EMC XtremIO Overview

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thanks for joining our overview of MCS extreme IO today my name is Kyla Jeske you know it's interesting I start this overview with maybe an analogy or a similarity of what's happening in this solid-state Flash media space to some evolutions that happened three four or five years ago in the back of recovery space there is a fundamental objective to want to do backups to more reliable faster disk based media but it was cost prohibitive and organizations leverage a significant amount of tape there was a fundamental technology transition and that was the ability to do uncompromised inline data reduction that flipped the economics of discs and made them possible in the backup space there was also 50 to 60 vendors in that arena at the time which have quickly consolidated down to a very small number of which EMC owns north of 65% of the market share and the purpose-built backup appliance space similarly organizations fundamentally want to take advantage of the media shift and primary storage leveraging all flash-based media but again like in the backup world there is cost considerations for running an all flash data center that have led folks to intermix flash with disk like backup recovery a fundamental shift in the ability to do inline no compromised data reduction will change that paradigm we believe extreme i/o similar to how data domain shifted the backup landscape shift the all flash or purpose-built flash appliance market space and although extreme i/o has only been generally available for eight months and that very very short time it has become the number one all flash array in the market today with over 40 petabytes sold we believe we will also capture a significant market position to what we did in the back of recovery space with data domain so why don't we spend some time talking about why extreme I always had the success it's had the market place in such a relatively short period of time and again like data domain it really starts with architecture a purpose-built architecture for flash similar to data domain being a purpose-built architecture for backup recovery I'll transition here with another analogy and I have a picture here of a Tesla vehicle a lot of times people ask what's the number one benefit of this car and the obvious answer is it needs no gas oftentimes people don't consider the other advantages such as no moving parts the ability to literally drive a million miles on the engine no oil changes zero to 60 speed of 4.4 seconds and a number of others you can read on the slide we look at extreme IO and kind of ask the similar what is the number one benefit question and people pretty quickly answer performance however there's more to just a performance paradigm with extreme io data reduction simplicity lack of tuning reliability space efficiency and total cost of ownership are really some of the differentiators that extreme io brings at the table that are outside of the obvious performance benefits similar to the analogy here with the Tesla so the first place I'll start is around architecture and architecture ultimately matters this starts at the hardware the hardware level first we talk about scale out design with extreme i/o the ability to take multiple engines and scale them together such that every time I add an engine or a brick I am gaining compute network storage and performance it's all interconnected on an RDM a backplane and the ability to do active active between its bricks or controllers out of the gate we have 70% brought a usable capacity utilization so that of the flash you're buying we're actually leveraging a significant amount of that raw flash capacity we call this extreme data protection or xdp which essentially blends the performance of RAID 10 the efficiency of raid 5 and the data reliability of raid 6 into a new age data protection schema that we call xdp again it's all built using e mlc flash drive so enterprise class or enterprise great flash and the architecture was built from the ground up to support a flash based architecture once you transition off of the hardware layer and talk about the data services this is where ultimately we start to build on the hardware superiority of extreme IO everything is natively thin provisioned everything is natively inline deduplicated all of the time we have space efficient snapshots which essentially allow you to take a clone of a primary database again and again and again with zero space overhead for example I might have a 5 terabyte Oracle database and want three copies for test dev and training essentially consuming 20 terabytes of space 5 for prod and 3 and the copies in that use case data domain excuse me extreme io would really only be consuming 5 terabytes of space although logically provisioned 20 terabytes of space coming in the summer will also feature compression or the ability to take that native 5 terabyte database and Oracle and compress it down to anywhere between 2 to 1 4 to 1 5 to 1 again depending on your data type and lastly is integration one of the nice things about working with EMC versus some of the other startup players in this space because it integrates into a very wide portfolio of additional technologies V Plex for example gives you the ability to create an active active data center with your flash devices multipath failover with power path and the ability to integrate this into a data center in a box approach with highly converged infrastructure from VCE V block or V spec and again all of the VMware plugins you would expect with VMware array in API integration and V Center plug-ins for vsi and other virtualization monitoring and automation tools moving forward here you can see a picture of what an expert looks like to active controllers with 32 CPU cores 512 gigabytes of RAM 25 enterprise class e mlc solid-state drives and of course connectivity for fibre channel and I scuzzy hosts we talked briefly around the inline data reduction both in the form of deduplication and compression and the ability of X DP or extreme data protection to create a very very effective rod a usable ratio out of the gate I highlighted space efficient snapshots in which I can take multiple copies of a database or a working environment and it's not how many copies do you afford or can't afford it's how many copies do you need to get the job done because again there's no incremental space consumed for those space efficient snapshots the system is already fully encrypted with data at rest encryption at the drive level level and provides linear scalability as you add your first brick second brick fourth brick and so on I can sustain a significantly high amount of I ops when you look at kind of how the system scales here I can start with anywhere between 150,000 mixed I ops or in a highly read intensive workload 250,000 read I ops in the entry level single brick system that scales to over a million read I ops for 600,000 mixed workload I ops in a fully populated for expert cluster the beauty of this is its Enterprise ready and can handle not only virtual workload database workload but essentially anything that your data center can throw at the box it has the ability to scale with sub millisecond latency with rich data services that are always on and provides no tuning or hotspots there's a great white paper here that IDC wrote on how to test these all flash arrays to ensure you're getting highly predictable performance one of the key characteristics of how we are able to do this is we do not do any system level garbage collection and we never turn off our data services so whether the array is at 50% 70% or 99% full it is in line all the time when it comes to data services that ensures predictable consistent performance under any workload condition here you can see a couple of database and analytic workload advantages we also talked about some of the virtual server infrastructure workload advantages most of which have been highlighted already and VDI here you can read a great Citrix ready lab white paper of a Zen desktop environment running on extremely out for more information please visit extreme io comm for reference architecture solution lines testing and best practices architecture white papers and videos and customer case studies and as always you can reach out to your EMC county executive for additional information thank you for joining and have a great day
Channel: Kyle Leciejewski
Views: 9,026
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: emc, xtremio, EMC Corporation (Organization)
Id: SvNBR5mxOhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 13 2014
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