream of Californiacation ♪ (buzzer rings) - ♪ Cation ♪ - I think I saw a little groove there. - No you didn't. - (React) I saw a little groove! - (laughs) I don't believe you. (buzzer rings) - ♪ Californiacation ♪ - (React) Alright, Brian, you survived that one. - Bang! - (React) I guess, Alex... - I'm out. (laughs) - Oh yeah. - I'm very out. - You were out so fast. - I accept my fate. - (React) Super out. Who's the band? You guys have heard of the band. (Corey sighs) A color of the rainbow. A hot one, what's a hot... - Green Day! - (both) Red Hot Chili Peppers. - (React) Boom! (laughs) - Boom! Come on, man! - (React) Alright guys, that's it! That's the end of the episode! - Yeah, we did it! (laughs) - Woo! (claps) - That felt like the most fun history lesson. (Corey laughs) (laughs) Sorry to say history lesson guys, but... - Ah, I'm old as dirt. - (React) Guys, who was that? - Metallica? - (React) No! - That's not Metallica. (both laugh) - (Reach) Pah! - Pah? - (React) Now say that twice. Say Papa. - Papa. - (React) And a really gross bug. - Papa Roach? - Roach, Papa Roach! Yes! - (React) Yeah! - Yes, yes! - I've never heard that name in my life. - I have, I have, I have, Corey, stupid. I should have knew that!
Channel: REACT
Views: 1,277,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, react channel, try not to sing, 2000s music, do they know it, top hits, hip hop, best songs of the 2000s, 2000s pop hits, try not to sing challenge, try not to sing 2000s edition, nelly, red hot chili peppers, jay z, blink 182, eminem, coldplay, bloodhound gang, Papa Roach, DMX, who let the dogs out, baha men, thong song, shaggy, music from 2000, 2000 top hits, try not to sing or dance, reaction, try not to
Id: hXsoarMNVHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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