You Probably WON'T Be Able to Use Windows 11

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hello my name is gary sims and this is gary explains now microsoft has launched windows 11. they've told us all about it it's got some interesting features including the ability to run android apps some people have read in the comments in various places are actually not looking forward to it but here's the kicker whether you like it or whether you don't like it you probably can't install it anyway i've got seven pcs here in this house and every single one of them won't upgrade to windows 11 so if you want to find out more please let me explain [Music] okay so windows 11 has been announced along with it is the list of system requirements what your pc needs to have to be able to install windows 11 and there's even a handy checker tool which sometimes works sometimes doesn't work but we'll forgive microsoft for that for today that can tell you whether your machine can be upgraded to windows 11. now let's start with the simple requirements you need a dual core 64-bit processor okay fair enough that's probably most people have got that if you're still running xp and you didn't upgrade to windows 7 or 8 or whatever then don't worry about windows 11 either you need 64 gigs of internal storage that's probably okay there's probably some low end laptop somewhere that came with 32 gigabytes of emmc so those ones may be extruded but let's say that's a very very tiny portion of the pcs that are in the world now next there are a few controversial items that certainly have been quite confusing the first one is you need a security module the tpm module inside of your pc now when i ran the tool for checking that first of all on my pc it said i can't upgrade because there is no tpm so then i went hunting around and i found out in many many motherboards even from machines that are relatively old let's say within the last five six seven eight years they may have tpm built into the motherboard so i went hunting around inside the motherboard in the bios found the right settings turned it on and then when i went back into windows it was able to tell me that it has got a security processor so that's okay but then it said ah but you don't support secure boot so secure boot is a way of making sure you're booting the os that you think you are and that some kind of malware hasn't come in try to insert itself early into the boot process a rootkit that kind of thing and then it's trusted that the osu booting is trusted to do that you need to be able to have a few features supported by your pc it needs to be able to support uefi as opposed to the all kind of standard bios and the hard disk that you're booting from mustn't be using the old type of master boot record partition table but a gpt one so again i ran the test tool it said no you don't support secure boot so back into the bios i found the thing that enables secure boot and then it wouldn't boot my machine because i didn't have the master boot record converted to a gpt i then went looking around there's a nice tool you can use i converted then my boot drive from master boot record over to gpt and i thought right this is it this now is going to be absolutely great i can upgrade to windows 11. but at last know when i tried the checking tool again what happened i don't have a supported processor now this is really the key point this is the point where microsoft have been like completely crazy they've basically drawn a line in the sand and said if you've got a processor before this date you can't have windows 11. if you've got a processor after this date you can have it regardless of whether you've got a tpm regardless of whether you support secure boot regardless whether you've got you know 64 gigs of memory regardless where there's an octa-core processor running at 3.5 gigahertz doesn't matter any of that just as a line that they've drawn what's that line basically it's got to be an intel i 3i5 seven uh core processor from the eighth generation so that's only you know a few years ago now two three four years ago maybe and all or horizon for example the ryzen 3 the ryzen 5 that was the third generation and for example the ryzen 3 3000 series was launched in 2019 so that was only you know two years ago so really this is kind of arbitrary in the sand now it just turns out that i've got some fairly decent machines here uh and uh amd i've got intel ones sixth generation seventh generation uh core machine i've got horizon five but it's a first generation of ryzen five and so my main machine that i edit these videos on which has got a ryzen 5 1600 in it i've got 24 gigs of memory i've got uh ssds i've got m2 modules of course i've got intel got three monitors attached to it i've got a decent graphics card windows 11 is not for me as i said none of the machines in my house i've got laptops i've got desktops they're used by different people here in the household particularly with the pandemic there's been lots of online stuff they get used every day they work absolutely fine but microsoft has arbitrarily decided regardless whether they support secure boot regards whether they have a tpm module you can't install windows level on it because they said so and that's it they just said so we want to remove the barriers just think about the amount of e-waste that can be created if i had to take these seven pcs and laptops and literally throw them all away because microsoft has drawn a line in the sand and said no your seventh generation i7 laptop with a good 1060 ti nvidia graphics card in it and a terabyte of hard disk is no longer any good well that's just it's just it's just ludicrous it's criminal almost that microsoft can get away with saying such a thing operating systems and devices should mold to our needs not the other way around so of course what's going to happen is actually one of two things the first is i'm going to keep on using windows 10 and i'm really upset that i can't try out features like running android apps on my desktop because i don't have a desktop to support it and i don't have the money to replace all of that desktop just because microsoft said so and so i'm going to keep using windows 10 it's supported until 2025 and that's what's going to happen now in 2025 i'm sure i still be using quite a few of these laptops maybe by then i will have saved some money maybe i would have thought about how i can upgrade my main pc maybe one or two others nowhere i'm going to be upgrading all seven so the others are going to remain unsupported on an unsupported version of windows 10 which of course leads to problems like potential security problems malware problems and then of course other problems related with app incompatibility things not being supported and so on so really microsoft are basically come along today and they've slapped me around the face and said gary thank you for all the years that you've been using our operating system thank you that you've been you know with us since windows 3.1 but today sorry you're not a worthy customer anymore throughout its history windows has been a democratizing force for the world and of course part of that of course because microsoft don't sell windows anymore you know it's not an upgrade the upgrades free the upgrade from windows 7 to windows 8 it's all free so really all they're interested in is new pcs new pcs that are made they've got contracts with dell and hp and lenovo and all these other big companies and they get a chunk of money every time a new pc is bought that comes with windows 10 pre-installed that's where their money comes from they don't care about the people that are getting the free upgrades they either get it or they don't doesn't change their bottom line in terms of dollars and so there we have it because of an arbitrary line drawn by microsoft none of the machines in my house will support windows 11 and i'm thinking if that's true for me then that must be true for literally millions of people around the world people that don't buy a new pc every year people don't buy a new pc every two three years and in fact you know what's even worse than that if you go today on to or new egg or whatever the leading retailer of electronics is in your country you'll be able to buy a pc that won't run windows 11. there'll be cheap ones there'll be you know with ri5 i7 processors from a few years ago three four years ago and you can't upgrade so in fact you could have bought a new pc only last week and actually today you found out that it doesn't actually support windows 11. a lot of the i5 process the i5 i3 the i7 processors from intel are still being manufactured even in their sixth generation even in their seventh generation i went to the website and had a look so these chips are available you can buy pro pcs with these processors in the day refurbished ones second hand ones there's a whole market there that microsoft basically said nope we're not interested in that anymore microsoft i think you should be ashamed well there you have it my name is gary sims this is gary explains do tell me in the comments below what were the results of you trying microsoft's pc health check tool are you able to upgrade to windows 11 do you think this arbitrary line they've drawn in the sand is good or bad i really hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do give it a thumbs up and if you like these kind of videos hey stick around subscribe to the channel okay that's it i'll see in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Gary Explains
Views: 650,786
Rating: 4.7690768 out of 5
Keywords: Gary Explains, Tech, Explanation, Tutorial, Windows 11, UEFI, Secure Boot, TPM, Trusted Platform Module, Intel i3, Intel i5, Intel i7, 8th generation, Microsoft, Windows, Ryzen 5, Ryzen 3, AMD, Intel
Id: qrH4zEBmztc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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